RP:Foggy Facts and Assumptions

From HollowWiki

Satoshi, it would seem, is a poor flight instructor as she stands outside at the base of the tower with her left arm outstretched and repeatedly flailed upward. Clinging to said arm with all four limbs and refusing to be launched into the air is her young angha hatchling. Chimes of protest come from him, and coaxes and curses from Satoshi with each failed attempt.

Ranok had traveled to Frostmaw, such was his need. The man was incredibly unhappy. It was the cold, of course. This was nothing surprising. But, what made it worse was that he had to turn off the thing that kept the duster warm. Bits of metal, linked to warm hotsprings and ever burning fires by a similar piece of metal, each inscribed with the proper Names to attach them. One warmed up, so did the other. He had to keep them off on account of his cargo. More or less freshly stolen that day, the man was carrying two Mist Dragon eggs in his duster, tucked into one of the hammerspace pockets of his duster. The man really wasn't sure if the warmth from the duster would spread into the pockets, but it would be worth of kicking himself in the face if he managed to kill the things by trying to stay comfortable. Of course, on the reverse, he could be killing them with cold. He hoped his body heat would provide the right equilibrium. So, he was rather in a hurry, and tightly bundled up again. As he heads to the one place that was sure to offer the best expertise, he was about to head right inside. Of course, Sato's failed teachings catches the man's goggled eyes. It was hard not to. A few muttered words to himself about Sato and her propensity to select colorful creatures and pets, and the man would shake the cold out of his boots in the closest he'd probably ever come to downright misery that was displayed in open.

Satoshi pauses mid-throw upon sensing the intangible ripple of a lifeform approaching through Frostmaw's snows. Dangling from her hand, Trebel sighs his relief with a trembling chime and follows the kit's curious gaze as she looks toward the source of the vaguely familiar tread, both of them in time to catch Ranok's shaking of his boots. "Ahoy, Sir Clink," the magus hails, lowering her arm, "you're not looking nearly as comfortable as you did on your last visit to my cozy, frozen wasteland~." He hadn't seemed all that comfortable then either, now that she thinks on it, but he certainly seems in worse fair today, with the wind-borne frost being downright eager to cling to him as if sensing he's not as well-warded from the cold as usual.

Ranok nearly snapped a snarky reply back to Sato. Something like 'go to hell' or equally classic. But, wisely, he holds back. It wasn't polite to insult the queen on her home turf. Especially when on her home turf. Especially especially when the entire point was to ask an organization she was affiliated with the organization you came to pry secrets from. But, he was grumpy in his tone nonetheless as he responded, "Hy've hed to make do viddout a fev innovations uf mine, dis trip around. Hy'm karryink zumddink at de moment dat vould not appreciate it so much." His duster was fluttering about him madly, even accounting for the wind. It normally fluttered gently in a breeze of its own. Perhaps it didn't like the cold. Or maybe it loved it? Though that would imply intelligence on its part.

Satoshi quirks a brow at the tone but makes no comment on it. She's rather used to that and worse from those that venture into Frostmaw either not prepared for the extreme climate or prepared but still far from fond of it. Few can adore the arctic temperatures like she does, and Satoshi's learned to take that into account by now. With a jerk of her head toward the ever-loitering little courier dragon, the kit offers, "If you don't mind a short hop on dragonback, we can go up inside. I promise, it's far warmer in there. Don't let the tower being made of ice fool ya." Otherwise, Satoshi and Trebel alike are quite content to speak outdoors in the snow, what with one being ice-elemental-touched and the other having hatched from an icy egg.

Ranok eyes the tower with mistrust. If it was the only way in... "...very vell. Let's get dis over vith. Hy kan' feel my... " A particular gust of wind blows up to drown out the rest of his words. Forever to the imagination are they consigned, it seems. Frankly, Ranok wanted to slap all the people galavanting in the snow. It was disgusting that they were so pleased with the arctic cold. But, then again, he was really just that grumpy with the chill. Or, perhaps, it brought the borderline murderous rage he always held to the surface. Hard to tell. Hands swaddled with gloves hold down his hat against the wind. Patience was running out. Had Sato not offered potential reprieve, he'd have probably have snapped an order at the wind by now.

Satoshi steps aside to allow the petite dragon to trot up to Ranok and offer its smooth, pale-blue back in invitation. "Guests first, then~." Once he's in place, the dragon will do what it does best, to ferry the man into the tower and up to the distant (but warm) Marshall quarters as swiftly and smoothly as possibly. Satoshi won't be far behind, delayed only for as long as it takes for a snow gryphon to appear to carry her and Trebel up as well.

Oculus of the Air Marshall

Satoshi dismounts at that point, brushing herself off before shuffling over to flop into a chair with all the casual air of someone who is far too comfortable in her own skin. Despite easy tones and lazy body language, however, to the keen of eye the kit's face betrays hints of displeasure and the recent rough times through faint lines and pinched features, while her eyes harbor a haunted darkness amid normally jovial gleams of blue and amber. It's not something she'll readily invite into conversation, but the clues are still there no matter how hard she tries to maintain her old habits by grinning lopsidedly at Ranok now. "Well then, what brings you north again, and so miserably so~?"

Ranok didn't really know Satoshi enough to call those tells of stress upon her. And, even if he could, he didn't know if he wanted to. Perhaps an inkling of the darkness and stress in her visage might be caught, but no more. As for the man himself, he looked as stoically unflappable as he always tried to be. Or, that was what he wanted Sato to think. He was cold, and he was grumpy because of the cold, and god dammit, what had Jimbob been thinking when he made some place so snow laden and with wind? Such thoughts were cycling through his head as he spoke, "Hy vas hopink to find ekspertise on a matter. Sviftly so. Hy'm so glad hyu've kut to de chase. Time iz a liddle important." The duster is opened, with reluctance, revealing the bone white armor plate beneath, layered on top of the pitch black ghroundium weave. He reaches into one of the interal pockets to fish out an oblong shape. A dragon egg, of course. Right to the chase. The hatchling wasn't getting any healthier from the lack of whatever dire caretaking it needed, so he was in a bit of a rush. The mist dragon egg gave off tendrils of mist, the shell surrounding the hatchling like the fog that covered a field in the morning. Glimpses of the nearly ready to hatch dragonette could be caught, its own features indistinct and misty. A thing so delicate looking inside something even more fragile. But, the mists seemed to be fairly resilient.

