RP:Fugue of War

From HollowWiki

Part of the Thy Kingdom Come Arc

Summary: Kovl wakes somewhere in Xalious after leaving Josleen for dead in Balgruuf's fort in Frostmaw. Drug use from the previous day robs him of memories of where Josleen is and her current state. He resolves to bring medical supplies he stole from the fort to Hildegarde's allies in the frozen path, speak Hildegarde regarding Josleen's status, and rescue Josleen, if she's alive, from behind enemy lines.

Somewhere in Xalious

Kovl groans. His mind is foggy and his head is pounding. Even the slightest cracking open of his eyes sends a flood of blinding and headache-aggravating light into his vision. Kovl snaps his eyes closed and rolls over to cuddle with... huh? What is that? Something cold. Something solid. A rock? The pixie peeks from his eyelids once more. Yes, a rock. Huh? As the pixie forces himself to peer at his surroundings, and he realizes he has no idea where he is.

-What is the last thing I remember?- Kovl scans what amounts to pebbles of memory from this morning... Yesterday morning? Flashes come to mind. Josleen. Medical supplies... -I stole them with her. Yes.- The mage digs through his satchel. -Ah. There they are.- He sighs a breath of relief.

And then panics. "No... NO! Josleen!" Kovl cries out along the path at the foot of a cliff. No answer. "Please let her be okay..." The pixie thrashes again, zipping in and out of trees, pushing rocks over, and banging sticks on trees to punctuate his cries, "Josleen!"

The pixie has a good reason to panic. Finding the medical supplies in his bag means he never delivered them to the clinic in Xalious. Josleen would never leave him lying on the foothills of Xalious with the medical supplies they desperately need. If absolutely necessary, she would have at least taken the satchel. Josleen is captured. Or dead. And it's all Kovl's fault! If the pixie hadn't been high on a certain hallucinogenic drug he relies on, he would know where Josleen is now. Did Kovl run from her when she needed him most? Did the pixie watch her die? Did he just forget that Josleen was behind enemy lines with him and decide to go home past waves of enemy sentries to make a delicious meal?

Kovl takes a deep breath as he contemplates next steps. The Hildegarde's allies in the frozen pass need the supplies... He'll go there first. Then talk with Hildegarde. Then he'll seek out Josleen. Even if it will kill him. He's going back.