RP:Ghosts 'N' Stuff

From HollowWiki

Part of the Lies Within Us Arc

Part of the On Stranger Tides Arc

This is a Mage's Guild RP.

This is a Necromancer's Guild RP.

Summary: Quintessa and Khitti summon Brenwyn's spirit to try to get some information from him, but as things usually go with Khitti, her magic summoned something else as well.

Mountain Path, Xalious

Khitti || Night had long since fallen on Lithrydel and it was the perfect time for a seance. Khitti had given Quintessa a list of things to get while Khitti went on to the crossroads area in Xalious near where Brenwyn had died: several sticks of sandalwood, frankincense, myrrh incense to protect against malevolent spirits that might be summoned with the seance and to consecrate the area they’d work in; a small cauldron, just big enough to burn herbs in; sage to cleanse the area, lemongrass for mental clarity, chamomile for harmony and peace, and bergamot to aid in alertness and strength; and lastly, both black and white candles. Oh, and she gave Quintessa money too, of course. This was Khitti’s idea after all, might as well pay for it. When Quintessa finally joined Khitti, she’d find the redhead in the middle of a large circle, that of which was made of runes, each individual one with its own purpose and marked onto the ground with chalk. “We need to clear our minds,” Khitti said at length, once she helped Quintessa finish setting up the ritual area, set fire to the herbs in the cauldron, and lit the candles and incense. “You and I have both been through a lot lately, together and individually, but we need to put all that aside now and focus on the task at hand. And you’re going to have to question him. He doesn’t know me whatsoever and I need to be able to hold the circle as best as I can for as long as I can.” Once they both seemed as ready as they’ll ever be, Khitti placed her hands on the changeling’s shoulders and looked up at her, “It’s okay to be scared. It’s entirely possible this whole thing could go sideways, but I need you to be ready for anything--and -don’t- leave the circle.” There was much emphasis on the ‘don’t’. “Call him into the circle. If he doesn’t remember you, remind him of things that the two of you would know. Something familiar.”

Khitti retrieved her violin from its case, just outside the circle and set bow to instrument, and closed her eyes. She had not been wrong when she said this could go badly. Khitti had not forgotten what it used to be like to channel her magic like this, way before her magic had been allowed to be at its fullest potential. Back then, in Vailkrin, once the seal the necromancers had placed on her magic dissipated, Khitti’s magic had been like a beacon for lost souls. It only just started making sense to her. The souls came to her for guidance, to find their way to the void, or perhaps even just to be calmed. And they called to her, just as her magic had called to them. The spirits on the Demon Archipelago was evidence of that. It had been Amarrah’s people, the Umbrawisps, that acted as shepherds to the spirits that had become trapped in Shadow Plane, the realm acting as a sort of purgatory for them--and since Amarrah’s magic had long since been made Khitti’s, this too was now Khitti’s power and had been fully unlocked by that strange archipelago. Khitti poured her dark magic into the violin as she played a slow, somber melody. The ethereal chords radiated with her magic, the vibrato sending it out in waves. Just as she had been before, Khitti was like a beacon for the souls. Many of them appeared, some calm and collected, others more malevolent. They both needed help and there were so many that it would be impossible for Khitti to do so alone. As certain notes were hit, the runes on the ground began to glow, closing around the former templar and the girl she’d come to love like a daughter. When enough had shown up, she set aside her violin for the moment, both shadow and light magic engulfing her hands and filtering out to their designated runes, each one having been given a white or black candle. “Do you see him?” The spirits slowly made their way to the circle. There were so many, there were likely to be a couple hundred of them. Some of them, Khitti recognized. They’d been murdered by the frost giants during the war and their own recognition of Khitti in return only furthered their want for help. “Seek him out with your own magic. His aura should be no different than it was in life.”

