RP:Niix'd Or Not

From HollowWiki

In a chance meeting at the Keylay tavern, Scandal makes conversation with the Half-elf pickpocket Niix. While good intentions and advice are in play, for whatever reason perhaps both take away something from this chance meeting.


Scandal entered in the guise of his standard humanoid form. Moving to the bar,and taking a seat, he orders his usually apple brandy and a steak, paying of course as he usually did with gem shavings or in this case sapphire shavings. Glancing about the tavern making note of the common folk and the rowdy and the like he was on his guard, hopefully the incident at the whalers bar hadn't spread to far yet.

Niix , having already been sitting in the tavern for sometime, barely looked up when someone new walked in. She had a hot cup of tea on the table next to her and a piece of wood in her hands she was studying somewhat intently. Pale green eyes sought out the shape hidden within, and when they didn't immediately find something, the teen sighed heavily and put the boring piece on the table to take a drink of aforementioned tea. It was the glitter of gems which caught her eye just then and her gaze wandered towards the bar. Gulping the near scalding liquid, the thief eyed up the figure who just paid with precious jewels for liquor and steak. Her fingers itched so bad right then and Pen pulsed warmly beneath her shirt in warning. Yes, it was best not to bring attention to themselves, but by Gods if someone could shave jewels to pay for a meal, what might he be carrying on him? She nearly groaned at the thought before getting up and taking her cup to the bar for a refill.

Scandal waited patiently for his steak, and putting a hand in the upper pocket of upper garments, he pulled out what appeared to be marbles each about the size of an avocado seed, six in total each a different color, closer examination revealing them to be pearls. He moved them between his fingers. It wasn't that he showed his wealth, it was more of he wasn't concerned with losing it. As if hunting for treasure had become boring or he didn't put value into wealth like most dragons. But who would know him to be a dragon? If anything the least interesting piece on him was no doubt the most valuable if anyone knew what it was. Turning his head, he took notice of the young woman coming up to the bar for refilling of her cup. "Evening," He said making a small smile, his voice rich and low, with hint of long dead accent.

Niix uttered a "yes please" when Mesthak asked if she wanted more tea. She smiled when he grumbled that this wasn't a tea house but got it for her anyway. Nancy would be somewhere, dealing with grabby hands and orders of a different sort. Her bodyguard/bouncer scowled so things didn't get too out of hand. Flashes of color in the corner of her eye had Niix glancing that way and she nearly swallowed her tongue seeing the pearls being displayed like they were just marbles. Ears that held a slight point at the tip twitched as though caressed by the tones of the stranger's voice. It was enough for the teen to tear her gaze away from the pearls and offer her own quick smile. "Evening," she returned. Then she flicked a finger towards the pearls he so casually rolled between his fingers, "Don't know about you, but those would be some serious temptation to the unscrupulous type." Such as herself.

Scandal smiled, chuckling in his throat. "Eh, true but then to the one who values things other than wealth, the temptation is very different." He said, casually rolling a pearl in her direction. "Maybe to those who would seek other things first, might find a wealthy friend, who gives and shares freely." He took a sip of his brandy. as he could smell the steak being done by methshak the way he liked hot, buttered and medium rare.

Niix instinctively reached out to stop the roll of the pearl. It's smooth surface invited one to simply curl their fingers around it and just...hold it. Pen, on the other hand, had other ideas and from the veil of her shirt a small beam of energy knocked it from beneath her palm and right back at the stranger. Niix took in his red hair, ebon skin and equally crimson eyes all in one sweep before she sighed and let the pearl go. Apparently her companion seemed to like this stranger enough and, really, Niix wasn't exactly hurting for gold at the moment. However, she did scoff a bit. Had to really, as her own experiences in life were quite the opposite, "No one gives freely of anything. Everyone wants something or expects returns on favors." The smell of steak did have Niix's stomach rumble a little. She ignored it. Not like she was starving anymore.

Scandal putting his hands together over the bar, after retrieving the marble. Scandal sighed, "There is truth to that, many times people use free things to get something they want that only benefits themselves, while others seek something beneficial to others," He paused. He too had been through a lot in life, that's actually the initial reason for his rip van winkle episode that made him sleep till recently. He took a breath before speaking, "I guess my advice is, don't give up hope that there isn't someone out there looking for best, but also do not freely give your trust away, it can end badly." he closed his eyes for a second, reflecting on his own experiences. He pulled a small brown sack out of his pocket and placed the pearls inside. "You hungry, I can pay for your meal if you would like."

