RP:Lesson Six in the Twilight Cavern

From HollowWiki

Part of the Requiem Nocturnus Arc

Faux Twilight Cavern

Kasyr is present, though likely not readily apparent if one were to merely glance about the chamber. Sprawled out across the sand at the western-most portion of the 'beach' within the cavern, the Revenant is a barely perceptible lump within the dark area. The only truly attention grabbing elements that might draw someone to his location, is the particular sword shaped outline resting in the sands behind his head...and the occasional splash of water as a pebble of flourite is skipped across frigid waters. Yet another productive day, it seems...

Satoshi is present in a far more apparent manner than her husband, stomping noisily across the rocky shore and snapping insults over her shoulder along the way. It's with a huff that the kit reaches Kasyr and plops down on the opposite side of the sword as him, where she can send murderous glares off in the direction she came from. The target of her looks, and words, is none other than the fox spirit inhabiting the cave, although it seems completely unperturbed by its moody 'student' and her current tantrum, contenting itself with sprawling out on the floor while staring into the distance absently and dutifully ignoring Satoshi. Temper tantrums make for equally productive days~.

Kasyr casts out one more stone, though the distracting appearance of his wife seems to be enough of a disturbance that he simply manages to plunk it straight into the icy depths of the lake. With his interest in that particular passtime all but faded, the Kensai simply settles back against the sand, before tilting his head up towards Satoshi. Brushing one hand through his bangs, the Vampire simply proceeds to poke the vixen in the side, an inquiring remark not far behind, "...Et par chance, mon amour, just what bit of happenstance es souring your mood, a ce moment? At this moment, even."

Satoshi twitches in response to the jabs, startled enough to not scowl at Kasyr when she looks toward him to answer. "That damn... -thing-..." a sharp glance in the spirit's direction defines 'thing' easily enough, "is insulting my spellwork. Called it a failure!" With a miffed little sound the kit rests a hand on her right shoulder, still eyeing the distant entity darkly. ::I said no such thing,:: is all the fox offers in defense, more concerned with nudging a pebble along the ground.

Kasyr glances between the Spirit and magus, before focusing his attention fully upon Satoshi, "Your spell work? Just what exactly were tu supposed to achieve- and what -did- tu achieve? I'm curious as to what exactement didn't meet..standards, ou quoi-ce-soit~" Gingerly prodding at his wife again, the Revenant than simply stretchs out his arms, and curls them about her waist. "Or was this something other than the subject matter of your...mentor that es being placed under scrutiny?"

Satoshi heaves a sigh as she slumps dejectedly against the kensai, the hand pressed to her shoulder lifting long enough to gesture at it. "This spell, to fix what that pink cat did. It -works-," the magus pauses to glower at the spirit a moment, ".. it just kind of hurts still." The minstrel makes something of a whimpering sound as she nestles nearer Kasyr, earning a sigh from the loitering fox. ::I only said it'd work better if you put more finesse into the weave,:: it offers with a shrug and flat look for Kasyr. ::And she's only doing that for the attention. You've spoiled her.::

Kasyr offers Satoshi a tender squeeze to her waist, before simply relaxing- his attention once more residing between the two foxes, "Whilst it certainly does seem to be working, since you're not bleeding all over the place et such, I can only imagine your teacher has a slight inkling of what you could manage if you further applied yourself. ..Vraiment, cherie- it seems less like he...she..it..thingy es saying that it's a failure, et just more like you could do better." Fully focusing upon the spirit, the Kensai simply adds, "Et I more than realise. Which is why, unforunately, it's easier to simply return to only training myself, than her. She's more receptive to your kind of lessons, anyways."

Satoshi honestly looks hurt as she glances at Kasyr. "You're not going to train me anymore...?" She's on the verge of speaking further when the spirit cuts in abruptly, its normally emotionless voice sharp, ::If you have tempermental meltdowns per lesson with him like you do with myself, I'm not exactly surprised.:: Without another word the Flame spirit stalks off, leaving Satoshi blinking stupidly. The kit's not sure if she should feel hurt, indignant, or regretful, and instead opts for somewhere along the lines of 'lost' as she stares uncertainly at the kensai.

Kasyr frowns a bit, before he withdraws one hand to his brow and begins to rub- as though he could somehow massage away the steady pounding now building in his skull, "...Not unless you specifically ask for it. You seem, for the most part, exceptionally resistant to being trained- so, I was simply going to hone myself until I could figure out a different approach. ..Really, I've been taking these repeated failures as a cue to rethink my own approach towards training myself, anyways." Affording himself one last run of his hands through his hair, his arm slinks back around Satoshis' waist, "Either way, my normal approach of keeping someone on their toes seems to simply result in tu getting hurt, or falling back on your magic, So~ ..I don't really know what to do, enfin.."

