RP:Enter the Sewers

From HollowWiki

Part of the Rise of Larket Arc

Summary: Mihael leads an attack against the fermin.

Lucy's Crossing

Mihael was standing staring at the sewer entrance. The hermit gently puffed on his pipe. Tired of waiting for reinforcements, the ancient being decided it was time to take the fight to the creatures below the surface. They had infected the people with disease and attacked the town itself. He would stand idly by no longer. "Well, looks like I get to have all the fun to myself." Getting his things Mihael straps his staff to his back along with his bow. His pick axes rest idly upon his waist line. With another puff he whispers to himself while beginning his decent into the sewers. "Alright my darlings, lets play shall we?"

Chisel wanted to thank the man who rescued her... She thinks it was a man, she can't remember, a haze of memory filled her about what happened to her last night, Or maybe that was two nights ago? She was unconscious and has no way of telling the time. She waited... for hours on and to no avail. It was getting late, she had to escape town before she starts harming everybody... that was her plan and that was nine hours ago... she was unspotted for that long, she probably got distracted by creatures about, Trails of gore may or may not be found tomorrow but she was around town, unable to find her way back to the forest, limiting her speed greatly as she limps her way through roads and streets. She screams of people entices her ofcourse, running away from her as soon as she is spotted but she could barely run, barely catch them. Her attention span does not even allow her to break down doors with her ax, she just continues wandering about. Soon she finds herself at a large clearing, a crossing of sorts, cobblestone street as an old tree stand on its center. Glancing about as she finally turn her head toward the man from the other night. "Let's Play shall we?" mimicking his voice once more before limping toward him.

Sewers Entrance

Beneath the sewers in the early hours of the morning the fermin raiding party happened to be standing not far off from the exact same cover that the hero's decided to take. The largest of the party kicked the smallest sending him scurrying back for more reinforcements. By the time the lycan had reached the bottom of the latter the ferm had pulled small weapons and what appeared to be bows. Notching arrows to strings roughly ten fermin took aim . With odd precision they where launched in two differnet volleys at the lycan. After the two waves of arrows the small band would rush down the sewers at the man to at least stall and buy time to counter this assault.

Mihael turns to see a group of fermin waiting, in the feint light coming from above he spotted a volley of arrows coming for him. He didnt have time to acknowledge the sound of his voice echoing. Quickly the hermit grabs his pick axes and begins to dodge the arrows, his arms moving about as metal clashes against the shafts deflecting each bolt heading for him. "That was a mistake." His hands glow silver and orbs form giving off a luminescent glow, the orbs oddly resemble a full moon. However they quickly spread and cover his body, his clothing, even his weapons. A chuckle can be heard as the hermit sets himself aflame. The man is now a massive flaming weapon as he rushes forward to greet the creatures. His mouth constantly puffing upon the pipe holding in the smoke. Each axe clashes with the first few creatures, he uses both his strength and weight to push them into the others before retreating slightly to get a better view of the warriors to come.

Before she could even get close to the man, he has already jumped down into the sewers, The marionette did follow but she lost focus at the time she got there, wandering about until finally she fell into the sewer by accident, just in time as the man rushes into the depths of the pipe as he glowed brightly. If she fell sooner, the bright light would have forced her to change form again, Arms dislocated as she fell into a broken mess in the sewer's ladder. Eventually assembling herself back, ever so slowly as the sound of wood shattering vibrated within the sewer system.

Desparrow had through the use of sorcery and the scent of Mihael and his particular brand of magic tracked the old wolf, not that he had really needed to as Larket was the obvious place as of late for the male. The space over a side ledge appeared to warp, contorting and visibly sinking into itself much like a trash bag though when the light and area had snapped back into place Desparrow stood there looking about to take in his surroundings. In his fully transformed lupine form he was a bulky sight to behold and he did not have much room to maneuver given his size, but managed to advance towards the scent that had brought him here if only to have an volley of arrows come his way and several find purchase in the hide of his arm used to shield his face, and another into his torso with one more grazing a leg. Anger flared in his eyes along with his aura but he had not bothered ot make a move instead stopping before the animate doll person and offer a hand in assistance; the arrows were little more than a nuisance and would be dealt with in due time, already his flesh starting to knit itself back together around the wounds that leaked blood onto the floor.

