RP:Nagas Navigating Nuances Naturally

From HollowWiki

Summary: Muzo sends Reginae a letter, asking her to come visit his new post in Larket under Queen Josleen. He says that he is Josleen's physician and the Queen is very fit to rule. Patient Confidentiality. He gives her a tour of the city, and they hold hands and are in general very adorable. It solidifies their previously confirmed romance, as if no time has passed at all.

Fortress Gate, Larket

Muzo tries his best not to fidget. Ever since being given an official post in Larket, he's been spending nearly all his time at the fort. Now, he stands by the gate beside one of the guards, having a somewhat stilted discussion about how one might drink more heavily without becoming overly intoxicated. The guard is plainly interested, and presses the biotic alchemist for every detail, but Muzo's eyes are on the path to the fort. He is eagerly expecting someone and has even bothered to dress in his royal academy robes for the occasion: a scholarly garb marked with a knotted ouroboros, the mark of Alithrya's college of biotic alchemy.

Reginae traveled most of the way to the fort in her usual disguise; small child, overly long hair, winter boots and a dusty old black robe. It’s easier. Less people ask questions. When she turns the bend to start her way towards the fort, even before it’s in view, she lets the shapeshifting melt away to bring her back to herself. The length of her tail unfurls from it’s coiled state and she tucks the boots away elsewhere on the path. They were old, didn’t matter. Nor did this robe. It was covering up a nicer one, without holes or dust marks. She stops by a pond to check her teeth and hair, before feeling this is all downright silly and her hair is fine. In her hand is Muzo’s letter, stamped with a Larket seal. Turns out Xzavior was right, and Muzo had come back to Larket (she assumes to help after the earthquake). The fort is just now coming into view, her tattered clothes a good three miles behind her. Muzo and his guard companion are visible, discussing something she can’t quite hear. It’s been so long, Reginae isn’t quite sure how to reintroduce herself to Muzo so she silently approaches and sticks out her hand once she’s close enough so they might shake hands in greeting? The naga doesn’t want to appear nervous but she plainly does. Her body is too tense, her facial expression too blank. Her voice cracks at first, but smoothes itself out naturally. “G-good - Hello I- The W-weather is - S-So good to see you.”

Muzo grins brightly when he spots Reginae at last, and the guard, spotting Muzo's smile, gives the snake an encouraging pat on the back as he hurries back off to finish his patrol. Muzo remains at the gate to greet his fellow Naga. "Good morning," he beams at her, "delighted to s-s-see y-you." Her stutter proves contagious, and he tries to regain his bearings by taking a moment to clear his throat. "Hope your journey has been pleasant. Seems you've made it in fine fashion." There is a flicker of a forked tongue as he offers a slight bow, eyes falling bashfully to the ground.

Reginae blinks rapidly, nodding her head in agreement that her travels proved uneventful. “Y-yes! I made very good time. No one is doing much traveling now, there’s too much going on.” The female isn’t aware her smile is too blatantly wide, her eyes too open. She’d hoped to temper her excitement. Muzo was alive, and doing just fine. “Lovely robe.” An off handed remark that makes her turn away a moment. Damn. She’d planned this out she thought. “I-I’m glad to see you back to work in Larket. Feels like old times.” As if old times were drinking in the Larket Inn and examining Chaos Sparks. Technically, it was. “W-what have you been doing? H-how are you?” Reginae retracts her hand to swing naturally back at her side. Did she already thank him for writing her? That would be a bit much, decidedly.

Muzo reaches to take Reginae's hand just as she begins retracting it, and he falters, passing off the move as an attempt to straighten the sleeve of his robe. "Ah-er-ahm yes," he sputters, tail squirming behind himself, "lovely robe likewise." A cough. "Old times. New changes. Have been working for the crown." The fellow turns and indicates the Fort around them, then he turns back to look at her more directly. "Thought it might be nice to show you around. Eager to..." There's a moment where he must search for right slant. "...catch up with you."