Satoshi's frown is more pronounced than the vampire's, but also twice as fleeting, vanishing in hardly a second as the kit's features take on a stony blankness. "I see," the words are clipped and as lacking in emotion as her expression, preceding the magus rigidly turning aside without quite breaking Kasyr's hold. With a deliberately studious air she plucks a chunk of fluorite up and begins inspecting it, carefully refraining from looking at the kensai as she talks. "Makes sense. I'm used to learning on my own anyway. Probably easier than meshing methods." While no longer a feline, Satoshi still knows how to be perfectly catty.

Kasyr grimaces as he takes note of the swift manner in which Satoshis features shift. By this point, the kensai was practically wishing he didn't have any portion of his empathy remaining, just so he didn't have to be so acutely aware of every thing he says wrong- moreso than her mannerisms give away. " I didn't say that, Cherie. I said I was going to re-examine my approach, so I could find something that appeals to vous. Since, currently, you don't seem all that interested in asking moi for lessons, and springing them on vous seems to end with... problems." Frowning, the revenants hold on her loosens, till only his finger tips reside on her sides, "...I am happy that I've managed to teach you some things, I just don't seem to be making as much progress as ... I'd like, j'suppose."

Satoshi invests a great deal of focus on picking a grain of sand out of a crevice of the fluorite, doing a fair job at sounding detached when she replies to the kensai. "One way or the other, it doesn't really matter. I'll be making it up as I go no matter how I'm learning it." Shrugging nonchalantly, Satoshi turns the stone over in her hand and begins examining the other side with that same devoted scrutiny. "This way seems to carry less risk of death, anyway."

Kasyr stiffens slightly at the foxes response, before his hands slip from her sides, finding their way up to Gospels hilt so that he can simply tug himself up into a sitting position, "I ..see. I suppose this es for the better than." Nodding, more to himself than his wife, he simply rises up to his feet, gingerly tugging Gospel up from the sand, "Careful, mm?" Which is about the extent of the warning she'll get before he simply draws his sword back and hefts it over a shoulder. "Wouldn't want tu getting hurt, again, after all."

Satoshi isn't as inattentive as she's been pretending to be and she's on her feet in a flash at the vampire's words. Words she's misinterpreted as the start of a lesson, if Ko'tar appearing in her hand as she stands at the ready is any clue. The drawn blade chimes once, drowsily, while Satoshi eyes the kensai for an eager moment, before she blinks, utters a soft 'oh', and drops the stance. As quickly as it came on, her prepared posture is replaced by the cold and vaguely dejected air once more. "I thought. ... Nevermind."

Kasyr is all but about to step away when he catchs the shift in the foxes posture- something which leaves his foot hanging in the air, the toes of that boot drawing slow circles in the air in front of himself. It's only after Satoshi passes through a few more moments of scrutiny that the twitch of his foot comes to an abrupt end, if only so that he can resume a normal standing stance. "...Nevermind, Indeed. ...Mon amour, I do believe this calls for...a change of plans." With a grin upon his face, the Kensai cheerfully hops back...and seemingly trips in his passage. Or at least, gives every appearance of it, as what should have been a hop turns into a seemingly awkward backwards flop. The only indication that something is amiss is the subtle sparking that forms around Gospel, and the trickle of blood that runs down from Kasyr's hand- if Satoshi can notice it within the time it takes the Kensai to use the downward force of his fall to ram Gospel into the ground. The very moment that blackened blade pierces the earth, the magus is going to have far more problems to contend with than simple sparking- as a forceful shockwave of kinetic force erupts outwards from the point of impact. Something further exarcerbated by the vampire simply pressing off of his sword to at once bring himself into a hunched over position, so that Gospel can be wrenched free of the ground with a simple shallow swipe- meant to graze Satoshi, or force her back into the water. Given the sheer amount of sandy debris in the air, he's not really willing to bet on the likelihood of either outcome.

