RP:Hudson's New Ride

From HollowWiki

Summary: Hudson gets a moody horse; the hollow equivalent of a souped up sports car!

Alvina's House

Hudson had hopped in a carriage to Alvina's - she being on the way to his destination - and asked for the driver to idle outside while he checked to see if she was home. This visit was relatively unannounced, after all, and there is a possibility she isn't home. In the frenzy of the day following their trip to the beach, Hudson had made up his mind to see about a flying mount, hired the carriage, and completely neglected to send advance notice. And so, after peering somewhat awkwardly into one of her exterior windows and privately scripting his explanation for the surprise visit, he approaches Alvina's door and knocks.

Hudson had hopped in a carriage to Alvina's - she being on the way to his destination - and asked for the driver to idle outside while he checked to see if she was home. This visit was relatively unannounced, after all, and there is a possibility she isn't home. In the frenzy of the day following their trip to the beach, Hudson had made up his mind to see about a flying mount, hired the carriage, and completely neglected to send advance notice. And so, after peering somewhat awkwardly into one of her exterior windows and privately scripting his explanation for the surprise visit, he approaches Alvina's door and knocks.

Hudson braces himself for the maybe awkwardness of seeing Alvina. Part of him knows that in his heart of hearts he hadn't sent word because he had wanted to risk that maybe she wouldn't be home. It's not that he didn't want her to come with him; of course, he did, but he just didn't know how to act, a fact which is borne out in the way he looks at her with owl-like incredulity. "You're home," he says with a warm grin, stating the obvious in order to buy himself some time with which to greet her properly. With a glance up and down her person, he absorbs her appearance. Cute dress. One hand roughly scratches at his hair, which is in a little disarray. "Was rather hoping you'd come with me to see about a horse farm? Just wanted to ask about maybe a flying mount... If you've got plans for today though, no need though," he gestures at her dress, "I was just passing by. Say, what did you mean about part time job?"

Alvina laughs at his confusion, without malice, and holds up a single digit to ask for a second to gather her things. That should serve as an answer about whether or not she would be willing to go. A few steps inside to grab her satchel and then back out to lock the door behind her. "Since you're moving into a new place, I didn't know if you needed a new job to help cover it." She lit up with a bright smile. "I'm glad you stopped by but why are you going to the horse farm?" She asked, looking over the carriage to see how it was all put together.

Hudson peeks inside as Alvina disappears within to grab her things. "Oh, no, it's all sorted I think. The rent's very cheap," he answers her when she surfaces with an explanation for her comment. He offers her a sheepish grin. He doesn't explain why the rent is so cheap; that much should be obvious - it's a complete dump. As they reach their ride, Huds yanks open the carriage door, holding it and ushering her in first before sliding in behind her. "Because I want to ask if they breed flying horses too. I guess if they don't I'll have to think of something else," he says once they're in the privacy of the carriage. It starts off in the direction of the hobbits outside Xalious, and Hudson takes a moment to make himself comfortable, draping an arm out over the back of the carriage cushion. "You look really nice," he says to her. He pauses to consider the implication. "I mean you normally do, too, but I wanted to make a remark."

The Farm Outside Xalious

Alvina steps into the carriage with a blush of surprise as he opens the door for her. Poised and elegant, she awaits with some anticipation the carriage's movement forward. "If they don't, we can make a horse fly ourselves. Between an engineer and a master alchemist? No trouble at all." When he compliments her dress, smiles, reaching over a hand to take his as he stumbles about trying to watch her feelings. She'll meet his eyes as they travel, and squeeze his hand gently with affection, letting go once they arrive to open the door for him in turn. Her emerald gaze falls on the horse farm with delight, much akin to a school child in the midst of too many sweets. "Hudson!" She calls, having made her way to the nearest fence where a horse found need to nibble through the fence at her lazy dress.

