RP:How to Hatch Your Drake-on

From HollowWiki

Summary: Ayana encounters Odhranos carrying two Frost-Drake eggs through Kelay. Narrowly averting disaster, the woman accompanies him to the tavern to see what becomes of the two eggs.

Kelay Town Square

Odhranos strode through the town, two large eggs balanced in the crook of each arm as he stepped lithely between the people blocking the road. The mage was heading in the direction of the tavern when he tripped up on a loose cobble and fell forwards. Eyes wide in panic, the mage managed to twist in midair and landed hard on his rear, rather than on his front, pitching the two eggs to the ground. He carefully checked both eggs, nope, no cracks, then made a valiant effort to gather them up. Gah, they were getting harder to carry, both eggs were icy and frost-rimed, but in the warm climate of Kelay, this icy shell was making it slippy and hard to hold.

Ayana moved through the town at a swift pace. It is perhaps unsurprising that the throng parts before her given the state of her leathers. Bloodstained and sticky, they speak of the violence she has either recently inflicted, or has endured. In direct contrast, her expression is calm, even serene, as she moves with purpose. She almost trips over the mage herself as he falls in front of her. "Easy there!" she exclaims, reaching down with one hand to prevent one of the eggs from rolling away, and offering the other to him to help him rise. Passers-by stare, and no wonder. Kindness from a blood spattered warrior was not the norm in these parts. As she touches the egg, her druidic tendancies flare before being once again ruthlessly tamped town. With an exclammation of surprise, she snatches her hand back. "That thing's bloody cold!"

Odhranos looks up at Ayana, his slate-grey eyes wide at the blood that covered the woman's clothes. "Are you alright?" He inquires concernedly, funny coming from the dude who almost faceplanted into the stones. He watches as she lays her hand against the egg, about to protest, then he didn't. He simply watched as her bare hand touched the egg, then was withdrawn. The egg shivered in his hands, shaking slightly. He looked up at the woman as she stood over him. "Aye, its a Frost drake's egg. I found these two abandoned in the forest in Frostmaw, I decided I'd bring them with me rather than leave them to themselves in the cold." He watched the eggs, smiling a little. Odhranos was a very empathetic person, so much so he could see magic and lifs aurae in the world around him. The little hatchling's aurae had reached out to him and he couldn't leave them alone.

Ayana reaches down to the mage before her. If her permitted it, she would give him her hand and help hoist him to his feet. "All right? Me?" The tone is somewhat perplexed, the blood spatter all but forgotten. Catching sight of where his eys rest, she grins suddenly. "Oh, that. I'm fine. The drunk with the wandering hands isn't in such good shape though." She sighs. "Annoying that I had to dirty my leathers, but no matter how many times I politely declined his offer of a roll on the cobbles, he did insist on continuing to attempt to convince me." She shrugs. "I have standards. He didn't meet them. I let him know it." She glances down at the eggs again, then stoops ang gingerly hands them to him one by one. Gods but they were freezing! "Don't you know where the momma drake is? She's gonna be mighty cross with you if she's tracked you. And what're you gonna do with them when they hatch out? Suspect it won't be long before that happens either."

Odhranos accepts the eggs off the woman. "Yeah, the inebriets of Kelay tend to be a rowdy sort, its a wonder they don't ban alcohol her at all." Tucking one egg beneath his arm, the mage holds the other out to the woman. "Can you carry that for me? Only for a moment." He got to his feet then accepts the egg back from her. "Well, judging from the bloodstains around where I found the eggs, their momma isn't coming back." He pauses, cuddling the eggs sympathetically, then faces the woman. "I'm taking them to the tavern, would you accompany me?" He nods to the left egg, the one the woman had first held. "This one likes you." He explained, before turning to set off.

Ayana can't help but snort. "Nobody likes me," she laughs, "Or at least, if they do, they've got little sense! Anyway, it's only a baby. It doesn't know what it likes! What're you gonna do with them in the tavern?" Despite the common tongue and speech, her voice is surprisingly cultured and smoothe, with just a hint that common is not her mother tongue. Silently she curses it and her mother for her instillment of that in her upbringing. "I'll help you take them to the tavern," she offers grudgingly, feeling that stirring again of druidic empathy. Damn her parents! "But I don't know what help it'll be. You're gonna have a job to feed these things ehwn they hatch out. Oops, watch out for that cobble!"