Niix thanked Mesthak when her tea came back. Taking a sip, she half listened to her bar-companion-of-the-moment. She sort of wanted to laugh at the thought that this stranger, who didn't know her from some slatern off the street, was giving her advice. Actually, it was rather sweet and while she was hardened in many ways, she wasn't entirely heartless like others of her ilk, and she wasn't yet cold towards those around her. "Thanks for the advice and offer, but I'm alright." Cupping the tea in her hands, Niix makes to go back to that chunk of wood sitting on the table just waiting for it's secrets to be revealed with the edge of her little knife.

Scandal nodded to her, he lived himself by a simple phrase, <What is better, to be born good, or to overcome the evil within through great effort?> It meant a bit more to him perhaps being a mixed brood, black and red dragons were infamous for their lusts for wealth and power, but he chose to resist these natural urges, at least in their uncivilized state, As soon as his steak arrived, he moved from the bar to the table she sat at, he placed the bag of pearls in the center of the table. He would do a little test for her, before he left. If she chose what he thought she would choose then he had a little something more for her.

Niix had barely sat down when she was joined. Pale green eyes widened when she saw who had joined her, then her brows drew together in a scowl when the bag containing the pearls were put in the center of the table. "The hell is this, now?" she asked, sitting straighter in her chair than before. Niix reached for the block of wood rather than the bag. It was one thing to pick-pocket a fop, quite another to filch something in plain sight. "Put those away afor someone decides to make off with them," and so her itchy fingers would stop itching so damned much. Letting the guy dig into his steak, Niix dug into the wood with a knife she produced from one of many secreted pockets. A flick here and there and soon small shavings of fragrant slivers were falling to her lap and the floor. She wasn't quite sure what was going to come of it just yet as a vague shape took form in both wood and mind's eye.

Scandal ate quietly not a word to be said, even in her protest, he left the bag in the center of the table. As he finished his steak, being bold enough to return his plate to the bar, to not make a maid have to clean it up, he returned. If he found she had not touched the bag, he would reach in his lower pocket, and pull out an orb about the size of grapefruit. Lightweight, and yet perfectly spherical, with whitish silver shade to it. “Back when I lived, this was the only thing dragons had of value to bargain with, its a shame that no one will be able to actually buy it for its value, but nonetheless, I am sure you’ll find someone to auction it off to, especially to the those who know its true value,” He paused, placing it near her, or in her hand if she chose to hold it. Reaching into his pocket he also retrieved a card, and placed it on the table. The card read, *Lithyrdale Dragon Trust the bank that keeps it safe.* And on the back, scribbled in words quite visible to be read, “A good name is more desirable than great riches, to be esteemed is greater than silver or gold, your name is a gift life gives to all things, it is by your own choice to make it what you wish it to be,” Before he turned to go, “The bag and the ball are yours to keep, you have earned them,” he smiled warmfully. “Until we meet again.” he said with small bow, he turned towards the door, and left by the way he came in. Gone.

Niix whittled, concentrating hard at the task while the ebon skinned stranger ate. She paused only when he took his plate back to the bar; which was odd in and of itself, but didn't touch the bag on the table. It was one thing to pick pocket or steak a trinket off a fireplace mantle. Quite another to pilfer something deliberately left behind and there was no one else to blame. In her eleven years as a thief, she had never been that stupid but once and she'd paid the price for it. The wood in her hands started taking shape. An arched neck; hints at wavy lines that might become scales or crests. Cat-slit eyes framed by elegant ridges - her fingers moved nimbly and quickly as the flicked the knife and coaxed the image forth. When the stranger came back and left a card, ball and the bag behind along with words of wisdom, she was dumbfounded and shocked. While Niix understands that he means well and probably had a good point, her life had a set course and likely wouldn't be changed. "Thanks," the half-elf murmurs thoughtfully while watching him walk away. Although, quickly enough, all three are quickly pocketed before leaving herself. It was, she thought, unlikely she'd see him again anyway.