Sabrina didn’t want to get involved in all this; Human problems were supposed to remain Human problems, but it was Wolfy that called her so alas she showed up. ‘Just to heal’ he said ‘Keep me in check’ he said. She enters the sewers just after all of them, gracefully landing with her feet apart from the doll like creature that fell into a heap at the base of the ladder of which the Elfess did not use. The elven curse fell from soft lips. She ducks to avoid a torrent of arrow, reflective minted gems following their movement to the wall behind her. “Get up.” She orders the female currently being assisted by Des, recognizable only by being his longtime healer and being used to all his forms. She removes the bow from across her form, lucky she brought it just in case. She draws against the chord, the glow of the rod that formed just there stinging bright against the darkness that surrounds them. She lets loose a wave, pushing back only Fermin to keep them on their correct side of the scrimmage line. One leaps out from its crouched position behind the ladder, a male with questionable dental hygiene. He is awarded with a solid crack of a double handed swing of sturdy oaken wood. She keeps to the back of the fight, letting loose an arrow here and there; each flash of light etching its own colors across the dark passage- green taking to vine and ensnaring an attacker, white pushing force to keep others at bay, and in brief moment of panic one golden burst that misses its target and crashes into the side of the wall in an explosion of spark and flame bright as a sun if for only a moment.

The fermin scurried about as their arrows were deflected and the lycanthrope appeared to un-phased by the few that embedded themselves in his arm. Even the elf seemed to not care at their efforts to defend themselves. Squeaks and chatter echoed as the front line called to the back for reinforcements. Several ran around set aflame by Mihael as he pushed them into each other, others ran away from the glowing bolts that were fired from behind the fighting force. Like brown blobs they ran about until an explosion ended the pain of those on fire where their bodies lay to burn to ash. A pair of grey Fermin who charged forward to attack were blown into the sewer wall and knocked unconscious, both their blades clenched tightly in their grasp. At the sound of the explosion, the troops who were already on their way arrived. Twenty Fermin stood watching the intruders and taking in the scene. Brown and grey fur slowly found its way to the ground. "For the Mistress!" They shout in unison as a grey raises a sword, while the rest attack. Five with bows stay behind and fire their arrows as quickly as possible. The closest aiming for the elf who seemed angry with being there. Another three fired arrows at the lycan who was helping a strange object that fell from above. The last and final one let loose an arrow for The hermit's skull. The other 14 charged forth swinging their short blades in no apparent pattern, more hackers and slashers than actual skilled warriors.

Mihael grinned as he watched the bodies burn and more Fermin show up. He turned for a second to view the clatter behind himself. Desparrow, a familiar face was helping the odd being he took to the House of Ara. What was she doing here? Finally his eyes fall upon Sabrina, a nod and smile is what he offers the three before turning around at the sound of the battle cry simply to duck as an arrow sends his hat flying off his head. "That was close." he chuckles to himself before charging forth as a flaming wall. His axes swing about to block four of their fighters, his axes holding up their weapons. "Hurry before the others catch up." he yells back. A thin line of smoke exits his lips and travels slowly along the roof of the sewers making its way towards the leader who simply stood watching.

Chisel finally stood up. Her joints were misaligned even before she fell into the hole, it was the result of the forced transformation but falling a handful of feet while her joints getting locked onto the steps of the ladder before bashing onto the ground forced her body to repair itself, repairing her form completely. As soon as she stood up from the sewer floor, Unaware of her surroundings clearly, she was peppered with arrows, blocking the arrows' trajectory that is supposed to land on Sabrina and Desparrow. In normal terms, wounding a tree's body would never make a difference but she isn't in a forest and these wounds are actually causing her pain. If she is in a forest, she can always ask the flora around her to cure her. But not this time. As soon as the last arrow landed on her form, she started screaming at the top of her lungs... or whatever is considered lungs for her specie. Drawing out her ax as she started rushing toward the fermin pack. Armed with nothing but an ax, no armor, only a piece of white dress as she violently swings her weapon around, embedding her ax into fermin flesh and violently yanking the weapon out as gore and blood spills all over the sewer floor and walls. More arrows and swords struck her wooden frame, barely damaging her body due to its natural sturdiness. She kept on screaming clearly un aware of the reason why these people are here and why they are fighting. All she care for is the blood from her prey as they spill.

