RP:Dreams or Visions

From HollowWiki

Part of the Souls Out of Time Arc

Location: Beneath the Plains of Venturil

Synopsis: Kybella can't decipher if she's been having dreams or visions. (Character NPC'd by Eirik)

Kybella's nostrils suddenly burn. Irritated by the smell of burning carcass, trees, grass and buildings. Without warning she is amidst the chaos of battle, not within the confines of her comfortable bed; the place where she had gone to sleep.

Nearby the wails of children echo within her perfect ears. Olive orbs survey the landscape - only to settle upon blackened soldiers. Men raiding for conquest. Hellbent on the destruction of this place. Troops march out from the gates, to meet the threat head on.

An explosion happens nearby, signs of a trebuchet in the distance. Kybella continues to watch. Each person she reaches out to touch, disintegrates. She is lost. Confused. Why can't she help? What's going on?

Meanwhile the fires burn and soon there is no one. No echoes of screams reverberate through the country side. Everything is in ash. Even the animals are gone. Why?

A voice calls out from beyond her own vision, "'You know why.'"

Kybella scowls, "I don't!"

"Those who sit and do nothing, deserve nothing."

"I.." Kybella couldn't be sure of what was being said.

"Let me show you," the voice spoke from beyond the curtain of reality.

Again, Kybella is whisked away to an unfamiliar world. It’s a place unlike any other. A world of beauty. Filled with greens, yellows, blues, purples and reds. It is an endless place of abundance. Flora and fauna sprout everywhere. A beautiful city looms over head. Sandstone blocks, red tiled roofs, the hustle and bustle of daily life. Everyone and everything seemed to interweave in harmony. The smell of fresh baked breads waft to her nostrils. Laughter, she can hear laughter!

It's a place where the streets are free of crime. The children innocently play in the cobblestone road; chasing after their toys. Parents watch and some even join. Guards do not turn a blind eye to those in need. These armed guards care.

The throne room, is filled with not just nobility, but with commoners. They aren't complaining, but giving earnest thanks to the man wearing a crown. The king, is fashionable, favorable. Looked upon with love by his subjects. But Kybella can see into his soul. A filthy stain sits inside of him. A beast. It festers and grows like a cancer. It hungers, and cries out for more. For recognition - to spill forth and devour the world.

"It starts here," the voice added. "With one man."

The vision twists into the far-reaching future, where the king is driven by greed. Compelled to claim more and more for himself. Nobility reluctantly agree to follow his command. To march into battle and slay the innocence of another country.

"And grows until kingdoms burn. Soon, all that is left, is what you have already seen."

The mistress Kybella couldn't believe what she was seeing. "Why are you showing me this?"

There is no response from the voice. Instead she is left with an empty feeling. Something that begs for her to act. To take up arms and cleanse the world. Has she gone mad?

With a startle, Kybella wakes in a cold sweat. Those same dark eyes scour the room. Is she alone? Was that voice still there? "Hello?" She meekly calls out to the dimly lit room. She is alone, left with her thoughts and wondering why she has chosen to keep to old traditions. What was that all about? Was that just a dream? Am I being shown something?