Quintessa || Luckily for Quintessa, when Khitti gave her a list of things to collect she already had most of them gathering in her laboratory. The dark fae was no stranger to paranormal events, having invested much of her time into expanding her knowledge on necromancy, ghosts and spirits were no exception. She had hunted them in the Dark Forest and studied the frozen battlegrounds west of Frostmaw much as an apprentice, so Quintessa was excited to show off her expertise. When she finally arrived she immediately got to work organizing their workspace, setting out the herbs and objects that would hopefully summon the spirit of the man whose death came prematurely. With a silent nod to her teacher, Quintessa tries to clear her head of all her cluttered thoughts, remembering the exercises Magik had taught her during meditation sessions. It was infinitely useful, it turns out. “I’m not scared,” Quintessa said to Khitti, looking down into her eyes with an expression of stoicism, “But I’m a bit concerned that I never met the -real- man. What if it was Haladavar all along?” Her voice raised into frantic pace, but the changeling stopped herself and took a breath. “Clear mind- clear mind-” She reminded herself, gathering the things she would need inside of the circle before she stepped inside and slowly dropped to her knees. Several sticks of incense burned around her, the mystical influence of the sandalwood, frankincense, myrrh growing as Quintessa began to focus on her own malevolent energy. The changeling closed her eyes, hands slowly reaching out to feel the tug of a ghostly apparition. Pain, regret, anger, these were the emotions she expected to encounter when contacting the spirit of a murdered man- perhaps he would have even transformed into a wraith or a poltergeist by now, whatever the case may be, Quintessa would not flinch in his presence. As the violin filled the air with Khitti’s dirge, the younger necromancer lifted a small brass gong from her satchel and rang it once, letting the reberiation meld with the other sounds in the area. “A ga maeba, kuwashime yoinikeri... A ga maeba, terutsuki toyomunari…” Quintessa chanted to herself, repeating an ancient Rynvalian prayer, one that some of the elves there still practiced today. It was her hope that this would invoke Brenwyn’s presence more hastily than her old Vailkrinese. Finally, the girl sought to provoke the deceased elf by speaking his name, something that was known to anger certain ghosts if not done carefully. “Brenwyn of House Aradithas, show yourself!”

Odhranos || At Quintessa's call, a murmur passes through gathered host of spectres, like a ripple through clear, still water. The crowded spirits turn, and part to clear a path for one of their own, who strides forward with an unyielding purpose that not even death could dull. With the crisp, echoing sound of boot-heels on polished stone, a pale figure emerges from the gloomy guard of honour. Shoulders held square, with piercing eyes that even in death still hold their stern iron, Brenwyn of House Aradithas steps into the ring of candles. Time no longer holds sway over him, and the marks of age that weighed him down in his later years have been sloughed off in his afterlife. The Rynvalian elf bears an aura of unearthly composure as he brings himself to a halt and he greets the two mages with a respectful bow. "Let it never be said, that even in death, I missed an appointment." Though his eyes betray no humour, a slight twitch in his cheek belays a suppressed smile. Let the dead have their jokes, it's not often they get to make them.

Khitti didn’t have time to breathe a sigh of relief once Brenwyn made himself known. She knew that even with Haladavar having possessed the elf for quite a long time, the elf himself likely had still been inside there, forced to watch as the Order dealt their blows to the guild. Or, at least, she’d hoped she knew. Khitti had to have enough hope for both her and Quintessa--and the rest of the guild--that Brenwyn had been in there all along. He’d step into the ring, and all of a sudden, the spirits that had parted the way for the elf ran to the circle. The magical circle’s barrier glowed grey each time they attacked it, trying to force their way in. Khitti grit her teeth and continue to channel both of her magicks, but each time they assaulted the barrier, it was more like an attack on Khitti herself. The more she channeled, the stronger the magic was able to act as the spirits’ beacon. This was all fine and well. If Quintessa and Khitti had to fight off a horde of spirits afterward, it’s nothing that they couldn’t handle. But, there was something else out there. Lurking in the darkness beyond the ghosts that continued trying to get in. It wasn’t close enough to be sensed yet by the two necromancers, but it was certainly close enough that -it- could see what they were doing. Or, rather, how much magic energy Khitti was giving off.

Quintessa felt an eerie sense of calm take hold of her when her mismatched eyes feel upon the spirit she and Khitti had summoned, overshadowing the guilt she felt for her part in his murder. Sure, she had been a patsey for the Order, but it was her hand that delivered secret information to Haladavarl, her actions that lead to the crumbling of the guild. Her backstabbing ways, vying for power, stepping on whoever she could to attain the rank she coveted so much. She had recently come face to face with the evil that lived in her heart and she didn’t like it, so this, she hoped, would be yet another step in making things right. Quintessa’s stoic composure fractured as the angry hoard rushed her circle, but she remained kneeling in center, the gong placed neatly before her as she steaded her breathing once more. Fear, she knew, would only empower the vengeful spirits that had been summoned by Khitti’s music, so she made certain not to show an ounce of it. “Very punctual indeed.” Quintessa replied to Brenwyn, the tone of her voice also missing the humor of her words. She was perhaps a little shaken, but she usually performed well under pressure, like turning coal into a diamond. “Do you know why we have called you here?” The question was rhetorical. “You were taken from us by the machinations of the Ossian Order. Their leader, Haladavar, fooled all of us, but now we see clearly. Now we want to put things right, but do that we need to understand more. Haladavar piggybacked on your body for months, surely you must know something about them- something that will help us eliminate them so that we might recapture the Mage’s Tower. Please, Brenwyn, I know you devoted your life to the Mage’s Guild, but even in death we still need your guidance. I promise that once this is all over, I will help you seek your final rest… If you so desire it.”

