RP:Hydra and Dragonborn

From HollowWiki

Kelay Tavern

Sarafinah steps through the door of the tavern once more, her wings folded against her back and her tail trailing behind her. The bar is where she is headed and thus makes her way there with soft foot steps and then takes a seat. To Mesthak, "I'll have a whiskey please. Nothing else at the moment." She sits there in silence and sighs deeply as she glances over to the board with tear stained eyes.

Silvertail looks up at the new comer and and at first with curiosity, but then as he realizes she is part dragon all he can do is go in to a defensive position as he analyzes her . He then ask in a curious, but hostile tone "what is your business here dragon born."

Sarafinah turns in the seat she has chosen, to eye the one speaking to her and in such an informal way, but with hostility to it. She doesn't try to hide what she is, but shows it off freely and willingly and proudly. "I am only here to get lost in a drink and forget my worries. I would assume the same for you, but that would be wrong so I ask in return, what is your business here?" Large green eyes look over the male as she takes in his looks, his clothes and his scent, which can be noticed by how she takes in a deep breath through her nose.

Silvertail relaxes and in a happy almost child-like tone say "O, that is all well at least i know I don't have to kill you and well you see my business here is not that of here,but everywhere." He shifts back on to his hind legs as the sound of cloths are made as he moves but none are present. He then says in a child's kind of formal tone "My goal here is to learn all that I can." He then fully relaxes as though he has no worries anymore.

Sarafinah is distracted momentarily as her drink is set before her. "Thank you," she says and gives the rightful amount and a little extra as a tip. Back to the hydra, she smiles and moves over. She doesn't take a seat but stands, knowing it's rude to invite one's self to another's table. "I think you would have a hard time killing me, but with that aside, you can't learn all that you can sitting around in a place such as this. You have to get out there, *she points to the door* where learning is far better."

Silvertail looks to the door and replies in a almost hysterical tone "Out there" he then begins laughing for a moment and continues "I am always out and about, I only sit in here for people like you or anyone else who seem worth my time. If you wish to accompany me be my guest, but if you stay i will stay for i quite enjoy you dragon born." he then walks to the door, sits down and await an answer.

Sarafinah sighs and shakes her head, "I do have a name, Sara. What you call me makes it seem like I am a rising hero when I am not." She takes a few big gulps of the whiskey then sets it on the bar and follows the hydra without a second thought. He is a type of dragon and well, Sara feels more comfortable around dragons than she does elves or humans or any other creature really. Well, except Zendor. She likes him, likes him enough that she wants to kiss him more and more when she thinks of him. "Anything is better than being in here. I shouldn't be drinking that stuff anyways. Makes one do things they normally wouldn't do and gets them into loads of trouble."

Silvertail look around to see if anyone else is around upon confirmation that it is only the priest he turns around and give an happy sigh. As he does this the other two heads to the left and right of the center head let out a blood curtailing scream as they are surrounded in a black mist and are shifted back and morphed into something that looks like wings, but fall across his back like a cloak. His head then twitches as small mist particles change all, but his tail to silver . His scent is now more that of a vampire than a dragon, but yet his aura is still dragon. He then in a happy tone say "glade that dumb spell is gone, I hate not being able to use magic in there."

Sarafinah just smiles, "Why would you want to hide what you are? I think you are beautiful the way you were. Just as I am beautiful the way I am." Her green eyes look him over once more and she waits for his reply, as her overly large wings are stretched and then relaxed. "I can understand using magic when you need it, but to use it to hide all the time.... That I don't get. The dragon race should never have to hide. They are mighty and the rulers of the skies, waters and earth."

Silvertail looks at sara understanding her confusion and replies "Because my cousin i don't only take forms I mimic, see watch." He then steps into the shadow of a dead tree and becomes undetectable by normal sight. He speaks out of the darkness in a sadder tone "many do not like me because of my nature though so i chose to cloak my self ."

Sarafinah raises a brow, "Then they are not worth being around then.Don't ever be afraid to be yourself. The more you are yourself, the more you will be liked and the more you will learn." She curls her tail around herself along the ground, notices that one of her tail spikes is dirty and starts to clean it off, "So where do you come from? You don't have to tell me if you don't want too, though I assure you that I am no threat to you, even if you were one to me."

Silvertail walks out of the shade and release all magic surrounding him and replies in sad tone "I.... I don't really know I have been told I am a void-ling which explain the magic and voices, but i was found as an egg and raised by Dryads." As the magic fades around Silvertail his coloring stay the same only all three heads are present instead of wings. His other two heads seem lifeless and empty responding only to silvertails emotion, one head has a set of crimson eyes while the other deep blue. His main head however now has a set of deep black eye that almost resemble the night sky.

Sarafinah is pretty tall so it causes her to look down to the dragonkin with a smile, "The magic and voices are apart of you. They make you what you are. You shouldn't want to hide that. I don't want you to hide it around me." She reaches out and caresses the side of his main head with a careful hand. Her touch is soft and friendly, even caring and full of love. She presses her head to his with a grin, "Like I said, you are beautiful the way you are." She steps back from him, making it obvious that she has love for the dragonkind more so than she does for the other races. Silvertail looks at sara with emotionless eye for a moment as his other heads act up trying to understand whats happening. Silvertail then comes out of thought and replies "why are you so kind you really do seem to care most people just ... just act nice in fear of death." His words start to fade at the end as he looks at the ground in wait for an answer.

Sarafinah giggles under hushed tones, "I am kind because I want others to be kind to me. But, I love dragons, all of them, even if they try to kill me. You are no exception. I may only be half, but I still love 'em all." The thought alone makes her sigh in happiness, and she hasn't even forgotten that she missed out on a tournament to prove herself. "Death to me is just another adventure. Who knows, I might come back as a dragon of some kind myself, if that is how it really works. But I try not to think about it and live how I want to live." She holds out her hand and watches as it glowes green, an indication that she has a small amount of magic within her. She does this to show that the two of them have magic, that they have something else in common besides their dragon lineage.

Silvertail looks up at sara's extended hand and clamps down on it with his middle head, though this bite leaves no wound and causes no pain. After he releases Sara's hand he collapses from energy loss. (Silvertail is now unable to move for the time being, but able to speak) He then says in a happy voice "this is my gift to you, I give you my life, except it or not I trust you not to die and leave me alone ." He then sighs in relief and says tearfully to himself aloud "It's good to have family again, I feel needed once more."

Sarafinah smiles to him once more, "Well of course. You are always needed, even if you don't know it or can't see it." Sara yawns and turns away as she does, "Excuse me.... I've been traveling all day by foot and I'm a bit tired. I will have to sleep soon. Perhaps we can find a place to settle down where its safe, like under that big tree there." She points to the druids tree, knowing it would be safe for them there. But she needed sleep to rest her tired body and prepare it for challenges and training sessions.

Silvertail agrees to needing sleep and exclaims "shall we go?"

Sarafinah nods her head and positions herself beside the hydra as an equal and starts to walk with him to the Druids Tree. Once there, she lets him choose his place of rest and then does the same for herself but near him. "Don't worry about leaving me if you wake up and want to wander. I can take care of myself and might head back to Frostmaw to see if I can find a friend." With that said and done, she closes her eyes to sleep, as the sound of water helps her.