Reginae doesn’t notice the motion, fully believes he’s just reacting to her compliment about the robe. She continues to smile when he compliments her robe. It’s not lovely, it’s pretty normal, outside of the crest on it’s lapel. An ouroboros against a field of stars. Similar to the college's logo but not identical. Her own altered emblem, hand embroidered into the robe. “I’d love to hear about it.” The work, and Larket. They could make time to remember how to act around one another, go back to some rule about not discussing strictly work. This conversation was safer, made their hearts beat less erratically. Reginae could wrap herself around cold, calculated facts faster than she could string together a poetic phrase. It was a safe topic! “Tell me everything!” She said, slithering forward to look the gate over, Azurite optics trying to assess the damage. What had changed, she wondered about both Muzo and Larket, and what had stayed the same?

Muzo slithers as he talks, working around the wide periphery of the open, dusty courtyard and trying his best to stay out of the way of any spars or jousts underway. These knights certainly can get rowdy! "Discover myself the crown heads' personal physician," he begins with some note of surprise. "Would imagine medicine should be the first application of my expertise, but must confess, this is my first time playing doctor." A loud clang from a nearby swordfight startles him, and a burly knight laughs as his sparring mate gets back to his feet, rubbing his bruised shoulder beneath his pauldron. Muzo's eyes linger on the latter, but he goes on. "Don't mind the change. Mostly glad to have secured a patron. Affords me freedom to pursue a few projects I'd been neglecting." His glozzy black gaze moves back to Reginae, and his expression visibly softens. "How goes with you? What projects of late?"

Reginae allows Muzo to lead the way but she’s paying little attention to the Knights in the courtyard. She’s lucky her guide is, so their path doesn’t cut through the field. “A physician, my. Congratulations.” As he goes on to speak about acquiring a patron and working on side projects, her smile falters. If she’d maintained her original time line in hopes of securing Alithrya, perhaps it would be her patronage that afforded him the luxury. Still...He appears happy. Isn’t that what matters? Certainly...certainly. “I was curious to see if you’d had any luck with the Chaos Spark!” A forced laugh cuts through the clatter of the sparring. The knights look over, giving them a solid look before continuing. Regi isn’t meeting Muzo’s gaze. Instead, she becomes fascinated with something in the distance that may or may not exist. “No real projects on the horizon beyond taking another trip to Frostmaw, since the dust has officially settled on the war there. Thought I might call on Hildegarde’s promise of aid for...Alithrya, you know.” The thought occurs to her that she’s a broken record, repeating her goals of restoration but not yet accomplishing anything substantial. Discouraging, but she won’t wear the mask of dissatisfaction. “Is the Queen very sick?” She inquires, hearing only recent rumors that Josleen had taken the throne. They’d met a few times, didn’t think she’d like the nagas much.

Muzo tugs nervously on the hem of his sleeve at the question regarding the Chaos Spark. "Have mostly kept it confined to a terrarium. Difficult to handle it. Inconvenient around delicate equipment, for obvious reasons." It's a confession, and one of which he's not especially proud. The mention of Frostmaw soon wipes the guilty look off his face, however. He's on the cusp of giving a lecture on the dangers of cold weather, but then, "ah, zounds!" he nearly trips over himself (a great feat for one without legs!) when Reginae asks if the queen is sick. "Ah, confidentiality. Couldn't say either way. Assure you that Larket's Royalty is fit to honor their post." It's a rehearsed line, and he blurts it a little too fast. A nearby knight, busy binding his hands for a pugilists bout, sends the pair a suspicious glance. Muzo goes on. "Wouldn't mind making a trip back to Alithrya soon. Perhaps could accompany you when conveniences allow?"