Desparrow was startled to say the least when Sabrina came into his view though catching her eye he was glad to know she did indeed recognize him which was a pleasant change. As the arrows let loose towards them he slide around the woman to protect her with his body as a shield but instead they happened to be blocked by the strange creature known as Chisel though why he was uncertain. With no immediate threat he rapidly plucked each arrow from their place in his body reopening the wounds to let out a fresh flow of blood that due to his lupine nature quickly staunched. Stepping aside then to allow Sabrina to do as she so wished his right hand became translucent as it phased between the layers of reality and with a single swipe he tore open the cloth and before him was a gate. Through the haze of his portal the blurred image of his manor could be seen in cenril and in moments wolves flooded through into the sloth of the sewer and onto the side ledges in a steady advance until roughly two dozen had passed and to cut back on fatigue the gate snapped shut. Each wolf was gorged on Des' inherent magical power making each one almost as tall as any man and nearly as strong as a bear if not greater than in sheer strength. Des himself then took position at the head of his pack in the sludge of the sewer, caring little about the foul stench but pushing forward for the sake of the mission here and right now that was to follow Mihael.

Sabrina utilizes this moment to take her place as promised; on standby as the healer should the need arise. She wasn’t a fighter especially in situations requiring such proximities. She watched from the back, her weapon at the ready and firing off the rare shot here and there that would entangle an enemy but not kill it. Her minted gems are focused several yards in front of her as the trio advance with their new band of aid. Two arrows manage to make it past the group, one missing her narrowly and one by a long shot, clearly the focus was no longer on her. Her eyes follow the course of the projectile and catch movement on the one Fermin she managed to knock down with her bow upon entering. The male reaches out and grabs hold of her ankle from his crawled position on the floor. She starts hitting him with the bow repeatedly making him plenty bloody but the damned filth kept on coming. She falls back, kicking at its hand- where others were taking on hordes of Fermin Sabrina would be bested by a single half-conscious one.

Fermin screams filled the air as the strange wooden object in a dress tore through the flesh of four of the beings. The creature or being or thing for that matter kept butchering the four corpses bathing her axe in their blood. At the sight of the pack appearing the brown Fermin begin to fall over each other screaming for retreat in their language. Each is rewarded with a bump on the head by the grey leader who knocked them out. "I kill you myself." He mutters as he charges for the closest enemy, a wolf who it attempts to cut in half with it's blade from head to paw. Arrows whiz by as the grey archers continued their volley at the intruders. The sole Fermin by Sabrina's feet kept clawing and scratching trying to climb his way from her feet to her face so that he could tear her to shreds with his sharp claws. He offered only screeches as he continued to try and kill the woman who beat him over and over and over. The remaining warriors charged forth careful to walk around the still burning corpses, their own blades held high to attack.

Mihael simply stood still as the wooden warrior hacked four Fermin to pieces. She was a strange one indeed he thought to himself. An arrow whizzed by and clipped his shoulder as he moved to avoid it. Im doing so he spots a sole Fermin clawing at Sabrina. He drops each pick axe in a chain link and begins spinning them rapidly till they hum. One he holds behind him to cover any arrows aimed for him. His left arm extends and releases, the metal meeting flesh is rewarded by a screech of agony. The weapon embedded itself in the creatures calf. Yanking hard, he pulls the creature back several feet from the woman. His attention turns as an arrow meets his spinning weapon. Letting it loose it rams three Fermin into a wall knocking them unconscious as several bricks fall and bury them halfway. Now all that stood was ten warriors one of whom was the grey leader. Mihael smiled as the small smoke trail that had been making its way behind the Fermin burst into flame and set their only exits on fire.

