RP:It Started With A Splinter

From HollowWiki

Part of the The Dust Up In Cenril Arc

Summary: Meri encounters Sabrina at the Dragon's Head Inn. The healer is busy pulling a splinter out of a dwarf's tush but the conversation takes a more serious turn from there. Eirik joins, conversation continues and there is talk of joining him on a patrol around Frostmaw.

Dragon's Head Inn

Meri really only comes out to this space for one reason and one reason alone these days, to try and have an encounter with Raphaline. Those interactions are still too few and far between for Meri's liking, she often found herself missing the redheaded bard. Just like she was tonight, missing Raphaline, who was no where to be found at her lodge. Yes, Meri had a key and yes she could easily could have decided to stay that night at Raphaline's home...but it was weird to her being in such a big home all by herself and so she sought out the nearest tavern. The Dragons Head. Into the establishment Meri goes in her usual mundane fashion, the door opens, Meri steps in, the door closes. Her blue eyes do a quick scan of the room in search of any familiar faces but when none pop out to her right away, Meri makes a beeline for the bar. Whiskey. Bottle. Skip the glass, she probably won't be needing it.

Sabrina was here, that tiny lass in the back corner hidden behind the bulky frame of a rather fat dwarf. "Calm down." She orders him. "It's just a splinter!" Some of the biggest men were really the biggest babies. She eyes Meri and her mundane approach, only to wave her down and offer a seat at her table. Meri might have to knock a potatoe or two out of the way, but somewhere buried in that mass was a large-girthed beardy with a 'splinter' the size of a toothpick sticking out of his arse...as a matter of fact- he may have actually sat on a toothpick. "A little help here?"

Meri clearly did not notice Sabrina right off the bat with good reason, what in the world was she doing right now? That was the thought going through Meri's mind when the elfess waves her down and beckons her to come over to her table. Meri would obligee this request, only after she is able to collect her bottle of whiskey. Meri does not sink straight into a seat, rather she rounds the table so that she can stand behind Sabrina to try and get a better look at just what she is doing. "You want my help? What do you want me to do? I am not touching that things butt....You get the tweezers and you pick that splinter out. Cause..." How kind Meri, he can probably hear you, spare his feelings! Normally Meri was more mature when it comes to matters of the body, but in this poor dwarf's case...."Do you want me to like hold him down for you or something?"

Sabrina leans back in her chair just in time, as the dwarven -presumably male- stands and points up at Meri. “I aint havin that skinny bitch rub ‘er hands all over me bum!” The Elfess looks to Meri with an expression of disgust before giving her the nod to hold that half-pint down at all costs. “Until it hurts, if you must.” The lad had been so fidgety that the Healer might have feared more contact with his business-end than she preferred. Bottom line? That toothpick had to come out and it was plants pretty deep. His little friends were balling up fists, looking up at Meri and almost daring her to hurt Jesper on purpose.

Meri places her bottle on the table next to the one that Sabrina has expressed her want for aid, no sense in risking seeing her bottle broken during her bid to help. Meri, official holder to the healers guild? Need someone pinned down? Flag her down! Unlike that time at the river where she attempted to hold Sabrina, this time Meri takes a very different and far less physical approach. This decision was influenced by the midgets that were giving Meri the stank eye and daring her to hurt their friend. Her gaze does not stay on the pint-sized pack of pipsqueaks for long, back to Sabrina and her charge. Though Meri does not physically put her hands upon Jesper, Sabrina will find that the struggle as the dwarf might he can't actually move. It's like he's pinned to that table by some unseen force. and pinned good, which probably does not please the dwarf at all. Many grunts, grumbles, curses and protest but he's struggling to break free from whatever has him to that table. Given the circumstances, this must somehow be Meri's influence. Hopefully his friends will tolerate this but Meri's hands are held out palms toward them for them to see that she's not only not wielding a weapon at present but she is also not...technically...causing harm. All Sabrina gets is a nod of indication that she is good to go.