Reginae juts forward, as if to catch Muzo, who doesn’t fall but righted himself quickly. So she’s in front of him, and doesn’t move in time to keep him from bumping into her. It’s just a touch, he isn’t going quickly because he’s almost tripped. His rushed reply catches her off guard, and made her wonder if the Queen was sick. The Knights are still staring. Clearly not the best time to ask. “I’m glad she’s okay,” She offers, turning to continue their path in a guessed direction. He’s keeping secrets? Of course, it makes sense. Why does she feel slighted? “I-I’d love to visit with you soon if you find the time! You sound very busy.” A steady smile, a glance around to find something else to discuss. “Bad posture, on that one.” A stealthy point, at an off balance fighter.

Muzo forces a grin and a tittering laugh before he manages to fully regain his composure. "Oh, yes." They continue around the periphery of the yard. Reginae offers a visit, and Muzo is quick to answer again, candidly this time. "Would like that very much," and he goes on, "and would gladly set aside time." Muzo returns the smile, and follows her gaze just in time to see the knight hop perilously up on one leg, forced to pay for his poor footing. Muzo quickly looks away and tries to hide his grin. "Always it must be hard, teetering around on little feet. Surprised they manage at all."

Reginae nods, keeping a healthy distance between them now. “Let’s go soon.” A forced smile melts into something truer when the Knight stumbles and Muzo makes this remark. “It’s cute, right? Like tiny animals, puttering around. Rude to say, I know.” Especially since the Queen was a human. She doubted very much that the Queen wanted to be referred to as pets. “But also! Very resourceful and plenty of them. There is power in their numbers.” Was this a compliment? Hard to say. “Are there any gardens here in Larket?”

Muzo comes to a high door and dares to throw one last glance at the knights' antics before slipping inside. He holds it open for Reginae to follow, even as his own tail trains through the threshold, piling up in loops and coils behind himself. It's a little warmer inside, away from waning winter's crisp nip. Once Reginae is through, Muzo is quite sure to shut the door behind her, even it's stiff working prompts a small grunt of exertion. "Unf, there. Compared to the yard, this hall is rather empty, and only the scant sound of echoing footsteps might alert the two that they are not alone here. Muzo moves to resume slithering, headed for the maze of shelves and their many curiosities. "Garden, yes," he nods, "in private spaces. None like in Gualon." Reginae's offered a fanged grin at the mention. "Or in Alithrya." They pass a stone column with an obvious fracture, one of many from the recent earthquake. His eyes follow it up to the ceiling where scaffolding has been affixed to allow workers access to the damage. "A few things in common with Alithrya, here."

Reginae follows along, marveling at the door and then the hall. Empty yes but grand nonetheless. “Few places can rival Gualon...I hope Alithrya’s will some day.” The damages become clearer as they move. Reginae stops below the fracture, staring directly up at the overhead. She pictures workers at their post, patching the destruction between inappropriate jokes or some wolf whistle at a passing human. She’d heard about these things in Taverns, and couldn’t picture an adequate infusion of the Naga culture. One naga, stretches large enough, patches the hole and moved forward. Hardly a big to do. “One key difference between the two. Larket is inhabited. Alithrya less so.” A beat, while she considers a passing mage. He looks to be Draconian, bulky and scaled beneath the thin cloth. Her eyes follow him until he’s out of sight. “I should speak to Josleen as well. Maybe we could align interests. A rumor though, that Larket and Frostmaw have a feud? Where is Formulae?” Azurite optics blink, only just now realizing the spellbook was nowhere to be found in the immediate area.

Muzo can't help but agree. The two might had gone this entire time without passing a single soul had they been exploring their native city. His tongue flicks as he considers this. "Conflict?" The question is enough to startle the researcher from whatever he'd been musing upon. "Larket and Frostmaw? Right, I..." Scaly brows furrow, and he shakes his head. "Avoid politics as best I can. Sure, whatever it is, there's no good reason." Muzo sighs, and he tries to excuse his depressing observation (he's had several today) with an apologetic grin. Oh, Formulae! "Back with my work things. Decided I'd let mind a little breathing room for our visit. Have, uhm," he looks to a passing sundial on one of the shelves, it's reading meaningless in the arbitrary indoor lighting, "have enjoyed this, very much, seeing you and talking with you. Was hoping we could ah er ahm, I," he reaches out and orients the sundial to point north, "would like to, that is to say," beneath the translucent scales of his cheeks, a blush has begun to show.