Satoshi shouldn't have looked away in her disappointment. Looking away means -not- looking at Kasyr, and rule one is to always keep that one in your sights. One second out of sight is one second closer to Death. And Satoshi's been looking away for more than a second, so preoccupied coaxing a reluctant Ko'tar back into its sheath that she even misses the vampire's 'stumble', and all that accompanies it. Which leaves the magus spending a few more seconds not paying Kasyr any attention while she attempts to figure out how she's ended up in the water all of a sudden, and why the hell her entire left side feels like it's taken a bodyslam from a giant. It's with a great deal of coughing, gasping, and pained hissing that Satoshi finally surfaces--accompanied by a small ice floe to cling to, her eyes immediately narrowing upon spotting the sword-toting kensai. "How very"coughcoughgrumblesplash "low of you." Clambering onto the frozen platform, Satoshi shakes herself once and glances at Kasyr again, reluctant to leave the safety of her ice to brave the beach he's occupying.

Kasyr blinks a bit at just how effective his particular offensive was against Satoshi, "I thought tu were ready.. Er...Love tu? Yes. I'm sure that somewhat makes up for it." Blinking a bit more, the kensai simply hefts his blade back up onto his shoulder, a helpless shrug offered up to his wife. "Et in my defense, you're currently lower than moi, being all..in the water, et such." ...So he might be trying his hand at being a little provocative...

Satoshi can't help rolling her eyes at Kasyr's words even as she draws Ko'tar anew--much to the sword's delight. "What part of 'nevermind' translates to 'Yep, I'm so ready' to you, hrm?" Pressing the flat of the singing blade to her forehead then, the kit murmurs to soothe its eager trills. "If he's going to use elements with his sword, I don't see why we can't either, right~." With that, the kit voices her own trill to match Ko'tar's as she plunges the katana to the hilt into the ice she stands on; in response, a duplicate blade juts out of the damp ground where Kasyr stands across the waters. "You could always move to higher ground to make my words right, and spare your feet, love~?" Satoshi calls with an impish grin as she taps out a tune on Ko'tar's hilt, each touch causing the distant blade to disappear into the sand and reappear nearby, always aimed for the soles of the kensai's boots in a haphazard mazurka.

Kasyr doesn't really fare all that well against the first appearance of Satoshis' replicated blade- the kensai only becoming aware of the blade right before it's finished manifesting. Whether it's the flow of magic, or simply his keen awareness of swords, Kasyr is aware enough of the impending threat that he moves to twist his foot away- albeit, a moment too late. Thus, rather than clearing his foot of the danger, he finds himself with the blade imbedded in the bottom of his foot, and twisted in place with some rather painful results. And his beloved wife is hardly allowing him the leisure to curse his poor fortune and take his time- Not when he becomes aware of a secondary surge of magical energy beneath his non maimed foot. This time he's actually able to draw his foot back with nary more than a shallow raking of glacial blade to boot, an action that allows him to coincidentally continue his backwards stumble and wrench his skewered foot free from the ground. Not really allowed much time to ponder, as he could already feel the culmination of yet more icy magics- the Guardian of Balance simply slams his blade down into the ground once more, if only to petulantly hop atop it, effectively using it as a means of avoiding the Foxes particular form of playing, "...Ow. ..Does this..mean that all's fair?"

Satoshi instinctively flinches back in reaction to the question, and barely stops herself from falling back into the waters with a frantic bout of flailing. "N-no! It doesn't!" Struggling to right herself, the kit's conjured dancing blades vanish entirely, leaving her with only the original once more as she eyes Kasyr warily. "It stops being training when you do that, and just ends up with you throwing your weight around. Weight I can't exactly compete against, in case you haven't noticed." Sighing, Satoshi tugs Ko'tar up slightly and leans upon its hilt. "Maybe in a few hundred years I can match you in speed, strength, regeneration, and the like. What I have -now- is my magic. And a few evasive tricks with Ko'tar."

Kasyr coughs, adjust his weight upon his improvised perch, so that he's able to massage the body of his wounded foot. Really, even if she -is- correct about his regeneration, and the wound will rectify itself soon enough, it wasn't pleasent, "...Er...Just..so you know, we'll..both be getting older, et stronger with time. But, Er, that's not really important! What es important, es that you're about to need those evasive tricks." And hey, at least she can't say he didn't warn her. Not that she likely knows what to expect when he snaps his fingers, until a singular splotch of shadowy energy jumps out from the kensai and starts to condense into the form of a bastard sword. By -that- point, Satoshi likely has a very good idea of what she needs to be getting away from- which is helpful, since the floating sword the Kensai coaxed into existance is rather busy hurtling towards the midst of Satoshis Ice floe.