Satoshi's lounging comes to an abrupt end, her languid form becoming rigid as she starts forward in her chair. Some of that darkened taint in her eyes gives way to the bright flicker of curiosity as she peers eagerly at the egg. The angha on her shoulder keens his own interest, leaning out dangerously to get a closer look. "I'm... guessing this comes from Rynvale?" It's not a complete stab in the dark for Satoshi, considering one of the few places these types of dragons are found is in Rynvale, a place Ranok's known to frequent a great deal as of late, and she's likewise heard a tale or two about a full-grown mist dragon being involved in recent skirmishes there. But how he's managed to get ahold of one of its eggs is a different matter she can't hazard a guess at. Mist dragons are notoriously territorial, more so than many dragon breeds, especially of their nests. Stealing an egg from one is a suicidal act and the reason why none of the creatures have become part of the Eyrie. "And you... want to know how to keep the hatchling alive, I'm assuming? If it's a dragon-omelette you want, I can't help there." A worried glance is given to the egg then, it's wispy shell far more intangible than it should be, if what she understands of the beasts is accurate.

Ranok looks serious. "Now iz no time for jokes, Hy'm afraeed. Dis hetchlink iz dangerously klose to dyink. As iz its kompanion. For hall my kareful plannink, it seems dat data on de mist dragon iz schtill sorely lackink." Not to be outdone in the shamelessly curious department, Ranok's blobby companion pokes its head out from the man's collar, peering around with ruby eyes. When it spots Sato, it gives what can only be a cheerful chirrup and buzz of pleasure as seeing the woman who gave him a shiny. As for how Ranok got the egg, the plan was simple. He just hired a dragon that didn't know any better to fly into the Mist Dragon's turf, IE the entire Fog Forest. Territorial instinct took it from there, though the dragon was broody. It was a mad scrabble to get the egg from the nest proper. "Hy decided dat, radder den puzzle it out und risk de bounty Hy schnatched, Hy vould kome to hyu right avay. SCHtraight from Rynvale to Frostmav on de fastest vay possible. It vasn' a pleasant trip."

Satoshi inwardly shudders. The flight from Rynvale to Frostmaw is one she's very familiar with, and one she dislikes, especially when time is pressing and speed is essential. But they can chit-chat about that shared experience at another time because, as Ranok said, this is no time for it. Instead, the kit nods and rises from her seat--sparing the briefest of seconds to wiggle her fingers in greeting to the polymorphic blob--to pass by Ranok and the egg and approach her desk, expression serious. "They're incredibly rare, is why information is lacking. You have to consult archaic texts to learn about them, as they once were common, and useful in various water-based mage work." As she speaks, Satoshi begins tracing runes upon the desktop, weaving her words into lyrics to coax an azure glow from the sigils. A beckoning flick of the wrist calls into her hands then parts of the frosted nest nearby, where it's sprinkled across the runes. The magus' work is quick and efficient, and in no time she's conjured up an arcane field that encompasses most of the desktop and fences in a dense, glistening fog that roils within. "My knowledge is limited on them, but I do know the basics for care, as their eggs were especially valuable for certain ritual castings--and difficult to come by. They need to be surrounded by mist during incubation, as the shell deteriorates otherwise and must be replenished by the same substance. Usually the mother provides that, but considering you're no mist dragon, this should suffice. I hope... I've never heard whether heat or cold affects them, only that fog is essential, so they may already be damaged from exposure to both those elements already."

Ranok sets the egg into the field of mist, "Hy figured mist vould help. Onfortunately, kobblink togedder zumddink dat kan produce such a schtead schtreem uf mist vile on de moff iz herd. Hy hain't miracle vorker. De lavs uf physics und sanity hain't yet my bitches." The second one was fished out, then placed. It wasn't so bad, for the eggs. The trip was harder on Ranok. Time flowed strangely, in that place where the pockets led. Ranok's duster was being influenced by constantly being nestled next to his armor, which housed an intelligence in it summoned by voodoo. Frankly, the fact that the duster hadn't sprouted wings or tried to nom him was amazing. As time wore on, the duster just got stranger and stranger. "Zum idiot dragon bled for dese. Dey'd best not die. Hrmph. Hy don' tink Hy kould pull de same plan tvice. She's probably rampagink in her nest, right now. Tenkfully, de kitizens uf Rynvale hain't schtupeed enough to venture into de Fog Forest ven it's dis time uf year. Broodink season reachink an end, und hall dat." Now that they were inside, and devoid of wind, Ranok's duster had taken up its habit of fluttering gently in a breeze that didn't exist. It seemed like a hand slowly grasping, wrapping around ankles for a moment. Anyone that strayed too close to the bottom part of it would endure the gentle lash of the leather with its star be-speckled interior. As Ranok spoke, Meek was making an absolute fuss. All these curious things, and it couldn't get down from its perch. Positively frustrating to the child-like curiousity the blob held.

Satoshi eyes Ranok's duster briefly, the look more mildly amused than curious, after spending so much time around Kasyr's scarf of similar fluttery habits. Her attention is more readily drawn to the blob fussing about and, scooping a tendril of mist from the contained area and compressing it into a diamond-bright shard of ice, Satoshi offers it to the little fellow. Whether it's accepted or not, the magus flicks her focus back to Ranok to reply. "I can't promise anything on living or dying with them. What I know of their kind was learned from books. I've never dealt with their eggs in person, and I never made a habit of crossing the mother during brooding season. Best hope she doesn't come looking for you, though," she adds with a frown. Satoshi's been caught in the crossfire of a mother dragon out for revenge from an egg thief before, and she has no desire to cross Ishataulak's raging path again, after the beast nearly killed Svilfon and herself. "Still, what are you going to do if they hatch? They're not the sentient type of dragon, so raising them as adopted children won't work. Although they're not outright feral either, so they're not exactly purely pet-material. This breed's somewhere in-between, like our frost dragons here. Could be interesting mounts, if you're willing to risk them going mist-ish while you're on their backs mid-flight."

Satoshi thinks Ranok would have better luck trying to ride a cloud, really.

