RP:Lesson One in the Hanging Corpse

From HollowWiki

Part of the Requiem Nocturnus Arc

Hanging Corpse Tavern

Kasyr is present, sort of. Sprawled across one of the chairs near the hearth, the tieflings only really there physically- his thoughts disconnected from that moment.

Satoshi stomps into the tavern with particularly heavy footsteps and an accompanying scraping sound, all usual attempts at feline subtly abandoned. She spots Kasyr easily enough and makes a direct line toward him, diverting only long enough to take claim of an armchair and drag it beside his own chair before slumping into it. An ice katana, the culprit of the scraping noise and creator of a trailing gouge on the tavern floor, is waved wearily at the tiefling. "This damned thing is haunting me! Oh... and good evening."

Kasyr s' eyes widen for a moment, before they slowly come back into fix- the feline regarded with an almost dazed expression. It takes him a moment to process her words really, so engrossed was he in that train of thought. "It's a fine blade, tu know. You've seen me use it after all." His tone is disconnected, and yet, a faint humour remains in his expression, even as he'd slump a little further into the chair, eyes turning to the ceiling. "...If it bothers vous that much, I could even teach you how to use it. Though it'd cost vous."

Satoshi keeps her gaze fixated on the blade for a long moment, her expression thoughtful. "I think it's because of you that I even have the thing. I never conjured a weapon, until meeting you." Heaving a sigh, she sank lower in her seat, eyes still settled on the katana. "I threw it in the fire. It melted, of course. Then the next time I went to call up something from snow, it showed up instead. I tried getting rid it in all kinds of ways... but just came back... It's persistant. So..." At this point her gaze flicked to the tiefling as her features took a perfectly curious set. "What's this cost?"

Kasyr offers a distracted sound of affirmation, before settling his eyes over in the felines direction, "...En verite? It likely es my fault. Nonetheless, I'm hardly going to offer to allow myself to be punctured for no gain. Non...what I ask es rather simple. A bite~ " It's only then that even a hint of a smile forms, though it fades once more as he continues to speak, "..I do fear I am soon going to perish, due to the escalations between Solaris et Daedria. So there's hardly..a point... Regardless, If Riss assumes my role, It's best you learn to defend yourself in all situations. You'll need to help et guide him. Et given how well you know moi by now. You should be able to divine my hopes.. My intentions."

Riss managed to walk in right at the mention of a conjured weapon. Of course, to this, he rolled his eyes and made a sound of disgust. "You don't want conjured weapons... or armor for that matter. They tend to sway you." He made the armor bit in attempt to draw Kasyr's attention; Christian was obviously hiding something. "So-- This place is lively."

Kasyr offers a somewhat distracted response to Riss, tone coming off in a false sort of liveliness, just in case he didn't catch the note of him probably croaking. "...Talking to..er..What's his.. Skyle? Oui? ..I never did get the opportunity to train the slacker more.."

Satoshi spares a bit of distraction to peek around the back of her chair at Riss' words. "Oui. I don't want it. It enjoys stalking me, however..." Another sigh and an accusatory glare is given to the weapon before it is buried hilt deep into the arm of the chair, if simply to allow her a moment without contact with it. Gaze returning to Kasyr, the mage lifts a single brow in an innocent quirk, the expression at odds with a smirk trying to make itself known. "A bite...?"

Riss nodded. "Paladin, turned abomination through the workings of those damnable flowers. I killed him," he finally stated before lifting up the robe-sleeve that dangled loosely around his arm. "And, this thing bound itself to me." The marking was that of a coiling dragon, snaking its way around his arm. "And you're going to croak? Psht. Right."

Kasyr smiles wearily, before settling his head back down against the arm of the chair. "...Did twice now. Once purposefully, one..not. And ..Solaris goes after the one who holds my phylactery right now. I'm going to become very mortal soon- peut-etre. And there won't be any coming back from that. Not when the gods don't wander as freely as they did." Finally, the tiefling sits up, at least as much as he could with his legs dangling over the arm of the chair, "Still. That's..only a possibility. ..Theres' other reasons for this..somberness. Er. Anyways, You...put him down? ...Hmph. I do hope he finds peace in death then." And back down the hybrid flopped, Satoshi once more catching his attention. " A bite. Me, with you, pressed against a wall, hands at your shoulders- and lips at your throat. There es just a bit more teeth involved. C'est tout."

Satoshi sank very low in her seat, and very quickly, all the while her face taking on a dark shade of red. "Huh. A bite..." the cat murmured in an altogether meek voice. Satin-gloved hands tugged absently on fur-trimmed sleeves, the only visible hint that the suddenly sly look she gave the tiefling wasn't one of complete confidence. "Et here I was thinking this cost would require me parting with something of importance."

