RP:Foxes Lie Like Dogs

From HollowWiki
Faux Twilight Cavern
A sense of ancient, arcane power permeates the chilled air as the southern tunnel opens abruptly into a massive cavern. Very little light enters this area, for the only opening that can be found aside from the entrance tunnel is a perfectly round hole in the distant roof. Yet one can't help feeling as if they're in the wide open despite being below ground. The walls are a peculiar wonder and aid to the strange illusion, appearing to be almost entirely basalt unnaturally polished to a glossy sheen, giving the cave the uncanny appearance of an inky night sky--with the ceiling gap above small enough to pass for a moon. But it's what lurks amongst the basalt that is the true source of the strange atmosphere: stars, infinite and brilliant in their eternal shining. These stars, however, are not quite the same as the ones in the night sky, albeit being remarkably passable at first glance; rather, they are myriad gemstones embedded into the walls--fluorite, for those able to recognize such things--in an array of colors, from flawless white to glowing yellow, serene blue and glistening violet, all eagerly catching faint light and reflecting them in an eternal mimicry of winking starshine. Any can tell this place is no longer purely a natural formation, if ever it was one. Enchantments long have been woven into the very core of this strange cave to maintain the careful appearance of an open sky beneath the earth. Further travel into the cavern will reveal a massive underground lake occupying the northern half, its unfrozen but deathly cold waters lapping at a 'beach' of black sand and rounded pebbles of blue fluorite. If one possesses night vision or squints to their fullest, they may just spy what appears to be a large glacier and structure in the center of the lake. The home of this place's creator? It's impossible to be certain, and there seems no obvious way across the waters to reach it--a lurking, intelligent presence seems to suggest even attempts at flying across will prove fatal.

  • Satoshi, Kit-vampire, Frost Singer.

Kirien had never wished a scent had been a mirage as much and as desperately as he did right now. As he steps into the cavern with its faux twilight and fake stars, however, the fox knows that what he picked up on earlier is all too real. When did this happen? Why? Should he have picked up on it sooner? Part of him wonders why he even followed the trail as long as he did - he doesn't care any more, it shouldn't matter, and he should just go home before he happens across his fiancé {ex-fiancé? who knows.} and all manner of troublesome and murderous antics ensue. All that'd be left after that would be something more shattered anyway. Still, casting glances around the expanse and sniffing slightly, Kirien knows Christian isn't actually here right now, and he'll be spared the pain of looking at him; but his scent lingers and it drives the rogue utterly insane, and he begins to pace back and forth, in circles, seeking the spot where the man stood longest.

Satoshi pads lightly across the bridge over the lake, her previously broken hand mended and held aloft so that she can inspect the pendant dangling from her fingers. A wisp of blue fire flickers past her ear as she steps off the bridge, leaving a whispered word in its wake that causes the kit to look up in surprise, amber-speckled eyes glimmering as they search for the visitor. Little time is needed for her to discern the familiar form of Kirien, although Satoshi hesitates slightly at the idea of approaching. She hadn't expected the fox to show up so soon. Furtively she brings her hand down and stows it in her sling along with the pendant before clearly her throat and adopting an affable expression--albeit eyes narrowed in uncertainty. "Bright Eyes. I should have guessed you'd sense it." No playing stupid this time. Satoshi already has to weave a lie for the rogue, and she has no intention of adding more than necessary to the web.

Kirien , distracted as he is with his searching for ghosts, takes a couple of moments to even notice the appearance of one Ghost in particular. In fact it's only at her words that attentions are dragged to the magus' diminutive form, and the circling fox raises his head, straightening. Gaze meets hers in an intense stare, though there's no anger visible in that single eye of his - rather, questioning, and confusion. "Of course. I'd have been here sooner but I was in Rynvale. Guess it took longer to reach me over the ocean." That, and he'd been otherwise occupied with simply indulging in the presence of a muse - someone who brought about far more pleasant emotions than Christian did in any form. Even the memories tied to the engagement ring, which still swings from its chain about his neck, only hold sadness. "…When was he…?" He trails off, making an absent motion with one hand - he doesn't need to finish, she knows what he's asking.

Satoshi carefully composes herself so that her expression is unreadable, even the musical lilt of her voice forced away until she comes across more business-like than anything else. And, with that mask in place, the kit simply levels her gaze at the Wraith and speaks as succinctly as possible, "Last night, before I killed him." There it is, the bold-faced lie, a rarity from the foxkin. For she may be a deceptive creature by nature, but she's not one to flat-out lie to anyone, much preferring the art of half-truths and red herrings. The notion of blatantly lying to one of the few she holds dear sits equally unwell with her, leaving a sour taste in her mouth once the words are spoken, the foul sensation coursing through her and sitting like a toxic stone in her stomach. "He at least had the decency to not balk." There, a truth, even if given a different meaning by the lie.

