RP:Early Morning Experimentation

From HollowWiki

Synopsis: Still in awe of what took place during the spar the day before, Trent heads out to the training yard before anyone awakens to do some field testing. It is only with Aarika's arrival that results are produced.

Date: 04-27-2018

The Steel Collective Barracks

You are confronted here by large steel gates and high stone walls, upon which an array of armored stone sentinels greet the random passerby. Their gaze is affixed in some display of war, and in their grasp a variety of weapons are at the ready. From the walls themselves a patrol of scouts can be seen, looking out vigilantly across the distance. In that vantage point their job would seem obvious; approach with caution. After stepping through the guarded gate a long training yard sprawls out before you, its turf worn and faded in large swaths from the constant treading of warrior's feet. A series of lanes and hay bales that serve as an archery range occupied one side of the yard and practice dummies upon a line of posts occupied the other, where a few trainees are focused upon practicing single, devastating blows upon their inanimate targets. A few weapon filled racks of note litter the area all a-gleam for their precision craftsmanship, but blunted and scarred for their extensive use and abuse in training. Just beyond the training yard lies the larger compound, comprised mostly of the same quarried and cut stone as the fortified wall surrounding. Its grand entrance might seem more like a mead hall or a grand place of meeting. Ornately designed and colored rugs span over the center of the smooth stone floor, and several tapestries hang along the periphery of the room depicting scenes of feats and people of some importance to the organization herein. A long narrow table stands, its surface unadorned and its edges lined with empty dark wooden chairs, in the very center of the room below a candelabrum that hangs low from the ceiling and lends its light to that cast from the torches inset strategically along the large room's walls. To one side of the aforementioned table lies a doorless arched stone entryway into the dormitories meant to house the individual members. Filled with the basic necessities required of everyday life - beds, trunks, dressers, and racks- there are scant few articles sitting out of place in this common area, and the unoccupied beds lay neatly done up. On the other side of the hall sits the mess area, it's devoted staff moving about in a hurry to fulfill the needs of the Steel Collective, serving hot food at all hours of the day to hungry shift changes and guests. Finally, to the far end of the main hall, opposite the entrance, lies a hallway which contains three hard oak doors. The first door on the left is reserved for the second in command, a private room gifted in honor of their position. Straight ahead lies the door that leads to the large war room, filled with tables and chairs and maps of the realm, where the clan debriefs members on missions and assignments. Lastly, the clan leader's chambers can be found through the door on the right. All three of these aforementioned rooms carry stout locking mechanisms of steel meant to keep the would-be thieves at bay.

It was anew day. The dawn's early light rose over the hillside and brought upon great wrath toward the Collective's newest member. It probably had much to do with the few drinks he decided to consume the evening prior. Rousing before most, Trent had forsaken a morning meal in order to reflect on the initiation spar that he had engaged in, and the effects of the gauntlet. Never before had the thing been so active, not in a combat sense. The runes, the blue flame, the makeshift sword- It was strange. It was something Trent needed to figure out. The training yard was fairly empty this morning aside from the few watchmen doing their usual patrols, so Trent could be easily found standing before one of the practice dummies and swinging his arm wildly, trying to get the damn thing to work. Swift jabs. Underhand swings. Overhand swings. Backhand swings. Nothing worked. He would try to even command it to do his bidding, which probably came off a little strange to those unaware of is situation. "Ignite. Ignite. Sword. Fireball. Ignite. Magical power. Fireball." He would continue until the damned thing did what he asked- Which meant he might be there for quite a while.

