RP:Guild Ruling

From HollowWiki

This is a Healer's Guild RP.

Sabrina has just tackled Xzavior, he thinks in a loving manner but the elfess really only has enough force to equal a playful gesture. Don’t be fooled, she means business. Sabrina sits on him, forcing a piece of parchment against his chest. The kiss was ignored with his question and she actually looks displeased. “It is a detailed description of a healing administered to Desparrow.” She wouldn’t ask him if he cared to explain, it was obvious she knew what he had done.

Xzavior raised a brow at the parchment then back up to Sabrina. "In my defence the only thing I did was relocate his arm. If it makes you feel any better I did it slowly as well." He also couldn't get into a lot of trouble for it because that was before she gave the notice. He already was planning to cut ties in that sense with Desparrow. Mainly because he never has helped Des out much in the first place. "I don't plan on helping him out if that is what you're worried about."

Sabrina didn’t looked pleased in any case. “Just to be sure I am clear, ANY further assistance and I cannot help you. I do not have favorites when it comes to my duty.” She slides from his form, settling in just next to him on the couch. “On a personal note, the last I heard you were out for his blood. At least a good beating. While I am glad this wasn’t the case for other reasons. I find it hard to be fond of this situation that is upon us.” She is staring off toward the wall, like saying it to his face was difficult somehow. “Had he done to you, what he had done to me. There would be no reward in his favor.”

Xzavior sighed and sat up as well, "He's getting very close to earning a little more then a beating. And I might not even have to be the one who does it. With so many people out for his blood now I'm surprised he even made it this far." With a shake of his head he looked out towards the window. "That ass can't make it within two steps of anywhere without doing something stupid." Turning from the window to Sabrina he placed a hand on her arm lightly, "But I'm sorry in any case."

Sabrina arches a thin dark brow and pulls her arm away. “Sorry?” She stands. “Let us be clear, so there isn’t any confusion. Now…” A pause to collect her thoughts. “Are you sorry because it never occurred to you I might feel this way about it? Or are you sorry because it doesn’t bother you to help a man who put your girlfriend through… through…” She was actually red in the face at this point, looking somewhat like she might explode. “ Or are you simply sorry because you can’t think of anything to be sorry for. Because, by all means, if you can think of anything you might actually be sorry for, I am more than willing to hear it. So far, none of these options help the situation. Xzavior, he was inside my head- Worse! He put me inside his! Do you have any idea what it was like in there?” She is nearly growling now “No, you don’t- because it wasn’t you. It was me. And the one person I trusted more than anything in the world, who VOWED vengeance…. Heals him.” The latter portion was rather soft versus the screaming that piqued at ‘venegeance.’ “Just.” Her hands splayed out in an exaggerated shrug. “Heals him, no big deal. Levels a city, causes physical and mental torment on someone you are supposed to love.” The splay plays again. “Heals him.”

Xzavior closed his eyes and sighed before raising a hand as if to correct her, "The word 'heal' is very loosely used in this situation. I basically left him bleeding on the beach still." He didn't think there was confusion at all in this conversation. Just a lack of information. "I'm sorry because, in truth, I didn't think about it. I just thought to help out the wounded dog. As little as I did." Opening his eyes he gave a cruel grin, "And in regards to that incident. I didn't forget about that, and I am not letting that slide." Shaking his head he came to scowl slightly. "Bow his head in shame all he wants he pushed it back is all he did. You know my character better then most anyone else, I can't just beat a whimpering dog who won't fight back. I love you Sabrina, I really do. But I am not straightforward when it comes to people like Des. You have to do more then just hurt them to make them realize their mistake. That is why I wait. Why I bide my time for that moment to ruin his plans and such." As evil as it makes him sound he couldn't really deny that there is a method to his madness and it worked well too. "When it comes to people like Desparrow, I am not the nicest man in the world."

Sabrina is still not ecstatic about the situation. “Then leave sleeping dogs lie.” Her arms cross over her chest. “It isn’t that I want you to do something, quite the opposite. For the time being walk away, and let the authorities handle it. We, as a guild have to tread the political tightrope in this one. Too much has happened and I will not allow one of mine to be the bringer of justice. That isn’t what we do.” She reclaims her seat at the couch, huffing ever so childishly. Xzavior just chuckled and shook his head, "I didn't say I would bring him in. I also don't mean I will kill him. I just mean to disrupt whatever plans he has and if he gets arrested as an end result it is a win win. I'm not going to take any credit for it in any case either." Nudging her leg lightly with his tail, "Let me be mean to the dumb dog for some satisfaction at least."

Sabrina frowns. This is the part where she was supposed to blindly trust him, but his recent behavior raised too many questions for that trust to just come about on its own. “Fine, but you understand the position the Guild must take? Fully?” She looks up at him. “If you falter, I can not, and will not protect you. He has a price, and there are individuals designated to take him down.”

Xzavior wasn't really sure why she was so tentative around this topic. He really hadn't done anything dramatic to have such mistrust placed on him. But he has lived and dealt with worse. "I know all of what this entitles. But if at all I can help bring people down in these cases I will. Not Desparrow himself. He's treading dangerous ground as it is. I don't need to help. But if anyone else comes along."

Sabrina stands. “The await further instruction while I meet with leaders to discuss how we intend to assist, and what they are willing to let us do. Or not do. In the meantime, knuckle down and keep our people close. Emilia especially. I do not doubt he would go to lengths as far as abducting one of our own to get what he needs.” She starts for the door, clearly more concerned with Desparrow’s tactics than Mihaels. “I prefer our healers… even the inexperienced ones… only travel with escorts. At very least two by two.”

Xzavior didn't feel the need for an escort. He was pretty sure of his own skills as a fighter to keep himself safe. But he knew that others weren't exactly like him. Especially not Emilia. Who of which he hadn't seen in quite a while. Even at the cabin. That was not something that was in no way reassuring to him. "Alright. I'll keep an open ear." He was probably going to have to find Emilia and fast.

Sabrina nods. “Bring the unit in close. Even those not banded with us so they do not suffer at the hands of that dog.” She was beginning to admit a deep rooted hate for all things Lycan. It wasn’t because of any individual act, it was the compilation of everything, including the use of her people that gave him the ability to continue his desolation. She speaks mostly to herself. “So much death, loss….” With a firm tone she regains her composure. “Find Emilia first, alert her husband to the danger.” With any hope, Xersom would have something to say about it, and with an offering of warning to his beloved’s safety, Xzavior would gain favor in his eyes.