Odhranos || "Punctuality is a vice I am loathe to give up. There is little one can bring beyond the boundary, so I will take what of myself that I can." Brenwyn turns to watch as the spectral tide crashes against the boundaries of the circle, frowning slightly as his fellow departed crowd at the border, clawing and pleading for their ill-begotten deliverance. "Yes, I imagine I have an idea why I was called. And I can also imagine time is not on your side. In any regard." Brenwyn faces down Quintessa. "Yes, I lived in that demon's mind long enough to draw measure of him and the breadth of his divine madness. Don't take me lightly when I tell you that Haladavar is different from any upstart mage our Guild has had to put down before." Brenwyn shakes his head regretfully as the chaotic din of the ghosts clamours around him. "Haladavar is a pillar built of the Mages' sins. His vision has lived in our shadow for as long as we have practiced magic and has grown strong on everything that makes us weak. Our greed. Our wrath. And our pride. He is everything that is wrong with the Guild and so long as it remains that way, Haladavar's ideology will be unassailable" A frown creases the ex-Administrator's face, as he furrows his brows, but a stern glint still remains. "But there is still a way. A weakness in his vision, that may be his undoing. But to understand it, you need to understand him first. Haladavar is a relic of a time when survival was predicated on the strength of one. Safety is dominance. So long as there yet another higher power than him, Haladavar will not cease. Meanwhile those beneath him are as fodder, tools, mere pawns to pave the way for his ascendance. Haladavar would climb to the heavens on a mountain of bones." A twinge tugs at the corner of the elf's mouth and a slight smirk peeps through. "But disturb the mountain, and everything will fall to pieces."

Khitti || “He…” Khitti struggled to speak as she tried to keep almost every ounce of her concentration on her task, but she couldn’t help but comment on Brenwyn’s words,”... and the others… They remind me of the council that ruled over my homeland. There had been weakness there too… but it was in the form of someone that had taken pity on me.” She tried to remember back to the meeting the few decent members of the guild had had in her bakery. “A book… Someone mentioned a book…” Had Quintessa been paying attention to it much? Khitti had been distracted by other things, despite having been able to come up with a plan herself to help the situation. Someone at the meeting had spoken of weakness: the woman claiming to be Haladavar’s wife. Khitti’s magic wavered as she tried to think on it, but she’d have to leave it as it was and hope that Quintessa could finish her thought while Khitti focused again on the barrier. The lurking being made its way closer, close enough that it frightened the ghosts on the outskirts. They whispered amongst themselves and began to slowly dissipate, to return to wherever it had been that their souls lingered before they’d been called. There was naught to be seen out there in the darkness however. Whatever it was, it was well hidden, even for the likes of someone like Quintessa and her dark fae magic.

Quintessa fell silent as Brenwyn spoke of how to topple the Order’s illicit empire, trying to recall what tactics they could employ against such an enemy. A mountain of bones, indeed, and there was a small skeleton among them that she had placed there herself. Blue and hazel drift to the ground, but they flicker up at the mention of a book. “Of course!” Quintessa clapped her hands together as she recalled the discussion they had at Khitti’s bakery. “Ialantha, the woman Lanlan had introduced us to- she said she knows a way to counter her ex-husband’s abilities but she needs some kind of book…” Quintessa knew they would have to infiltrate the Mage’s Tower somehow to save Odhranos, but now they had a second reason to go there. They perhaps only had one chance to get both; once the Ossian Order had learned of their containment breach they would certainly up their security. They had to act swiftly and silently if they ever wanted to see Haladavar brought to heel. “Once we have that it’ll be like stealing pieces from a tower of blocks- remove enough pieces and the entire structure comes tumbling down…” Her gaze returns to Brenwyn with an expression that pleads for more information. “Do you know where such a book could be located? Perhaps a book covering Robelous rituals?” She would remain completely unaware of what lurked in the darkness.