Aarika was an early riser herself and that came with a routine. She loved her morning runs, she found it to be the only bit of day she could claim just for herself, being a matriarch wasn't easy work. Henry only rose early when ordered, her children only ran from each other and anyone who attempted to join Aarika seldom kept up, so this was her time. After her visit to the Xalious tree she rounded back to the compound to find Trent in the training yard. Her cheeks were a bright red and her breathing was still increased as she rocked upon her toes to pick an apple from a near by tree. The skin was polished against her shirt before her teeth tore through the fruit, she then used the back of her hand to wipe free any juices from the corners of her lips. As Trent began to bark at his arm Aarika chuckled taking note of the disobedient limb. This gave Aarika a thought as her eyes dropped to the granny smith in her hand. "Hey!" She shouted towards Trent before she lifted her leg to help pitch the bitten fruit right for the newcomer's dome. Maybe that would insight a little action.

Trent was a little more than aggravated by this point. He knew that the damn thing was stubborn. He knew that there was no use. Yet he continued to drive his own frustrations by trying to get some sort of reaction. "I do not understand your goal. You pester others. You pester me. If this is some sort of curse, then I do not understand why you act in defense. Would it be so complicated as to not give me a hard time for one instance?" The human was fairly distracted by this point, not once noticing Aarika return to the compound grounds, nor did he hear as she picked and bit into the fruitful offering from the nearby tree. It was only when the elven blooded's voice rang out that he turned, just in time to see the apple sailing toward his head. Mentally, he had no time to really react. He was about to be beaned. Eyelids fell in anticipation of a painful blow, but no such thing would come. Instead, his face is coated in the misty spray of apple juice, with bits and pieces of the fruit littering his hair. Upon opening his eyes, Trent can see that the gauntlet had lifted, and used its razor sharp talons to slice through the pitched object with much ease. While a bit taken aback by the surprise attack, Trent puts on a friendly smile and nods to Aarika, "Morning."

Aarika offered Trent a rather slow clap as she moved to close the distance between the two. Her oceanic gaze flicked from his arm to his face which drew forth a giggle of pity, "Ah you'll be all sticky now...Think of the gnats." She teased as she waved her pointer finger around her head mimicking the flight pattern of a bug. "I was beginning to think that arm of yours was a curse." She admitted while her feet carried her over to a barrel of sparring axes and swords, "But perhaps it's more of a blessing in disguise." Aarika positioned herself with her back towards Trent while she continued to voice her theory, "Without it you might die, therefore you have yourself quite a protector...no?" She asked over her shoulder before following around with a twist of her legs and torso. Her right hand held a short wood ax that she would release at a precise moment aimed for Trent once again. She was just as curious as he was to investigate the foreign appendage.

Trent acknowledged Aarika's joke with both an eye roll and a bit of a chuckle, one shoulder soon lifted to accompany his reply. "I suppose I shall be taking a day off to pamper with a trip to the bath house and some shopping for new attire." Steel blues fell upon that silver contraption as the woman's words were weighed, and he contemplated just how much truth she spoke. There was a point. Despite the failings of the thing, it did come in fairly handy at times, and so far the curse hadn't actually been harmful to him as a whole- At least not that he knew of. Yet. "I suppose you are correct in that assumption. I mean, perhaps there are some bene-" the man began, but found his words cut off when Aarika decided once again to test that sentient hunk of metal. The runes lining the gauntlet immediately lit up much like the spar from the day before, an azure flame erupting around the appendage's entirety. As the axe neared, the flame seemed to spread out and form some sort of ghostly image that looked like a knight's heater shield. When axe met flame, there was a brilliant flash of blue and the weapon was deflected as if had struck something solid. Strangest still, is that of the thirteen glowing symbols along the gauntlet's forearm, one had suddenly lost its glow. The arm remained aloft for a moment with its ghostly, shield-like flame, before extinguishing the magical ability and lowering itself to the blonde man's side. "Are you mad? What if... that did not work?"