Kirien isn't fond of that tone at all, the calm and collected voice Satoshi chooses to deliver the news with sending more of a shudder down his spine than the words she actually utters. Where's the music in her voice? It'd be comforting right now, to be honest, and he almost wants to request that she speak normally again. But…dead? How? Somehow it doesn't quite feel that way but why would she lie about something like that? She was, after all, the one who told him to keep trying, to not give up and let hard work go to waste. Or had she been referring to something else? For a long couple of seconds the fox just stands there, staring, jaw slack and mouth half-open as if about to protest. Should he? "…Why did you kill him?" he asks eventually, softly; an odd question to come from the one that wanted to commit the act himself. A step toward her is taken, followed by another, and more until eventually he comes to a stop before her and cants his head, ears pricked but not quite as erect as normal.

Satoshi mirrors Kirien's head tilt, if only because it's the only expression she trusts herself with currently, before responding. "Because I'm selfish. I didn't like the hurt he caused to one of the few I adore, so I ended the problem." There's the faintest flicker of a fox-ish smirk on her lips as she speaks, even if it comes off as an uncertain twitch, not entirely sure how Kirien will take it. "I'd say I'm sorry, really I would... but I'm not. I can't dwell in the past like you can. I don't have regrets because of that." Nor is she capable of fond recollections like others who can stop and view their past. But those words go unspoken, although plainly written on the kit's face as she lets the mask slip away, unwilling to keep up multiple facades with Kirien, this one she's come to see like a brother.

Kirien watches, and listens, and quietly learns. Satoshi and he are similar kinds of creatures -- in more than the physical sense -- so for her to so openly admit how much she cares for him…is an interesting experience. It's almost like looking into a mirror and viewing a more truthful self, and he blinks a bit. Can he do the same? As much as he ardently adores those he calls family, the fox often has trouble admitting such things. "…You…for me." It's said slowly, in a tone of light shock, before abruptly Kirien's arm snaps out to wrap about the woman's shoulders; he may not possess Vampiric strength but he has the element of surprise on his side, and if she stumbles forward he'll pull her into a tight hug and be quick to hide his face in her hair, ignorant of the chill. The cold doesn't matter - there's a warmth somewhere under there, surely, if she's capable of feeling that way about him. So long as she doesn't push him away he won't pull back, at least not for well over a minute before, reluctantly, he begins to raise his head and stares out across the black waters of the lake beyond her shoulder. "Did he say anything…?"

Satoshi is caught completely offguard. Yes, she had expected a physical response from Kirien, but not one like this, and it leaves the foxkin wordless as she's drawn into the hug. Half a moment is spent with her in a rigid, wary state before she sighs, allowing herself to sag against the other fox and accept the embrace for what it is. It's far too easy a thing to get lost in that simple display of affection, and Satoshi allows her whirling mind to drift aimlessly, to unwind, up until Kirien's question is spoken. Like lightning the magus comes back to herself and coughs before deftly guiding the rogue out of the hug. She doesn't give him time to think she's rejecting his embrace, her hand instantly disappearing into her sling before emerging with the pendant in tow. "He wanted you to have this. I'm not sure if it means anything to you or not. He wasn't being coherent." All truth once more twisted to fit the lie, for the bastard tomcat didn't leave any words, only the pendant and a half-assed explanation, and Satoshi has no intentions of creating any for him.

Kirien is somewhat unwilling to relinquish his hold, as though he finds some form of comfort or explanation in the contact that he doesn't want to let go of - and he probably does. Still he allows her to pull away eventually and straightens once again, eye watching her movements with a hint of curiosity until that damnable 'gift' from Christian is withdrawn. He almost takes a step back at the sight of it, features twitching into the semblance of a silent snarl. "I don't know what that is." It's precisely why he's reacting in such a hostile manner - but then what did he expect? He never gave anything to Christian except something intangible, something he can't take back now. "It doesn't mean anything to me. I'll keep his coat."

Satoshi eyes the pendant in her hand with equal disdain, silently cursing the idiocy that is Riss and secretly hoping that she does indeed kill him one day. With a snarl the hurls the necklace over her shoulder, sneering at the faint 'plink' of it being swallowed by the inky waters of the lake. Satoshi shrugs then, offering Kirien a crooked smile. "At least the coat is useful." The kit gives a slight laugh at the attempt of a joke before falling silent, anxiously kicking at a pebble with her boot until she's willing to venture more words. "Y'know, hugging me is generally a good way to catch a cold. You should come inside and warm up. I can try to make tea. ...this weird, undead pixie introduced me to the stuff. How about it, Kirien~?" Satoshi finally allows the melody to return to her voice, accompanied by an uncommon use of the rogue's actual name.

Kirien :: A smile quirks the edges of Kirien's lips upward at the remark, a nod of the head following. "Aye, that's true. Especially up here in this place. Just…tell me next time before we have to fly into some crazy-ass cold storm, so I have time to put it on /before/ that." A pause in which movements are mimicked and the ground beneath booted feet is scuffed at, and then there's the offer of tea and a bit of a tease, and this only aids the fox's smile in breaking through fully. "So long as you don't try to poison me, Satoshi," he responds with a slight wink.

Satoshi leads the way back across the bridge while loudly voicing her objections. "I would -never- poison you!" And a pause, for dramatics, "I'd use ice."