Sabrina arches a thin dark brow but wastes no time. She takes a deep breath before going in for the kill, utilizing a pair of rusted pliers to latch on to the protrusion and rolls her eyes at the howl coming from the magically pinned individual. With one swift yank the whole of it comes free and the Elfess snatches the bottle with her free hand, stepping back and away as Jesper bucks and curses against the tabletop. The elfess, however is laughing, because of his held state he looks more like an angry donkey than a manish being. The pliers are laid on the corner of the bar top and the bottle being held out for Meri whenever she thinks Jesper has had enough. His arms are flailing behind him like he is attempting to latch on to Sabrina, occasionally the left hand lingers over the ghost pain over his left cheek.

Meri's psionic hold on the dwarf is released right at the point that Sabrina offers the bottle over to Meri, that was a good as a sign as any that Sabrina's work was finished. Tattooed fingers are curled around the neck of the bottle of whiskey and a decent sized draw from the fresh bottle is taken now that she's done playing assistant. The toe of her boot is hooked around the leg of a chair, yanking it out with from beneath the table and then flopping into a seat. "Sabrina. You are so kind. I would have left that splinter right there in his ass for him to figure out how to pick it out..." But Meri was also not a healer, isn't there like some rule that healers are not supposed to turn down a person in need? Maybe not but Meri thinks there is. "Don't tell me you came all the way out here for that though? Seems like waste of your expertise."

Sabrina leans against the counter, taking in the sights of a whimpering dwarf and his support of shoulder-high comrades. She points to the wounded. “By tomorrow that toothpick will turn into a dragon’s bite.” She smirks as well as shrugs to Meri. “I was already here, it happened moments before I saw you. Normally I would not be bothered, but this little band of brothers helped me out a lot when… well… before.” She collects a silver-cased bottle of her own that sat abandoned on the counter, “this was meant for a place of R&R but you know… when people see a healer their problems tend to suddenly be unmanageable.” The little horde of potatoes starts making its way through the door with mutters of ‘elf bitch’ and other such non-thank yous. The Healer seemed fine with it.

Meri wasn't so alright with it. As that horde exits and as those comments are muttered, the tavern door swings shut behind them alarmingly fast to roughly knock at least one of them swiftly in the rump. But who is to say that was really Meri? She's not even looking, doesn't even flinch, and is just smoothly having a conversation with Sabrina. "Naw, I don't really know. You know probably better than I, so I will just trust your word on that one. I also hear that men are bigger babies with their illnesses than women. Any truth to that one?" Meri's blue eyes finally travel toward the door that the gaggle of shorties just walked out of. Meri contemplated pressing Sabrina with further questions like 'before when' but she opts to take the conversation in a different route. Another smile is displayed on her lips as her gaze focuses right back on Sabrina. "A bit of rest and relaxation? A bit of a vacay is needed, hm? Not really the place I would have picked to go." Then again the last vacation Meri did go on went terribly awry, don't ask her for vacationing advice. "Do you ever really get a break from your line of work? Does not actually look like it..."

Sabrina chuckles lightly when the door seems to reach outside natural physics to bop one in the rear. She was about to ask Meri about her scale of control when the question is popped over men and women and thresholds. “Not a wives tale.” She gets up on the seat and spins toward the counter to help herself from that new-clean bottle and she too did not bother with the glassware, in this place the element of cleanliness was questionable at best. She takes a long drink, thoughts of previous days still thick in her mindset. “You know…” She sighs, maybe Meri did not care to divulge. “You ever killed anyone. On purpose?” Hardly vacation talk, but it was weighing on her. She rarely took time off and in the past year she had become known enough that all attempts had been snuffed by someone needing something. She wont look Meri in the eye. “An innocent. On purpose. To save someone you loved.” The conversation went dark, ideally this kind of death was against her core code, but in that split second she had decided and it was the ease of that decision that made it difficult. “She would have died anyway… just….maybe not so soon and not so free.” She takes a long drink. Clearly she gave more thought to this than most would. “All life is precious.” She scoffs out a single breath of sarcastic chuckle before taking another drink.