Ranok raises a finger, "Zum idiot dragon bled for dese. Dey'd best not die. Hrmph. Hy don' tink Hy kould pull de same plan tvice. She's probably rampagink in her nest, right now. Tenkfully, de kitizens uf Rynvale hain't schtupeed enough to venture into de Fog Forest ven it's dis time uf year. Broodink season reachink an end, und hall dat." He moves away before Meek can grasp the ice shard. The blob condenses itself and buzzes in consternation. It was becoming more expressive, that was for certain. Ranok seemed to like to carry things that were intelligent or getting there on his body, apparently. A few paces away from Sato, the man pacing out of habit, and to get those last bits of feeling back in his tingling appendages, continues, "De mist dragons kan be soleed. Dis iz a fact. Dey inkest prey. It must be digested, no? Und vun kannot be turnink into mist in de middle uf it, lest dey veesh to abundon it. Hy've never heard tales uf de mist dragon dissolutink kompletely to digest prey, outside uf mydds. Dese eggs, too, proff der solidity. Hy tink dat dey turn into mist ven dey need it. Sort uf like an ekstension uf der breath veapon. Vich means ridink dem, yah, vould be a pain in de ass if hyu veesh to utilize der abilities to de fullest. But, vat problems are vorth solvink if dey hain't interestink? First schtep first. Get de liddle tinks hetchink." Ranok wasn't too worried about the mist dragon extracting retribution. Zyren kept her in the air. He disguised his scent via magical perfume purchased in Nagaville. He hadn't been seen, and left dud eggs in place of the stolen one. As many bases covered as possible. The man paces back to where he'd been originally standing. Meek extends grabby tendrils for the treat offered by Sato once more.

Satoshi flicks the ice shard toward the blob's grabby hands as the man paces by, while the foxkin looks vaguely miffed at Ranok's words. "Yes, they -choose- to become mist, although they don't always have total control of it. It is a self-defense ability of theirs that has a base in instinct, thus it can be triggered without thought. Which, as I said, makes them risky as mounts, doubly so if mentions I've found on young ones not having full control of the skill are true. They're not as predictable as tried and tested adults would be. Still," a longing look is given to the pair of ghostly eggs, "you've obtained quite the treasure, Sir Clink. And it's a hopeful sign, that this type of dragon isn't dying out completely."

Ranok || As soon as Meek grabs hold of that ice, it releases an alarmed and piercing keen. It had never encountered 'cold' before in a manner that it could touch. The chill of the morning, or even outside, yes. But always tucked into the neck of Ranok's duster, and warmed by his body. This ice business scared the thing. It drops the shard onto the ground. It seemed more alarmed and confused then harmed, at least. After a moment of sticking his pinky in his ear, since that keen really goddamn hurt, the man responds to Sato, "It's zumddink dey kan do. Instinct kan be hernessed, or kreated. Ask henny...gott dem, Meek, dat really bloody hurt...ahem. Ask henny soldier vo's been on de field. De blocks und kounterstrikes become instinct, motion. Maybe it kan be taught to de dragons? Maybe not. Time vill tell. It's vorth de effort, no? At de very least...a chance to schtudy de kreatures in a kapacity vere dey von' rip you face uff de first chance dey get." The pinky was removed, "De mist dragon vas rare, yah. But...de nekst target on de list to gadder iz de krystal dragon. A rare, rare tink indeed. Hy don' even know uf henny nests. Vun adult iz rumored to be near de graff uf its kin, near de Dark Forest und Enchantment."

Satoshi's own ears fold back against the keening noise, and Trebel takes shelter in the hood of her coat to escape, but once the sound has ceased occupying her hearing, the kit gives Ranok a shrug. "You'll just have to see how much control they have over it. I'd still be wary about riding them until you're certain of all reactions, though. Imagine being on one when it was startled by a roc or somesuch, and it phased out of reflex. I've heard clouds aren't easy to ride~. As for the crystal sort, you won't find many nests. They're a sentient breed, with the occasional feral, like Reds and Blacks. You're more likely to find them lounging in Kelay's tavern, or picking at the walls of a mine." And the foxkin certainly can't think of any of her crystalline acquaintances that would be willing to surrender an egg for learning and test purposes, that's for sure.

Ranok tries to assuage the blob with a series of strokes with his hands. Meek was staring, not that he could really do anything else, at the fallen ice shard. Like it was going to jump up and bite him. Ranok responds with a shrug of his own, "It's a learnink eksperience for hall uf us. Hy vasn' gunna hop on de liddle guy und hef at it de second Hy kould. It'll be mondds before it's big enough. Not to mention dat de intelligence problem vill hef to be dealt vith. If it's no schmoter den an animal, it vould be herd. If it hits de average intelligence uf a tavern goer, Hy might be able to teach it to kontrol itself. Not dat de average iz very high. But Hy digress." He says, a little stiffly, " The man stops his comforting of the blob on his shoulder and goes to the enclosure, and the two eggs laid within, "Hy need to get dese eggs out uf Frostmav, tough. De environment iz entirely too hostile. Back to Rynvale dey vill hef to go. It's de klimate dey're most adchusted to."

Satoshi said to the hood-bound Trebel in a playful half-whisper, "Oh yes, far less hostile a territory, that war-torn island that's home to feral dragons, their raging mother, displaced orcs, goblins, and half the Leech's armies~." Shrugging, the kit approaches her desk, paces around it, and eagerly examines the eggs from all angles a moment. Gods, she could watch these things all day with the way they shift and change constantly, allowing the occasional glimpse of the living treasures beneath. "Precious little things, aren't they...? I can adjust the spell to maintain the field for a short time, if you intend to travel, but it'll be mere hours. Solid ice I can make indefinite, but mist is fickle and ever-changing, it doesn't like being maintained and will drain the reservoir rapidly. Get them where you want them until hatching quickly, or they may not hatch at all."

Ranok grunts, "A fev hours? Dat vill do. Hy kan jury rig zumddink vith dat much time. Schouldn' be too herd." Meek had begun watching the eggs, now. Unfortunately, Sato shouldn't get too attached. Ranok was reclaiming both eggs. Necessity, really. "Und my men...Rynvale's men...kicked de Timelord's armies in de nuts herd enough dat dey're schtill kryink on de floor. No vorries from dem. Vun kannot deny dat de klimate dat dey vere to be raised in iz de vun best for dem." Ranok eyed Sato suspiciously a moment. She sounded awful broody. He'd, frankly, had up to here with his quota on broody mothers for a 24 hour period. Sato would simply have to come back tomorrow before he was ready to deal with it. "Don' encase in soleed ice. Dat vould kill de hetchlinks. Hy'm not even sure dis magic hyu hef hain't doink as much herm as goot. It's avful kold..." Ranok had his hand in the enclosure, testing the mists. He was trying to remember what the Fog Forest felt like. It might have been the chill in the air from Frostmaw itself, but it just didn't seem warm enough to him. He touched the egg, next. No need to be afraid. He was pretty sure the hatchlings inside were becoming aware of their environment, as developed as they were. Better to get them familiar sooner then later.