"Master alchemist," Hudson snorts at Alvina's overly generous moniker for him. That said, as they settle in for the ride, he turns the idea of a mechanically flying horse over in his head, liking the idea more each time. It's at this point no longer startling, maybe even rather sweet, when Alvina tucks her hand in his. He tells her, meeting her gaze, about how his mum had made his favorite pie (pecan) the day before, and how she's having a hard time with the move. His room's still at home, he explains, because she refused to hear of converting it to a library. When the carriage stops at the farm, he feels more and more committed to the idea of building their mechanical flying horse than having an actual flying horse. And he feels like maybe some of the strange tension with Alvina has dissipated.. And some of it is a little worse, considering he had been not a wee bit tactfully evasive! In any event, they had the horses to consider, and Huds pays the carriage man and joins Alvina with her latest acquaintance. Huds tries - as he was taught - to breathe in the horse's nostrils. "Hello chap," he says to the horse, who rolls its eyes and tosses its head, whinnying in response. "Not sure if a successful greeting," muses Hudson.

"Master alchemist," Hudson snorts at Alvina's overly generous moniker for him. That said, as they settle in for the ride, he turns the idea of a mechanically flying horse over in his head, liking the idea more each time. It's at this point no longer startling, maybe even rather sweet, when Alvina tucks her hand in his. He tells her, meeting her gaze, about how his mum had made his favorite pie (pecan) the day before, and how she's having a hard time with the move. His room's still at home, he explains, because she refused to hear of converting it to a library. When the carriage stops at the farm, he feels more and more committed to the idea of building their mechanical flying horse than having an actual flying horse. And he feels like maybe some of the strange tension with Alvina has dissipated.. And some of it is a little worse, considering he had been not a wee bit tactfully evasive! In any event, they had the horses to consider, and Huds pays the carriage man and joins Alvina with her latest acquaintance. Huds tries - as he was taught - to breathe in the horse's nostrils. "Hello chap," he says to the horse, who rolls its eyes and tosses its head, whinnying in response. "Not sure if a successful greeting," muses Hudson.

Hudson wonders if it's not maybe somewhat improvident to put wings on an animal that's never had wings... and then attempt to ride that animal. "I expect we will have to create some sort of safety harness for me," he comments, canting his head to cast a side-eye at the horse, as if quietly accusing it of likely wanting to throw him midair. The horse, for its part, begins to snuffle his pocket, likely in search of a snack, and Huds makes useless anxious noises as he twists out of the horse's range. It did not exactly delight him to have the horse sniffing about in that general area, for snack reasons or no. "I don't have anything for you, mate!" he says, and the horse in response snorts with indignation. Hudson joins Alvina's side, making her the barrier between himself and further equine molestations. "He seems lively enough," says Huds. "I suppose I'm not very used to horses but he might do. You like him?"

Alvina studies the creature before facing Hudson. "I don't know if it'll work, we'll have to create a whole system and then teach the horse to use that system to fly...otherwise, we might as well just build ourselves wings to lighten the load and spare the horses any heart attacks." When the horse begins to harass him, she smiles and hands Huds an Apple from her satchel. "They like you more if you feed them." Her smile holds as she lean her hand out before the animal's mouth, flat palmed and unafraid. "I think he's spirited and he seems like really like you. You'll have to think of a suitable name."

Hudson's eyes flash with unspoken amusement. "Much better prepared than I am, and you didn't even have notice," he comments, as he palms the apple that she hands him, extending it out to the horse. The horse knows the drill, and Huds watches the horse's mouth close around the apple without missing a beat. "Well I suppose I learned to ride horses growing up, so would somewhat prefer that to... other flying mounts. And an engineered horse would be cheaper than finding an actual pegasus," he muses, his hand shifting to stroke the horse, who seems to snort at the indignity of being characterized as the less expensive option. A farm hand passes by them, just then, pausing to smile and comment: "Oi, she's a she, actually." With an impish grin, the girl moves along, leaving Hudson to glance at Alvina and then the horse. "Right then, lass," says Hudson, with a sheepish flush to his expression as he reaches to stroke the horse's forelock. "Well she looked regal enough, I suppose I just incorrectly assumed she was a he. What do you think of Cleopatra?"