Meri is silent for a very long moment, fingers drumming against the neck of her bottle in contemplation. A drink comes before her answer comes and when words to begin to spill forth past red lips, it almost seems as though Meri would not be opening up on this front. "In the world that I come from, we do not speak so liberally of such things....in such places." The hand not holding the bottle is lifted so that she can make a vague motion via her finger to indicate she is referring to the tavern, the hand that reads pain in fact. "Because you never know what faces you can trust. Loose lips sink ships, Sabrina." This is not a threat coming from Meri, more a word of caution. "I have not. Not an innocent. No on purpose. Not to save someone. To defend myself? Perhaps innocents have been caught in the cross fire? But what you are describing...." Nothing Meri says will be helping Sabrina if this is what the woman is dealing with and thus her words fall short. "But you never know, I am a selfish woman, and it could merely be that I have not been dealt the same cards that you have been dealt. Perhaps I will never receive that hand. Maybe I will never know what I do. Everything is always more clear in hindsight...."

Sabrina shakes her head. All lightness had left the night. “The further I leave it behind me, the less clear it all becomes.” She swivels the seat, letting her back face the bar and perching elbows along the handrail. She didn’t seem to really care who saw her or heard her, or why. She realizes her act is perfectly legal, but she was her own worst enemy when it came to things like this. She sucks on her teeth a bit. “Wouldn’t be the first time, probably wont be the last…. Difficult to prove in any case.” She tilts her head to Meri. “People tend to think this life is any different than their own. It’s not.” She admits. “Though there is a veil of security in being needed.” Another swig before she offers the bottle to Meri who didn’t seem to be drinking her own. “In the end, we all get what we deserve, right?” Unlike the Human, the Elfess had far more years to pile up her punishment in the next life.

Meri often did not think of things in terms of legal or not, perhaps she should consider this more often. The laws of the lands could change but often what was considered moral and immoral remained the same. "Probably because you are wrought with guilt and are not confident in if you made the right decision or not." Meri was trying to pick her words so that there is no suggestion either way on if she feels, based on the very scant information that she has heard, that Sabrina was either right or wrong. The bottle of whiskey is brought to red lips, maybe the alcohol was causing Meri to get a little philosophical. Actually it was Sabrina herself that was pulling these thoughts out of Meri, the whiskey was just loosening her willingness to talk more in depth. Usually she preferred to stick to shallow and vapid things, at least in relation to herself. "To an extent I can agree with what you are saying and I get it. People do act like their lives are vastly different from anyone else's when really there is more in common that they might realize. More than they are willing to realize, even. Yet people do have different experiences...Neither here nor there though." A beat. "So what happened? What's eating at you?" Outside of the murder of an innocent, Meri understood that part.

Sabrina was off in some memory that she would likely never divulge. Meri’s question snaps her to attention. “oh, I am not guilty. I did what needed to be done… the problem is that it shouldn’t have been a problem in the first place. Frostmaw sees fit to offer tournaments, Larket is recently so consumed it social events that.. I don’t know Meri. It seems the west is in far more need than our current thriving areas.” She sets the bottle on the counter. “Even with the recent disaster and destruction of my home, I find Larket’s new leading couple to be… entertaining, to say the least.” In other words, putting their own needs before that of the people. This was not how a Kingdom should be run. Still, they were only Human. She settles on a verdict. “I think my time in Larket is done.”