Riss raised a brow to Kasyr's attempts at getting Satoshi all hot and bothered. "You're a pervert. You know that, right?" Christian allowed his glasses to fall down his nose a bit, just so Kasyr could view those jestful eyes of his. "Now, stop trying to convince the Kitten to claw at your back; we have more important issues. I have -two- things bound to my soul now."

Satoshi would shoot Riss a dark look, if she weren't so busy trying to ignore his presence.

Kasyr can't help but smile there, giving both Satoshi and Riss a view of such an exceptionally crooked expression. "Hardly. I just happen to have a fondness for her, et given I might very well shuffle off this mortal coil- it's about the most innocuous thing I could think of. Plus. It's fun, I'm hungry, et like you can even talk, you womanizing hypocrite. Anyways. What the hell do you suggest I do about your problem? I still haven't figured out what to do about Ekaitzs' little gift. I can't even call on it, or anything." A pause, and then the hybrid abruptly slides into a sitting position, if only so he can stand. Satoshi is, of course, addressed by that point, "..You know, you accepted that one a bit readily- though, I have to wonder what you meant by something of importance..."

Satoshi retains her deepily slumped posture, if only because it added to the appearance of a cat at complete ease. "Readily because, perhaps, I have a fondness for you? And, you monsieur," the last words were directed at Riss without her actually adjusting her position to look at him. "I may dig my claws into whomever I so please." A crooked grin, and she waves a hand at Kasyr with a dismissive air. "Oh. And, you know, important things. Like gold, gems, fish, et the likes."

Kasyr is ready to append something else to that, but finds Riss altogether absent. Shifty bastard. Which leaves the hybrid the simple task of addressing the feline once more. "I er..oh. Haha. You know..for being able..to read emotions et all. I..really..do..fail to. Erm...Yes. So.." Coughing faintly into his hand, doubly so when thinking back on Satoshi's response to his brothers 'inquiry'- the hybrid can only try and move the subject along, "...Those are important? ..I never really did care much for those. But..er.. I suppose. If..we're agreed. Perhaps we ought to start, oui? I don't have my coat to slow moi down, but..I'll try to gauge myself.."

Satoshi quirks a brow as she pulls herself out of the chair to stand a short distance away, hands still toying distractedly with sleeves. "Er, the fish, or food really, is important, yes. But... what exactly were -you- thinking when I said something of importance? And, where did your coat go disappear to..?" He's given a quizzical look, furthered with a tip of her head to the side, as the mage makes a weak attempt at using questioning to distract the part of her put on edge with the whole biting business.

Kasyr tips his head off to one side, a sort of blank look given, "I do suppose the food es important, though I always thought of it as more of a necessity, et not exactly something you parted with. Et..er.." It was his turn to flush at her inquiries, a somewhat hapless bit of gesturing made in response, "..Not..important. Aha. You know. Mind, imagination. Runs away with vous. Er. OH! Oh yes..the coat. Yes. Uh. It was burned. Alot. It's getting repaired courament. Et a few more made. En fait, I also had another of my shirts torched earlier today. Pyre mages..." Able to say little more without tripping over his own tongue, the tiefling simply steps over towards the mage, brushing by her if only so he could curl fingers about the hilt of that chill weapon of hers. "...So.."

Satoshi allows a little smile to play across her face at the explanation. "You're always tangling with fire, it seems... And I have something in mind that might help remedy that a bit. As proper payment." The mage's smile widens into a cattish smirk as she taps a fingertip to her lips with a wink. "Because something tells me your asked for 'cost' will not be considered actual payment. But, that can wait, and it's a se~cret. And, so...?" Her head tipped toward the other shoulder as he took hold of the blade, her expression losing the playful look for honest curiosity.

Kasyr quite swiftly draws his hand upwards and forward, dislodging the icy blade in one fell swoop- the likes of which incidentally dismembers the chair of one of its arms. "...Oops. Er. Et, that..sounds interessant. Even if it es all hush hush. I can't say I'll complain as to the benefits of..proper payment." A wry smile forms on his lips, and then he simply turns in place, properly facing the feline as his grip upon the blade reversed, hilt held towards her. Carefully, it was drawn down towards his side, his other hand coming to rest gently upon the pommel, "..And so was more of a... Let's get to business now so we can get to the fun stuff soon, mm?"

Satoshi regards the chair's loss of an arm with quiet amusement, furthered by a disapproving grunt coming from Steadman's direction. Arms folding up behind her head, the cat grins and offers up a brief nod. "Very well. To business, then?" Her black tail curled around her and back with a long sweep in lieu of a wide-swept arm typically one gestured in invitation to begin. "After you?"

