RP:He Was A Ranger Boi

From HollowWiki

Synopsis: Tiber is new to Sage and is trying to get his whereabouts when he runs into little Fleur and Meri. Beyond the thickets, a creature lurks, but this creature is nothing to be afraid of, for Meri knows what it is which brings on the conversation of Magik. Tiber has a small admiration for the man, considering he is good with a bow, and knows the forest. Tiber asks if he can join Meri and Magik for hunts. Meri says the only way Tiber can do that is if he hunted a salamander for Nikola, and becomes a Ranger.

Part of the New Moon, New Motion Arc

Abandoned Archery Range

The elves once used this clearing as an archery range, but during the insurgence of the drow in the forest, the clearing's purpose was forgotten. During the second war, the goblin army, allied to the drow, took up camp here. Their stay was brief, thanks to the elves victory over the drow. Today, lush grass covers the forest floor. Dazzling sunlight shines down onto the glade. Several humanoid looking structures stand sentry, covered in moss and vines -- no doubt former archery dummies. To the west is the silhouette of a fort. A shrine to nature lies to your east and what appears to be a peaceful spring to the south.

A group of elven children practicing with their slings is here

It was the middle of a very fine day, the sun was high up in the sky but the numerous trees of Kelay-Sage forest offered plenty of shade, shielding travelers from the brunt of the summer heat. Meri was no traveler though, ever since she and Magik started seeing each other she has been back to frequenting this area on a semi-regular basis. Magik was nowhere in sight today, but Meri was. The blonde stood about seventy yards away from one of the targets in this “abandoned” archery range, bow in hand so that she could get in a bit of practice. Or maybe she was just trying to blow off some steam? Did it matter. Tiber would most assuredly hear the thunking sound of Meri’s arrows embedding itself into her current chosen target. For a period, these arounds are coming at steady intervals, until Meri stops to speak to someone. The sound of her voice makes it clear that she is not alone, and the tone of it reveals that she is probably speaking to that little person she created, Fleur. “Listen here, short stuff, you have an entire forest to run around like a maniac in yeah? Your only rule right now is that you can’t be running around like crazy anywhere in the space in front of me.” Meri motions with one end of her bow, trying once again to drive this point home to her toddler. The kid needed to learn these things at some point, the younger the better in Meri’s book. “But you’ve got all this space behind me that you can be playing in? You always need to be mindful of where someone is shooting, yes?” The last thing that Meri needed was to accidentally shoot her own daughter. That would bring on a level of guilt that even Meri is not prepared to deal with. Did Fleur comprehend? Meri sure hoped so, but the truth remained to be seen. It seemed like she might, though, for the young lycan was back to playing and running around. The moment Fleur catches Tiber’s scent though, she’ll be running straight to him. She remembers that dude who told her the story about the wolves, even if Lanara said not to….and this made him especially cool in her book.

Since Tiberius just moved to the forests of Sage, it was, most likely, the best move to meander around the forest to keep a memory bank of navigation. Yes, it was true, Tiber would run alone from time to time in the past as a wolf, and one location was Sage. Since he was going to be living in the forests for a while, he assumed that he should know the layout like the back of his hand, so he left the witch behind for the day. The man has a bow hanging around his frame as he maneuvers through the forest, for he had planned to make a pitstop himself at the “abandoned” archery range. Footsteps had crossed by a mystical stream before heading on an open trail. In the distance, there had been the sound of small footsteps leaping through the wild which made the man halt on the trail. Patiently he waited. Eyes lingering on the way the vibrations were coming from, and soon enough, a small girl was running his way. The thought of a child makes the man twitch, but the expression settles as he finds that this little one had familiar features. Fleur. “Hey it’s the Fleurster!” He chimes half-heartedly as he kneels down to her level before blinking. Normally he would not be so nice to a child, but after all, it was Meri’s kid. He would be doomed if he had let anything happen to the girl.“What the heck are you doing out here? Your mom--” ‘Thunk’. Amber eyes look over the child. “You ain’t playin’ the runaway, are you? I’d like to help with an escape plan, but I think your mom might just throttle me. Not to mention the wolf-pig that lurks within these forests,” he gives the little girl a wry grin in tease. “Where is she?” He would assume that Meri was the one knocking back arrows, but he wanted to give the little one a chance to speak.