Meri cants her head lightly to the side, the more Sabrina spoke the more confused that Meri became but she knew well enough when the answers were not going to be forth coming. Vague was something that Meri was more than a little fond of. Talk of Sabrina's guilt on the matter of this murder is left for the wayside. "You have been in Larket for the entire time that I have known you." Blue eyes travel west, as if Meri was able to see through walls and had a clear view of the landscape beyond. "If you feel that your time in Larket is done then it should be done." Meri says with no additional argument. "There is nothing saying that if you cannot change your mind later, that you cannot rebuild down the line. There is nothing saying this needs to be instant. Adventure is good. If west is calling you? Go west." Meri's business often kept her east, her preference was still toward Rynvale/Cenril/Gualon. "I have heard things about the current leading couple. From Krice." As much as one can hear from the rather taciturn and tight-lipped warrior. "It didn't seem as though he was a fan either. And the earthquake on the wedding day? That's not foreboding....Plus even if King Macon let Emilia go, that whole situation smelled rank of stupidity...." In regards to Larket's own law, Meri means. "What has you dissatisfied?"

Sabrina sets the bottle down on the counter, turning water rings into a small ballet. “It caters to the rich, citizens be damned.” Having been one to never worry about such things, she had been more and more aware of the stigma placed on the ‘little guy.’ “There is going to be yet another party by week’s end. As if the Queen has not been honored enough.” She is disappointed more than anything. “I remember Josleen when she was no more than an idle jobless nobody. I tell you, I liked her better then. Now everything is fancy and fluffed and… I am not too certain King Macon is whats best.” Again, she seemed to care less what word of this got anywhere, she had not implicated anyone as of yet. “I stopped to talk to Artia… after the change. I feel like she knows something about what I speak but… I suppose that is neither here nor there. She is too much of a coward and officially took herself from what little respect she had from me in the first place.” A change of subject was in order, this conversation was just bringing her down. “Hows business?”

Meri bites down on the inside of her lip for she too has her own memories of Josleen -- they were perhaps not numerous in quantity but a performance at a spring festival in Gualon so many years ago does stick out in her memory. She has not really seen the woman since, she cannot compare. Mention of Artia is met with a bit of a lofted brow, another woman who Meri has only encountered a limited number of times, she can count those interactions on one hand without even needing to use her thumb. Meri doesn't fully understand what the issue with Artia is but she presumes it must run far deeper than just becoming a vampire. "Yeah, I hardly know the woman. I really shouldn't have even been at that party. I don't even know why she invited me." Blue eyes are rolled, talk of that dreadful party causes the urge to drink to well up in Meri. It's not ignored. "Business has been good. I feel like I have been doing tattoos left and right. I knock one down and then another springs up, not that I am complaining. Keep that gold coming in, right? The latest piece that I did was for Brennia? And then I think that...Thamalys is going to be wanting to get something from me soon too." Look, Meri got the name right. "Keeping me busy for the time being but I am sure it'll drop off. It always does at some point."

Sabrina shrugs her shoulders aptly. She had nothing further to speak of on Josleen or Artia. She smiles about the gold, lofting her bottle in a silent cheers. “Makes the world go ‘round, or so I hear.” She perks up at Thamalys. She laughs and takes another swig. “He is far more courteous than people give him credit for. Good guy that one, though I think he and Emilia are far closer than I like within my ranks.” She laughs out loud at the idea, considering how close she was to one that was supposed to bridge a gap. “Well, when it does, you can put me in.” She spares a finger from the neck of the bottle to point at Meri directly. “Organic inks, I must insist.” She would have none of that magic business injected between the superficial layers of her skin- went that route once, and it didn’t end well.

Meri can't help the smirk that comes to her lips as Sabrina voices her suspicions about Thamalys and Emilia. While Meri cannot confirm or deny these details fully she will lend to Sabrina's suspicions. "Ooooh, I know that they are close enough he has seen the tattoo that have done for her." The hand not holding that bottle motions to where she did Emilia's tattoo and it's on the woman's right hip/thigh. How scandalous! Though if she really believed that any amount of punishment would come to either Thamalys or Emilia, she would not have voiced this gossip. Then again, it's Emilia. Meri has also seen her in the nude a handful of times and it hasn't amounted to anything romantic between either of them. A beat, a slight shift in the subject, "Say, you know how I was gone for awhile?" And then couldn't remember anything for another long while, though Meri was certain Sabs was not up to speed with that detail. "Well I am still trying to get up to speed with a lot of things. This stuff with Larket. Frostmaw. I chatted with Krice but you know how Krice is." And they chatted about Larket. "So what's the haps with Frostmaw? I hear they're waring away like usual? And this red dirt is running rampant up there?" Maybe Sabrina would have insights, maybe she wouldn't, but it never hurt to ask. Hear what you hear, learn what you learn.