Odhranos smiles back. "Hatch them of course!" He grins and skirts daintily around the loose cobble, his grey robes flowing as he walked. The mage stood at roughly 6'2" and was tall and thin, with short scruffy brown hair that was prematurely streaked grey. He wove between the onlookers and managed to reach the door of the tavern. Hooking it open with his foot, he held it for the woman. "You never know, infant bonding is a strong thing, someone could like you yet." He followed in after her.

Ayana moves behind him through the crowds. Gods, was she going to have to go back to that stinking tavern again? As she reaches the door, the much shorter woman casts a glance to her left, but the heap of drunk that had been left unceremoniously on the cobbles at her last visit was no more. He must have taken himself off home, she thinks, then grins at how he would have had to drag himself. She moves inside, then waits for the mage to choose his table. "Hatch them? And then what will you do with them! They're gonna eat like, like, well, they'll eat a lot! You're gonna have your work cut out for you!"

Odhranos moves inside the tavern and shouts across at the barmaid. "The usual room free?" He calls, gesturing with a nod towards the stairs. The barmaid calls back. "Same room, same fee, Odhie. You had better not be seducing that poor woman, Artia will string you up." The mage goes bright red at that. "Purely business ma'am." He splutters, then turns to Ayana. "I'm dreadfully sorry, she's.. well she knows what usually goes on in those rooms. I only come here when I need to stay in town for night." Shouldering through the door in the wall, the mage leads the way up a rickety flight of stairs and into the first door on the right.

Ayana laughs gustily before grinning at the barmaid. "Lady, I'd not worry about that happening! I can look after myself, have no fear of that! He's doing some mad thing with eggs or something, and wants me to see them safely there. I'll be right back down in a minute! A cup o your finest ale with my name on it waiting when I get back down wouldn't go a miss, and may see you get a rather generous tip!" That being said, she follows the mage through the door. What mad scheme was he dragging her into? but yet, she had given her word to see the man safely to the tavern. He may be stretching that a bit as he was now inside, but she was nothing if not a woman of her word. So on she marched.

Odhranos smiled apologetically. "Sorry about that." He turned and set the two eggs on the table inside the room. Moving to the wall, he fiddled with the crystal set into the wall bracket and a soft yellow glow brightened the room. Nothing fancy about it, a table, three wooden chairs and a bed tucked into the back corner, overlooked by a small window with a view of trees beyond. "Right, now for the warmth." The mage muttered to himself. Shuffling through the heavy bag he had slung into the corner, he pulled out two dish-like chunks of crystal, each bowl big enough for the eggs to sit into snugly. "Now... there!" He popped both eggs into the grooves and the crystals beneath began glowing faintly. Tiny curls of mist began spiralling from the surface of the eggs. "The crystal is fluorite, mined in Frostmaw, its adjusted to simulate the temperature a mother drake would place the eggs under to hatch. Normally it would take a month or so, but these two have enjoyed the warmth of Xalious and Kelay and seem pretty eager to join the world." The mage smiled, folding his hands behind his back, watching the eggs, waiting for them to hatch.

Ayana nods absently as the man prattles on about eggs, temperatures, crystals. All things that were interesting, but which didn't capture her attention as completely as the idea of that ale downstairs, her ale, the one with her name on it. She looks at the man again. He was right. It wouldn't be long before they hatched. Already she knew that one of the little beasts was squirming around inside, lining itself up to crack its imprisoning shell. "So, that's you settled then," said she. "I've done my bit. You're safe here now. So I'll be off downstairs. Nice to have met you." With a wave and a nod, she turns for the door.

Odhranos nodded as she left. "Thanks for your hel-  !" Just as the mage was speaking, a sharp KRIK rent the soft quietness of the room, Eyes wide, the mage leant in to study the egg, only to jump back when it shattered into a pile of icy shards. Nestled in the round bottom of the shell, lay a small curled up form. Shaking the pre-natal slime from its scales, the form unravelled and a tiny tail, claws and head resolved themselves into a more obvious form. Minescule eyes opened and a piercing glacial glimmer gazed upon the room, observing the mage, then losing interest and turning around, stamping in a quarter-circle until it faced the door and the departing woman. A small hole, the hatchling's little mouth opened, and a plaintive cry squeaked out. The mage grinned across at the woman, perhaps she might not leave so readily. "Someone wants to meet you apparently." he smiled, gesturing to the little frost-drake.