Doomed would be an understatement, but even if Meri is a short distance away...she still has an ear out on the child; there were some definite perks to being a lycan. Meri was not the only one who had eyes on Fleur, though, but whatever being was also watching her was doing a fabulous job of sticking to the shadows and well out of sight. If Tiber managed to catch a scent of this mystery figure, it would likely register as unfamiliar but it was definitely an animal of some sort. Another wolf, maybe? Fleur was not going to give Tiber the chance to investigate for after giving the man a really confused look when he starts talking about escape plans, she runs off back toward Meri while motioning for Tiber to follow. The first question the toddler asks is, "What is an escape plan?" Naturally this has Meri pinning a look on Tiber and raising a brow at the same time. Were it anyone else who caused her daughter to ask this question, alarm bells would be ringing….but Meri knows that Tiber knows better. “It is like...a plan of action to get out of a bad situation.” Meri goes on, half-jesting. “For example, Tiber is probably thinking up an escape plan right now for teaching you about this concept before I was ready to teach you it.” The last thing Meri needed was Fleur actually coming up with escape plans to run away, say if she ever gets grounded. “Or, sometimes people will come up with an escape plan if they are concerned about things like fires and earthquakes.” Judging by the look on Fleur’s face, she does not fully comprehend this concept. “Oh,” the toddler speaks and then she’s off. Back to playing. Meri gives a look around the area, half expecting Lanara to jump out from behind a tree, but since the blonde can’t catch the witch’s familiar scent, she focuses her gaze back on Tiber. “Fancy meeting you out in these parts.” Meri had not been updated on the move out of Cenril and into this area. “I thought you and Lanara were based out of Cenril mostly? Anything in particular bringing you to this area?”

Tiber looks over the toddler’s head as he could sense another presence, but before he could truly pinpoint, the toddler has him on the journey back to Meri. The man slinks in with his hands stuffed in pockets, and as Meri gives him “the stare”, he gives sort of a nonchalant shrug. Cue worst probable father award if Tiber ever were one. “Your mom’s right. I do, in fact, at this moment -want- to run away. But that’s the bad thing about an escape plan, you can’t let others know you want to--” his voice slows and cuts as he looks at Meri. He was digging himself a bit deep here. He shakes his head. “Just make sure you run if there’s danger, ‘kay?” He keeps it short and sweet. Maybe not sweet. The man watches the little Fleur run, but there is a squint as he feels the same figure that Meri does. Perhaps it was that Magik guy? Then again, Tiber would have recognized some aspect of scent there. “Ditto.” Then again, Meri roamed everywhere to him. A hand pulls from a single pocket before running a hand through his hair. “She didn’t tell you? I guess we didn’t say much at the tent that night of the hunt, eh?” There was an apologetic undertone to that memory. “Lanara and I moved, actually. The apartment in Cenril was small, and I figured it was time for us to move. And with her change, well, it only made sense, I think. We live in the south of Sage. Not too far off from here, actually. Plus, it’s close to Enchantment where Lanara can see her friends from Kelvar.” Pause. “Consider me a Sage resident,” he sounded odd for a moment. No more Cenril--well, kinda. Commuting was easy. Tiber shook his head. “I guess now I’m just trying to collect my bearings and get to know the area.” He scratches his head again before stuffing that hand back in his pocket. Eyes sort of wander over Meri in the moment due to the mystery of the figure. “Your boyfriend around?” Tiber was trying to pinpoint the figure, but it seemed more of an animal. “Seemed like a chill dude.”

Meri continued to give Tiber “the stare” as he rambled on about how he’d like to run away right now. However, then as the conversation progresses on to other topics, the look softens. To an extent, the blonde half-wishes that Tiber would just keep prattling on and digging his grave. It was more comfortable for Meri to deal with than the topics they end up moving on to. Lanara didn’t tell her about the move? This was not the first time Meri was hearing big news from Tiber instead of the witch. Case in point, when she was enlisted to deal with Skitch. Everything Meri had learned that night, she had learned for the first time. A shrug is given in response to the likely rhetorical 'she didn’t tell you?' There was even hesitation when it came to speaking of Magik, but at least Tiber had made it known before the hunt that he was at least happy for them. “Well congratulations to the two of you. I’m happy for you both and the Sage area is a great place to live, speaking from experience here.” Red lips are pressed together for a moment as Meri lowers her bow, placing one end onto the earth and letting the weapon lean against her own person. A single hand was kept loosely on the bow just to keep it from tipping and falling to the earth. The blonde’s gaze shifts away from Tiber and toward the scent that she is more than aware of. “Yeah, I would say that Magik could easily be described as a chill dude,” there is a bit of a smile on Meri’s lips as she says this, an obviously fond one. It does not remain visible for long, fading as Meri goes on to explain. “What you are smelling is not him though. If he were around, I am sure he would come out and say hello.” Meri’s blue eyes move from the shadows of the forest to her own daughter before coming to rest back on Tiber. Whatever was looming, Meri was not bothered by its presence. “You are likely picking up on the scent of one of his companions, one that has taken quite a liking to Fleur.” Another shrug, that seems to be all that Meri is willing to offer up on Magik’s companion. Girlfriend or not, some things were best left for Magik to speak of. “It’s nothing for any of us to worry about. As for Magik, last I saw him he was at home.” Meri makes a motion west of here. “He has been residing in Sage for much longer than I have known him...and I have known him since before Lanara returned.” A beat. “Maybe he is working with his students, he could also be helping me research and plot for one of the upcoming hunts we are planning.” Cue another shrug from the blonde, she trusted the elf and thus was not overly concerned as to where he was at this exact moment. She’d learn about his day over dinner later.