Chisel could hear the fermins as they try to run off, wolves started rushing through the pipes but she was too busy cleaving one of the fermins still, It was twitching, just making sure by axing the poor thing a few more times before turning back to the pack, the leader spoke and just like what she did with Mihael last time, she mimics it. "I will kill you myself." her 'voices' rebounded all over the pipes, from screams to laughter of all pitch and speed of voices. Children, men and women until finally she stopped for a full second before speaking again. In perfect tune, perfect copy of the fermin's leader voice. "I will kill you myself..." she is covered in blood and her weapon is shining across the dark tunnel, clearly polished with fermin blood as she start to catch speed. Before she was limping but now that her limbs are in proper place, she is far more faster than before. Screaming as she get struck with arrows once again, receiving more than enough to her body with atleast a dozen of them embedded against her torso alone. She did not stop. Arrows could never hurt a tree, clearly these creatures are not using the proper tools against such enemy. Cleaving a couple of more as she try to push into the ranks of the fermins, wanting to kill them all.

Desparrow watched the scene unfold before him with little input, even his facial expression plain, without emotion. His wolves had their orders, issued once again for good measure in a series of sharp barks. Wolves nearby rummaged to pick up what corpses and unconcious fermin they could only to bring them with while others dredged further to meet the force that came forth and their bonds and training took over when the leader bothered to attack an overwhelming foe. As the blade bit into the flesh of the wolf its pack-mate stepped in with a lunge that would not only dislodge the blade before it could do fatal damage but would take the fermin leader with it and slam it into the wall. The injured wolf retreated towards the back of its group only to be replaced by a stronger more able-bodied predator. As a wall they pushed forward lunging at attackers and against a charging foe doing the same but staying low to the ground only to spring up and toss the bodies of their flailing foes behind them to be trampled and collected. Those that fall to this tactic would be carried off, dead or alive inlcuding the leader back to the alpha Desparrow whom was preparing to open another gate. Obviously there wasn't much here but he would make off with what he had for his own personal reasons lest anyone were to stop him.

Sabrina squirmed. Her eyes scan upward for something anything to grab ahold of to wrench herself free. Her hands were already ridding each other of protective gloves, she was begging it to please not make her do it. The weight of it crushes on her ribs and chest, the wound hidden under layers of leather and bindings doing nothing to prevent the small cracks that followed. Her eyes shift from the iridescent mint to a full sclera black as she lets her head fall back in a tortured scream. Drips of blood and drool lace her form. Regretfully bare hands began to reach for his exposed parts just as he is torn several feet from her form. She is relieved and moves to find her footing and her bow. It is a pained sort of motion but the bones were already setting which made her situation both better and worse at the same time. She was still in her most uncontrolled state, eyes black as night making her appear more unforgiving than she was. She watches the others tend to their duties, making note of Desparrow’s pack claiming the survivors and the dead alike. She would not question it

At the sounds of their fallen screaming the remaining Fermin fall back, the four remaining ones look on as the wolves carry away the fallen. Corpses are carried off while Mihael, Chisel, and Desparrow's pack advance closing the gap between the remaining fighters. A scared grey reaches back for an arrow but finds that he is all out. A screech of anger as it curses and spits at the approaching group. The leader swishes his tail back and forth as wolves approach from his right. Quickly they are running out of room. He screeches in anger and pushes each remaining fermin at an enemy and leaps through the flames, screaming in agony as he passes through the wall of fire. As he escapes he pats himself down putting out small fires which burn patches of fur off, his tail still aflame as he runs away cursing in fermin. A total of twenty-four had been either killed or captured. Most being brown fermin with only ten being grey fermin. Much more awaited the people of Larket, for mostly they have only seen the brown and grey, the common and soldiers of their race. There were still plenty of others that lurked in the darkness, a lone pair of red orbs creep away from around a corner the escaping fermin passes. Black fur passes through the small amount of light from the flaming tail before both the grey and the black fermin vanish into the sewer tunnels.

Mihael chuckles at the sight of fermin screeching and cursing the rag tag team. They had captured many, and killed some. Not a huge accomplishment, but still an accomplishment nonetheless. The living would be interrogated, the dead studied. However both Chisel and Sabrina seemed out of it. As if their minds were somewhere else, it was then the hermit saw Sabrina's eyes and knew what was happening. "Desparrow, I thank you for coming and bringing the wolves. Leave the bodies at the Monster's Lair. You will have your captured as I promised once we interrogate the living. Meanwhile take two of the dead. Also see what you can do with the woman." He points to Chisel, he only knew it was a woman because she transformed before his eyes upon their first encounter. "I'll take Sabrina home. Before she gets worse." The hermit slowly approached the healer with caution, he knew fully well what she was capable of in this state. "Sabrina? It's Wolfy. Come with me, lets take you home ok?" He was careful to place his weapons away as he approached. Bare hands held out as even he himself no longer burned in flames.

