RP:Kraken Butt

From HollowWiki

Summary: Meri and Irenic encounter each other in Rynvale again, the avian managing to quite effectively irritate the psion.

Kraken Fountain

The artisan who wrought this monstrosity chose to remain anonymous, and gazing upon the vast bronze replica of one of the deep's most fearsome monsters, it isn't hard to tell why. Only a madman could have conceived the tentacled beast that hunches above a pool glazed so deeply blue as to seem almost black, Gripped among scores of writhing, suckered arms are broken ships and smashed bodies, even a whale has not escaped the clutches of the Kraken. It appears to be a monument to the dangers of the deep, but there is a strange air of supplication about it that would send shivers down the back of any sailor worth his salt.

It was midday in Rynvale and business was being conducted as usual. Sort of. Numerous repairs have been made from the recent insect attack on Rynvale but there was still evidence of recent damage. Must have been some big bugs. One might think that Meri might be found within the confines of SoulsKin at this hour, laboring away over some design, but it would seem the woman is playing hookie. Maybe she has slipped away for a quick break? It's on the ledge of fountain that Meri sets, having found a place nearer to the statue that looms over the pool of water as it affords her a nice and shady spot. The woman is not sitting alone, a man whose name is of no real consequence sits next to Meri but his presence will not remain for long. The two seem to be engaged chat, a quick discussion that ends with him passing Meri something and in exchange he is given a small pouch. The trade is quick and the man leaving Meri's side the moment it's complete. Meri? Once she is alone, she goes for her satchel, deposits her goods, and then promptly retrieves her tarnished cigarette tin so that she can light one up.

Irenic was seated opposite the pair and hidden by the awful depiction of the Kraken. Maybe larewen sent him to help with repairs, but he would never admit. Dressed in a simple black v neck tee shirt, black slacks and black work boots. He has a pair of narrow square shaped spectacles sitting low on the bridge of his nose which help him read the book in his hands. It was odd thinking such a braun knight also being scholarly, but there he was and he heard every detail between Meri and the man due to the impeccable hearing of elongated pointed and pieced ears, but didn't care what was transpiring. The name Meri rings a faint bell as he waits for the footsteps of the stranger dwindle before clapping the book shut and stalking long strides around the fountain to find her just in time when she pulled a cigarette free in giving some sarcastic greeting from his low gruff timbre, “Eh bien, si ce n'est pas une belle femme Meri.” Or ‘Well, if it isn't beautiful woman Meri.’ Mismatched gaze sets on her open cigarette case and he asks if she has an extra, “Avez-vous une pièce de rechange?” With a devious smirk never seen before on him as it wasn't masking a background of heartache anymore. His otherwise bored expression comes of calm and cold while subtly dangerous.

Blue eyes come to rest on Irenic's form as he approaches, it was sort of hard to not notice the towering avian make his way over. He sort of stood out in a crowd. Irenic is greeted with a smile and then a moment of silence, the woman left analyzing what it is the man has just said to her. Like normal. Meri has not had nearly as much time as she would have liked to study the pages of Brennia's book, though her want to learn the language was for her benefit and not Irenic's. Left with nothing but Irenic's gestures and her very poor understanding of the language thus far, Meri eventually comes to the conclusion that he would like a cigarette. Her case and the means to light the smoke are offered over to Irenic, along with, "Irenic. It seems like you are feeling better than the last time that I saw you. In better spirits at least. Did you are your lady make amends, perhaps?" After those words have slipped past red lips, it occurs to her that he had been explaining he was going to try and forget. Perhaps it was that. Hm. "It seems you're still cursed though..."

Irenic shot her a suspicious glance through the clear glasses after taking said cigarette out of the tin, lighting it and handing her items back. A drag given to the loosy before he packpeddadles a little to sit on the edge of the fountain once more like he was on the other side and set his book down next to him. A shrug when he mentions he has no idea of the lady she speaks of and that, yes he's still cursed, “Je ne sais pas à qui vous parlez. Je suis seul,” meaning ‘I’m alone’ even though his smirk and suggestive way he looks at her seems like he doesn't care if he is alone. His smirk widens exposing white slightly crowded teeth when mismatched eyes pause at red lips… remembering. He lets the cigarette hang from scarred lips while softly puffing from it and running a tawny hand through dusky graying hair and a sort of careless slouch about him. He pats the spot opposite his book next to him for her to sit, “Une dernière chose à essayer. Une autre malédiction.” He was explaining that there was ‘one last thing to try, another powerful curse.’ Sounds stupid, but it's his last resort.