Satoshi says in a decidedly clipped tone, "You waltzing about in multiple climates with them in your pockets likely did more harm than arcane mist. I've made it as warm as I'm able, but cold is where my skills lie." Shrugging, she fishes a chunk of fluorite from her satchel, drops it into the mists, and begins to murmur over the eggs, claws touching on the runes as she speaks and drawing them into the air as if they're painted on an invisible blanket that's being wrapped around the twin items. After a time, the conjured enclosure has taken on a spherical shape, just wide enough to hold both eggs while they rest amid a field of fog and floating runes. "There. Not solid ice, as requested. Pity not letting frost in there, though. Mist is so wonderfully mutable, it could very well influence the hatchlings."

Muraski moved through the outpost, climbing up above the stairs till he reached the indicated area from before. The guards at the gate had told him that she was last seen headed this way and then when he reached here, the ones at the base confirmed the rumor truth. Once up the stairs and towards the duo that he had been told were together, Muraski just managed to mumble something about Ranok under his breath, wondering why it had to be him. When finally he reached the two, a curious gaze looked over them both, the word hetchlinks being heard as he joined. Hatchlings? Of what sort? He'd ask later, for now his goal was to speak with the queen. Ranok was ignored, he wanted to be civil, he didn't need another fight on his hands, least of all in front of Satoshi where it might ruin whatever image he had placed in her head. The vane man finally spoke, "Lady Frostmaw, it's been some time since we last spoke. I am curious, what you remember of our previous topic and if by chance you had some answers for me?"

Satoshi oocly fixes Muraski's post to remove mentions of stairs. >> There are no stairs~.

Muraski should read better. <.<

Ranok replies in about the same tone as Sato, "My pockets are a dislocated helf tvist locus, *tenk hyu*." Well, that certainly settled the matter. No one could ever hope to recover from a come back like that. No sir. Ranok's hands reach out to take the enclosure, testing it. "Mist iz de helf schtate. De schtep betveen dreem und reality. Soleed und liqveed. Yah, mutable indeed. Versatile. Healddy. Hy sav de Mist Dragon take a rendink from Remton und not even blink. Hy tink de eggs are tougher den ve giff kredit for. Regardless." He didn't accuse Sato of wanting to envelope them in ice because she probably wanted to predispose them towards her. That would be rude. Frost was mist solidified, anyways. Mura was given an incredibly unfriendly look.

Satoshi's further musings are kept to herself, but she'll continue to harbor ideas on coaxing mist toward a frostier nature without destroying the basis of the element, as she's had considerable--both lethal and beautiful--success in. The eggs are given one last forlorn look before Muraski's words reach her and he's offered a polite nod of greeting. "Yes, I remember. But you have to answer first: are you seeking a steed to take you quickly from point to point, or a companion that is capable of thought and planning, for the good and ill that offers? For the former, a roc or likewise is what you want. A -dragon- is not a winged puppy to be leashed and ordered around. Even the most bestial of them have keen minds that rank above the common animal."

Ranok says, perhaps a little distastefully, "Dragons herbor a natural dislike uf vampires, too. Not easy to over kome." Vampires being affronts to life and nature, and all. And the whole blood issue. Ranok tests the sphere a little more. Mostly to gauge its weight. He was nearly certain he could handle it, being as large as he was. He wished he could stuff it into his duster, though, but he didn't think he could manage something so large. "SCHpeakink uf rides, Hy'm gunna need vun back down. Onless hyu'd like to see me jump. Hall de vay to de Kenril docks vould be luvly." He reaches in, again, to touch the eggs. The mist-shells fascinated him as well. He wondered, would those shells dissolve like the mist in the morning sun? Were they hard permanently? He vowed to try to find a way to weave, forge, or use the shell if it were possible. Besides the fact of utility and knowledge...he would be hard pressed to admit that a scarf made of flowing mist was anything but falling squarely into Rule of Cool.

Satoshi quirks a brow at Ranok, fangs bared in a feral smirk. "A ride? But I'm a vampire, do you think the dragons will get over their natural dislike of me to listen if I call them to pick you up~?" Racial slurs aside, the kit shuffles toward the lower oculus, giving one shrill whistle that's promptly answered by the sound of beating wings. A spirited young gryphon soon appears in a flurry of bronze feathers, settling her talons down carefully on the smooth floor near Ranok. "She can take you as far as our main watchtower near Gualon, you can request another from there. We don't have many that could carry you the entire distance from here to Rynvale in a remotely speedy time, and none of them are available now. If you want fast, you'll have to trade out~."

Ranok seems more amused by her response, then anything. "He hopped to faurly qvick. Maybe hyu chust hef a pretty face to dem." A slight smile. The remark wasn't made in cruelty, but as a joke. He also suspects that, somehow, Sato picked the most feisty mount she could as a result. But the griffon would make do. The sphere containing the eggs was picked up and carefully set upon the harness. It was triple secured. Ranok was putting more effort into preserving the eggs then he was his own life, on that griffon. "Dis vill be de last time de eggs are in Frostmav, Hy'm sorry to say. But, hyu're free to kome down und visit dem henny time." A mostly empty gesture. Those eggs really looked only days away from hatching. "If hyu loan me anodder schnow imp, Hy kan send hyu vord ven dey begin to hetch. If hyu'd like to vatch." Another mostly empty gesture. Even at the earliest news, Satoshi couldn't get to Rynvale in time before the eggs finished hatching, probably. The mount would have to be fleet of wing indeed.

Satoshi said to Ranok, "As much as I'd love the chance to witness such a rare occurence, I'm bound to these lands. I can't afford to depart from them until I'm certain the Leech is no longer a threat." A look of immense weariness with a strong undercurrent of genuine regret at missing the opportunity to watch mist dragons hatch passes over her face briefly, only a flicker before she marshalls herself and puts on a cheery expression. "Let me know what it's like, though. It will give me something else to look forward to. ... And then perhaps I'll pester Kasyr into trying to find another from the dragon in Vailkrin, as a birthday and anniversary gift~."

Ranok filed that little tidbit away. Useful and interesting, all at once. "Hy don' know ven de Mist Dragons vill be broodink again. It's obviously rare. Und...hokay, ve kan be honest. Kas iz de last tink hyu vant near hennyddink delicate." He drums his fingers. Arms cross against his chest. He was thinking. The wheels of his mind were turning. "...hm." It was an opportunity for them both. He had something Sato wanted...and Sato was a rather good friend to have. But the eggs...and the environment conspired against him. Perhaps it didn't have to. "Maybe. Maybe Hy kan rig up a nursery uf sorts. If hyu get me materials qvickly...und an enclosed schpace. Avay from de vind und de kold." Tantalizing. Of course, once given that room, there wasn't much in the way of physical forces that would drag him from it until he could leave the land completely. The place was on fire? That just warmed it up more.