Aarika 's eyes lit up along with the appendage as she watched the ax's deflection in awe. It was quiet miraculous and drew her nearer like a moth to a flame. She pushed off the barrel and followed her feet towards Trent, her eyes glued to the metal arm and the power it channeled, "We're all a bit mad, Trent." She smiled with a cant of her head, "And don't stress these are for training more a headache then a cleave." She laughed lightly with a rise and fall of her shoulders as she tried to calm his anxiety,"Besides I'm sure your reflexes are on point and I was merely running a few tests....So does that hurt?" She asked engulfed in curiosity as her right hand reached out to feel the material with her finger tips but just before making contact she retracted cautiously. She had just attacked it's host, "One of the lights dimmed." She spoke aloud, "What does that mean...?" Aarika stepped behind Trent for a moment as she attempted to fully study the man's arm, "Can I touch it?" She finally asked, thinking it better to be permitted.

Trent followed her every movement now, steel blues darting from one limb to the next. it wasn't that he didn't trust his new employer, but she was swift and crafty. That could be dangerous. "I suppose there was no harm. I'm just not used to having someone throw objects at me on whim. At least you managed to make some sort of discovery." To the first of her questions, Trent lifts his arm and shakes his head. "No pain. In fact, now that I think about it, I don't feel much of the impact. It is as if there is some sort of numbness. It is odd." The appendage is flipped over, a careful study of each symbol as he too confirms that he had seen the very same. "I'm not sure. I do not recall any of the symbols fading yesterday. Perhaps it is uses some sort of energy, or has limited use." When Aarika asked to touch the arm, he hesitated to answer. He was a little worried in all honesty. Only one person had ever been able to touch the thing without much repercussion. Although, when it touched them, things went a little awry. "...be careful." he finally said.

Aarika felt how Trent studied her and she offered a sheepish smile, they really hadn't known each other for long and here she was hurling objects at her new recruit. Her cheeks managed to recreate that pink hue she wore after her run, "Sorry. That must have been bizarre." Her apology was sincere, "But yes at least we are making some progress...even if you didn't ask for my help." Aarika swept one of her many braids behind a pointed ear as she peered closer, "It's good that it doesn't hurt at least but the numbness has me a bit worried. Though I'm no expert with magic." Aarika reached for Trent once again though she had her own concerns and reservations about making contact with his limb, curiosity would get the best of her. "Steel and the Gods." She began, "That's what I know...Ah and how to stay alive.....I hope." She flinched finally making contact with Trent, she wasn't sure what to expect.

Trent didn't worry about the aggressive nature of his employer too much. She was curious and obviously had well meaning intentions. So when she apologized, he simply offered her a smile that was meant to put her at ease. "You harbor no ill will, I'm certain. So... no harm." Attention soon turned back to metal as he listened to the woman's observations, and he would chime in with his own experiences. "I too am a bit out of my element with magic. And while the numbness is concerning, it is not like I do not have use of the arm itself. It is strange." As Aarika drew nearer the aether aura inside of the pendant that hung from his neck began to pulsate. It was faint at first, but as the seconds passed and her examination grew, it would become quite noticeable. All was calm for some time. Her first contact elicited no real response. The fingers flexed, but otherwise all was going rather well. Should her fingers have made contact with any of the symbols, the hand would suddenly snap in her direction and toward Aarika's throat. It would squeeze, with those talon like digits digging into the soft flesh of her neck. It would not be a deadly attack, nor aim to cause severe harm, but it would indeed serve as a warning to the elven blooded that she was tempting fate. Trent would panic, and begin to tug at the wrist with his right hand, struggling to free his employer from the damned thing's terrible grasp.

Aarika carefully had wrapped her left hand around Trent's wrist while she inspected the metal. All seemed fine until she did in fact trace the runes with her other hands fingers. "Very...Ighhhh.." Her words turned into gargles as her left hand lost the battle of strength against the foreign appendage. Instinctively both her hands moved to wiggled between the talons and her throat attempting to alleviate some of the pressure and obtain her freedom. If this were any other situation Trent would be in for quiet the kick to his groin and the beating to follow wouldn't be one that someone could stay conscious through. However circumstances were different and she was still able to breathe regardless of how uncomfortable she really was. Aarika locked her oceanic gaze to Trent's eyes while she squirmed in his grasp, "I trust you." She managed to rasp out, perhaps this could be another training outlet so with that thought she stopped resisting and dropped both her hands to her sides.