Kasyr gets an exceedingly cattish grin upon espying Satoshi's gesture, responding to it with but a humble inclination of his head. "I leave it up to vous to lead moi out, Chere madamoiselle. Which is to say, Ready, Set, Go!" The hybrids actions came hastily enough, a simple forward shuffle leading into his body twisting in place, that frozen katana flicked out with full intention of cutting a shallow gash across the belly of Satoshis coat if she didn't react, to be immediately followed by the grip upon the Katana reversing anew. Hence holding the weapon properly, all it would take is a simple extension of his arm in her direction to threaten her with what would appear as an attempt to skewer- though should such an event be about to occur- the hybrids thrust would slow. "On Y Va."

Satoshi was hardly expecting the attack, and it was only unthinking reflexes that spared her more than the few pieces of fur nicked from her coat as she leapt backwards to settle into a crouch. Her stationary position did not stay so for long, the cat making hasty work of lunging sideways to both avoid the blade and put the already dismembered chair between them, done so with a haphazard tuck and roll. "Are there rules to this game? Magic, and such?" The mage asked, perfectly amused, as she danced on her toes behind the chair, hands resting on the back of it. She was waiting for the opportunity his answering would present, then claws would bury into the fabric and she'd heave the furniture up a bit before throwing her weight fully into it to send it tumbling at the tiefling.

Kasyr s' answer is a short and succint, "Summon a sword." as is his rebuttal to the tumbling chair. Even as amused words slipped between lips, that icy katana he held was driven down straight down, managing to seperate the chair into two mostly neat halves. "Though improvisation with the surroundings es appreciated." And indeed, with how simple it is for the hybrid to slip a foot beneath one severed half of the chair and flip it up towards the mage, it's no wonder he finds it such fun, "..Magics offlimits for the moment, unless you can place it through the blade you wield. I'd use mine..but.."

Satoshi replies with only an, "Oh." as the rules were established, although if she had any further retort it was effectively interrupted by another of her rushed sideways dives to avoid half of the chair's return. Twisting to hit with her shoulder, the cat turned a neat somersault to end in that commonplace crouch of hers. Humming to herself, the cryomancer stretched out a hand toward the frozen blade and simply beckoned. There were few druid masterful enough to keep ice and an ice mage apart when one called to the other, and this conjured weapon had a rather keen desire to keep in contact with the feline. It'd escape the hybrid's grip by simply dissolving into ungraspable water, rushing toward Satoshi as an animated puddle upon the floor, only to regain its original form once it'd settled into her outstretched hand. Straightening back into a comfortable stance, the cat grinned and tipped her head slightly, the flat of the katana's blade bouncing light on her shoulder. "Told you it haunted me. Does that count? Or do I get to meet your weapon now?"

Kasyr pauses for a moment, an altogether curious look offered to the feline, before his hand promptly extends forward. Almost immediately the shadows within the tieflings immediate vicinity began to ripple, bubbling as though sentient before abruptly leaping forward to solidify within Kasyrs grasp. Formerly, the tiefling had been able to muster tendrils from that odd manifestation of his aura resonating with Gospel- but it had never really occured to him to use it -as- a weapon. ...Probably because it was weaker than the sentient blade. Nonetheless, the fact that it wasn't surnaturally keen or durable meant he didn't have to worry about breaking through the felines defines and skewering her in an accidental but Fatalistic manner. "Et now~ Something different."Hopping back but a few feet, theres really nothing more to say- at least not until the tiefling promptly rushes foward as a blur- quite intending on clashing his weapon against hers- to force her back against table or chair and cause her to stumble by virtue of a weapon lock, or the repeated slam of arnaments.

Satoshi was altogether grateful for the celerity cat's possessed, certainly not quite enough to rival a vampire's but at least it allowed her to shift the position of her blade in the few seconds she was given. The katana was brought forward diagonally across her, free hand rising to press against the flat of the blade as she braced herself in the same manuever she'd used in blocking Acheron after the damned weapon's original appearance. The ring of the katana as the two weapons connected was of course not the song of a typical sword, the reverberation carrying a shuddering, bell-like note reminiscent of the hummed tune Satoshi and her dragon so often used. The first connection was more than enough to leave the mage's arms numb and shaking, stumbling back quite as intended until her back met with a table and she fell against it. She spared a moment to give Kasyr a teasing grin, words purred even as the blade was still held defensively in front of her to hold him off, "My, my. This position would look sordid to any visitors, wouldn't it?" She could only hope the remark would prove distracting enough that she could curl a leg up in front of her and lash out in a kick aimed for gut or chest without him taking immediate notice.

