RP:No Place Like Alithrya

From HollowWiki

Summary: Reginae and Pilar travel from Larket after suspicious concerns surface about the New King and Queen's decision after the earthquake. Reginae's body guard, Yozenra, is introduced and charged with keeping an eye on Pilar during these increasingly hostile times in Alithrya. There's an unease in the air...and trouble on the horizon.

Royal Water Gardens

Reginae is on her way out of the Mage's Academy. She's alone, in naga form, trailing through the shattered paths with relative ease. What might be a hurdle to a bipedal creature is no more than a pebble for the naga's tail. She's dressed in a rather fine looking black robe, nothing like her normal tattered one. She's on the path, outside the city, retrieving some scattered robes and boots from the bushes with a look of guilt when she sees Pilar a good distance away. What was she doing in Larket? The naga shifts herself back into a human form, though an older counterpart to her childish disguise. She's more a twenty something, shuffling around the dirt path with the additional difficulty of snow boots now on her human feet. The extra robe is draped over her shoulder and she's panting slightly when she reaches Pilar's position. "H-hey, S-Stu-" Oh well that doesn't apply anymore. "-Pilar!" A thin hand finds its way onto Pilar's shoulder after plenty of warning from the naga in woman skin. She is less quiet and graceful in these situations.

Pilar was dressed in work clothes, her metal leg hidden from view. She had nothing in her hands, though a curved dagger hung from her hip. She looked up when she heard Reginae's voice, trying to force a smile. None came. "Reginae." She embraced the naga tenderly. "It's good to see you." At least someone fit for queenhood was here. "What brings you to Larket?"

Reginae doesn't stiffen too much when Pilar wraps her arms around the naga. It's such an odd custom, the naga thinks, waiting for the other woman to draw back. "It's good to see you too!" The naga starts, stumbling when she's asked about -why- she's in Larket to begin with. "I received a letter, Muzo has been helping out since the Earthquake apparently and invited me to come if I could...I could so here I am?" More of a question, as if she's asking Pilar if that sounds plausible. "What brings you here? This is a bit far from Frostmaw." A smile now, as she appraises her former student. "And walking just fine, My, my."

Pilar wondered at Reginae's odd answer. Muzo invited her? Why? The focus shifted to her, and she smiled softly. "Yes, I'm getting used to the new leg. As for why I'm here, I've been helping heal and rebuild, but I might leave soon. I don't feel very welcome here anymore. Not since I..." she coughed. "... told off the King and Queen. They put the mansion of the King's mother over apartments for the people! Can you believe that?"

Reginae actually could not believe that. Muzo had said Josleen was the Queen now? Had Josleen changed so much? "She was a perfectly pleasant person when last I saw her...(years ago?) Is his mother deathly ill?" She frowned.

Pilar shrugged. "I don't know. I don't think so. She's staying at the castle right now, and if she was sick, wouldn't he want her there anyway? Not alone in some mansion?"

Reginae also shrugs. It's unclear. "Depends on if she needs a full staff or not...I can see your concern though. The people should come first..." Reginae didn't understand the situation here. Everyone seemed either blissful, even in the state of Larket because of Queen Josleen and King Macon or they were suspiciously throwing glances, frowning and muttering below their breathes. It's uncomfortable, the whole thing. Even in the grim cloudy afternoon, Reginae smiles at Pilar. She was proud of her, for standing up for what she believed in, even if the circumstances might not be as they appeared. "Are you sure that you should go....? It's not the fault of those that are sick and injuried that their rulers made these decisions. Doesn't it help the greater good if you stay?"

"Maybe, but... I don't know. There's not much healing left to do and I'm getting attention I don't want. There's enough people to work construction, they don't need my help..." Pilar looked down at her feet. "I'm just tired... And scared. What if worse starts to happen? What if the King and Queen make more bad decisions?"

Reginae’s smile dims. “If you aren’t comfortable, do not stay.” Human construction workers did have a bad reputation for being a bit…uncouth. “As for their decisions…well…even good people can make bad decisions. There isn’t always a way to tell how a seemingly good idea might backfire and end up hurting someone…but I trust their judgment. Even if the King is a bit…” A pause, while she recalls the rumors. “Hot Headed, I’d trust Josleen to balance him out. She’s passionate and knowledgeable. Has a good heart. Remember all the good she was trying to do before? Organizing rallies and the like? Plus, she has people to advise her. As does the King. Hopefully they will learn from the mistakes of their predecessors and be good rulers. It’s hard to make decisions like these, especially in times of destruction or suffering. On that note, though, how would you like to take a quick trip with me hmm? I’m due back in Alithrya for a council meeting, and I’d really love your company.” It might just be a matter of perspective. Maybe Pilar was working too hard at the fort. When was the last time she took some time off?

Pilar nodded slowly. "I... I suppose you're right..." She smiled softly at the invitation. "That would be wonderful. I miss that city." Pilar had all her belongings on her, so she was ready to leave. "Were we going now, or...?"