Eirik places a well calloused hand against the door to the pub, weight shifting forward to allow his frame to shift through the threshold of the establishment. The door itself swings shut behind his near six foot frame while booted feet carry him to the barkeep. As per usual the Lycan stands clad in his usual fixings of war; his appearance no different than when he arrived at SoulsKin. A chain mail sleeve works its way up his right arm and weaves into a fir covered leather and steel plate pauldron. A sleeveless silver stitched black jerkin protects his torso while matching pants give way to scuffed steel greaves that protect shins and his booted feet. Brann forbruker, a runic long sword, lies tied to his hip via means of a leather baldric. Unprotected left hand slaps the counter top near the bartender. “I’ll take an ale,” he pauses for a moment. “And, nah forget it. I’ll eat later.” The worker is quick to fill his order and place a foamy mug before the Northman. Silver eyes now finally skip from patron to patron, watching their jovial manner. Its now that Eirik realizes Meri and Sabrina are also here. Suddenly the mug is picked up as he moves towards the two. “Mind if I join you?” his voice low and grainy, like rocks being crushed beneath a weighted boot.

Sabrina looks shocked. “Krice? No… he is a plethora of insight.” She grins and drinks to that. “Frostmaw carrys on lie the good old days, blood is high on their priority and the Warrior’s Guild is… active. To say the least.” In any case, they kept her busy. Sabrina turns to that familiar gruff voice and a wide smile spreads across her face. “Speak of the devil and the devil shall come forth.” She turns her chair to face him, looking him up and down. “You have seen better days.” And another glance at his closely cropped beard and lack of soot. “Though I do like that sanitary improvements.”

Meri issues a smirk to Sabrina because of her shocked reaction to Krice and his insights. It was information but it wasn't quite the information that Meri was fishing for. Meri remains focused on her conversation with Sabrina right up until she hears that grainy voice she has spoken with a couple of times, presence confirmed by Sabrina. Alas, Meri might have been made with too much spice and not enough sugar for Eirik's question earns himself a glare, albeit playful in nature. "Excuse me. Can you not see that I am on a date with my woman? It's blood rude to interrupt. No, you may not sit down." Despite her telling the warrior off, the woman kicks out a chair for the man to sink into. There are only so many chairs available for Meri to kick out across from her so he gets one next to Sabrina. Back to the healer, as clearly Meri had gotten distracted. "I work with organic inks most of the time and you're welcome to come by the shop regardless of my schedule. Now Rynvale? That is some R & R. You think warrior boy...." Meaning Eirik, yeah, he just got called a boy. "Would have any deeper insights to things up in Frostmaw?" Blue eyes settle on Eirik, "How's it going, Eirik? How's the tattoo healing?"

Eirik flicks his attention to Sabrina first, eyebrows raising at her mention of sanitary improvements. “What exactly is the devil?” The Northman had been hearing this expression a lot recently and by the look etched upon his scarred visage, her comment had just gone over his head. Its an expression he does not quite understand, because he has no concept of what a 'Devil’ is. Thoughts quickly working on a half amused reprisal, “running wild in the woods naked tends to do that to a man. I’ll be sure to spend more time away to bathe before returning home.” If she thought she might be spared a little embarrassment because Meri was present, she is definitely wrong. “Meri,” attention shifts to her and a nod is offered in hello. Eyes watch her form as she stabs daggers at him with words. An amused grin spreads over features, left hand snatching the chair kicked out at him. The mug is set down, “Tattoo is doing fine.” Frame shifts to sit down in the ‘offered chair’. “Its blood rude,” mocking her own tone, “to assume you can date my amin.” And as for the term boy used Eirik just picks the mug up and drinks. If she wanted information, the blond wench could try a different tone.