Ayana responds more to the sharp whipcrack of the egg than the mage's words, for the noise was quite arresting in the otherwise quiet room. Turning against her better judgement, she is just in time to see the slimey "thing" exit the egg. "Gods but it's ugly!" she can't help from remarking as it totters out and pins her with that icey gaze. As she turns to leave again, the creature opens its wings in anger, and exhales a puff of icey steam! "You will not ignore me!" the voice is small but demanding, the telepathy strong for one of its size. Perhaps some of the transmission leaks due to the creature's inexperience, but likely not. Either way, Ayana's brows lift in some surprise. "Really now!" she observes impassively, then deliberately looks away from the creature. Ignore it she would, thinks she, only to feel a very cold weight attach itself to her leg. Doggedly, the "thing" begins to climb her. "Gods above!" she exclaims in disgust. "Mage, your animal is ruining my leathers!"

Odhranos hears a faint buzz of mental communication, enough to know something is said, but not what. He watches bemused as the small drake scarpered across the floor and began clawing its way up her leg. "It's not my animal ma'am, it's its own creature. Although judging from the telepathic link it evidently shares with you, it is more your animal than anyones. Say hello to it, it's simply looking for some affection." he crosses his arms, his smile wide as he watches the eager little creature claw its way up the woman's side towards her shoulder. He then casts her a sidelong glance and laughes "Although, from the amount of blood on you, I'm not sure how your leather's could get much more ruined." The mage smiles, then turns to the other egg. In the midst of all the goings-on, the egg had began wobbling frantically, unnoticed by Odhranos and Ayana. Reaching forward, the mage settled his hand almost caringly on the icy shell and cast a calming thought inside. "It's alright little one, be calm, come out in your own time.". The egg's rattling ceased and instead a soft SCRITCH SRITCH came from inside. A hairline crack began forming in the side of the egg and a moment later, it fractured outwards. A small iridescent cyan eye peeped at the hole, blinking curiously. "Is it safe?" came the dimunitive thought through the egg, a voice small and timid. "It is safe, no predators." The mage replied, then the small eye disappeared from the hole and the scratching began again at the inside of the shell.

"Don't!" The word is as whip-like as the crack of the egg had been just moents before. "Don't do that!" Without realising it, the woman has moved swiftly across the room, the hatchling uttering a squeal of fury as its claws are temporarily disengaged from their perch by the elf's swift movement. It lands on the floor with a solid thump, then immediately scrambles after her, shrieking its displeasure. "I will not be ignored!" But ignore it Ayana does as she reaches the mage. "Hasn't anyone taught you anything? You shouldn't do that! Never talk to an animal before it is born! That's just, just... Cruel! Now it will bond to you much more tightly, and without the choice it once would have had! All because you spoke to it before the hatching!" Then she stills, horror flickering across her face for a moment. What had she said! Damn her mother, damn the whole bloody lot of the elven council for this damned teaching! She hadn't wanted it anyway! "I mean, well, not that I would know of course. I was just otld that by, well, by someone in my past. Not that I care." Strange, this outrage on behalf of the unborn, when the newly hatched is doggedly climbing her once more and she seems more than ambivalent to that one! "Get off you great oaf!" she says to the creature, again forgetting that most "normal" folks wouldn't speak to an animal as though it was sentient and could understand her. "And tuck your claws in. They hurt!" The verbals are backed up by a sharp mental nudge, which the drake completely ignores as it attempts to settle itself on her shoulders. Then, Ayana spots the eye through a crack in the shell. "Well, you're for it now," says she dismissively. "That one's yours whether you want it or not."

