RP:Icy Moral Lift

From HollowWiki

Summary: Emilia runs into Kelovath at the war-camp. Offering her services, Kelovath decided to show Emilia the medical ward.

Hildegarde's War Mansion in the Mountains

Kelovath decided that since he was able to move about more freely, to do some exploring of the building. It was a strange place, a real mystery as to why it was empty before the war-party moved in. So much magic and character were put into every inch. The armored paladin admired anything that happened to standout. After walking around the building for quite some time, the paladin found a spot on the staircase and sat down. Armored legs lifted up, arms resting on them and a small smile on his face. His eyes looked all around the room, never stopping too long on a single thing.

Emilia found her way with the guidance of another into the war camp’s residency. The little woman almost fit perfectly into this frozen estate as if she was a marble statue from its inner structure that had magically come to life. Those bare feet of hers gliding, near hovering, over the frozen floor with grace she never had as a human. White gown bustling with her movements about her mere skin and bone frame while crazed frosted curls flowed at their own accord. The only color to the lass was the blue of her eyes, lips, nails, and faint silvery-blue freckles dusting frozen flesh. Kelovath was spotted as she made it further inside, a small hand lifting to wave at him, “Hello there?”

Kelovath didn’t notice the woman right away. His attention was pretty much all over the place. It had been several nights since getting any sleep and his small nap earlier gave him the energy he’d been missing. The paladin didn’t move when finally noticing the woman, mostly because he wasn’t sure if she was actually talking to him. The words were heard, but she fit in so well with the room that his initial thought was she was a statue. But, seeing her wave, the man stood up and waved back. “Oh. Hello there.” He replied with a small smile. “I hardly even noticed you there. Can I help you with something?” He didn’t want to say she seemed lost, but he certainly thought it.

Emilia moved closer with gliding steps over the frozen floor when the man she’d waved at realized that she was speaking to him. Once the small lady was within comfortable conversation range, yet out of reach, she came to a stop. “I am not sure I am in the right place, but then again lately...I tend to be more lost than anything else. Cannot seem to remember much of anything, especially how to get anywhere, but I was looking for the one that looks like this...” As such she would uncrumple the ball of parchment in her hand to reveal a wrinkled sketch of Hildegarde. “Am I really that bland looking that I am not noticeable?”

Kelovath kept his smile present as the woman spoke. He looked at the sketch and nodded his head. “Ah. Yes. That’s Queen Hildegarde. She resides within this building, but I’m afraid I do not know where. Most of my time has been spent in the medical ward.” He was a bit taken back at how blunt the woman was, but he stayed confident while answering. “Bland? No. You blend in so well here. There is much of this building I have not explored. And the areas I have, there appears to be lingering magic. I thought you were…Part of that magic?” It sounded ridiculous out loud, but too late to take it back. He laughed softly and offered a shrug. “Not really sure how to explain it.”

Emilia could not help but let out a small giggle that sounded like ice clinking against a glass, “Well, I suppose being mistaken for a statue from a frozen building is better than being mistaken for snowman...lady come to life in Frostmaw.” There was a gentle smile on those frosted blue lips, “Seems for once I am not fully lost. I at least have the right place, perhaps not the right person, but you haven’t attacked so that must be good.” As the woman spoke she moved her hands, talking with them, which caused a gentle fall of snowflakes from those ever white fingers with a reaction to the chill and ice of the estate. Even at her feet one could notice the floor forming extra layers of ice on top of that which was already present.

Kelovath did take notice of the ice forming on the floor. The snowflakes actually caught his attention more than the floor, though. “Although this is a war-camp, there are peaceful beings here. Friendly people.” His smile grew, thoughts of his time spent here coming to mind. Sure, most of that time was spent around sick and injured soldiers and women and children, but there had been worse places to be. “I wish I could take you to Hildegarde, but I think we may get lost trying to get to her. I’m sure there are a few guards nearby that could escort you to the Queen. I’ll be needing to get back to the medical ward here soon.” Again, his eyes shifted from the forming snowflakes, then back to the woman herself. He wondered how much control she had over her magic, but would never ask about it. Too polite for such a question.

Emilia found her own interest in his stay in the medical ward of this place, “Medical ward? I will wager you are not the one injured or ill? Though if so you do a great job of keeping it under wraps.” A flash of smile, “I find that easier said than done....I should probably have the stitches removed from my side sooner than later, but there are so many other things that need done first.” Running her fingers through her hair more snow fell from the small frozen lass. Her control of her elemental magic was less in tune when surrounded by the strange magic of this place or the element itself anymore, too long away from it. “Anyways, I can always find Hildegarde later if you need help in the medical bay...I happen to be a healer and do not mind offering what help I can give here.”

Kelovath shook his head. “No. Not when I arrived.” A few laughs escaped passed his lips and he turned to head toward the medical ward. “Well, if you can help, I think we’ll be able to find something for you here.” The paladin waited for a moment, seeing if the woman would follow him up the stairway. The hallways were just as beautiful and full of magic as the bottom floor, with pieces of furniture placed here and there against the walls. It was clear they were now getting closer to the medical ward, as the noise level grew. “Here we are.” Inside of the room, there were make-shift cots all throughout the room, and each cot assigned to a person. “There isn’t a whole lot of organization here, but once making a few rounds, it clicks eventually.” A nurse approached Kelovath, asking a couple of questions that the man was easily able to answer. Once finished with her questioning, the paladin smiled and nodded his head before turning back to the newly met woman. “I’m Kelovath Khasmin, by the way.” He introduced himself with the same smile as before.