Sabrina did not flush, just rolled her eyes at Eirik and turns back to Meri. Here is where she would not the clemency on the closeness within her ranks as a hand falls to Eirik’s thigh in an effort to make him feel more at ease. He was a berserker after all. “I will go down when the time is right… I would really feel more comfortable in an empty shop.” She did not answer Eirik’s question of the devil, it was a term she picked up and her knowledge wasn’t exactly vast on religious affairs. “She jests, that is all.” The Healer knew Meri meant nothing by it, and the woman was a dear friend, just like Raphaline. She leans into him, awaiting him to finish his drink before releasing her bottle and graces his lower jaw with her other hand gently. She’d explain to Meri softly. “He is very protective of me.” But she is looking in his eyes when she says it, giving Eirik the warmest of smiles.

Meri definitely doesn't think Sabrina is going to be spared embarrassment, no, but Meri would chuckle at the joke Eirik makes of her. There is a slight lift of the brow as she observes Sabrina with Eirik, it's not the affection that calls Meri's attention but the way the healer almost seems to be trying to calm the man. Interesting. The woman clears her throat just a bit, "We're all friends here. I trust that Eirik has been exposed to my bad humor enough that he knows I am joking. Obnoxious pain in the arse is probably a kind summary of me, no? I'm sure he'll tell me to step off when I really piss him off." A wink to both Meri and Sabrina. Though Meri does have a hunch as to which point of what she he was taking less kindly to -- because it's the point that goes unanswered. "I was just asking Sabrina for the low down with things around Frostmaw as I was gone for awhile and I don't feel like I am in the know..." A casual shrug, bottle pressed to red lips. "You know Larket has it's with the King, the earthquake, not taking care of the people, being more concerned with parties. Gualon is...." A shrug on talk of Gualon, it was quiet. "Cenril has it's gang problem like it always does and apparently it's kicking up a drug problem now to, eh? But I am not too familiar with Frostmaw news. Just what I have plucked from Krice but have you talked to Krice before? It's like pulling teeth. You stomp around that area more than I do, don't you?"

Eirik took a deep breath, letting it go. Certain humor is just flat out wasted on the man, and Meri’s, this time around, sparked nothing but anger. Sabrina was right to look into his eyes and place that hand upon his jaw line. He was an easy dog to rile up, and the tattoo artist had literally just found the quickest way to do so. The last person to attempt anything like that was on the receiving end of an attempted punch. Rorin. Suddenly his mouth had a bad taste in it. Protective is not quite the word he would use, but let that go entirely. The Northman gives her that same warm smile, telling her it would be alright, unless of course things were pushed more. Eirik isn’t one to warn. He is one to act and lash out. “Frostmaw is still Frostmaw,” his tone softened. “Queen Hildegarde still runs it and the Warriors guild.” Eirik shifts his features to Meri, and right hand reaches for the healers hand upon his thigh where it comes to rest. “There is some kind of drug problem there. Seen that myself. People wandering in a confused state. Poor districts hit harder than most. Had a run in with Lionel a while back. The knight commander was unarmed and being attacked by six armed assailants.” He takes a moment to swallow back that ale again and place the mug down. “Who ever is hauling the stuff is getting rather bold.” His voice drops lower even though he is in Craughmoyle not Frostmaw. “Lionels asked me to patrol the streets, put my senses to use to see if I can locate the source.”

Sabrina turns to Meri, earnestly taking that kind of talk to heart. “I wouldn’t say that at all, Meri.” If Sabrina knew anything about Meri it was that no matter the task- that woman has always been there for her even if certain times were interrupted by rough and callous Rynvalian runesmiths. She releases Eirik, though keeps her hand buried beneath his and it would remain there for as long as he allowed it. She listens to the Northman, nodding here and there at bits and pieces she may have overheard others talking about but nothing really there for her to confirm or convey on her own accounts. “Is that this Red stuff people keep asking about? Eleenin mentioned something of it but he said there was no medicinal purpose for it.”