Chisel :: Damaged in so many ways, one of her arms aren't even moving anymore. She maybe sturdy but if she isn't inside a forest, she cannot heal her body as easily as before, Groaning and weeping as she walk around, finishing off any fermin that is still twitching about, all of them receiving a full swing of an ax as soon as she finds herself close to them. She was covered in blood, peppered in arrows and even though she got her limbs sorted before, her wood is already creaking, clearly damaged in many ways. Dragging the ax along as she started to wander about in the pipes, not fast enough to leave anyone's line of sight but she is going in circles, bumping against walls and walking to the next direction. It was too dark and she could barely see the group, maybe the reason why she isn't attacking them just yet.

Desparrow turned a dead gaze towards Mihael, perhaps frustrated that the leader got away especially after injuring one of his pack. Or perhaps he felt nothing at all, either way he didn't agree with the fact that he was only being allotted two corpses, that was something he may confront his elder about later but for now it was wise to simply obey. His wolves grabbed up the corpses and through a portal they were getting gathered in a pile outside the lair. The living would be guarded, pinned under wolves whom would stand watch until someone would come and claim their quarry and beyond that two would be sleected to taken back to Des' home and any extra severed parts. The tree woman was gazed at from afar, seeing as she was wandering about, "Hey. Wanna come home with me?" If she agreed so be it, though if she didn't then she would be left to her own devices.

Sabrina held her bow in bare hand, it hung deftly at her fingertips before being clutched tight in his approach. Wolfy, he said. She nods, doing her best to keep her bare hands from his but with little knowledge of what his instructions were to Desparrow. Her hair hung over her face, posture slumping to a less Elven degree while she focuses on her breathing at the approach of the energy nearing her. She is still nodding and swallowing hard as she braces herself against him, careful to keep the barrier of her leathers between them both.

Mihael grabbed hold the woman and gently lifted her up. Careful to avoid any skin contact he called to Smokey, his pet who was circling the sky just above them through their mental link. The beast let loose a massive cloud of smoke. Mihael nods to the pair remaining, "I thank you both for your services." He lets out a puff of smoke before he himself along with Sabrina burst into smoke and reappear above ground. This does not last long as he continuously teleports his way to her home. Smokey all the while laying forth a path of smoke for him to use and teleport her home. Once he reaches her home he would lay her in her bed and wait outside her room till she got better. Smokey would fly to the Monsters Lair and watch over the fermin captured and dead.

Chisel turns her black eyes to the voice as she started walking to his direction. "Hey, Wanna come home with me?" same thing as she did as earlier until she finally perfectly mimics it to the man's voice. But she can't run and she could barely raised her arm to swing, nonetheless the intent was there, she wants to ax him, like a lost maniac she is.

Desparrow wasn't going to play with this creature and as he ripped open a new gate in the fabric of reality he assisted his pack in their final exit before stepping through himself. If Chisel bothered to follow she'd find herself in the southern sage, dropped right in the middle of Des' territory in the most ancient parts of the forest where it was the most lush.

Sabrina has been picked up and taken topside to the safety of her own bed in Ara.

Chisel of course followed in. Not that she is actually aware that there is a portal, she followed in merely because of her intent to kill him. But as soon as she crosses the plane, she was bombarded with sunlight causing her to scream and violently flail about like a slug in a pit of salt. She was flailing about but the ancient trees soon starts to come to the aid of the forest spirit, vines growing everywhere to hold her down and allow her transformation to finish. She is badly wounded and is clearly unaware how damaged she is. The flora around her soon starts to replace any damaged parts as it try to heal her but in the end, the bloodied dryad was cleaned up, her wooden exterior was covered with plant fibers that mimics human skin, her joints were as always still visible, a horrible reminder that she isn't normal and her dress flakes away as another replaces it, growing from her body using silk as she lied down in the ground, unconscious.