RP:News Report

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Synopsis: Eirik returns to the steel collectives barracks, visibly irritated over what he has learned in Frostmaw. Boots a few members of equal ranking out of the war room and gives a full and personal report of an old contract.

News Report

Eirik marched through the training yard entirely ignoring the training of recruits. The usual happenings of the clan. The berserker even ignored Brynna whilst marching straight into the war room where he had hoped to Find Aarika. If she was not there perhaps she would spot his hurried and serious pace. Now changed from his normal looking tunic, Eirik dons the usual look of blacks and furs. The warrior is breathing deeply chest rising and falling dramatically - showing his weariness from travel. However, his investigation had come to a close and news must be brought to the matron. A few lesser trainees sat in the war-room, hopeful prospects. “Out, Aarika and I have need of this room.” The Northman knew he carried no rank, but this day he wasn’t to be trifled with. Their reaction unsurprising to a man of his figure. They exit without so much of a fuss.

Aarika stood with her palms propping her up on the table, before her a map of Larket. It was spread and held down by daggers biting into the wood. A glass of whiskey sat faithfully within her hands reach, a quick sip returned the cup while a finger now moved trace lines through the city, "If we post her." Another smooth slide of her finger, "And here." She lifted her head to judge the three sell swords expression. Two men clad in armor and one female. There was a grin from the trio even nods, "We will do nothing this mission but observe. We need patterns, habits. We need...." Her sentence wouldn't proceed further before Eirik's grand entrance stole the show. He was heated the expression clear on his face, however she was also a busy woman. He cast out his brothers and sister forcing an agitated growl from the matron, "This better be good." A jut of her chin encouraged their movements for the exit while her oceanic gaze fell upon him.

Eirik lofts a brow. “Quite the opposite actually.” He would let that hang in the air for a moment giving no glances to the three he just booted out of the room without any foreseeable reason. “I’ve just returned from Frostmaw and an audience with the Queen herself.” Near six foot frame twists and closes the door to the war room. The others could wait, this conversation is private. Silver eyes shift to Aarika. “We,” arms raise palm up as if stating the entire clan. “Have offended the Queen. Laws of the land were broken while we were under the employ of her personally. She has deemed us unruly and undisciplined.” He would go on further to elaborate the scenario. “Blut was personally named by her. Apparently we were meant to help enforce the peace while she had strictly expressed a no kill order. She called him a thug, Aarika. Blut chose to kill, not peacefully enforce law as per requests. Tarnished our reputation with a Queen and she is not too happy about it.” Eirik begins to pace without so much as sitting. “She also mentioned a dwarf,” Grizelda. “These words from Hildegardes own mouth, belched and rolled around like a drunkard. Laughing and cavorting with her associates.”

Aarika was back with whiskey in hand as she stood stoic before her most trusted. Today she wore a verdant gown, though it should have been flaming red to match the heat that flared through her veins, "This is in fact the opposite." Her words leaked through gritted teeth, "I knew he was trouble." The former self of Aarika had be scorched away, the light-hearted woman burned from the warrior with in. Her grip tighten around her cup and the sound of cracking filtered around her like thin ice on a pond. t wouldn't be long before the glass shattered leaving bloodied sharde to dance at her feet without so much of a wince. "Exile." Her one word would hang while she built her sentence, "Grizelda is to be banned from Frostmaw after an apologize is issued." The dwarf was the least of her problems, she was a dwarf, all knew how vile they could be. "As for Blut I as of this moment dub him a traitor. Let it be known to all, who ever is to see him first, slit his ear. I want the ring back. This is the beginning of a long road ahead." She thanked the gods for showing her their weakness, thanked them for ensuring their rise in strength. The sacrifice rewarded. "One more thing....You have to understand I can't have you asserting your rank above your equals. This will cause resentment which leads to more damage control." The look in her eyes was a stern as her voice, though he would have to realize her anger was set for Blut.

Eirik knew where her anger came from, as Aarika would have to understand his own. “They are more than welcome to take such things up with me.” If they had issue, he would show them how unequal they were and right now he could care less. Eirik stops pacing in the war room. “This matter is an issue for me. More than just the clan. I am a citizen of frostmaw, and watched disappointment ring in her eyes at the discovery of my involvement with the steel collective.” Eirik would continue, “Even with the response of Blut being removed from the clan it is clearly not enough for her. I even offered work, and to allow her to personally hold me responsible for our further interactions. Both hold my allegiance and it is now my own personal word at stake.” This is why he was pissed, that such a thing even had to be offered. “Even after accepting any form of punishment for work in an effort to make amends, she is not keen on the idea. I hold no rank with this group, its true, but I am now to be punished for any further slights Aarika. Whatever I must do to help us repair a relationship.” Oh yes, he was quite sure that he had over stepped bounds with her on more than a few occasions this chat. Finally Eirik would give a sigh in an attempt to shed himself of the frustration which welled within. “I will not assert any further over the others, but you must understand that it is now my hide on the line. I didn’t do this to irritate you, but to help in your effort. Blut must be dealt with, but this matter could very well stain myself now.”

Aarika listened intently, she could see where this man was coming from. She knew the dishonor of a tainted name, the dishonor she faced now, however not alone. This Blut had put all with the Collective in rick of such. Her composer cracked like the glass that bloodied her hand, the hand she used to yank free a dagger. Her movements dripped crimson upon the parchment before a twist had her lodging the tip of the blade into a a wooden beam. It was good she hadn't an axe to collapse the supportsof the roof. Turning back with a sweeping motion had the table cleared with a scream, cups, broken glass and wood sang through the room; her own chair broken at the legs after she hurled it against a wall. The matron closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, it would be only Eirik exposed to such a tantrum for with him she could be herself, like he with her, no judgement. Her hands smoothed across her dress turning the garment two tones, "You will not carry this weight alone." She was a woman of her words and the heaviness of her voice showed as such, "I personally will aid this resolve. Do not fear for your image. I give you my word, before the gods themselves, I will not let any discredit fall upon your name." Her tone softened as she moved for a rag to tie about her hand before the table supported her once before, raging eyes averted.

Eirik’s own composure is on par with hers, but he couldn’t let himself falter. When that tantrum of hers is over, he speaks nothing of it. This clan is her life’s work and this taint a mar across her own personal image. “I apologize for stepping out of line, Matron.” He husked in response to her own words. “And I appreciate your response. Your word still carries it’s weight with me,” she hadn’t lost any respect in his eyes and his words state as much. He was sure the others might have heard the commotion, and when he moves to open the door gaze turns to her once more. “If you have further need of me, I’ll be in the yard smashing dummies.” Both wooden dummies and trainees, “with wooden weapons before someone one blameless becomes responsible for my anger.” The door is pulled open, the three members who were outside waiting are noted. “I apologize for the interruption. News was far too important to be withheld. I will take my leave now.” With that Eirik does indeed march off, irritation still in every step.