Odhranos glances at the woman. "I only meant to comfort it, it was frightened, having been abandoned." He frowns, concerned at her words, then turns back to the egg. With a soft crackling, the egg collapses inwards and then fractures into smaller pieces again. The hatchling within shakes its tiny shoulders free of egg shell and gazed piercingly at the mage. "It is safe." ​​, the small hatchling states fiercely, stepping forward and placing a small claw on the mage's hand. Turning its head slightly, the drake stares at the other hatchling perched on the woman's shoulder. "Broodmate, it is well we are met." ripples out through the air between both hatchlings, innate custom of drake greetings already evident in her speech. Crouching down onto his haunches, the mage addresses the hatchling at eye-level. "Hello little one, it is a pleasure to meet you finally." He smiles, then looks across at the woman. "Kestral spoke to me first, it was she who called out to me in the snow, asking for my help. We have talked before, mentally. Both hatchlings should have hatched already, but they didn't have the chance. Until now." The mage reaches forward with his free hand and the little drake hatches his finger in her mouth, shaking her head slightly to worry the digit with her miniscule teeth. Glancing across at Ayana, he grimaces slightly. "I am sorry the hatchling bonded with you by accident, but it was it's choice. Will you care for it?" The mage expects the woman to refuse, considering her reaction so far. The hatchling would be heartbroken, but it was her choice, he couldn't force her to care for another being against her will.

Ayana would have liked to say more. She would have liked to ask if he was broadcasting, otherwise the hatchling would not have sensed him. Had he been searching for company? Had one lonely heart unknowingly reached out to another? But if she had, then he would have known more about her than she was prepared to reveal. Druids be damned, the lot of them! "Well, it's no matter now. It's yours. Once the bond is made, particularly when both are willing, then there's no unmaking it. Know this however. Because of your early communication, the bond will be much stronger than that normally forged between the two species. This is a blessing and a curse, magic user. Remember my words well. As for this one," she sighs, then pushes the needle sharp claws which sink more tightly than necessary into her shoulder, "I will give it meat and then I'm taking it home!" The hatchling chirps at the other, serenely ensconsed on the unwilling woman's shoulder, the two obviously exchanging a greeting. Ayana groans. "Why, gods why! You try and do good for someone, and end up with this! Again! I mean, well I don't mean... Oh, I know what I mean! Anyway, I'll not see it starve, but as sure as the Drow are dark, I am not bonding with it!" "No choice, no choice!" trills the hatchling happily as the claws squeeze once more.

Odhranos nods, understanding the gravity of the bond. "I know, a bonding of souls isn't a light subject, but I don't intend on making light of it." Turning to the hatchling, he bows his head. "I will take care of you."he promised, not making an oath on impulse, the mage fully intended to uphold it. Turning to the woman, he hears her complaints about "doing good for someone." Grimacing, he held out his arm for the hatchling, which clawed up to his shoulder quickly, he turned to the woman. "I owe you a drink and food for the little one. Least I can do to repay you." He quickly tidied up the shells into a pile and held the door open for Ayana.

Ayana sighs. "No mage, you owe me nothing, although I wouldn't say no to a stiff pint right about now. No, it was my own stupidity that got me into this. Still, no harm done. I'll feed it and take it home and that'll be the end of that one! I suppose they're better off for you rescuing them. Anyway, do you have a name? I suppose it would be worth me getting to know the bringer of my troubles!" She troops out of the door after him, her body almost automatically adjusting to the weight of the surprisingly heavy hatchling nestled very contentedly around her shoulders. "I will not bond!" she thinks fiercely at it, then yips in pain as tiny needle sharp teeth sink into her left ear.

Odhranos' eyes widen. "Gods! I'm sorry, my name is Odhranos. Odhranos Kerrigan." He extends a hand to shake as he heads down the stairs. The drake grumbles into his ear. "Yes, yes, I'll get some food, don't worry." He watches, grinning as Ayana's hatchling nibbles her ear. "Don't get any ideas." He nudges the hatchling perched on his shoulder who gives a growly cough, almost a laugh. As he pushes the door at the bottom of the stairs open, he turns to the woman. "And your name?" He holds the door open to the main room of the tavern.

Ayana nods her thanks for his manners as she moves past him, the drake mercifully deciding that her ear wasn't worth the effort and letting go. "My name is Ayana," says she, not offering a second name. At the mention of food, Ayana's hatchling, much less reserved than Odhranos', lets out an ear-splitting yowl, launches off her shoulder, touches briefly on the bar top before taking off once more, stopping only when almost her whole head is buried in a bucket of meat formerly destined for the tavern's stew pot. Ayana growns. "You know what. I may let you pick up the bill after all! That's a lot of meat she's just destroyed, and the stupid bandits had my purse when I was foolish enough to make camp too near the road on my way here!"

