RP:Her Skills At Work

From HollowWiki
  • Grassy Knoll

The road through Kelay is down the northern side of this hill, while more hills are to the east. A lushly painted forest grows in the west, but here, atop this knoll, there is no vegetation. Gravel covers the earth, creating an uncomfortable rest spot for everyone. Why this hill is covered in small stones, no one knows. To the furthest south of this area, though still in view, you spot a rather odd looking building of sorts which sports a rather large sign that reads, “Aranhil’s Amazing Aromatic Aerbals.” If you were to enter, you would see many plants, or bins full of freshly picked plant parts; everything from leaves, to stems, to flower petals, to roots, and even mushrooms. You find many bottles placed around the interior, each labeled something else and each with a description. Most of these appear harmless, as if one may use them as a prank on another; however, there are some that express using extreme caution, for they may even take lives. Others of course would save lives, in fact many more of the herbs and potions were for the art of healing than of trickery and pain. You look at the price tags as you browse through the items, and each price seems reasonable enough. You take what you will, paying the man at the counter. A small sign hangs from the counter saying “Restocked Daily,” letting you know that should you buy them out, a new stock would soon arrive. Happy with what you have found you may leave this place back outside and head west, north, or east and continue on with your life no matter your intentions with whatever you may have bought.

Kain meandered down the trail, then paused as he noted a woman standing near Aranhil's stand. "Ello miss. Don't believe we've met. Name's Kain, explorer, student 'o the sword, 'n Prime smith 'o Larket."

Vasha smiled as the dwarf aproached her especailly since it was in a friendly manner. In this town one could never be sure what to expect, "Well met! My name is Vasha and it's a pleasure to meet you." Holding up her left arm, the sleeve of her black dress slides down to expose a tattoo covering her hand all the way up to her elbow. Nodding her head towards it she adds, "Myself, I'm a tattooist."

Kain nods. "Ah, be ye the lass that advertized on the public board 'o Kelay Tavern?"

Vasha chuckles and nods, "That would be me alright." A frown settles on her face as she says, "Sadly no one has answered it. I had hopes that I could make a living with it."

Kain nods. "Well, I be interrested, if ye kin use one 'o them magic tats ta increase me reflexes, I'll pay ye fer it. Might be a repeat customer if I be noticin' that it works well."

Vasha lets a grin stretch her mouth and softly laughs, "I sure can do that. Would you like me to do it now? The cost is only 100 gold." Looking the dwarf over she asks, "Now where would you want it placed?"

Kain smiles, and removes his shirt as he says, "Only a hundred, aye. We kin do it now, on me shoulder blade would be quite fine, lass."

Vasha blinks a few times as Kain removes his shirt. She had never had many dealings with his kind before though she had seen the race from a distance. Others might have found his muscular shoulders and arms ugly, but not the young mage. Quickly reaching into her bag that held the tools of her trade she had them set up and ready to go. "Pop" went the cork when she removed it from the ink bottle and then she brought forth her runestone. Placing herself in a light trance she began to draw the energy needed to empower the tattoo. Picking up the needle she touches it to the stone then dips it into the ink; placing her hands on Kains flesh she gets to work. Low chanting comes from her lips as the tattoo takes shape. Before she knew it she was done; the eye pleasing shape glowed softly for a few minutes and then it faded. Taking a soft cloth she gentlely wipes away the extra ink and then steps back to admire her work, "I'm done....what do you think?"

Kain rotates his arm and shoulder a few times. "Feels fine." Debating how best to test it, he called for the merchant to toss a few stones at him. While the herbomancer was puzzled by the request, he did so, and Kain found that he was indeed having an easier time dodging them than before. Tossing the herbomancer a few coins for complying with the unusual request, he turned to Vasha. "Quite nice. Maybe next one will be something to boost my running endurance. Us dwarves be good at short sprints, but long distance travel be rough on us." He digs into his pack and removes a pouch, weighing out a bit more than 100 gold and gives it to the woman. "Thank ye kindly miss. Lookin' forward ta havin' ye enhance me again. It be safe fer me ta bathe, right? Not gonna wash off, is it?"

Vasha tosses back her head and laughs till tears leak from the corner of her eye's. Getting control of herself she smiles at Kain to let him know she wasn't insulting him and replies, "No it won't. it will be there if you ever decide to have it removed and that's another process in itself." Taking the small bag of coins from him she gives it a little shake making the coins clink, "I thank you for your buisness kind sir and look forward to more of it."

Kain shrugs. "Ah, well this be me first tattoo, 'n magic be somethin' beyond me understandin', so I figured it be best ta ask 'n make sure. No offense intended, 'n ye kin expect me ta be back fer at least one more," he says, with a slight bow.

Vasha bows to Kain in return and cleans and replaces her tools into her bag. Her skin has taken on a paler cast and it's apparent that the effort of giving the tattoo has tired her out. Pushing back stray locks of hair out of her face she gives the dwarf a half-smile, "I thank you again for you buisness and please, if you would tell others about what I do. Now I must seek some food and rest for this takes alot out of me for I am newly come to this skill. Till we meet again." With those words she spins on her heel and heads down the path leading to the Mages Tower.

Kain puts his shirt back on, and hoists his pack into place. Nodding politely, he says, "Thank ye kindly Vasha. I'll likely pay ye a bit more fer the next, if it be somethin' within' yer abilitys."

You waves over her shoulder and smiles, "That would be nice and thanks again."