RP:No Really Does Mean No!

From HollowWiki

Harsh Wilderness Rolling hills and bare flatlands seem to stretch forever in this empty wilderness. Barely any trees, barely any bushes and only the hardiest species of dull yellow grass dare to emerge from the parched soil. The soil has seemingly been leached of all its nutrients long ago possibly by the sun which is now slightly too bright and providing slightly too much heat than you would normally be comfortable with, yet this is no desert. A trail or two criss-cross the landscape, dug deep into the earth with the large feet of beasts of burden and marked by the wooden wheels of trade carts ready to support at least minimal traffic yet they seem to have fallen into disuse. Perhaps there is nothing of interest beyond here.

Desparrow had no true reason to come to Rynvale other than to simply explore. For the island he had fought on he knew it was well protected against dragons which means that there must be dragons that often enough attack and perhaps he wanted to fight one. Either way he appeared in a flash of light with a burst of wind carrying the scent of the ocean with it. He wore just the overshirt this time, nothing beneath and his leather pants were riding his hips revealing a bit of the 'v' of his pelvis. Magic overflowed from his very body, the scent of brimstone rolling off his body in waves. Those violet eyes piercing the night as he looked about curiously, maybe something this night would peak his interest. Sabrina was otherwise occupied by a silvery serpent when he approached. One bare appendage was outstretched like she would charm the beast with a simple touch, the opposing feature clutched tightly to the glove that once dressed it. Her eyes were glowing brightly in the light of the pale moon, tides were rising high with it as the dawn was soon to approach. The air was cool, bordering cold, and the light gusts tore through her hair but those eyes, they remained on target when the creature came in with snapping jaws and clawing claws, its wings bursting shimmering gusts to engage her already angry trusses. She stepped a half-cautious step closer when its jaws came clamping down like training a snake with no lure. “Shh..shhh..” Rohk sat nearby, watching, waiting for things to go terribly wrong as so often it did with these feral sort. It came at another pass, dangerously scissoring its teeth just by her ear and that hand wrapped around, fingernails digging under the scales that lifted her through the air. She hung on with the grace gifted to her kind, wrapping her legs around it winding neck until her touch would sink in. It bowed down, shaking its head from the haze that invaded it until it lay calm against the ground. Her feet came to rest on solid ground as the metallic vessel regained its steady breathes and folded wings neatly across its back. What came next was unthinkable. Desparrow strode into view smelling of Dragon’s death and raw unfiltered magic. Like a puppetmaster dangling ferocious limbs by some invisible thread the dragon lifted its head and Sabrina with it, turning both gazes coldly upon the unsuspecting intrusion. She wrapped smooth thighs tightly to maintain that contact lest it be broken and force need for the behemoth Hellbeast to take action. Twin tails would come about, crossing dangerously close to Desparrow’s chest threatening to slice him open if he didn’t stop trolloping about. The massive beasty gestures to the happenings before them, a look urging Desparrow to stay clear. What would come now would be a settling, similar to the first in nature and mechanics, resulting in Rex-Skin boots alighting the floor astride the cursory animal and rendering it otherwise docile. It looked calm and ready to drift when she reaches under her hair and the faint arc of reflected light skims across the length of a single needle longer than her hand. Slowly, carefully, she drives it into a precise location in the back of the beast’s skull. Lights out. She lifts her leg over and slides off the unconscious Silver, her eyes finding Desparrow as hands cleaned the near surgical device. Her arm is alight, but those memories need not be recalled due to her previous encounter with him earlier that day. “All goes well, Lycan?” Her words may have stung a little, she did not like being left in that place with the other who had been lurking about. She smelled the ocean saturating him, the whole of Rynvale was stained by that scent in one way or another and her most immediate response was to choke back the urge to vomit. Her moonlit gave would distract her nausea long enough as they scanned down his features and settled just there where the imagination begins to take hold. She clears her throat and looks away, tucking the trinket back under the inky lengthy stretch of black river that flowed down her back and hid everything he would have otherwise been wanting to play his vision upon.

Desparrow didn't expect the scene he had come upon, a dragon and the woman he desired having a fight. Staying clear he had thought of partaking in her fight but then again he also figured she could handle herself and would not put her in the assumed position of Damsel. Instead he admired her skill from a distance, deftly evading anything that ended up coming his way. As she conquered the beast he could only smirk, "Well then.. Not what I was thinking the result would be at all, I'm considerably surprised." The lycan's breath was heady with alcohol and spice, a spike of adrenaline running through his blood even though he had not been involved in the event in the slightest but instead perked from witnessing Sabrina do it all. Could say it was a turn on knowing that she could do the same to him in a heartbeat should she desire to conquer him. Stepping over with a light bow to Rohk the scent of lavender and ginger drifted on the air with his approach until he was only a couple feet away. Those violet eyes that shone in the dark could easily be seen drifting down her form. "I have to apologize for earlier. I had to check on something. Though I shan't be doing that again simply because I think I've closed that side of my life entirely. No wasting my time when the object of my desire is before me." Des chuckled, tilting his head curiously as he more closely examined the curves of Sabrina's body, that primal animalistic fervor coming over him with mind racing and hear pounding in his chest. When his lips part in a grin it could be seen most of his teeth had already become vicious canines, with his eyes planting on her face and the scent of pheromones filling the air to mix with the other smells lingering.