Satoshi heaves a sigh, muttering a dark something that's either, "He never -listens-" or "More swimming lessons?" before she simply takes that last step backwards and off the icy platform. No splash follows, however, as Satoshi still carries that cattish avoidance of submersion in water when she can actually help it. And when your boots are rather frosty in nature, you -can- help avoiding being in water by walking on it. By this point, Satoshi can't care less what happens to the ice floe, focused as she is on lifting her left hand in a lopsided disarming gesture--the right still refusing to be responsive--and moving to close the gap between herself and husband. "Can you avoid trying to crush, cook, impale, slice, dice, or otherwise maim me for just a moment or two?" The kit pauses feet from the kensai then, brows raised warily. "A simple trading of blows, like we used to? I promise not to use my magic, then~. It stopped being fun when you started trying to electrocute me any chance you got, y'know." Retrieving Ko'tar from where she's tucked it under her arm, Satoshi settles into a basic stance, bouncing expectantly on the balls of her feet and glancing sidelong at the vampire.

Kasyr lofts an eyebrow at the magus, before gingerly flopping his legs towards the ground, so that he can gradually stumble up to his feet- a fact complicated by one of them still not wanting to be as responsive as it could be. "I think I could avoid making tu an impromptu relative of Sparky, if tu avoid perforating me with your magic. ....Moreso." Stretching out his arms to either side, the Kensai testingly wriggles his limbs, as though to gauge his balance, before simply plucking his sword out from the ground. "Will you lead this dance, madamoiselle?"

Satoshi slips forward the moment Kasyr pauses to stretch his arms, using the gap in his guard to her advantage... so that she can simply offer him a kiss on the cheek before withdrawing again. "With pleasure~. And without static or frost~." Pausing a moment, the minstrel regards Ko'tar and her useless right hand before grinning up at the kensai almost sheepishly. "Guess this is lesson one in fighting one-handed, then?" Satoshi gives a half-shrug then before lunging forward without warning, her grip on the blade unconsciously reversing as it's brought forward in a swipe at the kensai's chest. The attack's rather half-hearted, however, Ko'tar reluctant to be used to strike and weighing down Satoshi's motion in protest to this, forcing the magus to curse, pull up short, and twist away so that she can dance back out of the vampire's immediate range.

Kasyr ,despite the fact that he can't entirely avoid putting his weight on a still bleeding foot, still manages to find it within himself to grin at Satoshi- the impromptu bit of affection garnering the feline a partial bow and blowing of a kiss, "One footed vs one handed, It's almost fair. ..Well, at least for a little whi- Ooop" Whatever else the Kensai was going to say is lost as he takes note of Satoshis prompt offensive, Gospel quickly swiped out to intercept the path of Satoshis attack. The problem is that Kasyr can't really balance himself correctly at this moment, meaning- even though the magus retracts into an impromptu feint, the vampires already placed too much weight upon his wounded foot and sent himself into a spin. Coaxing Gospel to shift forms into the more wieldy form of a Katana, Kasyr is fairly quick to embed the weapon into the ground to provide himself the necessary support to both regain his balance and resist the weight of his trenchcoat working against him for once. The bonus to the particular shift in weapons simply comes in the form of a secondary Katana materializing within his other hand, just in case he needs to block any attacks aimed at him during this particularily vulnerable moment.

Satoshi gives Kasyr a sideways look mid-threat to Ko'tar, the blade humming meekly before falling silent and--what Satoshi hopes is--compliant. "'Almost fair' still feels heavily weighted in your favor, but I'll take it." Nodding at this, the kit darts forward once more, only to stop just out of sword range and dash first to one side of the kensai and then the other. Each move from right to left comes with a questing jab from Ko'tar, Satoshi not really aiming to reach Kasyr but instead determine just what effect his compromised footing has on reaction time. And balance, considering keeping up with a small fox dashing back and forth is difficult enough with two good feet, especially when said fox suddenly changes course and charges, quite intent on trying her hand at locking blades with the vampire in a wild hope that he can't put all his weight into a retaliation for once.

Kasyr , if anything, seems more intent on -not- moving than anything. With his weight firmly resting upon the katana embedded upon the ground, the Revenant seems to be limiting (or limited) to simply tilting his body in whichever direction the Ice magus seems to be moving- the blade which isn't buried in the ground simply held out to somewhat loosely follow Satoshis current position. Rather than take the offense, each time the Fox makes a jab, the Kensai simply retracts his arm inwards, predictively drawing in his blade in an attempt to knock aside the strike that never occurs- before Kasyr simply straightens his arm out, and resumes following Satoshis movements. Suffice to say, Kasyr almost looks surprised when Satoshi stops playing cat and mouse and actually charges- the threadbare imposition of his blade with hers leading to the appearance of a satisfied looking expression on his face. Even as the sword he's leaning upon shifts under the combined weight of himself and the one aggressing him, he can't help but eke out a pleased response to the one currently keeping his one spare hand busy. "Taking advantage of a weakness, and shifting your overall tactics based on the situation...Good."