Kasyr is sort of easily distracted. It's just one of those things- especially when the implications are enough to cause a faint glance off towards the doorway. Punished for his lacking attention, the hybrids fairly quick to give the feline his undivided attention once more, her kick having done naught more than bruised him and gained herself a bit of room. Room which the hybrid can use to simply lunge forward, blade seeming all but poised to pierce straight through her. And yet- it is but a faint, a simple twist of body when he comes close all he needs to redirect his point of destination- desiring to send that odd manifestation of his aura through her sleeve- to pin her sword wielding arm to the table. Whether it failed or not, the continued advance of his form to hers would hopefully provide her little room to swing her sword, essentially trapping her between the table and him. "..No more sordid than this, Cherie~"

Satoshi is left simply blinking, her reflexes proving her undoing when coupled with his effective feint. The false lunge had been responded to with her sword-wielding arm, blade held at a reversed angle like she'd seen him do, coming across her body to block the strike, only to have the sleeve pierced, arm locked to the table while still stretched over her torso, thoroughly pinning her with her own limb. Naturally, a good deal of wriggling and squirming would commence, but the feline was properly trapped and she knew it. Ears drooping, she sighed before offering a timid smile. "All right, you win. Not that I doubted that outcome... But, uhm," the mage trailed off with a blush, idly tapping her still grasped katana against the table. "Are you going to let me up now? I'd rather not have to tear this coat to get free. Just got it fixed et all." She would, if he insisted on carrying on the lesson. She'd just be rather unhappy about.

Kasyr quite humbly releases his weapon, the shadow stuff it was composed of quickly losing any sembalance of solidity. Not that he moves, mind you. No, the hybrid actually takes that moment press forward for just a moment, fingers gently brushing overtop one of those cutely drooped ears. "...I could always ask for that first price now~ But je pense, that would be cruel." Smile becoming more docile, he'd slip away from her before fingers could rest against her for too long- offering an altogether careless shrug. "...I'd say that wasn't bad, for entirely improvised."

Satoshi's blush is only doubled in strength at the lingering and light touch to her ear. A wordless sound made in response to the aforementioned price, her eyes widening at the thought. The cat is left shivering as she is freed from the table only to slump to a cross-legged seat on the floor. A frantic shake of her head is made before she can properly understand his words, and at them she laughs. "So long as I haven't managed to chop off a bit of myself with the thing, I'm happy." The katana is given a few experimental swings in front of her from where she sat.

Kasyr is still rather bemused at the whole of it, and the outcome, "To be honest, cherie. I was more worried about you swinging wildly et accidentally moving to decapitate moi. For being apparently unfamiliar, tu are catching on quick." That's enough to provoke a smile from his part- the hybrid then choosing to approach carefully, a hand outstretched to her. "..Anyways, Given you're likely worked up...I think we ought to pay for rooms... So, Steadmen won't be quite as miffed as to the price our training incurred. ..Et..well, That way, if I just happen to take that nip along the way upstairs...You'll have somewhere nice to faint, mm?"

Satoshi accepts the offered hand all too readily and sends Steadman an amused little grin as silent apology for the chair. Well, for two halves of a chair and the one she now selects to embed the katana into. Its conjuring had not included a sheath, so she currently opts for furniture for such a purpose. The tiefling is given a turning up of her nose and a 'hmph' noise. "If I'm worked up, it is your fault. But, I guess paying for rooms," the faintest lack of emphasis made on the plural of the word, "would be a good idea..." The blade is retrieved, and returned to that absent bouncing on her shoulder as she makes her way to the stairs. Glancing over shoulder and blade, she managed a grin. "Et would you really make me faint? Riss mentioned claws being used. Not easy to do when unconscious, don't you think...?" With a quiet chuckle she began the climb upstairs.

Kasyr mutters something about a tab to Steadman, which only causes a fair bit of grumbling to come from the bartender. Still, although it was inconvenient, the hybrid was relatively on top of his debts owed... In his city, at least. Kelay was a lost cause by this point. Right, but tangent aside- this just leaves the hybrid capable of following after the feline, staring up after her as she led the way, "Not my fault I can get your blood rushing so easily. Or maybe it es, but I'll deny culpability so long as it's fun." A boyish grin, and he'd simply bound up the rest of the stairs to join her- adding rather quietly, "I suppose half the fun would be lost were I to draw too much from tu. Something to keep in mind I suppose, the next time I find myself needing to get us you know, board et/ou.. " And with that same manner of intonation, up to and including the barely heard 'S', "Rooms. ..N'est ce pas?" A smile, and the hybrid simply moved along, to drift into the room he'd chosen.

Satoshi can manage, at best, a shake of her head and a heavy sigh in response. There was no dealing with him, but that was half the fun of it. "Good night, then. You can seek payment at another time, of course." With a soft laugh she'd salute him with the katana before disappearing into her own chosen room where an innocent piece of furniture would become the blade's next sheath before she sought after sleep.