Emilia moved to follow along behind the man as he led the way up the stairs. As she moved within the building coated in a layer of ice she made no sound of footfalls, not even as she glided up the stairs behind him. The path was watched carefully as she made mental notes about not only how to get back to where she just left, but the details of the strange building. Once in the medical bay the eyes of the Genasi glanced around the room taking time to study over the different people she could see assigned to the different cots across the room. It was delayed, but her attention finally landed back on Kelovath as he introduced himself to her. A smile while she offered a frozen hand toward him, “Lia, pleasure to meet you, Sir Kelovath.” That offered hand was beyond chilled for a normal being, like shaking a skin covered block of ice that left a layer of frost behind from the physical contact.

Kelovath had not been called ‘Sir’ in a very long time. Back before leaving Hollow, more than likely. It should have bought back a few memories, but the chill of the woman’s hand stopped any of that from happening. Even with his gauntlet on, the cold could be felt. It wasn’t a bad feeling, just surprising. Quickly, he replied. “Nice to meet you as well.” He let go of her hand and looked around the room. “Well, I’d introduce you to the nurses, but I think getting involved with the patients first would be better. You’ll be able to learn the nurse’s names as you go.” It sounded like the paladin just threw the woman into a full time job, but he knew the time spent here was voluntary. Anyone could leave when they wanted. Including the sick. But, they were here to help the cause. To help Hildegarde. The paladin made his way to a nearby cot where a young boy sat alone, playing with a few toys. The boy looked up to Kelo and smiled. “Heya, Kelo!” The armored man looked down to the boy and replied, “Hello, Luke. How are you feeling today?” The boy shrugged and offered no verbal response. Kelo turned to Lia and spoke, “His family died at the war-camp. He was injured during the attack. His legs…” Motioning toward the blanket that covered the boy from the waist down. “They work, but it’ll be some time before he can fully walk again. Magic has done all it can, at this point.”

Emilia flashed a timid yet bright smile to the armor wearing man. It was more a fear of never remembering the names of the nurses with her memories not working like they should. She feared that she’d forget his name by morning, but she prayed to whatever may listen to let her not forget this time around. As he moved she followed along behind him toward the lad. She had children, not that she remembered them, but that motherly instinct was still there despite the lack of knowledge it was. “Magic has its ups and it has its down, but time is the only true healer out there. And sometimes it is that which takes the longest to heal that has the most to offer.” Idle words rambled at Kelo while she studied over the lad in the cot. Squatting down the woman was careful to keep her distance from the boy knowing full well she could make things worse with her frozen nature...frostbite or cause a cold. Holding out her hand with the other hand cupped over it the Genasi slowly opened her hands to reveal a little frozen sculpture of a knight that with a bit of fine tuning as it was revealed to Luke started to march in place on her palm, “Hi, Luke. I’m Lia and I was wondering if you could do me a favor? This little guy here needs brave young soul like yourself to keep him company. See knights have this link to other knights that tell them when another is nearby and he would like to stay with you. What do you say?” The lass offered her hand slowly toward Luke, offering him the frozen knight.

Kelovath watched as the little boy looked at Lia with a smile. Carefully, Luke reached out and accepted the frozen knight, never taking his eyes off the marching soldier. “I’ll protect him.” The boy said softly. There was surely some underlining motive in his words, based on his history, but for now, everyone seemed happy. For Kelovath, that was good enough. “All right, Luke. We are going to take a walk around. If you need anything, we’ll be close by, okay?” The boy hardly even gave the paladin a second look. Laughing a bit, Kelo turned and started to walk away from Luke. After moving out of ear-shot, the paladin looked to Lia and offered a smile. “He took to you rather quickly, Lia. He hasn’t smiled like that since arriving here. Thank you.”

Emilia gave the brightest smile as Luke took the small frozen marching solider. As it left her hand it walked over into his hand and gave him a salute before going still again. It would move and interact with him while the woman was in the clinic to provide the magic to it, but it would remain without melting. “Well, Luke or should I say Sir Luke my little Knight, that you for being such a brave young man and keeping good care of him for me.” Standing the lass moved to lightly ruffle the hair of the lad before making her way out of ear shot with Kelovath, “All part of the job of being a healer. You cannot help anyone if they do not have any trust in you and kids have it the worst. He is a good lad and I hope to see a great future for him. He will survive this. But, you are welcome. Like I said, I am here to help in any way I can, healing or offering frozen knights as therapy to a lad.”

Kelovath was happy to hear that the woman was so willing to help out. Later on, he’d be sure to check on Luke and his progress. Obviously nothing would happen right away, but a good mind set did wonders for healing as well. As the paladin was about to speak, a yawn suddenly found its way to his lips. Right away, the man covered his mouth and began laughing. “Well now. That was unexpected. In all the recent excitement, it appears my body is needing rest.” The excitement included much more than this interaction. It actually extended to several days now of little to no sleep. Kelovath glanced around the room and motioned toward a large partition near the back of the room. “When you’re ready for sleep, there are a couple of cots back there. I’m not pushing you to stay here, but there is some space, should you wish. I can also send word to Queen Hildegarde, letting her know you are here to speak to her.” His attention shifted back to Lia. “For now, I believe it is time for some rest. I trust I’ll see you sometime tomorrow? Hopefully you’ll be able to see Hildegarde soon.”

Emilia gave a gentle smile before she giggled softly as the man yawned. “I can tell that you have spent a few too many hours awake, Sir. I can keep a watch on the clinic here should something happen so that you can get some good rest for the night. I promise you that I won’t kill anyone and that you will do so much more with life and helping when you have rested a good full night sleep yourself.” There was a smile still, “And thank you, I am sure Hildegarde has many other things to worry about than a wandering lost Genasi looking for her, but thank you. Sleep well.”