Muraski seemed to have day dreamed away somehow, in a slightly coherent state where his dream had been about two people speaking. A cat and an ape? It was a beautiful dream really, then of course the ape insulted vampires and the cat pounced like a freak bunnicula in hairball form. After a quick tussle, the ape lost and their conversation continued. Something about eggs? Mist dragon eggs? Muraski had to listen more closely only when he finally moved in to listen he found himself staring at Satoshi and Ranok.. What an unusual sight. He cleared his throat rather quickly and spoke again, "Erm, were you two discussing dragons, vampires, eg..." He looked at Ranok with two misty eggs and realized the dream was reality. "So, Ranok, I see you have some eggs there.. Care to trade for one of them?" He posed the question curiously before eye turned upon Satoshi, "A dragon, I could use some sort of companion to keep me company.. Or, at the very least keep Ansonious off my back.."

Ranok said to Muraski, "Sure. Jump uff de tower und ve kan do de deal at de bottom. It'll be a race. Hy'll giff hyu a head schtart, Hy'm a schportink man. "

Muraski said to Ranok, "You realize that I will actually make it to the bottom without going splat? Yes?"

Ranok would ensure that would not be the case. He probably had an anvil stashed in the duster somewhere.

Satoshi quirks a brow at Ranok again. "You mean... like the warm, mist-filled cavern we spoke in the second time you visited Frostmaw?" We try and forget that first visit that involved trespassing on sacred land, for the sake of diplomacy. "Among other such hot spots in Frostmaw. Contrary to popular belief, we don't actually live in houses made of ice here. Most of the inhabitants do actually enjoy being warm and cozy."

Ranok shakes his head, "No, no. Rynvale iz hot. Hyu know dat. It's a kertain temperature it hes to be. A blazink fire iz luvly, but it kan oneqvalize tinks. It hes to be...chust right. Hy don' recall de kaverns as hall dat varm." Though, in Ranok's defense, everything in Frostmaw is 'too goddamn cold' to him. But, his expression wasn't denial, but intrigue. Maybe. He'd have to see the room again to be sure. Memory being imperfect, and the like.

Muraski looked between the both then back to Ranok, "So if I jump off, make it to the bottom, we can have that deal?" He turned to Satoshi, "Have another gryphon?"

Satoshi said to Muraski, "Not for semi-suicial attempts, no. Not when I need them for war. The winds outside the walls at this height are too dangerous for a gryphon and most dragons to manage." Shrugging, the magus turns back to Ranok, "I can show you it again, then. And the hot springs beneath it. My dirt-moving brother found them recently, and determined they're the source of unusual heat and fog in the caverns."

Muraski said to Satoshi, "I just figured I'd jump off onto one.. It couldn't be to bad as long as I didn't fall to far. No sucide intended, just a slightly wild risk."

Satoshi said to Muraski, "It -is- suicide, with the winds out there. It'd tear the gryphon's wings off long before it could get into a position to catch you."

Muraski said to Satoshi, "Then I guess jumping for an egg is a bad idea.. I'll have to work on another way to get one."

Ranok wasn't going to see Mura splat, so he decides to move it right along, "Hm. Hy kan schpare helf an hour. Dat's hall Hy need to decide. Let's go. Time iz vastink."

Satoshi goes about the business of calling up another pair of winged transports, a wyvern and roc this time, and claiming one for herself. "I'll see you there, then," she calls, giving the roc a nudge to send it spiralling down into the tower and out one of the many archways.

Cerulean Flowers

Ranok doesn't hesitate, as they land in front of the cave and go in. A hand points at Mura, while the other holds the reins for the griffon, "He hes no business in here. He knows too much already, frankly. Hy'm not gunna do dis vith him breaddink down my neck." His jaw was set. He'd turn around and leave, if needed. The griffon was still waiting, and the eggs were still hooked up to the harness. Less time would be wasted simply leaving then dickering.

Satoshi said to Muraski, "If you could give us a moment then, please? I think I know just the dragon for you, too. But I'll determine that shortly when we can talk further."

Muraski nodded at the queen then turned to Ranok, "Show her more respect, I'm sure if she wanted she could simply encase you in ice and force you to watch as she takes the eggs for herself." He turned back towards the queen, a brief bow before he moved to depart, last words added. "Not that she actually needs me to speak for her."

Ranok was laying no small risk into the situation for that reason. But, of course, had Sato stolen the eggs, she probably knew that he'd blow them up, or the like. Some contingency or plan. Probably. "Hm." He had to admit, the air was good here. "A liddle kramped. Hy vas never fond uf kaverns. Vun vay out, right?"

Ranok adds, saying to Sato, "Und, hyu know, Muraski vill never treat henny dragon hyu giff him as a kompanion. Dat hain't his schtyle. Pipple are tools to him. A pet von' be henny different. He feeds on his friends, und vas arrangink to hef zumone turned chust so he kould feed on her, for kryink out loud."

Satoshi gestures toward the tunnel continuing onward to the north. "Two, if you have wings. And the way to the springs are here," she adds, gesturing toward a gathering of craggy rock that surrounds a passageway plunging into the earth that belches forth roiling, heated mist in a constant stream, descents made possible by rough-hewn stairs hidden beneath the moist blanket of fog. Kirien was never much of a completionist, it'd seem.

Satoshi said to Ranok, "He's not particularly bright then, if he thinks turning someone will give him an easy food supply. Feeding off another vampire will make him ill, and no matter how much he drinks, it will never satisfy. Live blood is the rule."

Ranok casted a glance at Sato, "It vas more an arrangement. He turns her, but feeds on her for tvo veeks. It vas my onderstundink dat hyu und you husbund vere attemptink to limit you numbers. But, vat do Hy know? He vill treat henny mount hyu giff him like zum machine, or kart. Do vith de information vat hyu vill. Chust know dat Hy've never lied to hyu before. Now." The room was given about as much inspection as he could afford, "It's a liddle hot. But it kan vork. De eggs von' hef to suffer anodder transport trough de frosts und sea vater, eidder. Dis iz probably de best choice." He looks at Sato head on, "Hy'm gunna need vood. Nails. De tools to kut und hemmer dem. Fabric. Or zum bellows dat Hy kan kannibalize. Und schtrips uf metal, chust in kase. Hy schould be able to jury rig a system to moff de mist over de egg konsistently."