Odhranos laughs and moves across to the bar, where the barmaid was frantically trying to pull the pot away from the hungry drake hatchling. "I'll cover the costs of that, and two ale's" he says to the barmaid, who frowns at the hatchling perched on his shoulder then grabs the gold he offers, hefting the heavy pot, now with hatchling inside across to the bartop. "It's all yours." She says, only to jump back when Odhranos' hatchling pounces on her hatchmate, fighting over the meat. Dragging the now very heavy pot across to a table, Odh pulls out a seat for Ayana then strides back to get the ale. While he waits at the bar, a small scaly head pops above the pot's rim and sqeaks indignantly at him. "Come back, there is food." comes floating across to the mage. "I'll be back in a moment, I'm getting food for the lady and I". he replies and the little drake turns its head to study the woman. After a moment, it puffs out a small plume of icy fog, then dives back into the pot to scrabble with Ayana's hatchling.

Ayana can't help but laugh at the fierceness displayed by the two tiny creatures. As Odhranos' hatchling joins the fray, the female shrieks again, pausing only long enough in her eating to slash at her broodmate before giving up and diving back in. Only when her stomach is taught and round does she exit. Covered in blood and bits of meat, she is not a pretty sight. Dropping soddenly to the floor, the creature begins the laborious task of cleaning herself, but, halfway through, falls asleep mid action. Ayana sighs. "I told you they'd eat a lot," says she, the tone weary and resigned. "And it's only going to get worse as they grow." As the barmaid approaches, Ayana doesn't even wait for her ale mug to touch the table before she has rested it from the other's hand and taken a deep pull. "Gods but that's good," she says, leaning back in her chair.

Odhranos smiles, watching the two hatchlings bicker and snap over the food. When she is done, Odhranos' hatchling crawls out over the rim and plops onto the table, blinking sleepily at the mage. He reaches forward and scratches between her little horns and the drake purrs contentedly, curling up beneath the man's warm hand. Gently wiping the worst of the offal from her back, the mage strokes the little hatchling's side, which rises and falls imperceptibly with the tiny saurian's breathing. Accepting his ale, the man sits back, tankard in one hand, the other one now with the hatchling curled lightly around it. "So what brings you to Kelay, are you a resident here?" He asks idly, sipping the bitter beverage.

Ayana casts a glance downward at the drake against her better nature. She is currently belly up on the floor, completely dead to the world as that drum of a stomach moves with every breath. Under the gore, an ice blue colour is starting to declare itself on some of the overlapping scales. Rather pretty, the woman thinks privately, then ruthlessly drags her ruminations away from that and back to the man before her. Always wary of questions about herself, she chooses her answer with care, although this would not be evident to any but herself. "No," she says slowly. "I live in the woods mostly. Quieter in there. Less trouble. I like company from time to time though, so came out for a drink and a party. Stupid drunks spoiled that, but rumour has it that there's a gaggle of fellas who throw some great shindigs on the coast, with none of this drunken groping, so I might just take myself over there next time I fancy a pint. you never know, might be some good natured brawling involved too!" Her mouth tilts in a small, contented smile as she says this last. There was nothing like a good brawl sometimes to get the blood pumping.

Odhranos smiles. "I've spent quite a while living in the Sage forest, it's only recently I've taken up more permanent residence. There are certainly worse places one could stay, the forest is beautiful at night. Listening to the creatures from your hammock in a tree, there's nothing like it." He leans back in his chair, an idle smile tugging at his mouth. He is then roused from his reverie by Ayana's talk of parties and brawling. Odh is a generally a reserved individual, with a fear of crowds, so he didnt tend to party much. Nor was he big on fighting, preferring diplomacy to brute force in most situations. "I'm assuming you are a warrior of sorts then, to enjoy fighting so much?"