Meri unfortunately has never been warned of Eirik's temper so the blonde has no idea that the line that exists with him is a very bold and deep one and that it should not be crossed. As of this moment, Eirik and Sabrina just looked like some sappy couple sitting across the table from her. The urge to skip out on the table was rising but they had finally touched upon that subject that Meri -was- interested in. She'd try not to let it show too much, there wasn't a smirk, no obvious reaction. Ideally it would just be a smooth flow in conversation. "You know once upon a time I fought Hildegarde in a tournament." Meri doesn't feel inclined to spell out that she lost, that seemed obvious. One does not earn the rank of Queen in a warring country without good reason. Fingers once more find themselves wrapping around her bottle, another drink, this one quite deep. It's placed on the table in front of her, only to place her right hand over her left wrist, idly rubbing at the freshest of her tattoos. "Never really thought that Frostmaw would have a drug problem. They always struck me as too....militant for that. And they haven't managed to get it under wraps yet? With no leads on who might be running it?" Another studious gaze is leveled on the couple across from her.

Eirik nods to Sabrina, “It is." His tone of voice still very low, however he lofts a brow as if to confirm Meri’s words. “They’ve no leads that I know of. In fact they seem a little desperate to find the source.” He flicks his gaze from Sabrina to Meri, thumb of his left hand points up at his own chest. “I’m not even a citizen or a guard in Frostmaw. Yet, I was asked to look into this business personally.” That isn’t the move of someone who knows whats behind it all. Nor is it the move of a man who has suspects in it. “I only see the citizens on it and it’s no small number. It is a serious problem.” The mug is raised yet again, but this time the contents are finished. “I’m sorry to cut this short, but I have official Warriors guild and healers guild business to attend to tomorrow. I need to get myself some sleep.” The northman stands abruptly and smiles at Meri. If she was going to be clued in on his quick temper it would have to come from Sabrina. “Amin,” silver eyes move to the elfess. “I’ll be upstairs whenever you’re done.” The northman pulls free a few coins to pay for their drinks and places it upon the table. “If you’d like to know more, I’m going on patrol tomorrow night. You can come see it for yourself Meri.” Finally, he shifts on foot making his way to the stairs. “Good night you two.” Those are the last words stated as he rounds the stairs.

Sabrina knew nothing of these kinds of ordeals, and she already found herself so far into this conversation that was way over her head. She slumps slightly in her chair- that bottle of hers containing far more than just liquor if any were to pick it up in her daze. As Eirik’s low tones begin to rumble beneath her head she lifts up in time to see him rise. She is grinning awfully stupidly at him, like he thought he was going to get comfortable without her. She gives Meri a wink. “I think that’s my queue, if I plan on sleeping sound tonight he needs to make me more tired first.” She grins deep at the implication, truly, she didn’t like to be apart from him ever, but their business often took them in different directions. She would stay close to him while they could spare the time. She stands, mock-kissing Meri on the cheek since she still physically touches very few outside of necessity. “Rest… we will speak again soon.” And she takes after Eirik, hopping on his back and wrapping herself around him, nuzzling into his neck and whispering something that made her giggle.

Meri lifts her bottle to Eirik as indication that she would be there, for the patrol that is, not any official guild business. The implication in Sabrina's words is understood fully and it's met with a smirk, "Well good night to the both of you." Short, sweet and simple. That mock kiss from Sabrina is met with a sly grin and one final joke, "Stop it, I already got in trouble once tonight." The blonde would give the couple plenty of time to disappear up the stairs before decidedly departing the Inn entirely. Sabrina has effectively killed the want for Meri to get a room of her own in the same establishment. No offense Sabs, get you some.