"We can leave right away! I was planning on coming back in about a week to check in with Muzo again. He has this nifty way of traveling..." The naga woman pulls out a small vial filled with an odd colored liquid. A muddy mix of amber and crimson. The colors don't quite blend, but bounce off one another. "All you have to do is think about the place you want to go. He creates these with native plants from the area of travel. I have four with me now. Two for Alithrya, and two for Larket to bring me back. I'm sure he'll understand if I bring you with me." A wink, and the naga offers Pilar the vials. Alithrya's components are aqua and fuschia. differing strongly from it's Larket counterpart. Reginae explains the difference and pauses, her fingers on the cork. "The sensation is odd, at first. It might even almost hurt...but don't be afraid, okay? I'll be right there with you. It goes, uncork, think of the gardens in front of the palace in Alithrya, and drain the vial quickly. Don't hesitate or second guess yourself. You know the way." A nod and the naga will uncork her vial, drain the contents, and vanish from sight if Pilar is still there waiting beside her.

Pilar took the vial and looked at it, then Reginae. She listened closely as the naga explained how it worked. This wasn't something to mess up. She hoped the experience wouldn't be as unpleasant as Reginae made it sound... With a gulp, Pilar put the vial to her lips, realized she hadn't taken the cork out, did that, THEN drank the liquid, the picture of the garden clear in her mind. The trip was... not excruciating, but definitely uncomfortable. She felt like she was being squeezed, then stretched... And when she landed in Alithrya, she swayed and fell on her bottom. She looked to Reginae. "That was... I'd rather not do that again unless I had to." She got up and dusted her pants off.

Reginae was flat on her back in pond, looking up at Pilar as she tried to catch her breath. That was the worst of it, for her. Her lungs felt like they were on fire, from the inside out and coming back to needing oxygen was a burning shift in existence. "I'm not fond of it but it works quickly...Sorry, I should have given you more of a choice." Reginae drags herself out of the pond, scales slick with water and algae. White, wet curls hang limply around her torso, sticking to her back and shoulders. It'll take a while for her to dry off. While the women are regrouping, another naga starts their way. Her expression is stone, eyes narrow and serious. Long purple dreads snake around her neck and down her arms, bound with golden beads and darkly stained leather straps. Her skin is a deep, rich chocolate, accented by her piercing yellow eyes. In her hands, she holds a trident spear, approaching with purpose. "My Queen," She says before Reginae and bows low at the waist before turning her skeptical gaze to Pilar. "Yozenra, this is Pilar. She's a vampire and to be treated as my guest. Please see that she doesn't run into any trouble while she's here..." It's clear that Reginae is more worried about the other nagas saying something out of turn to Pilar. Hostilities are still high here. It's not a war zone...but it's not far off. Yozenra's facial expression does not change but she nods, swaying those purple braids to and fro. "Pilar, this is Yozenra. She's a member of the Queen's guard and recently returned home. Magnificent warrior. Couldn't be happier to have her....Now ladies, should we get something to eat? Pilar, I'll have someone set you up in the guests chambers. You let me or Yozenra know if you need anything. I'll be back after my meeting." Reginae slithers forward, "After I change, of course. And don't worry, Yozenra is nicer than she looks." A wink is offered to both the Vampire and the other naga before Reginae slithers off into the palace entrance. Yozenra stands there, mute but present.

Pilar looked to Yozenra briefly, her eyes skittering away under those serious eyes. "H-hello..." Pilar said. She nodded to Reginae and began to follow the queen towards the palace. She made a note to have word sent to Sabrina and Cassy about her whereabouts. Assuming Cassy would get the letter. The last one never made it to her. Pilar didn't know where the guests chambers were, and was afraid to ask. She stood in the palace entryway as Reginae disappeared from sight. She looked to Yozenra again. "Um..."

Yozenra doesn't say anything. She follows closely behind Pilar with her trident and stops when Pilar does at the entrance. When the vampire pauses in thought, the naga woman steps forward to soundlessly lead the way towards the guest chambers. Through the main hall and past the throne room, there is a long corrider. Yozenra gestures to the hallway, as if answering Pilar's unasked question but remains nearby as Reginae had requested. Even if Regi wasn't the recognized Queen of the naga city, Yozenra had treated her as such. The gesture at the various doors in the hallway was wide, as if Pilar might pick any room she likes for the night. They are all kept up well, and will include a four post bed, decorated in Alithryian gold and white sheets and drappings. There's a small tub, inlaid to be on the same level as the floor. Like an inground pool, but for bathing. It's deep enough for any humanoid sized creature to slip underwater completely if they wish. It's the perfect size to accommodate the coiled mass of most naga tails. Yozenra's own was an odd coloring; ink black without a single mark of other color from the waist down.

Pilar followed the stoic naga through the halls. "Th-thank you..." She looked at the doors and went to the nearest one. When Yozenra didn't object, she opened it. "Wow... It's lovely." She looked at her guide. "Um... I suppose I'll just wait in here? You, uh... You going to stay outside or come in? Either's fine with me." It's not like she'd be bathing or anything... Though she probably should. She was covered in dust and dirt.

Yozenra's facial expression doesn't change, but her posture softens in the shoulders. "I'll stand guard," She says, simply. It's best to have privacy after a long journey anyway. "Let me know if you need anything." The naga woman nods, her beautifully tone skin catching the overhead lights.

Pilar nodded, and as the door closed, she sat down on the bed, which was as comfy as it looked. She sighed softly. It was nice to get away from Larket for awhile.