"A warrior? Me?" She laughs heartily, taking another slug of the ale. "No, not me. I fight when it's needed, and sometimes I fight for fun, but it's certainly not what I do all the time. Still, a good fight can't be underestimated! I don't go looking for it, but if it finds me, then I'll get involved." She quietens then, long enough to take another drink. "The forest is a beautiful place. I've loved it for as long as I can remember. Obviously you know of the elf settlement there if you spend a lot of time in there. I pop in and out of there quite a lot, sleep in a tree house one night, in a hammock the next. I'm a free spirit. I just go where the wind blows me." She seems not to notice as her hatchling rolls over, stretches, then climbs laboriously into her lap before falling back to sleep. "Warm," is the word it projects, and Ayana privately smirks. At least the beast could use her when it wanted something specific. She pays it no mind, but a hand settles to the small creature's belly unconsciously. "Did you grow up in these parts then?"

Odhranos nods, that's not so bad, at least she didn't go causing fights. Conflict was something the nage felt strongly about, having been a diplomat in a previous time. "No, I came from quite far afield. About a month's voyage to the east is my homeland Oileán, but I was exiled, so I ended up here in Lithrydel." The mage quietens a little, memories of home are still painful to recall. "I've lived in The Sage for about three months, but more recently I found a remote valley in Xalious, built a small hut. It's beautiful and extremely remote, so peaceful." He strokes the slumbering hatchling, who puffs and nibbles his finger in its sleep. "I tend to bounce between there, the Sage and my.. uh.. girlfriend's house in Larket." Gods, it was strange saying that, Odhranos shakes his head. "I've been working as a wandering mage, plying my trade wherever the need is, but more recently I have joined the Mage's Guild with the view of getting a more fixed job. Apparently Frostmaw is looking for people to help in the restoration after the war, I was on my way there when I found these two." The mage smiled softly, glancing at the two sleeping saurians.

Ayana nods to his words, privately marvelling, not for the first time, how freely folks parted with so much information. He would not be hard to find, had she a mind. But then she supposed that extreme wariness was not a given for many who walk the lands. "Sounds like a nice life," she remarks casually as she eases tired bones into a recline in the padded chair. Gods but she was tired. The events of the day threaten to swamp her for a moment before she pushes them back. The robbery, the drinking, the drunk fondling, the brawl (she wouldn't call it a fight. It hadn't been good enough), and now this? She looks down at the creature in her lap, snatching her hand away from its belly as soon as she notes its resting place. "Weak, you are weak!" This broadcast by the hatchling who is sleepy enough that the band of broadcast is not specific to Ayana. "Only the strong can bond again. Only the strongest love twice. Weak, but useful." Ayana starts upright once more, staring at the small drake with a mixture of anger, hurt, shame, disbelief, all of which flicker over her face in rapid succession. She stands in an attempt to shake the beast from her, but the female sinks her claws deeply into Ayana's leathers, easily rending them to give purchase on the skin beneath. The elf's lips press together in pain as she continues to try and prize the hatchling from her, but the other just clenches the claws tighter. In the end, Ayana sinks back to the chair. "Defeated," she says to the mage, self-disgust evident. "Defeated by something a tenth of my size. As you can see mage, warrior I am not."

Odhranos' brow furrows at the hatchling's words. "Such spite in one so young, what wrong did she do to you?" he addressed the elf's hatchling. Turning to Ayana, his eyebrow raises curiously, then he reaches forward. "Warrior you needn't be." Pointing in just under the hatchling, he points out the patch just between the hatchling's leg and stomach, effectively where its armpit would be and the same on the other side. "Scratch there, it will let go." He glances up to meet the elf's eyes. "What did she mean "love again?" Did you lose someone?" He inquires, then realises what he is saying and steps back. "No, you don't have to answer that, it clearly bothers you and I have no wish to pry nor upset you." The mage seats himself, looking away from the elf, his cheeks burning with self-berating thoughts, he should know better than to ask such.