Alvina blushes at the farm hands' decree. Shouldn't she have noticed with all the poking and prodding? "Did you grow up where you live with your mother now? Nearby?" A silent shift takes place in her mind, imaging a young boy with tussled auburn hair atop a fierce stallion. It sounded goofy, and she laughed internally at the thought of Hudson being a young rebellious child on horse back. "What do you think?" She turns toward the horse to ask her opinion. "Does Cleopatra fit your regale requirements, m'lady?" She bows to the horse, jokingly, but the horse lowers it's head back at her, causing her to pause in slight amazement. "I think she accepts your title," the bard laughs, stepping towards Hudson. "She knew she was going home with you today." She winks.

Hudson nods in response to Alvina, his mouth stirring in a rueful smile. "Yes, more or less been in the same place for quite some time. Had an easy upbringing due to mum's success, I guess," he says, his gaze lingering on her, even dropping lightly to reflect off the sheen of her metal arm. He flushes, realizing that his thoughts must be transparent, and so he turns his attention back to the horse, who is charming Alvina. Hudson can't help but chuckle himself, and he wonders if he can bring himself to install whatever it is they invent on Cleopatra - for she is already definitively named in his mind - knowing that she might not like it. He drapes an arm around Alvina's shoulders as they both look at the horse, who tosses her head, knowing when she's admired. "We have a big project ahead of us, I guess," he comments, his gaze lifting to meet Alvina's.

Alvina self consciously rubs her arm and looks away. Having a metal arm sometimes made her feel less attractive because she was not whole human. It tended to weigh on her in ways she'd never confess but she smiled anyway, keeping her emerald optics fixed on the Cleopatra before them. "I don't remember much about my family," she says with an indiscernible tone. It's hard to tell if that is something that bothers her or not just by the phrasing, but she's quick to jump on the subject change of other projects to hide the blush that floods her cheek as he wraps his arms around her. Only then do her eyes fall back on his with a radiating joy. "It'll be fun at least, right?" She nudges him gently with her elbow before leaning against his side and wrapping her own arm around his waist briefly. "This mare isn't going to bend without a fight," She laughed, watching the horse snort in agreement and hoof the ground as if in further affirmation of the bard's statement.

Hudson feels like he's looked into the sun, given how brightly Alvina seems to shine suddenly beside him. This moment, sweet as it is, reminds him that there's somewhat that's unsettled hanging over them, and he offers Alvina a rueful grin in response. "I expect you're right," he muses, shifting his attention back to the horse, who seems to be watching them attentively. With a sigh, the alchemist disentangles himself from Alvina and reaches for the horse's lead. "I guess I should go buy you," he says to Cleopatra as he begins to lead her toward the central barn where the farmer in charge might be found. Hudson's gaze seeks out Alvina's, if she walks beside them. "Then I expect the three of us will ride back, maiden voyage style? I can drop you off, Alvina?"

Alvina detaches from Hudson as easily as he'd come, a slight pang of a reminder that there was nothing really to solidify her to him beyond their moment at the beach...otherwise, could they not just be counted as very close work friends, with a minor slight of drunken affection? The disappointment became palpable for her as she walked along side him, in search of the farm's owner, her eyes downcast to look at the various plants and insects. "I would be afraid for both of us to ride her," Alvina answered, not wanting to hurt the poor thing before she had a chance to come home with Hudson. "I can always take Zi home if you're keen to ride her." The smile that crossed her lips was only mildly convincing. A few more foot fall pass between them before she places her hand on Hudson's shoulder and mustered a very convincing smile. "I think I might just hang back a moment and look around, if that's all right." Seeing no reason for her to trot up to the owners and haggle for payment, the bard ducks under a broken interior fence and leans back against the sturdy post to watch the other horses about the farm, and farm hands, as they go about their daily business. The serenity of the scene calms her, stilling her heart and granting her enough strength to push away whatever confusion notions had urged their way into her mind. The Alchemist was more important to her than some silly crush, and losing him wasn't worth feeling better with a blurt or two of passion. What good had passion ever brought her?