Nothing about the first part of what Irenic says actually registers in Meri's mind but that suspicious look clues her into the fact that he perhaps has succeeded in his first course of action. Suspicion is not a normal reaction to the line of questioning she presented, given what they have spoken of in the past. There is a slight shake of her head, frown weighting at her red lips at the apparent failure of Irenic's efforts to find a loophole for the curse. "Ah..." she says, uncertainly as she accepts her items back and sets them aside next to her, where she is already sitting. Her lack of understanding inspires her to reach into her bag free her free hand and pull out her sketchbook and charcoal, not for drawing though, but for jotting down words that she thought sounded important. They were probably entirely misspelled but that was not her top concern, she would figure it out.The sketchbook is folded in half so it can be balanced on one knee, charcoal in one hand, cigarette in the other. "So you are still stuck turning into a bird every night...." And Meri was sort of at a loss of how to handle this, in terms of talking about said curse. How do you speak of a curse of love when the person does not even remember the person they love? Hm. Spoken out loud, even though the realization was meant to be kept a mere thought, "Perhaps forgetting was not such a good idea...."

Irenic gives a low gruff and short chuckle before his answer of yes, “Oui.” He takes another drag of the cigarette and the shake of his head as he mentions something along the lines of forgetting is just one less painful thing to be going through, “Oublier est juste une chose de moins à se plaindre.” He leans back a little resting on one hand behind him while checking her out as he asks how she's been, “comment avez-vous été, Meri?” The tone he uses on her name is possibly a little darker as his accent twists it up into something that sounds of desire. He takes the glasses off the bridge of his nose, folds them and sets them of the large leather bound book he was reading from. Whatever she was going to respond with earned his full attention while he puffed on his cigarette and reached into the pocket of his pants to slip out a small pouch of gold in order to pay her back for their first night. He apologizes even! “Je suis désolé ... A propos de vous laisser payer mon grand onglet ... Et à propos de l'autre chose.” Or ‘I'm sorry... About leaving you to pay my large tab... And about the other thing.’ She better write that down, paint a picture or -something- because this guy barely does this.

Meri finds herself jotting down quite a few words, some of the words he was electing to use this time around were harder to connect to her native tongue. He also was not bothering with gesturing nearly so much, not when he is leaning back on one land and checking her out instead. Oblier. Mons. Plandri. Just a few of the words she ends up writing down. They have had more success in past conversations. The gold though, that is an issue that she understands fully. After ashing her cigarette, it is dangled between red lips so that she can take that pouch of gold up and tuck it into her satchel for safekeeping. Desoli. That is what she writes down, though she clearly must not process this is the word for sorry. "I'm kind of surprised you remembered, I sorta was ready to chalk it up to a loss to be perfectly honest with you...But thanks for paying me back." Her response was sort of in line with what he was explaining to her, but ah the issues of language barriers. Perhaps one day Meri will get there, if she manages to dedicate enough time to that book of Brennia's. It probably would have been better to bring up this issue when Irenic was a bird and could speak the same language as her, but here they are, "A woman named Brennia says that I should avoid you." At least as a man she could read his facial reactions, if he does not present that devil may care attitude again.

Irenic made a face as if his brain hurt. Brennia: the one he was intended to marry for rule of island Vere as Edlin Corier, but instead killed her family after she ran out on him because she found out of his unsavory plans. Doesn't ring a bell to him, but he sat upright once more and smoked the remainder of his cigarette before flicking the butt over his shoulder and into the water before telling her to make a wish, “faire un vœu.” His tone sarcastic and dry with his devious smirk as throwing garbage in a fountain isn't usually what you do for wishes. He mentions/motions that this Brennia person is probably right, “Elle a probablement raison.” Giving the subtlest of shrugs as he dawns his spectacles once more before opening the book he had with him, its written in common and he can at least point to words he means to say. It takes a moment, but he pointed to the words ‘probably right’ all the while still smirking as if to date her to stick around anyway. He continues to point to himself meaning ‘I’ then ‘am not a good guy’ still smirking still calm and cold, but it would make sense because you don't get cursed so horribly if you are a good guy.