With some relief, Ayana feels the claws retract as her body finds the chair once more. Blood trickles down the inside leg of her leathers, but as was her wont, she would pay it no mind. The wounds were small and her healing ability more than up to the task of repairing such. On a very tight band, she broadcasts to the hatchling, "Reveal more of my secrets like that and I swear I will let you starve. I will leave you here and repel you should you follow me. Useful I may be, but tolerant I am not." The oath, fueled by anger and distress at the unearthing of still too painful memories, may appear sincere, but Ayana knows down deep that her heritage would never allow her to watch an animal die, let alone be instrumental in its death. Perhaps the hatchling already knows the elf better than she does herself, as she replies, this time mercifully on a similar band, "I am also useful to you. You may not know it yet, but what I take I give in equal measure." The expression she turns on the mage is very carefully schooled as she replies. "Love is a many layered, personal thing. I was stupid enough to do it once. A smart person does not make the same mistake twice." As enigmatic and unrevealing as the reply is, Ayana considers it a gift to the mage, giving what she did due to his kindness to her so far. She is somewhat surprised to see that the hatchling refuses to respond to the mage directly. Rather, she directs her reply through Ayana. "The beast wishes me to tell you that I did nothing to her, that I damage myself and need not her help to do so effectively," she says unreluctantly, her mind in a whirl. Strongly bonded creatures did this, refused to engage in speech with any but their bonded. Those attachments were rare, but all the more special because of it. Pride wars with uncertainty and a healthy dose of fear at the thought.

Odhranos sits back, frowming slightly. "I thought the same as that once. It's not true. A smart person knows when it is justifiable to make the mistake again, because they can see it will not repeat itself the same way. Then again, love is not something you can give unwillingly, so it is completely up to you." he folds his arms across his chest, an empathetic shimmer in his eyes. When Ayana conveys the hatchling's response, the mage raises an eyebrow, but says nothing. It would be rude to do so, the elf was clearly pained over something, although what, the mage couldn't yet pin down. He glanced at the small hatchling that lay beneath his hand, so placid in contrast to Ayana and her hatchling. "I cannot demand you take care of the drake, but please don't let harm come to one so small. It is only young, it may decide in time to bond with someone else and you will be free, but please guard it until it can make that choice." The mage idly strokes Kestral, love already seeping through the bond so freshly made with the hatchling. "They are beautiful creatures and deserve better than they have experienced so far."

Ayana stills at the sight of empathy in the other. Empathy eagerly received begets weakness. This was another thing she knew only too well. Her once relaxed posture now moves to taught as she watches him. Sensing her anxiety, the tiny hatchling rolls to her feet and assumes a croutch, her eyes pinning the mage. Abruptly, Ayana has had enough. Unaccustomed as she is to dealing with her feelings, the maelstrum of emotion has finally taken its toll on her, and abruptly deciding that the best way to get rid of it all is to leave this man and his idle musings behind, she rises to her feet. Again perhaps unconsciously, her hands support the drake before hoisting her to her shoulder. "I'll take care of it Odhranos. I have given my word, and I am nothing if not beholden to that. But I await the day when she will bond with another with no little excitement. Now I must be gone. I have... Things to do, things that will not wait. I thank you for the ale if not the hatchling." And with no more than that, she turns on her booted heal and strides wiftly from the tavern. Manners, it seems, have been forgotten in her turmoil.

Odhranos frowns as she stands up, evidently he has touched a nerve. Normally he would apologise profusely for such a thing, but something told him that the elf wasn't too keen of hearing his apologies, so he would keep it to a minimum. Watching passively as Ayana's small drake gets to its feet, eyeing him up as it crouches, almost defensive. If he had his wits about him, the mage would see this reaction and be intrigued by such a respone; only a bonded, and firmly bonded creature at that, would react so sympathetically to its bond-mate's emotions. As it is, the mage simply stands and bows. "I am sorry to have caused you such distress ma'am, I only hope that our paths cross again under more amiable circumstances." Watching as she departs, the mage turns to the sleepy little hatchling curled around his hand. "Well, that went well." he sighs softly. The baby frost-drake's shimmering-scaled eyelid opens a crack, revealing the iridescent cyan beneath. "She is hurt, my sister will guard her." whispers across their link. The mage smiles, at the thought of the small hatchling protecting the not-warrior elf, as opposed to the other way around and it lifts his spirits a little. "Come, lets go home, little one." he murmurs across the link, only to be rewarded by a small puff of icy breath. "My name is Kestral as you well know.. Big one." the drake quips back, before uncurling from his wrist and crawling up his sleeve to settle on his shoulder. Finishing the ale, the mage drops enough gold on the table to cover the costs and leaves for Frostmaw, his little companion snoozing contently on his shoulder.