RP:Larketian Guests at a Five Star Hotel

From HollowWiki

Summary: Magik & Rinn break into Larket's jail so that they can free the two Dwarves that started a brawl with the Larketian Royal Guard, but these two dwarves are hard-pressed to leave, bragging about their honor and the like.

The Holding Cell

Magik somehow manages to sneak into the holding cells undetected. However his progress is halted as he stalks the shadows. His face is completely hidden by his hood except for the slightest bit of light emitting from his dark flaming eyes. The vampiric elf senses a guard coming into the room behind him so he slumps into a dark corner and closes his eyes until the guard passes. Once passed, Magik quietly slips up behind him and extends his hand with his palm up, aiming towards the back of the guard's head. With a slight jolt of his palm, a black and fully formed arrow rips through the Lyastri's palm and flies to it's target. The arrowtip quickly forms into a bigger and much more blunt tip once it is released. The arrow comes into contact with the guard's skull, sending the poor man flying forward and landing hard on the ground unconscious. Magik quickly spins around, readying himself to release another one if need-be.

Rinn and her husband have polar opposite entrances. Where Magik stalks into the jail Rinn more stomps. Loudly the petite redhead slamed about drawers and swept the counters looking for a set of keys to spring the dwarf duo but no such luck. "I can't find the damn key." She announced rounding the corner to meet Magik and his readied hands, "Put that away will ya." She huffed while dropping to a squat, her fingers rifling through the guards pockets, anything of value would relocate to her own pocket.

Graem is presently sitting on a bunk that is more of a plank chained to a wall than anything like a bed. There's some straw on it that's been pushed to one end to act as a makeshift pillow. Graem's got his lips around a flask - you don't want to know how he snuck that in - and takes a few healthy gulps from it. He finishes, wiping his mystical beard with the back of his hand, "Who'da thought starting a brawl in a tournament would land us a free night's stay in a Larketian hotel!" He laughs, pounding his free hand on the plank-bunk. It may not be feathers and silk here, but a man's gotta have a place to rest his head... and nurse his hangover the next day, amiright? "Cousin, did ye see the look on that noble guards face when I pissed on 'is boot!?" His raucous laughter fills the cramped jail cell, resulting in a short-tempered, "Shut the hell up in there," From the guard sitting post at a table nearby.

Kharnus is feelings combined might of Larketian force and ale and liquor combos making it feel as if Loda herself is pounding her hammer upon his skull like it's her anvil. Graem's boisterous laugh and retelling of the events add an additional hammer strike every syllable. "Ye sure did make it interestin' cousin, but me head is poundin somethin' awful, so shut yer trap and let a dwarf sleep!" His smirk can been seen easily enough, letting Graem see that he too had a grand ole time. But for now the dwarf just wants to sleep the rest of the night away so they can be back to doing other things.

Magik grins but also shakes his head at his wife's entrance. He was going to lower his hand to grab her butt as she passed by him but he quickly turns around due to the voice of the other guard on the opposite side of the room. This guy gets the same treatment as the first guard but right in the forehead. The poor fella get his head snapped back then forward onto his desk as he gets knocked unconsious as well. There's also a loud snap that's heard over all of the commotion in the room. Poor bloke broke his nose on his desk. As blood poors from the guard's face, Magik walks by Rinn towards the dwarves, "Anytime, my love.." as if rushing her along to find the key. Upon passing the first guard who lie motionless on the ground, the poor guy recieves a hearty kick to the stomach to make sure he's down. As Magikrios quickly arrives at the dwarve's cell. His flaming eyes scan over the two before he smiles under his hood, "We'll get to the formalities once we get you two outta here. Big fans, we are. Let's get you two out of here. Unless you are fine staying here for the next day.."

Rinn grimaced slightly from the crunch of the guard's nose against his desk, ouch, "Deadly." She praised Magik softly as she closed the distance to search the second lawman. Blood dripped from the desk into her finger tips as she groped the unconscious man aggressively. Finally her search produced a giant keyring, he must have also been a janitor. Sharp taps of Rinn's boots carried her closer to the cells. Her oceanic gaze flicked between to two men as a smile tugged at the corners of her lips, "You boys seem to have gotten yourselves into a bit of trouble I see." She smirked from the freedom side of the bars, "Larket isn't the best place to get locked away." There was a pause as she studied their prision. "Though I see some remodeling has taken place. Good on 'em." Doubling over and closing one eye Rinn inspected the locking mechanism then the ring of keys, "Why does anyone need this many keys?" She asked her husband while starting the long process of elimination.

Graem's just spent his first day on the surface in ages getting drunk with his cousin, watching a duel, and then initiating a brawl with the Larketian Royal Guard. He sits smugly on his bed, satisfied with today's outcome, eyes half closed and bleary from all the booze. That's when he hears the noise coming from outside of the cell. "Cousin, we got some company," His deep voice gaining a much more serious quality than before. Then he sees bright, flaming eyes peering into his jail cell, "Ah, come t'have a drink with me?" He responds, lifting the small flask up, he then turns it upside down and nothing comes out, indicating he's empty. Now there's two of them, and one is fumbling through the keys. Interesting. Did Graem's brazen actions in the Concert Hall earn them two unlikely allies on the surface? This night is shaping up to be one for the books! "Larket's not 'alf bad, I'll wager. Ye surface dwellers sure do like yer fancy 'ccommodations." He chuckles.