Satoshi's eyes narrow and she says coldly, although the tone doesn't seem directed at Ranok, but rather the subject of his remark, "I'll be sure to speak to my husband about that. It is against our laws, and if he does it, he will die. He signed a blood contract for a reason. And I will -not- abide by dragons whose eggs were put under my care misused in anyway, not by he or Coterie, or anyone else... As for your requests..." With a shake of her head she brings herself back to the subject of the eggs. "I can have that here in no time. Most of those supplies are gathered together currently to rebuild the stables, anyway."

Ranok doesn't change expression. His words were true. To his belief, anyways. Though the information he got from Jerica on Mura making a deal to turn her wasn't to be question, either. "Hyu deed not hear it from me, aye?" He begins to get the eggs down from their being tied into the harness. "Hy'll vait for de supplies in de mean time. Most uf vat hyu gimmee, hyu von' really get back. Eksept as scrap. So hyu know." Thus was the fate of any construction you ripped down. Sato probably understood that, but his years of working showed him that sometimes, you just have to be absolutely clear.

Satoshi said to Ranok, "I'll be back in two shakes of a gryphon's tail, then." With that, she absconds said gryphon, giving the birdish beast free rein to dart away into the tunnel and out the aerial exit--to avoid questions or following by the waiting Muraski. In no time fox and gryphon are back, having simply given instructions and the request to one of her ever-nearby guards, to be delivered to the construction workers. As she dismounts the gryphon, giving it an affectionate pant for a speedy course of action, Satoshi looks toward the 'smith. "Supplies by mammoth-drawn cart are inbound, Sir Clink."

Ranok has a wry sort of smile. He couldn't help but think that Sato was acting like a child who was told that if they did their chores, they'd get their Christmas present early. He used the time granted to him to sketch out some ideas. The fabric to lead the steam off of the springs. Surface area to cool it down a little? Unlikely. He had to compress it to make sure it didn't condense. This and that, problems to be solved. A foot pump to pull the air in, since a flywheel was too hard. He wondered if Sato cared if she got the wagon wheels back. A cannibalized wheel would make an excellent substitute. When Sato returns, he's mired in notes, a pad in his hand as he sketches out ideas.

Satoshi eyes the notes and sketches with a familiar gleam of interest. "Are you certain you're not a mage? Or at least a scholar? You work like one." Admittedly, the cavern is beginning to look like the cluttered zone it was a year ago, when Satoshi had claimed it as her personal workstation for arcane plannings. And yes, she's very much like a kid that's getting an early Christmas present. Rewards are what drive a Sato-kit to do anything. "While you're tinkering, I might as well use that time to speak with that semi-suicidal one, come to think of it."

Ranok says wistfully, "Hy deed so hope he'd hef been schtupeed enough to take de challenge. He didn' read de fine print. Hy only saeed Hy vould deal, not dat it *vas* de deal. Oh vell. Und no." The page he'd finalized the jury rigged device was ripped off, "Not a mage. Chust meticulous. Hy vork vith physical forces ven Hy kan. Dey're predictable, reliable, ever present, und von' suddenly tvist on hyu. Und do not onderestimate de kold kalculations uf Physics at her table. She vill ruin hyu betta den magic ever kould if hyu let it." He began to set to the task. First was making the frame for the mock nest to put the eggs in, with strips of fabric to support. Then the fabric tube to connect steam to frame. It wasn't air tight, nor was it pretty. Ranok wasn't aiming for either. He'd probably end up cannibalizing a bunch of things, including the wagon for its wheel and the leather tarp that the stuff was covered with. The ultimate result would be a pedal powered pump that allowed it to be spun up and wind down. So he didn't have to constantly pump it. It would keep the eggs in the mean time. He just hoped the steam cooled enough to be considered 'mist', but he was working with what he had.

Ranok was obviously inattentive to Sato's presence beyond anything past the superficial, at that point.

Frostmaw Mines

Satoshi shuffles into the mines, having left Ranok to his peculiar, faux-nest constructions so that she can finish speaking with Muraski. The stumble, one-armed flail, and abrupt halt that follows her appearance upon finding Kasyr present is hint enough the kit's been so focused on dragon eggs that she hasn't paid the slightest mind to the various telltale signs that would normally have informed her of her husband's proximity. "Erm. Hi."

Kasyr absconds Muraskis' cigar, if only to repeat the same process the cigarette had endured. Once its' lit, the Revenant thrusts it back towards his Coven-mate, before he finally starts to speak anew, "Again, though in part it es to prevent recklessness, and the ramifications of such a thing... there is a much more dire reasoning behind that particular decision. There es an entity of enormous power- one known as Solaris, or Shaelus. To give you an idea of the strength he possessed, he was able to fight the most powerful amongst the Ascendi in standing combat." The revenant allows this to sink in for a few moments, before he simply adds, "A powerful being, et one who had apparently been tasked with the ..purging of vampires. Though his efforts had become redirected towards another task, I don't doubt that should an...outbreak of our kind occur- it might prove enough to draw his focus to us once more. Something I intend to avoid at all costs."

Kasyr goes from looking grave and sagacious to startled, the cigarette at his lips dancing about as his lips quirk about and finally end up in a broad grin, "Bonne soir, madamoiselle. I do hope the evenings been treating you well."

Satoshi said to Kasyr, "Neither good nor bad, at present. But gray is a good shade for a day to be. Balanced sort of thing, that. But, that aside..." She glances toward Muraski here, "busy, I take it?"

Muraski listened well to Kasyr's words for a long time, the thought of being purged not exactly one he really liked, it might of even made him choose to find a lycanthrope rather then a vampire for his transformation. The merchant sighed at the end and gave but a brief nod to the man, "Then I will avoid finding people to be sired, as I don't believe I want myself removed from this existence by one who can battle with the ascendi. I have big enough issues trying to compare with simple magi, complicated swordsmen like yourself, or rabble gangs in the end. Those issues are enough of a threat that I don't want a god to contend with them as well." The man gave a long sigh before he turned the single optic upon Satoshi once more, "Business is concluded then? We can finally speak of finding me a companion to work with, I do hope?"

Muraski edits the end where he spoke to Sato to read, "Just talking with the king, though I believe I learned what he meant to state."