Reginae was lost in her thoughts, spiraling down always abandoned hallways and destroyed city streets. Statues crumbling and fractures still unrepaired. Paint peeling, plants perishing. Muzo is saying something, she tries to tune back in. ‘No good reason for a conflict, Formulae is back with his work.’ Of course, makes sense. His aversion to politics is something she likes about him. She nods, now firmly footed in the professionalism of this encounter. She’d been off. Too much had changed and maybe their relationship too had shifted with everything else. This thought is brewing while he stumbles through something that isn’t entirely clear to her...until it is, when he blushes and she has to turn away to keep him from seeing the same reaction in her face. A mirror of sorts, for rogue to take her cheeks in this fashion. Blast! All her carefully prepared self lectures and practice pep talks! For nothing! Her tail is no longer in a straight, careful line but has started to fold up onto itself in an irregular pattern that indicates nervous fidgeting. Her humanoid fingers too prod and pull on each other as if searching for some dialogue to assist Muzo in what he wanted to say. It’s not painfully clear what he’s saying, the intention lingers towards something embarrassing. “P-perhaps…?” May Aramoth guide her! Reginae’s slithered a bit closer to take Muzo’s hand in hers with all the false confidence of a woman that knows exactly what she’s doing. She hasn’t the faintest idea. “I-I haven’t been upfront in...telling you how much I missed you?” It’s poised as a question, she’s trying so hard to sound collected but her tail is still rolling over itself in a constant sequence of fidgeting.

Muzo feels Reginae's hand slip into his, and there's no question now that a blush has bloomed across the ridge of his cheeks. Seizing the whole of his courage, he manages to meet her gaze, and he answers with a soft, reassuring squeeze. "Fear I've been guilty of the same," Muzo echoes her confession, and his own writhing tail brushes up against hers, an accident, yes, but one he embraces. The tip of his tail brushes past hers, this time deliberately, as he works to say what he'd planned since he first invited her to the fort. "Would like very much to begin seeing one another regularly."

Reginae’s tail might have blistered into goosebumps, if naga tails were capable of such things. “I-I would like that very much.” Her response is quiet, almost bashful. Only now is she able to lift her gaze to meet his. “It’s easy to get caught up in...work matters. I’m relieved to see that...some things have not changed with distance or...time.” And with all the sheer brilliance she can muster, Reginae holds Muzo’s hand and bumps her nose to his, as if she’s kissed him. Though she hadn’t, really. Lost her nerve at the last second. “B-Beautiful place, Larket. Even in disrepair. I would like to see more of it...and more of you in the days to come.”

Muzo could have floated right to the ceiling when Reginae's nose touches his, and his whole body goes still. She would like it very much, she says. For a few fleeting moments, he stands lost amid stars, but she's talking, and he must reel himself back into the present moment. He lays his free hand over their inter clasped hands. "Could think of nothing I would like more." There's a moment where he allows whatever's just happened, this reaffirmation, hover between them before his touch slips away from hers. Gradually, he's remembering where he is, and before he can attract stares or draw any embarrassing attention on the two of them, he resumes slithering again. "Will need to be returning to my duties soon." A pause. "Suppose you might want to join me for afternoon refreshments?"

Reginae clears her throat when Muzo pulls away. Oh yes, that’s right. This was a public space and they’d acted a bit like hatchlings to hold hands and hover their faces close together. How embarrassing! “Y-yes! Do they have celery here, in Larket?” A tease, hidden behind a secret smile that bubbled over with affection. “Tell me more about the city…” And so he does, as they slither and sip and socialize. Like two nagas, infatuated.