Sabrina followed his vision and looked down her form, the stress had caused her to break a sweat and it shone brightly against the pale lit scene. She liked the violet reflection of his eyes, admired the vision before her with mild interest and slid a hand to her hip. She felt a little violated by his stares and so graced his arm with the influence of that unease multiplying time and time over once the feeling registered. She replaces the glove and points his vision to those stunning and judgmental gems. “My eyes are up here, sweetheart.” Up, was an exaggeration as she only stood shoulder high to him to begin with.

Desparrow continued to stare until he was touched, chest heaving out and sinking considerably with every breath, she could probably smell it with the proximity. That unease however drove him insane, feeling like he was being watched, pried upon and dissected to the point he had to rip his arm away, a flash of anger running over him at her manipulation of how he felt. When they disconnected however he was relieved to no longer suffer that terrible emotion. Slowly his muscles became more defined as the lycan in him started to crawl out from the depths, but never reaching a full transformation. The hair on his arms and legs got thicker but this wasn't truly noticeable even at their close range. Some even started to form on his chest as he looked down at her, stepping even closer to the woman and literally breathing down on her. "I will keep my eyes wherever I damn well please Sabrina. Right now they see you."

Sabrina thought he reeked of alcohol already and that drinking should not have been a regular pastime as she regarded the habit to be a ‘just before bed so you can get to sleep and stay asleep’ kind of thing. Rohk wasn’t impressed on the hostility and moved to let Desparrow know before Sabrina throws up her right hand. She says something in Elvish but his scales were already boiling. She said it again. ’My problem my prey’ is what it would loosely translate to. Rohk respected her wishes, for now. She could sense a change in Desparrow that she couldn’t decide was good or bad, just that he was stronger than she recalled. “Do they like looking at what they can’t have, Lycan?” She didn’t even address him by name as she could feel his animalistic rages gripping him. “You know you can’t touch me, right? You know this because you know me, and unless I want you… well you are gonna have a problem sliding your …” She smiles looking downward “…self…. In me.” Slaying dragons clearly put her in one of those standoffish moods. “Might want to take to a little less drinking before you land yourself an enemy. Right now Rohk does not think you are being friendly.”

Desparrow grins, "Oh? I have hardly drank much and I'm very much in control." He gripped his head and twisted once to the left and right to crack his neck. "They like very much what they are looking at." In his hand did that same rose from earlier, his magic reviving the petals to look very much alive before he got on knee and presented it to the woman. His breathing switched to his nose so that she wouldn't have to bear the scent of his breath out of respect. Truly the male just wished to see how she would respond to his more aggressive side. "You are lucky though to be the way you are, usually I don't fight so hard to get something I want, typically I take it but you are right that I cannot touch you without suffering. I would not want to know how you'd make me feel." The lycan had that air of confidence around him, ignoring Rohk entirely at this point, testosterone flowing through his veins and ready to assert dominance at a moment's notice.

Sabrina looks upon the flower but does not take it. She threw her shoulders down in surrender. “Desparrow stand up.” He looked ridiculous, pathetic…. Yet angry as well. “You need to find out who you are and be comfortable with that… these games you are playing are gonna get you hurt. Besides. I am not sure I am what you need.” She implied something leaning towards the whores in Kelay. “You don’t seem like a one girl guy…” and she was the kind that needed the security all that implied.

Desparrow didn't listen to her, staying so he could look up at her. "I don't do I? Maybe not when I'm single, I'll take what comes my way as long as its attractive and clean but the one thing I'm looking for Sabrina. The only thing I want is someone that can reciprocate the love I have to offer. You are someone I desire greatly. I don't play these games lightly. The danger is part of the fun." The lycan then stood and looked down upon her, "You can't deter me with words or actions. I will see for myself if you are what I need or not." Des' tone grew softer but his gaze no less hard.

Sabrina is sympathetic to his cause, but with Eliason weighing heavily on her mind she had her hands tied. “Des…” It was pleading. “… Hunny, this is self destructive.” She reaches up with both arms to hug him tight and maybe sooth him if he let her.

Desparrow shook his head, not allowing the hug, "You may find my pursuit to be a waste of time, but it doesn't matter whom I am competing with. I don't stop." then he leaned down, sliding a hand to the small of her back and pushing her close against him regardless of the punishment he would suffer and place a kiss to her cheek.

Sabrina had expect some retort but not that. She did well enough, at first- the surprise not being the effect of what followed. This sonovabitch just violated her space. The instantaneous rage that followed would have been enough to coerce him into a change if he weren’t an experienced sort. She pushes away from him, the force taking her to Rohk who she quickly pulled herself astride. “You should be ashamed of yourself.” Rohk didn’t waste any time as he carried her to the north.