Satoshi manages a somewhat strained grin for Kasyr as she leans more of her weight against Ko'tar. "When it comes to you, any advantage I get I've gotta -press-." As the word's spoken, Satoshi abruptly throws all of her weight against the linked blades before just as suddenly skipping back, hoping the rapid press and disengage is enough to unbalance the kensai. For good measure however, the minstrel offers a parting shot as she retreats, by means of a sharp kick aimed for that katana Kasyr's using as a psuedo-crutch, intent upon knocking it out from under him.

Kasyr has been waiting for the sharp press- as the very moment he feels an undue amount of weight coming from the fox, he simply shoves himself away from his improvised anchor. Unforunately, this happens to occur just as Satoshi is just as suddenly skipping back and giving his sword a kick- leaving him with a dislodged sword, and enough time to petulantly frown as he starts to tip over. "Merde." Nonetheless, Kasyr still goes through the motions, twisting around as he falls so that he's facing the ground, by which point he simply falls upon his hands and abruptly shoves off to the side. Expectant of a retaliatory strike by the feline, the Kensai simply plants the blade he still posseses into the ground, offering him a -new- stable position- an action that is followed by the hasty summoning of the sword she had dislodged into the hand Satoshi had freed up. "..This es progressive. Should I mention that I'm starting to feel better?"

Satoshi feigns sudden fright and hops back, further increasing the gap between herself and the kensai while staying posed on her feet. She's more than familiar with how quickly Kasyr heals, and how deceptive, as well as distracting, he can be, but she has no intentions of being caught off guard this time. Of course, that doesn't stop her from playing around. "Oh no, re~ally? Now you'll be able to -walk- at me~. Whatever shall I do~?" Bringing Ko'tar across herself horizontally, the kit grins playfully at her husband. "Are you going to start leading this dance, then~?"

Kasyr uses the time Satoshi spends taunting to shove himself back up to his feet, tentatively planting his feet against the ground...before simply leaning back against his newly christened perch, "Mon dieu, I'm getting no respect here- whatever did I do to deserve this flagrant mockery..." Pausing, the Kensai leans forward towards the ice Magus, precariously hanging off the sword still embedded in the ground, "That es, by the way, not an invitation to start listing incidents off." Shifting back once more, the vampire simply cocks his head over to one side, "..As for leading this dance...es that really where tu want this to go? I thought you enjoyed taking the lead, now et than~"

Satoshi exercises exceptional willpower in stopping herself from listing said incidents, as requested by her mate, however badly she wants to pretend she didn't hear him. The restraint costs her the chance for a witty retort however, as the kit doesn't quite trust herself to chime in so long as a lengthy explanation for the playful mockery still looms. Which simply leaves Satoshi with a response in the form of a half-squeaked, "Mhm" and a light shrug as she shifts her weight from foot to foot in cautious preparation. There might even be a quick beckoning gesture offered with a flick of Ko'tar.

Kasyr finally settles the entirety of his weight upon the foot that had been skewered, an act that coaxes a wince out of him, but little more, "Et with that bit of bluffing et stalling out of the way-" Drawing his make-shift anchor from the ground, the Kensai simply begins to advance, carefully shuffling across the beach, with both Katana's now held in front of himself expectantly. As opposed to the Fox's flighty approach, the vampire simply moves to shuffle towards her position, careful to keep her between himself and the waters- to limit her mobility as much as possible. For the most part, however, the Kensai is moving to close the distance, at least until he's just a bit outside the reach of her blades- by which point he simply seeks to maintain that distance. The challenge is lain out simply enough, a line literally drawn into the sand between Husband and wife- before the Revenant simply allows his blades to go lax, and await his partners response. Really, Kasyrs just waiting for her to lose her patience and charge, so that he can flick his blades up, in an effort to at once knock aside any tentative thrusts or wild swings she might make- and perhaps toss a bit of sand into her face. Moreover, it won't take much from the Kensai to hop back, and simply swing his Katanas back down towards the ground- hopefully dissuading her from charging after him.