Tiber watches Meri shrug at the mention of Lanara, and the man looks completely frazzled. Whatever was going on between the two best friends, well, was this girl stuff? Tiberius was not sure, and for that, he rocks on his heels idly. The fond smile that Meri produces reflects faintly in the man before her because, he too--somehow, knew what that was like. Tiber’s brows furrow, however, when Meri talks of the scent nearby. “Glad to see he isn’t the stalker-ish type then,” he half-smirks. The man motions his eyes around the forest again before, only slightly, relaxing. “That explains it,” his voice is slow. If Meri was not worried, why should the Catalian be? “Seems like your guy knows a lot about the forest. Hunting. The likes. Which obviously means you do too--well, obviously you hunt and yeah, you know what I mean.” There was a pause and Tiber reached up to scratch the side of his stubble. Words Tiber. Normally he was good with words. Meri must have been the exception, afterall, he knew her more on a friendship level. He was an idiot for the most part around her. “I’m kind of looking to know the forest a little more myself. Get some reins. Make sure the area is… safe, mostly for Lanara’s sake. New wolf, you know?” Again, there was a beat and then a squint of curiosity. “You think I could join in on one of those hunts again? I’m pretty decent with a bow--might need to work on a little more form." He gestures to the bow around his torso. "Also, since Magik knows the forest so well, I’d hate to be on the guy’s bad side. I ain’t about to start the heat in Sage. I have enough in Cenril for that matter.”

Meri issues a brief chuckle at Tiber’s stalker joke but it is short-lived as she soon feigns offense when Tiber compliments Magik’s skills on hunting and his knowledge of the forest. “Oh, excuse you, I will have you know that I currently outrank him in the Ranger’s Guild.” The blonde does not continue with this ruse for long. “But yes, he is quite knowledgeable. Probably more so than I am.” Meri’s gaze moves away from Tiber, resting on her daughter who seems to be finally running low on energy. The toddler looks like she was about ready to camp right out beneath a tree that she has come to sit under. The blonde keeps her eyes trained on Fleur even as she speaks to Tiber. “Looks like someone is about ready for an n-a-p.” That three letter word is spelled out just so Fleur does not end up turning willful and resisting. “But before I run off to try and put her into b-e-d….The offer is this. You can join us on as many hunts as you would like to...but if you want to join us? You’ve got to become a Ranger, just like we are.” Meri smirks, her blue eyes finally moving back to Tiber. “There is a bit of a test to join though, more of a formality at this point...You’ve got to go on a hunt. And wouldn’t you know? I just visited Nikola the other day and she put another hunt request in with me. She is looking for a pelt of a salamander. Just to make the test slightly more challenging, I am not going to tell you where you are likely to find them. You will have to figure that out for yourself. I will caution you though, don’t underestimate them just because they are one of the smaller reptiles. They have an affinity for fire and I have heard that their skin can be toxic. And because Nikola is after the pelt, you will have to be very careful on how the beast is eliminated. Bring me a pelt, become a Ranger, and you will get all the hunts you want.” A beat. “And of course, if Lanara would like to join you on this hunt, she is more than welcome. I am not entirely sure if she would be keen on officially joining the Ranger’s guild, she is of course welcome, but assemble whatever team you would like for this hunt. You should not need too many people for it, though. Questions?”

Tiber must have hit a trigger point when Meri gets defensive. Women. The Ranger’s Guild, however… piqued him. Was this another club? A brow quirks before eyes follow Meri to Fleur who looks tuckered out. “I’d say so.” As Meri continues on about the hunts before she calls herself and Magik ‘Rangers’. A ranger. Was this one of the protectors of the forest? His eyes squint as the linguist ponders the word usage. The man would have to hunt to prove this worthiness. Easy enough, right? “A salamander? What the hell would she want with a salamander?” Like Meri knew. Maybe the test would not be so easy after all. Toxic skin, and needing the pelt off the small to medium creature? The man is hesitant for a long time to speak as he rubs his chin in contemplation of Meri’s obscure request. Tick tock, Tiber, the kid is ready to knock out. “Deal. I’ll get that Niko--Nik. I’ll get you the pelt.” Pause. “I don’t know how Lanara is with reptiles, considering she hates snakes, but… she doesn’t have to touch it. I can.” He paused at her mention of questions and he shook his head. “No. I’ll just get you the pelt.” Tiber then unequips his bow for a little target practice for himself. “I’ll see you soon with that pelt,” he winked. “Now, get the kid to b-e-d.” Should he had just said ‘bed’ to torture Meri? That would have been fun for him, but then he would have to listen to a refusing, obnoxious child, so maybe not. Instead, he trades Meri and takes her place at the archery, preparing to knock back his own arrows.