Trent was in full blown panic mode, now. This was the last thing he needed. New job. New purpose. Already trying to murder the leader. To make matters worse, the patrolmen could stumble upon this scenario at any time, or even those waking for the new day. Imagine the fear? The anger? Without context, Trent would be a dead man. Hanged for treason! And so, he put in all his effort to yank that damned hand away from Aarika's throat. When their eyes met, Trent held within a look of sorrow; An apology of sorts that this was not what he wanted. He was certain, even with their brief knowledge of one another, that she of all people would be the one to understand. Her words croaked out and his heart began to sink, an awful feeling tugging in his chest. Then suddenly, the sentient piece of metal released its grasp. Pulling away and taking a few paces backward, Trent's grip still remained locked around the gauntlet's wrist. He was angry with the thing, but his first concern was toward the woman he unintentionally accosted. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? I am so sorry, Aarika! Words can not express the level of regret I feel for this... thing's... actions." The human knit his brow, looking over the woman for any sign of wounding from the attack.

Aarika couldn't and wouldn't blame Trent for the sudden choke out, she knew the risk of pushing the boundaries further. Luckily for the two she wasn't made of glass and it would take a lot more then to frighten such a woman. She saw Trent's pain in his eyes though seeing her current predicament was unable to settle the guilt he felt. Finally the arm released her throat and she dropped to her knees with a gasp. Her palms planted her over the ground and golden braids cascaded like a curtain around her face while her breathing settled between coughs. "No...no..." She finally retorted lifting a hand to swat away his anguish, "I'm fine...really." She smiled awkwardly while pushing back to her feet. She thought of many off colored jokes that could help lighten the mood about proper chokings but didn't know how they would be received..."Really I'm fine." She had tested the waters enough this morning, "I was just caught off guard. Is all....I didn't mean to put you through that, are you ok?" She asked giving his metallic arm a good stare down before returning her gaze to his. Idly her hand would move to her throat and probe around to assess the damage.

Trent too would take a moment to look over her throat for anything that might need tending to. From his position, there was a little redness, maybe some indentation where the ends of the talons had begun to dig in, but no puncture, no broken blood vessels. "I'm fine. I'm not sure how true that would be had the others stumbled upon that scene. I would think that I might resemble that shirt I had to discard." Was that actually some semblance of humor? Trent cracked a bit of a smile. It still held within a bit of an apology, but also relief. "You're sure you're okay, then? I was afraid something like that might happen. It is not exactly fond of strangers- Especially those that have made what it might perceive as attempts to injure me." The aether glow of Trent's pendant has faded now, the arm seeming to fall limp and relax. It seems that it might have fallen dormant for the time being. "I hope with time, when it gets to see your actual intentions, that we will not have any repeat performances like this. For now, I think it best for me to be on my guard when you're around."

Aarika emitted a soft chuckle over Trent's playful retort, "I'm slightly curious." Her laughter subsided into a smile, "Could that arm function without a host?" She toyed back with the idea of him being caught in the act of strangling the compounds matron. "Good thing we don't have to find out.....just yet." Her smile grew again as her hand forgot her neck and her thoughts dropped to her feet, "I guess you'll just be keeping me on my toes." If her children didn't do that to her enough. It was just as that passed her mind that her children passed through the main hall's doors. First to approach was her daughter, she was a splitting image of her mother, just a tad shorter and instead of wearing all her braids she clutched one in her hand, "Mum!!!" She whimpered out stealing Aarika's attention, "Arius cut my hair!" She extended her arm out with a pout presenting the evidence, "And on purpose!" Arius brought up the rear with a freshly bloodied nose, He was taller then his mother, the sides and back of his head shaven clean with a blonde top knot. "And she broke my nose!" Aarika released a heavy sigh in Trent's direction before she introduced the three, "Trent, these are my lovely, well behaved children, Leralynn and Arius." As she twisted towards her children she collected her daughters hair, "We can braid it back in...And your nose is just swollen. Guys this is Trent. He's new here so don't go pulling any of these stunts on him, understand?" She lectured gesturing with her daughter's plait. Both her children turned towards the newcomer and offered a nod paired with a pleasant smile, "Hello."