Satoshi eyes the line in the sand before raising an expectant gaze to Kasyr. "Is that the test for today? Like when I had to tag you three times? I can cross a line. I'm good at crossing all sorts of lines~." All of which comes before the magus does exactly as her husband's been hoping and charges--although, it isn't the impatient charge like he's probably assumed it will be. Overall it's not a typical Sato-charge, lacking the usual anger behind it for one... and secondly, not truly being a charge, as becomes apparent when she reaches the waiting kensai and line. At the last possible second the kit twists sharply to one side, in the direction of the vampire's injured foot, forcing her forward momentum to turn her full circle as she attempts to slip by--Ko'tar trailing in her wake to try and tangle up the other pair of katana and keep them off her. It's some time during this feint that Satoshi realizes she probably should have waited for confirmation from Kasyr before spending costly effort on attempting to cross a line that might be completely irrelevant to the 'dance'. "Ah, hellfire~."

Kasyr finds himself baffled... and somewhat off-balance for his efforts, as his attempt to blind the Fox meet very little success with her pivoting body whilst his defense hop and downward swing meets unexpected resistance from Satoshis' purposeful attempt at clashing blades. Having only just landed from his backwards hop, the clash coaxes the vampire into stumbling one step back, even as he strives to keep their blades clashed. Momentarily, anyways. Throwing caution to the wind, the Kensais' fairly quick to dispel Gospels physical form, effectively removing the solid point Satoshi would have been 'tangled' up in. At the same time, the hybrid uses his newfound lack of resistance to lurch forward, attempting to slam one hand into the Foxes sword-bearing arm, whilst the otherjuts forward to impact into her gut with enough force to hopefully force a gap between them once more. "Well, this es proving harder than expected."

Satoshi gets a quick lesson in the physics behind weight, movement, and balance when there's suddenly no resistance against her blade, a fact that sends not just Ko'tar, but all that's attached to it, tipping forward. And all to be swiftly halted by a strike from the kensai, Ko'tar dropping into the sand from a suddenly limp hand as Satoshi hisses in pain and recoils from him--a retreat made all the quicker by the stomach-shot she's given soon after. Thus, Kasyr gets his wish for a gap between the two of them, with Satoshi a number of paces away, disarmed and doubled over. "Nngh. I swear, if my arm's broken, I'm gonna..." The kit leaves the muttered threat hanging in the air, interrupted by a sharp cough while she experimentally flexes her hand, wincing.

Kasyr actually expresses a certain degree of concern as Satoshi speaks, offering a sympathetic look and a quietly spoken "Well, if it helps cherie, I didn't feel your arm give, or -hear- anything crack...though, I likely could heal such an ailment." That being said, the Kensai isn't quite hurrying over to her yet, instead simply walking over towards the point where Ko'tar fell, with every intention of hooking his foot under the blade, kicking it upwards and deftly plucking the arnament out from the air before it can fall anew. After all, he can't help but be curious as to her weapon- given his particular surnatural understanding of swords. "Hrmmm... Are tu, en fait, alright?"

Satoshi glowers at not Kasyr, but Ko'tar while the blade sits with perfect ease in the kensai's hand, humming contentedly. "Little traitor..." The katana offers something of a pained keen in response, baffled by its owner's displeasure and stung by the remark. Hadn't it allowed her mate to pick it up, so that he could return it to her? Ko'tar's too well-intentioned to believe Kasyr has anything but the best motives in mind for Satoshi, which leaves a grumbling, unarmed magus glaring at her husband wielding her own weapon--a weapon now pouting and refusing to heed her call like a sullen child. With an effort Satoshi straightens and grimaces, still flexing her hand cautiously. "Well enough, I think. Aside from the whole... going from one-armed to unarmed thing. I'll manage, though~."

Kasyr can't help but look relatively miffed, if only because he can understand both particular sides of this 'conversation'. After all, his ability to being able to use swords comes from a supernatural understanding of them- which in this case includes the ability to interpret the blades intent. Sparing just a few moments to testingly swipe the sword through the air, the Kensai affords his wife a little shrug, before tossing her sword up in the air towards her- the Virtuous weapon sent spiraling end over end, before landing point first in the ground before Satoshi. "Don't mind my theatrics, cherie."