Odhranos ||Brenwyn grows quiet, as he ponders Quintessa's question. "If there is such a book, then Haladavar never thought enough of it for me to notice. I'm afraid I cannot help you there. But the Robelous rituals…" Quintessa is levelled with a concerned glance. "Whatever literature existed regarding the Robelous rituals was purged by Tiphareth and the Guild beneath his leadership. There only remain four sources of knowledge that together form the magic of the Robelous. First-" Brenwyn raises his index finger, "- the Source of The Robelous. Haladavar himself, creator of the Robelous Runes, discovered how a soul could be made to serve as the ultimate source of power. Second-" Another finger is raised "-The Making of the Seal. Odhranos unknowingly took this mantle upon himself through his desire to understand and undo the fruits of Haladavar's effort, and for his knowledge, Haladavar imprisoned him, torturing him for the secrets that he uncovered. Third- the Breaking of the Seal. In his haste to be free of his prison, Haladavar imbued Lanlan with this knowledge. Knowledge that was enough for Haladavar to orchestrate his dismissal, so that his knowledge would remain lost. And finally, Fourth-" The final finger joins the other two. "The Heart of the Robelous. For only in understanding the craftsman, can you truly understand the craft. Ialantha knows Haladavar like no one else can, more than even I ever could. Only she can get inside his head, and given the chance, only she could weaken him enough that he might be struck down." Brenwyn drops his hand and turns, looking out westward into the gloom. "I do not know what book you may be seeking. But if Ialantha requires it, then it is of the utmost importance. She is the key to all of this. The reason for all of this." A quiet bark of a laugh echoes in the air, and Brenwyn turns back towards his summoners. "Gather the pieces, and you stand a chance. But if you want to prevail, take a dead man's advice. The Ossian Order's strength is your weakness. Turn their weakness into your strength."

Khitti || The thing that lurked became more apparent as the spirits fled. And if that hadn’t been enough? It started to circle around the barrier as well, like a cyclone. Now it was obvious that it was a being of pure shadow as its form wrapped around the entirety of the area Khitti and Quintessa were now trapped in. It squeezed the barrier, the magic cracking like glass as the redhead struggled to keep up her channeling, the darkness of it all so thick that it blotted out the light of the moons. “Tessa…” Her hands shook and her entire body ached as the last remnants of her magic were sent into the circle itself. But it wasn’t enough. “Run!” The barrier shattered, the candles and incense were snuffed out, and the creature was let in. It would attack, but not in the way Khitti had thought, and it ignored the changeling and the ghostly elf entirely. The magical beacon she’d created was gone and it sent the creature into a flurry of rage. It swarmed around like a mass of hornets until finally, it flew towards Khitti--and right through her. It almost looked like a raven as it collided with the former templar and swept her off her feet before shifting to a more incorporeal form and disappearing into the night. Khitti hit the ground, the wind knocked out of her, her head hitting against the hard ground. She was out entirely, but she was certainly still alive, though it might only be a small comfort. With the Mage Tower a rather unsafe place at the moment, the next best one to take her to would be the Devout’s Guild headquarters… likely to Quintessa’s dismay.

Quintessa was too focused on Brenwyn to see what was coming next, her lips parting to reply to him- but the words never came out. Her concentration is shattered when their barrier comes under siege by the malevolent darkness, the changeling springing to her feet the moment Khitti shouted to run. Bending low as if she was about to sprint, the runes on the soles of her boots glow faintly with the inscribed Black Tides sigils, a burst of occult energy bursting forth to transport her to safety, but a strange vision causes her to hesitate. The dark fae froze in place, a glimpse of the impending attack flashing quickly in her mind a second before it was made manifest, causing her to spin around to witness Khitti taking the brunt of it directly. A slight growl escaped the changeling as she bared her teeth, the magic of the Black Tides consuming the girl in shadow before she reemerged, not in time to catch her but quick enough to be there immediately after her teacher had fallen unconscious. “Elazul’s bite…” Quintessa cursed, reaching down to scoop up Khitti swiftly before whatever had struck her returns, her mismatched eyes frantically scanning the area. This place wasn’t safe- she had to get out of here. With one last pointed look at Brenwyn, she whispered her farewells before clicking her heels together (there’s no place like home) and shadow jumping eastward into Kelay. The Devout Guild headquarters would likely be a good place to take an injured Khitti, but that didn’t even occur to her; she was headed to the secret headquarters of the Syndicate of Shadows. There Quintessa could force feed Khitti her foul-tasting healing potions in safety until she regained consciousness. After that, the fae girl would escort the former vampire wherever she asked, even to the Devout Guild of all places if she wanted to, which would indeed be much to Quintessa’s dismay. Their tools, herbs, and resins are meanwhile abandoned in the odd girl’s wake, after all, they had the information they needed, no need to turn back for things that could be replaced. Khitti’s wellbeing was prioritized much higher than that for Quintessa.

Odhranos ||Brenwyn lets the tide of darkness crash around him with a calm ease; oh the nonchalance of the non-corporeal. A hand is waved as Quintessa and Khitti depart, leaving the ghostly administrator alone in the cold, windswept pass, only the dwindling embers and curls of incense to keep him company. "I suppose I'll be leaving then." Brenwyn turns and walks westward. With every step, he slowly fades into mist, until only a faint wisp of wind passing through the Xalious mountains remains of the Rynvalian. Brenwyn Aradithas, Administrator of the Mages Guild of Xalious, passes on, with the same composure he had in life. Xalious, greet him with open arms.