Kasyr turns a partial glance towards Muraski, a subtle smirkfinding its way onto the Revenants lips, "Quite depressing, isn't it? There es a reason I don't mention it all that frequently. Anyways, I will see this one individual, in case she does have some degree of potential." Beyond that, Kasyr simply allows his focus to return to his wife, his features once more growing Jovial, "Not all that busy- I was just being informative et all that fun stuff. But vraiment, your day can only be defined in shades of gray? That es..somewhat disheartening to here."

Satoshi tips her head to one side, looking at Kasyr. "Why? Gray's a good color. The sky's that color before it snows, and at dawn and dusk. And it's far better than a black day, no? As for business," back to Muraski her attention goes, "not quite. I think. He's building something currently, and I'm not exactly equipped to be of any help, so I decided to put my time to better use."

Muraski nodded once more at Kasyr, "Disheartening to say the least, it rather takes the fun out of it all. Though, as long as we play population control and keep the numbers down, refrain from turning people ignorantly, and don't spread the disease, perhaps, he won't appear until after I'm dead." Muraski finally placed the cigar between his lips, it has been a while since one of these had been lit for him. A long, inhaled drag was taken before the smoke was released in a cloud away from them both. "I see. Do you have time to discuss the finding of a dragon though?"

Kasyr offers Muraski a very amused look, before simply shrugging, "You might have a bit of trouble with the...not meeting him part- if tu play your cards right. Longevity short of someone murdering tu, non?" That remark aside, the Kensai flicks his gaze back over towards Satoshi, "Given all the dreary gloomy bits I'll have to deal with, Cherie- even a gray day might be a bit much pour moi, currently. Plus, I could always hoped that my presence brightened yours a bit." A chuckle, and the revenant simply shakes his head and leans back against the mines wall, "I'm not intruding however, am I?"

Satoshi said to Muraski, "I do. I have an egg available currently, in fact. Tending an egg is no easy feat, and should give you an idea of what you're getting yourself into. This is a lifelong partnership you're venturing into, and considering this creature is capable of killing you simply by -bleeding-, you'd be smart to take extreme care. They're not pets and they're not slaves. They think freely, and are more than capable of turning things around on you if you treat them like either of those." With a shrug and a shake of her head, she ends her brief lecture to glance sidelong at Kasyr. "Who said my day wasn't black until a moment ago when I stumbled across you, hm~? Did you bring me back a present from your doom and gloom adventures?"

Muraski shrugged at Kasyr, "The extending of my life is truly all I wanted, once I finish the goals I have set out for me, I don't know how much longer I'll want to be around. Endless life is not something I ever sought out, just an extension on the one I have." As Satoshi spoke, he worked more upon the cigar, small puffs of smoke all throughout her words to be sent towards the cave in hopes Ranok might have to deal with them.. Course, he knew better but still, a merchant could hope. When finally she finished, he nodded at her, "I do understand, that I am not to treat or act as if they're just a tool for my use and I'll make sure to treat them as such.." The blood part made him cringe, he remembered throwing some at another vampire before he turned.

Kasyr shuffles in place, the floor having suddenly become a lot more interesting. With a chuckle that sounds oddly offkilter for the hybrid, he can't help but sputter out, "Well. You know- there wasn't anything really worth taking... Aheh. Eh. But er! I do have good news. From my reconnaisance, it looks like Vuryals forces have effectively burrowed in. They aren't expanding or moving, vraiment. Et given I couldn't get any further information from the individuals I encountered- I can only gather that there isn't much back et forth going on."

Kasyr s' reaction to Muraski is slightly more dignified, the merchant earning a slight shrug and a, "Admirable to have a goal, then."

Satoshi nods at Muraski's words, even as she's glancing at Kasyr with an unreadable expression, "Remember that, and you'll do find with one of them." The kensai's given a closer look then, Satoshi quirking a brow. "No present? Maybe I'll keep one of the two I got you then~."

Kasyr is busy plucking at one of his ears- at least until he catchs wind of the particular implication Satoshi made. Glancing towards her with unveiled curiosity, the figment can't help but speak up, "If I knew I was going to be bumping into vous, I would have made some form of preperation- even if it was just stealing tu away from kingdomly duties for a bit." The revenant pauses there, before quietly adding, "Are you still..rooted here, en fait? There may or may not be an opportunity to acquire some curious things soon enough.." If that elder vampire hadn't gotten himself killed. At least, Kasyr -hopes- that particular fellows has some things.

Muraski looked between the two of them as Kasyr seemed to fumble about the whole, I don't exactly have a gift to give you except news bit and simply found himself to grin. He stood from where he was and approached the revenant, an item moved from his pockets to press against Kasyr's back until hopefully the man grasped it from Muraski's hand. The merchant whispered words along the lines of, "Just hand this to her later and say you didn't want to hand out gifts in front of company?" Muraski obviously found himself rather daring or hoped it might earn him some reputation with the man. With that he moved back towards his spot and sat back down, he wasn't exactly sure whether or not the queen would like the present but it was a hope. "I think I'll work hard to remember that, Lady Frostmaw, I'd rather not be barbequed or melted."

Kasyr totally does fold his hands behind his back in a manner that is sufficiently casual, and befittingly awkward of his expression- so as to stealthfully receive said object.

Satoshi is more focused on Muraski's words than his actions, and once more nods at his remark to her while oblivious to the item changing hands. "Good. The egg I have for you isn't exactly common, but I think it's a breed that will work well with you. Sturdy enough for quick travel, if not the swiftest thing, and of a fairly durable and relaxed nature... when not provoked." She'd have to remember to send a courier to Gualon to retrieve the egg, however. It's certainly not one that would incubate easily in Frostmaw. But that can wait until later, for now Kasyr's nabbed her attention once again. "Curious things...? What sort of curious things..?"

Muraski added little more then a nod and a few questions to her words, "What kind of egg is it? And, what by chance, needs to be done to incubate it?"

Satoshi said to Muraski, "It was rescued from an abandoned nest outside Enchantment months ago, and I only recently determined the breed, a moss dragon. As far as incubation goes, it seems to be doing fine in simple forest climates, really."

Muraski said to Satoshi, "I'm assuming a climate near the sea won't work to well then? If not, a change of scenery has been needed for a bit of time, at least, until it hatches and grows some. Maybe a little longer after."

Satoshi said to Muraski, "That'd be a safe bet. The sea's a fickle, moody little bitch in all things, weather included. Not a safe place for any egg, save for the sea-born ones."