Meri could not make heads or tails of Irenic's reaction. There was a reaction, it looked like a pained one, but no words seem actually be related to Brennia as far as she could tell. Another word is added to her running vocabulary list, this time it is the word for wish. While the comment may be lost to her the action earns the avain a hard look, much like it did that time they were at the Whaler and he pulled similiar behavior. The cigarette butt hits the water and floats out of Meri's reach but the woman does not need to go wading into the fountain to retrieve it. Sketchbook is closed, charcoal is set on top of it, and her now free hand is extended toward the pond, palm facing up. Some force unseen plucks the remains out of the water, the soaked remains floating through the air and landing into the palm of Meri's hand. The psion levels and irritated look on Irenic, repeating a lesson in manners that they have already had. She does not care that he may not care. "Rynvale is my home, as close to home as I really call any place in particular. I don't want to see some nasty ass cigarette butts floating around in the fountain. I like to spend my time here. I like to see clean water in the fountain. Just for that next time I do not think I am going to share my cigarettes with you, you clearly cannot clean up after yourself and insist on littering." Meri would not admit it freely but were it some other local that she does not frequent so much then she probably would not care. "You can remember my name, and to pay me back, but you forget that improperly throwing away your cigarettes might turn me into a nag, eh?"

Irenic’s continued smirk might prove that he likes to rile her so and he even added another subtle shrug before setting the book aside. He leans in pretty close to level their faces after slipping his glasses off again when he asks ‘what are you going to do about it?’ Sounding like, “Qu'allez-vous faire à ce sujet?” Motioning with the hand he wasn't leaning into her on while mismatched gaze sets on those red lips of her’s and smirking all the while. He got a nasty idea to rile her more and possibly a little childish when he stands, unfastens his slacks and pulls them down to reveal his well toned buttocks while saying something like ‘you don't like butts in your fountain?’ Which comes out as, “Vous n'aimez pas les mégots dans votre fontaine?” Without further ado, careless as to any onlookers, he plops his pasty butt down into the fountain waters allowing long hairy legs dangle over the edge of it with his slacks fallen to his ankles. An obnoxious guffaw echoes out into the air and a quite satisfied-with-himself smirk remaining on scarred lips.

If Irenic was looking for a quick way to piss Meri off, he has found it. It is not that the woman has issues with the body, him pulling his pants down really is nothing that embarrasses or offends Meri -- not with some of the requests she gets at SoulsKin. The body was an entirely normal thing as far as she was concerned. It was the action, the fact that he was willing to take it far just to get a rise out of the woman. Fine. Red lips are pressed together tightly as the woman dips her head in a terse nod, gathering her sketchbook and satchel so that she can take her leave. It is Meri though and she is not just going to walk away like it ain't no thang. In Meri's flurry to gather her things and leave she also snatches up Irenic's book. It is not kept for herself but instead chucked straight for Irenic's upper torso while his ass was in the water. Her aim was pretty good but hit or miss that book would ultimately flop into the water, ruining it. It gets worse for Irenic. Maybe we should not piss off the woman with telekinetic abilities? Irenic might feel as though two large hands were presently wrapping around his ankles but no, this was just Meri and her psionic abilities. Barring the means to stop the psion's relatively harmless assault, Irenic would find his feet yanked out from beneath him by the ankles and legs tugged upwards. It would soon not just be his pasty rear end in the water but his entire upper torso. While Meri perhaps could go as far as to attempt to use her telekinesis to pin Irenic's head beneath the water, the woman is not actually keen on trying to drown him. He just needs a little bath, cool down a bit there, boy. If all goes well, Irenic would get that bath and by the time Meri's gold is released, the woman will have escaped.

Irenic doesn't do much to fight it only bending upward as if doing some sort of upside down crunch so he doesn't drown. Crossing his arms over his chest and continuing to grin at Meri, but sour he's unable to ‘watch’ her leave as that was also a pleasant view. Oh well. Once she's gone he's plopped back into the water as he's pretty much soaked all over now and he finds the book that was soiled by the water with a sigh. Gathering himself once more he wanders off somewhere.