Hudson glances toward Alvina as she speaks, lifting an eyebrow as she suggests they ride separately. A confusion cascades into his expression. "Oh, er, well whatever you prefer," he replies, struggling with Alvina's demeanor. He'd rather thought the idea of a cuddle on the ride home appealing. Best to not push it if she's not into it, of course. She continues to further mystify him as she peels herself away from him and the horse. The horse snorts behind Hudson as she leaves them, seemingly making its own commentary on the situation. "She's better company than I am, I know," mutters Hudson as he approaches the barn staff. A spirited negotiation takes place, not exactly using gold either. Hudson manages to secure a deal with a payment in kind: wine. They set a date for the alchemical process to take place, and the owner signs over the papers for the horse, now formally named Cleopatra. She seems to get an attitude after the deal is closed, and Hudson has to pull her away from several enticing patches of grass on his way back to where they'd parted ways with Alvina. He wonders if he was supposed to take the hint and just peace out, but she's still lingering, seemingly lost in thought. "Hey," with a word he disrupts whatever tranquility she's sought out here. He lingers somewhat back, looking at the horse, who flicks her ear irritably at him, as if to say, get on with it then. "Well it's all sorted. I was thinking we would head out then."

Alvina turned towards Hudson, a small grouping of flowers in her hand. She smiles earnestly, the peace just what she needed to soothe her aching heart. "A gift, for the newest addition to the Eryie." She laughed, holding the flowers out for Cleopatra to nibble, and so she happily did while Alvina released the stems and stepped beside Hudson. "If she's willing to take us, I would fancy some more time with you." She says, a little bolder than usual. "It's been a pleasure running this errand, you should stop by more often without calling ahead. I could use a good social surprise now and then. Now, let's take a look at you!" Alvina turns to the horse, still grinning, flecks of gold from the flowers torn apart by the horse dance in the wind and mingle with her crimson locks. "Hey! Stop that!" The bard swats at the air, playfully making eyes at Cleopatra, before patting her side affectionately. "I fear you have purchased a queen," She laughed, her eyes caught in the bright rays of the evening sunlight.

Hudson watches Cleopatra nibble at the flowers without missing a beat. He gives the horse a pat, which seems to somehow both surprise and disgruntle her. "Sorry," he says to the face of equine indignation, his gaze sliding after that to meet Alvina's. Whatever strangeness had transpired between them earlier seems to have evaporated, and Hudson gives her a grin that's buoyed by surprise as she agrees to ride together. His eyes follow her as she engages his horse, who has the good judgment to prefer her company than his. "She is a little uppity isn't she," he comments as he sidles up to the horse and holds out his hands to help Alvina up. He hoists himself up after that, taking his place behind her and looping one arm around her waist, evidently handling the reigns one-handed. Perhaps ill-advised but it's happening. Alvina could of course hold on to the horse directly. For her part, the horse decides that they're going places and goes about doing just that, helpfully trying to chart a course that leads directly into some low-hanging branches. Hudson endeavors to steer her toward the path they'd taken here. "Brilliant. I'm sure teaching her to fly will be a piece of cake," says Hudson with a touch of wryness.

Alvina smirks, using the heels of her boots to sort of suggest directions to Cleopatra as Hudson holds the reigns. "Would it make more sense for me to be holding onto you! Since you're holding the reigns!" She shouted over the whooshing of air as they went, very rapidly about their business, or more accurately, about Cleopatra's business as she headed towards Kelay. "She already flies!" Alvina gushed out, before dipping her head to try and miss an oncoming branch, with little success. Green leaf pieces tangle with her hair for the most part disappearing on the wind. A few green smudges remain on the bard's cheek as they travel. "You should have named her Cyclone!" She jests, dodging a branch with better success this time. All of her troubles seemed to vanish as she relaxed back into Hudson's arms.