Kasyr tilts his head off to one side, a particular amused look plastered across his features, "Aye- The sort of things that might be accumulated by vampires, amongst which at least one es fairly strong. Et bien, It could be as simple as treasure et weapons, j'suppose. But if I had to make a wager, I imagine there might be a bit of finery in there, peut-etre some bits of artwork...books, even? It just requires a bit of..problem solving." Which is to say, determining what exactly is the scale of the threat in Vailkrin-Where it was merely isolated incidents, or a large scale militant force. And, of course, where all their loot was stashed.

Muraski said to you, "Then I'll get myself a place.. Well... Probaby in the Larket forests, considering I don't believe Sage with the drow or Rynvale with the Vuryal activity and issues, to be to safe."

Satoshi's ears perk forward suddenly. "B-books? But... if I leave... how will I know Frostmaw's safe? What if he's been waiting for me to step out of my territory..?" The kit looks positively torn by this point, drawn in by her love of old books and other treasures, as well as misadventuring with her husband, but likewise bound by her paranoid protectiveness of her city.

Satoshi, were she not in a state of anxiety, might have told Muraski Rynvale is a dangerous place to be carrying dragon eggs in currently. Blame Ranok.

Kasyr stuffs his hands into his pockets, seemingly contemplative of that particular matter. It's only after a few moments contemplation that he leans forward and outright grins, "I think you might feel it, if he did. That dragon of his...the black one- she mentioned that Vuryal was aware of the location of his wraiths, that implies a sort of..link. And you certainly have one with the wraith we've collected. It might be possible that 'bond' es shared- So, were he lying 'just' in wait..you might be alerted? J'en sais pas. Et at the very worst? He can poke his nose into frostmaw, with his forces destabilized et clueless, et deal with our Coterie et covenmates. All the ones we didn't have, before. Which would alert us, et give us the means of making a...lightning quick return, non?"

Muraski listened to the two back and forth for a short while before finally he added his own two cents. "Perhaps, Lady Frostmaw, while I realize it isn't my place to speak I would recommend you take a break from here. Becoming a shut in, in your own country is no good for you. In fact, it might even be worse. By staying here, to worried that the second you leave he'll come in, he might sense it as a sign of weakness. While, I understand better, the man himself could indeed be laughing, knowing you won't even leave the country to go on a stroll with Lord Kasyr. I think, you should take a small break and enjoy yourself, if only for a few hours." With that, he finished off the cigar and turned to leave, "Once more, apologies for the input and I'll be taking my leave for now. If you wouldn't mind sending word when you're available to speak again about the egg, I'll probably head back to Cenril today." He looked towards the entrance of the cave in hopes the wyvern had stuck around.

Satoshi glances toward the ceiling, saying apparently to it and no one in particular, "If only it was just a matter of taking a stroll... and not the work lost and work needed, if I do..."

Kasyr can't help but look positively lost at that one, "Mon amour- I am certain so long as we have our allies here, this city won't dissapear overnight. It's not you et moi, against the entirety of Vuryals empires. ...Though, with his brand of tactics- that would still be a fair fight."

Muraski would of poked further into the issue but decided it best to leave the two to work out her feelings of remaining in Frostmaw as her own. He gave a nod to Kas, then to Sato, and with that he moved to leave. "Good bye, lord and lady of Frostmaw." With that he left the cave and moved to fly off to Cenril, whether he had to head back to the HQ or not.

Satoshi heaves a sigh after a moment more of contemplation, tearing her gaze away from the ceiling to look at Kasyr. "If something happens, we'll return right away..? Right?" The look the kit wears at this point isn't unlike a child pleading for reassurance after a nightmare, but considering the nightmares--both figurative and literal--the Time Lord and his ilk have inflicted on her, it's not entirely surprising. Bozrah's insidous whispers still ring in her ears most days, feeding off her silent worries.

Satoshi will remember later she had bad manners and didn't reply to Muraski. He'll probably get a letter about the egg, then.

Kasyr shoots his wife a reassuring smile, before drawing one hand from behind his back, and falling into a partial bow, "Cherie, you have my word that I will do my utmost to get you back to Frostmaw right away. This is my home et city, as well as yours. Even if the weight of the crown rests heaviest upon your brow, mon amour." That stated, the Revenant simply strides over towards the feline, moving to curl an arm about her waist, "I'll do my best to see all of this protected. D'accord? So..let's start making plans about finding you some new books~"

Satoshi seems relatively reassured, if still a hint wary, with those words and is even in the midst of leaning against the kensai when she freezes. "Oh! Wait. I'll be right back. Left the blacksmith alone," she hurriedly says, slipping out of Kasyr's hold and scurrying back toward the cavern she'd exited earlier.

Kasyr tosses a casual glance towards the cavern exit, before he peers over towards the breathless feline, "Vailkrin- the vampiric shenanigans originate there, fittingly enough. With Ginger et Jolie gone, that place has become quite the mess. Though, to what extent... well, we'll find out when I reconvene with the Dark Man." It's at this point that he extends the perfume bottle towards Satoshi, a distinctly amused expression crossing his features, "By the by, this is a little token of Muraskis' appreciation, cherie. A tribute to compliment your lady-like countenance, je suppose." The revenant pauses, by this point recognizing the bottle of perfume for what it is, "Hrm- I imagine, by the choice of gift- he likely came across the same problem as moi. It's rather difficult to find a proper bit of clothing pour tu, when you put most to shame."

Satoshi regards the bottle of perfume with a mixed expression. On one side, she hates the strongly scented stuff and has only ever used it as a necesity when on assassin jobs, but on the other side, it -is- a gift. And Satoshi isn't in the habit of turning down gifts. Thus, after a moment of debate, she swipes the bottle from Kasyr's hand and stows it up her sleeve before sticking her tongue out. "All these compliments. You'd think you haven't been married to me for a few years already," she teases, before adding, "Not that I mind. Keep those things coming, hm?"

Kasyr offers Satoshi a cheerful two-fingered salute- if only to pause and cant his head off to one side. With a shake of his head at the borrowed mannerism, the Revenant simply stuffs his hands into his pockets, and starts off towards the door, a cheeky grin offered to the feline, "Not too hard to keep them coming, as long as I'm around tu. Whether the vision I see before moi, es engrained in my mind, or simply the delightful spectacle that es presented to my eyes- I'll never be short of words to describe how much je t'adore~"

Satoshi follows after Kasyr, looking considerably less worried than she had moments ago, even as she draws the vagrant mists around herself into something of a wispy, hooded cloak--the last thing she wants right now is being seen skipping town, after all. "Aha, and people wonder why I married you~. I -told- them it wasn't just for your roguish good looks, but they never believe me."