Satoshi eyes Ko'tar for a long moment, sorely tempted to kick the sword away after it's just been returned to her. But Satoshi knows better than to toss aside a useful tool, and although she'll never admit it, she is rather fond of this particular 'tool', quirks and all. So it's with a show of reluctance that the kit retrieves her katana and tries to tune out the chorus of delighted trilling the blade offers in return. "Your theatrics are half the fun, 'though. And you never answered my question about that line~."

Kasyr claps his hands together, "Er, about that line- I just made it because I was almost certain you'd take it as a challenge and try to get across. I figured it might get moi a free shot." Grinning contently, the Kensai abrutly pulls his hands apart revealing a lengthy blade akin to a Katana, save that it's 6 feet in length. It's only when the Nodachi is fully materialised that Kasyr plants his right foot firmly forward, and than abruptly prods the blade forward, attempting to poke at his wife from afar. "Sorry?"

Satoshi dances back a number of steps while hesitantly bringing up Ko'tar to swat at the poking Nodachi, the smaller sword hissing at the contact with the darker one even as the kit gives a weak shrug. "Free shots are good, anyway. But, if that was all the line was for, then what's my challenge? Or is it mostly just a matter of how much banter I can fit in before you break something and end the game?"

Kasyr is feeling a bit more confidant at this point, his foot no longer aching as it treads over the sand. Drawing the blade low, the Guardian of Balance slowly begins to saunter over towards his mate, taking advantage of his weapons length and weightlessness to swipe lazily through the air in an attempt to herd her into the beachs waters. "The latter es a bit closer to the reality- though I was more expecting tu to decide when you've reached your limits. Unconsciousness, whether mutual or otherwise, es certainly acceptable as a reason to end this particular session, however."

Satoshi looks properly miffed as she's driven toward the waters once more. Or it's the kensai's words that have her peeved. Either or, both, the fact remains that Satoshi's not the happiest of foxes right now, and she's even less so when one boot then the other splashes into the lake. "I'm not sure I like this way of ending the dance, just so you kno-" The magus pauses abruptly, gaze flitting to look over Kasyr's shoulder as she blinks in wonder, head tipping to one side. "...Erm." It's another feint, plain and simple, but all she needs is for the vampire to look away, to follow her gaze over his shoulder long enough for her to move, at which point the kit will tap into that vampire-born speed and see if it can match her former feline agility well enough to allow her slight form to race up the thin platform of a Nodachi Kasyr's conveniently holding out for her. Really, she only needs a few seconds of delay--be it distraction or surprise--on the kensai's end to attempt to close the short gap and introduce the vampire's forehead to Ko'tar's hilt before she tries to bodily tackle his much heavier form. But that's only if he bothers to fall for her feint. Otherwise, she's left standing knee-deep in water at swordpoint.

Kasyr isn't quite so rash to look away from Satoshi... at least entirely. Even though his empathy doesn't pick up any real panic from him, her moods concerning things aren't always the easiest to read, especially since the likelihood of anything sneaking up on Kasyr and actually doing him any significant degree is fairly low. Unless it's some form of non arcane high velocity projectile- but that'd be ridiculous. Thus, although Satoshi isn't given a -full- reprieve from the hybrids attention, he does partially glance away, keeping her within peripheral vision in case of any...funny business. Which leaves the hybrid spying nothing, a feeling of actual weight coming from his weapon- and the distinct perception of movement coming from the corner of his eye. Only needing to turn his head the barest of fraction to catch wind of the foxes gambit, the Revenants reaction is just as spontaneous as that of his mates. Simply put, he dispells his weapon once more, robbing his sparring partner of her improvised platform and sending her into freefall. Whilst Satoshi still quite likely to end up colliding into Kasyr, it's rather unlikely it'll still hold the grace as it was originally meant to- and the hybrids already curling his now unarmed hands inwards so that he can grab onto his wifes arms and keep her from flailing, scratching and stabbing him. Victory by Forcible immobility?

Satoshi may have had her improvised attack cut short and ended up pinned for the effort, but she still has one last skill up her sleeve. One she mastered aboard the Mutiny, saved for just such an occasion as this. Taking a breath as if to steady herself and her temper, Satoshi pauses before snarling out a litany of the foulest pirate curses in existence. All right, so swearing will do nothing to free her from Kasyr's grasp, but dammit if it doesn't soothe her vexation to be able to spout off rude comments about everything from the kensai's non-existent mother to questionable acts done with were-sea lions. Yet, as quickly as the sailor language shows up does it die back down, as soon as curses begin to be repeated, ending with the kit heaving a frustrated sigh and slumping into her husband's grasp, head drooping dejectedly. "Hellfire..." Kasyr might not want to try and comfort her currently, because she may just be waiting for him to draw her into a hug so that she can lift her head quickly and catch him with a headbutt to the chin, if only so she can trill, "Free shot~!"