Kharnus peers through the less swollen eye as he lays on his side as the mysterious pair reveal themselves as would be saviors. A quick glance to the guards shows they're still breathing, so thats a good thing. But this secrecy and moving through the shadows, to save them from some simple disorderly conduct (maybe resisting arrest but he did allow them to take him)? And even through the headache, the woman's words. "This isn't a place to be locked up." Why'd that sound more serious than it should have? Maybe it's just his head, but while his cousin is jovial and typical Graem, Kharnus is a bit more wise to at least say. "Lets not skip pleasantries, lad." He speaks to the ominous dark and gloomy man, with those fiery eyes. He did take out two guards, who knows how many more with ease, clearly skilled and equipped for roguish dealings, a shady character through and through. "Why don't ye be tellin' us why all the trouble, and who ye are, before ye go any further." Looking to Graem, just now opening both eyes due to sobering up a bit given current dealings, he says to the cleric. " We had an honest bout and some fun, but we be knowin' that there be 'ell to be payin' afterwards. Not a finger was lifted to be throttlin' us, but 'ere they are with dire warnings?" He hopes his cousin sees this isn't exactly on the level, and a dwarf after all has his honor to look out for. "Unless ye got some solid reasons fer me 'n my cousin to be followin' ya, I think I need to remind Graem that we don't run from a fight, nor consequences of what we be doin'." A look to the shadowy pair, then his cousin, as he says. "Ye know ye took the piss right on that knights boots, and whalloped 'em good to boot! They have it back in kind, and we be here sleepin' it off instead of the gallows or a noose. So again, I be needin' some words as to why we should trust strangers in the night, or I just be rollin' over and facin' the mornin' instead."

Magik places his hand on the lock of the cell door. His voice is cool, calm, and collected as he speaks to Kharnus, "Like I told your partner there. We are just big fans. The chaos you two caused in such a short amount of time was refreshing. We don't see much of that these days." As his words filled the air, so did the heat from his hand. The lock begins to glow bright red, obviously making his face visible to the two before him, "Name's Magikrios. And this fiery one is my wife, Rinn." Magik gives the lock a quick pull, snapping whatever locking mechanism was installed. He looks to his wife and shrugs his shoulders, "We've already been here long enough." After returning his attention back to the men before him, now with an open cell, he continues, "I also appreciate your attitude about the situation you've landed yourselves in." The vampire takes a step back, "Oh. That little prince was annoying and it'd be great to see Larket's Queen get her panties in a bunch because you two got out." The vampire shrugs, "No judgement with whatever your next decision is, but like my lovely wife said, Larket is no place for dwarves."

Rinn finally found the key to open the cell, the metal on metal clicking into place but she doesn't unlock the door because Magik had just snapped it off, "Are you feckin kidding me?" She questioned her husband, "Why didn't you just do that in the first place...wasting my time..." Rinn planted her hands on her hips as she looked at the half pints, "We just reckoned you'd rather choose your own fate and not be at the mercy of her highness." Rinn also shrugged then casually glanced towards the door, "We ought to be going, love."

Graem bobs his head to Kharnus' words, but it's the reason that he's up here in the first place that's really got him acting to the extreme that he is. Graem had been asked by the family to follow Kharnus to these lands and witness his actions and dealings with the people of the surface. He would do anything for his cousin - like getting too drunk, initiating a fight, and then getting the two of them locked up just to see how Kharnus would react. In the end, it's a dwarf's honor that should ring true. The cleric cocks a half smile, proud of his cousin. Damn, he might even shed a tear or two. Except that he doesn't, because he'd rather punch Kharnus for not having the presence of mind to pick up the half-drank bottle of Dwarven Black... which is now probably down the gullet of one of those damnable guards. That head guard was a right bastard. Graem's gotta remember to buy him a round one day. At any rate, he strokes his raven's black beard for a time, then states, "The guards got anything t'drink out there?" Graem gets up and shuffle-stumbles through the cell door. "I rightly enjoy these rooms, but I could go fer a nice pint to settle me in!" He pushes the guard over, away from the table and sits down, assuming post over the cells - as well as commandeering the pint of ale next to his elbow. Graem looks up to the two rescuers, a grin spread wide across his bloodied and bruised face. "Magikrios, Rinn. Ye two are scarier den Vakmatharas, but yer alright." He lifts the pint to the two and offers a grin, choosing to remain here for the night with his cousin, who by the looks of it, is quite a bit more sober than him - when in doubt, always follow the choice of the more sober dwarf!

Kharnus listens to their words, and even his cousin's, before he'd rise from his bunk and walk over to Magik and Rinn, though not leaving the cell. "If my neck be saved from the hang man, know that the same honor that keeps me 'ere be makin' sure yer names never be mentioned from these dwarves." He places his hand over his heart in a dwarven salute and swears. "By Loda's beard, or my father be an orc!" (Very serious oath from a dwarf!) Here he adds. "As well, if we be crossin' paths again, and ye need anythin' we both be owin' ye debts. But know we ain't no killers, and we've our honor, but if it's within that, ye ask and we shall do." Waiting for Graem to finish his search for drink, Kharnus adds. " Cousin, patch that guard up with some healin', 'nough to be makin' his nose stop runnin' like the vibrance river at least. No one is dead, some bulbs and bruises, so we'll be seein' for ourselves how bad Larket may have fallen in the morn." With that, if they'd follow, Kharnus would offer a shake of each's hand. " Kharnus of Clan HeavyHammer, well met."

Magik nods to the two men, "Fair enough. I'm sure we'll see you two around." With that he turns and leads his wife out. However, one fiendish little strung-out man makes a grab for Rinn from his cell. Magik quickly grabs the man's hand and violently pulls his arm through the bars, knocking the man unconsious as well, probably giving him a nice dislocated shoulder. Magik shakes his head and continues his way out of the holding area.