Hudson tries to act like he's smoothly in control of this situation and not deathly afraid that the horse will fling them both off along the side of the road. Cleopatra doesn't seem to have a care for cruising at any speed but the fastest, and taking the route that's most direct, even if partially obstructed by a low-hanging branch. Hudson's arm about Alvina's waist tightens, and he ducks as well as they meet one such branch head-on. "No kidding!" he exclaims, dipping for round two of low hanging branches. With concentration, Huds endeavors to steer the horse back on the path, fortunately with success. She seems to know her place after that, although she shows no signs of going anything but the fastest speeds, naturally. Why would she. Attentive to the moodiness of his filly, Huds isn't the most talkative during the journey, though he does come to appreciate how warm Alvina is, and how pleasant her hair smells, brushing against his face. He is still a little stunned when they arrive Kelay at Alvina's place without real incident, and Cleopatra nonchalantly stands in place, whipping her tail, waiting for them to dismount. He slides off first to help Alvina follow. "...Whelming," he exhales, a smile in his gaze.

Alvina's House

Alvina can't help but laugh as they slide down from Cleopatra's back, no more worse for wear than when they had started out this morning in the carriage. "Thank you for the prompt service home," she says, patting her snout affectionately. "I should say the same to you but I feel like we both had very little to say about the whole affair. I, for one, had no words between the two of you and claim myself a classical innocent bystander. And on the bright side, she seems to know her way to my house almost naturally, so she should be more fun to bring over now." Laughter wells up from the bard's lips with ease as she smiles at him, those handsome tuffs of hair in a mild disarray with all sorts of forest flora woven here and there around his person. "Don't be afraid to come calling again," she said softly with the high hopes that he would indeed consider it an invitation to come by any time he wished. "Though..You know...I...was really hoping to tell you something at the beach and I just..." She fidgets a bit, twisting her loose hair into small braids, and then unweaving them just as quickly. "I wanted to tell you that I like you." Her eyes fix on his, unwavering save for the mild fear of rejection hanging on the boughs of ruining a perfectly good friendship. "And if you would do me the service of not telling me how you feel about me, I might be the better for it." She smiled, letting loose her hair and speaking rather quickly. "So, it was a pleasure, always great to see you, I'm going to head inside and feed the cat and probably do some other things, like clean..." She laughs nervously, blush painting a rather lovely shade on her cheeks as she moves to unlock the door and lock herself away.

Hudson likewise gives Cleopatra a pat on the snout, receiving a snort for his trouble. He snorts right back at her. "Come on," he says to Alvina. Better to come next time with a bribe, he concludes, putting a hand at the small of Alvina's back to steer her toward her door and importantly away from his sassy horse. There's a good vibe around the whole situation, his horse's moodiness notwithstanding. He knows that there are a few things they're ignoring, and as he mulls kicking the can down the road on these over, Alvina begins talking beside him. He's half-attentive, but how quickly her comments arrest his complete attention. He opens his mouth to reply, knowing that his face is heating. It takes him a few seconds to scramble about in search of his sentient abilities that had immediately fled. He scratches at his cheek. "Woah," he says eventually, having the grace to look a little stunned. The words come a bit freer after that. "Well I guess I gathered that. It's not really a surprise. Um..." He rubs one eye, as if that were suddenly ailing him. "Yeah, I mean I don't really know what to do... I mean we work together now, it might be kind of awkward, right so..." He tucks his hands in his pockets to stop further nervous activity, setting his gaze square on Alvina. "But I think you're really pretty, I mean I'm pretty attracted to you, and... I want to get to know you better...so..." He looks earnestly at her and rolls one shoulder in a shrug. His mouth comes up in a half-grin. "Alright, I don't know, Alvina." He looks between her and Cleopatra, who has all the appearance of an eavesdropper. "Yeah, so.... Thanks for coming to get the horse with me, though. Have a good night with all the stuff you're doing..."