RP:Desert Eagles and Tundra Foxes

From HollowWiki

Part of the The Ice Plague Cometh Arc

Western Frostmaw Gates

Satoshi sits upon a small hillock of snow not far from the gates, still as a statue save for the swishing of her tail. For all the world Satoshi seems to be standing vigil, unwavering in her gaze fixed on the horizon. In truth, the magus is here to think, for sleep eludes her and worries weigh heavy upon her. The presence of the snow at least bolsters her otherwise fatigued self, and she's since cleaned herself up, no longer caked in blood and gore. The wounds however, have not begun to heal, which is an oddity for those that know Satoshi. Her regeneration should have seen to the injuries by now. Lack of rest has prevented this, however. And so, the foxkin occupies her time with watching Frostmaw's borders, thinking, and waiting. Beside her, the same young Frost Giant from the throne room stands, silent and patient. Tharn will not leave his ward's side so long as he can help it.

Eliason steps heavily along the snow covered path, his own thoughts consumed with the dreams that have brought him to Frostmaw. Approaching the gates, he moves to the side so that he can be in relative seclusion while not blocking the path for others. His breath frosts in the air before him and heavy, sleep-deprived eyes scan the horizon for signs of the perceived evil. As he steps closer to the hillock, he realizes that the giant here is not one of the guards, but the one that he had seen in the throne room yesterday. Moving his gaze lower, he spies the flicking tail of the queen. He dares not get too close without announcing himself, but instead calls out when he is close enough. "All will be well, your Majesty. Faith can be elusive, but it is a powerful weapon in itself..."

Satoshi's ears swivel backwards to catch the words. For a moment, this is all the movement the kit does, mulling over Eliason's comment. Eventually, however, Satoshi turns to look at the legionnaire and offer him the ghost of a smile. Tired she looks, and dulled are the usually lively flecks of amber in her eyes, yet Satoshi seems brighter than the day prior. "Aye, emissary. While I do not follow a specific god, I still have faith. Faith in Frostmaw's ability to weather any storm. I only wonder just how much damage this storm will bring. Until you arrived, we had no foreshadowing of what might be coming. I was just thinking about that." Satoshi laughs softly then, as if at a personal joke. Tharn gives her a curious look, but otherwise remains quiet. With a groan, the magus climbs to her feet and turns to properly face Eliason, her expression improved by a lopsided grin. "I know why you seemed familiar to me yesterday. You were at the Festival of Aramoth. I saw you at the caber toss~." Saw him nearly brain himself and drop a log on the crowd, that is. "Your determination was admirable!"

Eliason flushes a deeper shade of red, though he hopes the cold air upon his skin will mask it. "That was a little embarrassing, but it was fun. I'm just glad that no one else got hurt." He can't help the chuckle that escapes him at the memory. It is a short-lived joviality, however, as his mind rests on her previous words. Sapphire eyes once again flee to the horizon. "Your faith in your people is admirable and could make all the difference. A disheartened ruler makes a terrible leader in battle." He lifts his gaze to Tharn briefly before resting it once more upon the queen. Perhaps it is presumptuous of him, but he feels that Satoshi can take his words. "You look like you need rest, your Majesty. The people need a queen that looks like she can weather the storm..."

Satoshi presses her lips into a thin line, looking like a child reluctant to be scolded yet again on the same subject. Considering the clattering of Tharn's armor as his shoulders shake in silent laughter, it's easy to guess that he's been telling Satoshi the same thing. Frequently. A look is shot at the giant, the icy quality of the stare a vain attempt to silence him. Tharn only chuckles more audible, a fact that results in Satoshi heaving an exasperated sigh. "I know, I knoooow. I should, and shall. I'm only out here now to listen to the snow's song, in case it has news to bring." But the snow has had nothing unusual report. No dark tread of a Wraith, no rolling cacophony of approaching enemies, no taste of the arcane. All is as it should be, which just makes Satoshi more anxious. Again she sighs, a hand lifted to run fingers through her hair absently. "All is quiet. What should be a blessing, feels like a curse, tu sais?"

Eliason lowers his head at the look upon the queen's face, thinking that perhaps he has crossed some line. The giant's laughter and Satoshi's resulting icy look elicits a smile from the paladin's face. At her words, however, the legionnaire can only respond, "Blessings and curses... they are too often mistaken for each other." He then grows silent, allowing the woman to return to her listening. For awhile, Eli allows himself to sink deep within his own mind, seeking the sustenance of the divine light within. He basks in the touch of that light and feelings of power that rise with the contact. The silence prolongs, undisturbed as they all are left within their own thoughts.

Satoshi loses herself in her own thoughts for an unknown amount of time. Eliason's words, the snow's whisperings, all of it plays through the magus' mind until a vulpine ear twists toward the Frost Giant. "Tharn? What is it Svilfon always says about Frostmaw?" Without hesitation, the guard answers, "He says 'We will not fail'." Satoshi accepts this with a nod and her eyes flicker open, the amber flecks alight with certainty. Lines of exhaustion are smoothed away as the magus straightens, chin lifted and shoulders squared, every inch of her small frame speaking of determination. "You're both right. I should rest. Standing guard until I collapse will accomplish nothing. -We- will not fail, because it takes more than just myself to make Frostmaw remain strong." Satoshi has people she can lean on, as Svilfon had silently shown her with his support the other day, and while she is not used to relying on others, the magus is beginning to see that is is necessary. And beneficial.

Eliason allows himself to slip from his semi-trance as soon as the queen's movement is registered. Her words cause his lips to twitch upward into a smile and his head to nod. "It is as the voice in my dream said... You are learning to rely on others. And you're right..." He pauses, meeting her gaze with an intensity usually reserved for combat. "... we will not fail and Frostmaw will stand strong. On that promise I stake my eternal existence..." Bold? Yes. Challenging of fate? Absolutely! But the look in the paladin's eyes tell of his deeprooted faith in these statements.

Satoshi laughs, a sound of agreement and approval, rather than in mockery of Eliason's declaration. Beside her, Tharn nods his head and tips his helm toward the legionnaire. The magus rocks back on her heels then, still grinning, "Where I once lived, they call ones who speak with such conviction 'Aetius', for they are like the eagles who rule the skies with their unrelenting wings and bold cries. Whatever storm may strike Frostmaw, I am grateful nonetheless, Aetius, for it has allowed me to meet you. Chartsend is lucky to have one with a spirit like yours~."

Eliason smiles and bows honorably toward the queen. He tests the name quietly and finds that he loves the way it feels upon his lips. "Aetius... I am honored to carry such a title, your Majesty. And will be honored to share in Frostmaw's victory." Rising to his full stature, he salutes Tharn before looking upon the queen once more. "You should rest... I will not keep you anymore."

Satoshi nods. "Yes, I think I'll heed your suggestion." A withering look as shot toward Tharn, an expression that suggests if she doesn't, the guard will forcibly put her to bed otherwise. And the look on the giant's face says he'll do it without hesitation. Satoshi dutifully ignores this, looking back to Eliason to throw him a salute. "Until next time then, Aetius~. Thank you again."