Trent couldn't help but to observe Aarika with interest. While they were still strangers on a technical level, there was some form of comfort in her presence. She was kind and knowledgeable, and while it hadn't been on display as of yet, he could tell that she were an accomplished warrior. After all, she lead her own clan! He held a certain kind of respect toward the elven woman, an admiration perhaps. Strangers, and yet she had welcomed him into her fold without hesitation. With trust. "I suppose I will." he offered in retort with a hint of laughter, a light nod in agreement. The sound of youth turned the human's attention to the newly arrived girl and her trailing brother, one brow lifted in interest. The striking resemblance of Leralynn, and Arius' height threw Trent off at first, but those features would soon be forgotten as the little bit of rivalry was brought to light. A crooked smile graced the man's lips as he listened in, his right hand lifted to brush at the underside of his nose- A diversion to hide that grin. With introductions underway, Trent took a respectful bow and greeted the children. "It is nice to meet you. Both of you." To Aarika he jests, "It seems like you have your hands full already and the day has only just begun."

Aarika scoffed and slapped her palm to her forehead in a partial response to Trent and his observations, "Oh you have no idea." She grumbled while casting a sideways glance towards Trent, she was just in time to catch his amusement as well. His poorly hidden smile was contagious even as her children proceed to exclaim this morning to be the end of the world. "What have I told you two about starting fights with each other." She scolded lightly though her look was enough to silence both the children, "Arius and Leralynn you may polish up the practice equipment and help Winnie with kitchen chores today." They both pouted and stomped the earth while Aarika tucked away her daughters hair and twisted back towards Trent, "I wish I could say this sibling revelry is few and far between..." She sighed ignoring her children so they would begin their morning tasks. "But I am learning to use their stubbornness against each other...And I must say, at this rate our barracks will be in mint condition over night." There was a soft chuckle and a shake of her head while mini's bickered in the background tackling the assigned jobs.

Trent was very much entertained with Aarika's plight in parenting, the thought of her children always being rascals making sure that smile stayed plastered upon his lips. "At least there is an upside to it all, hmm?" he teases. "Although, I'm sure that despite the trouble they can find themselves in, that in the end, it is well worth it. They seem like nice children." A few steps toward the fencing and Trent retrieves his satchel, slinging the bag over one shoulder before he made his way back to Aarika. "I suppose for the time being, I should be on my way out to Cenril. I need to pick up the remainder of my pay and perhaps do a little shopping for some new shirts. Maybe browse for a new weapon, as well- All things considered." Cold steel lifted and settled on the sky to gauge the weather and time of day. "I hope to be back before dark. If you are around, perhaps we can speak again. I..." Trent takes the time now to actually look at the elf. "I appreciate your patience with my situation, and all that you and your Collective have offered. I an in your debt."

Aarika studied the human with a warm smile as she listened to his words. "They -can- be nice children, when they want to be. " She teased as Trent moved for his belongings, "Ah yes shopping." She recalled their earlier conversation on primping, "And a lovely spa day." She chose to go full circle with it, "Saddle a horse, it'll be much faster." She offered with a gesture towards the stables, "And don't feel rushed or obligated to return at a specific time, you come and go as you please, ok? And don't worry about a debt just of yet, I'm a mother, patience is in the handbook." Aarika took a few paces towards her kin as she finished with an, "Off you go then." She looked forwards to seeing him later.