Kasyr is, as ever, all too quick to try and console his wife- a fact that has him graciously drawing his arms about Satoshi, tenderly drawing her closer to him...and promptly enduring the full brunt of her forehead to his face. It's with a wordless shock that the Kensai stares up at the fox, thoughts made momentarily discombobulated swimming through his face before realisation dawns. Free shots meant the challenge was still on~ What was once a hug now turns into a firm and sudden squeeze, meant to knock the wind out of the Ice Magus lungs, and hopefully startle her enough that Kasyr can rightly return the favor of having a forehead slammed into her face. Just as swiftly, the Kensai relinquishes his hold upon her; arms that had been cradling the fox now moving to curl up beneath her torso and push her as forcefully as possible into the air. The kensai couldn't help but hope that the process was disorienting, as he'd still need a moment to shove himself up into a crouching position- so that he could try and grab her leg as gravity resumed it's hold upon her. Once grasped, he'd see about spinning her through the air, with the end goal being the summary hurtling of her form into the lake once enough centripetal force had been generated. She likely wouldn't skip as many times as though flourite pebbles- but than, it's not like he'd be able to maintain spinning her for long without some sort of panicked reaction.

Satoshi regrets her cheapshot around the time it's returned, the shock and pain more than enough to rattle her senses and leave her swaying where she stands while her one good hand blindly scrabbles for some purchase to steady herself. She finds it in the form of the kensai's scarf and fiercely latches in the same moment that he's trying to make her airborne. Although her determined clinging prevents the kit from actually being thrown as intended, the force of the vampire's hit still has to go somewhere--that somewhere being her torso, or more specifically her ribcage, something that just isn't designed to endure a strike like that without breaking in a number of places. Satoshi manages something of a strangled cough as she slumps anew against Kasyr, most of her weight supported by her grip on his scarf--especially when one leg is being put to use to blindly aim a kick at his right shin, along with a heelstomp on that healing foot of his. Satie's down but not quite out? She's just stubborn like that (and selfish enough that she didn't aim a hit a little higher on him with her knee).

Kasyr is effectively choked by the foxes insistent grip upon the scarf- her determined efforts not to be tossed turning the Kensais scarf into an improvised noose. Thankfully, being a vampire effectively reduces the threat of being choked to a mere nuisance- but it's still not the most pleasent of experiences... And Satoshis prompt follow-up in the form of a shin kick and heel stomp have Kasyr lurching off to one side under gravitys ruthless grip. His only saving grace is the prompt manner in which he grabs his own scarf, tugging upon it fiercely so as to coax the Fox into tumbling to the ground along with him. At that point, the fabric should be slack enough that he can simply curl the scarf around the felines hands and hopefully entangle her so she can't get into any more undue mischief. It also has the added benefit of leaving him a free hand to smack her legs aside if she decides kicking him is just too tempting an opportunity to forego, "Finished?"

Satoshi isn't quite able to resist being tugged along in the kensai's tumble, and truthfully she's not that willing to resist either. Something about broken ribs protesting her remaining on her feet any longer--not that the fall does anything to ease the pain, but at least she doesn't have to waste energy standing anymore. Still, the kit's effectively subdued enough to give Kasyr a docile smile in answer to his question... up until she looks pointedly at her scarf-bound hands and said smile edges closer to being a smirk. "With fighting, maybe~."

Kasyr can't help but be a touch wary of the Foxes approach, as he's already suffered the 'brunt' of her cunning quite recently...to the face, even. Still, at least this time he has a free hand, which he can use to at once ruffle her hair- and keep a mindful eye for any last minute headbutts, "I do suppose you're in need of a fair bit of tending et relaxation now, oui?" ...Not that healing is the foremost of things on the Kensais mind, for what his hands are going to be doing- but than...that's to be expected, all given.

Satoshi resists the urge to squirm, as that just makes injuries all the more bothersome, but she's at least willing to endure enough to offer a brief bite at the Kensai's hand. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you purposely injured me where you did."

Kasyr smirks a bit at the fox, before offering her ruffling up her hair enthusiastically, "Madamoiselle, It's just happenstance, happy for me...but..well.. It's not like I'd need to injure tu as an excuse to do this." And with that out of the way, well, the Kensai is obviously going to be busy making sure Satoshi gets full exposure to his healing touch.