RP:Damned Meatbags

From HollowWiki

This is a Necromancer's Guild RP.

Synopsis: Celaeno comes bearing gifts! She and Raevyn discuss future plans over stew and talk about the Yule Ball.

Date: Dec. 19th, 2017

Main Graveyard Area

You now stand in the main area of the graveyard, various tombstones and grave spread out across this place, many of the graves have been dug up, and empty caskets lay about the cold ground. Why have they been dug up you may think, but it's clear this place is hardly ever used to rest the dead, but more of a recruiting grounds for the necromancers that inhabit this town, somehow it feels disturbing to you, unless you happen to be a necromancer yourself? To the south is an old looking temple of some kind.

Celaeno had lurked in the graveyard a little while, pacing pack and forth, hoping to catch sight of her friend. Occasionally she would fidget with a burlap wrapped bundle she carried under her arm, lips pursing, letting out frustrated sighs as she puzzled over something. The young woman could become frazzled rather easily sometimes, but never so visibly when she was by herself without another living soul to be found nearby. She actually had her sleeves rolled up for once, exposing her gauntlets and her forearms to the night air. The leather harnesses that usually stayed underneath her gauntlets had been reinforced by extra straps that crisscrossed up both her arms like the ties on a sandal. Nearby, a little fire pit and grate had been set up, the kindling at its bottom left unlit for the moment. What could she be setting up?

Raevyn and Baelok could be heard conversing as they entered into the area from the north; Their destination not intentionally the graveyard, but what lie beneath. “Why won’t ya let me have any fun? Think about it? We go in. Spill a little blood, get a little revenge. Done and over with. I’ll keep ya guarded. You saw what went on. You know they deserve it.” The girl huffed in response, “No, Baelok. Then we would be just like them. I can’t fathom being able to do something like that, anyway. It’s not in me.” Just then the keen eye of the guardian was set down their path where he spied an all too familiar half-breed pacing about, his finger lifted to point her out for the necromancer. “Oh look, it’s ol silver-hand.” he said with his twisted grin. Raevyn nudged the undead male in his side in order to silence his crude mouth before she would wave at her friend and call out, “Cela! Heeey!”

Celaeno 's slightly pointed ears perk at her name, the less than common nickname at that! She halted in her tracks and swiveled to face the duo, waving her hand back, in fact beckoning both of them over. "Come, come! I have something!" She would wait for them to get closer to her little fire pit before sitting down and setting her bundle in her lap. It seemed to come in two parts, a smaller one that smelled of raw steak and stew vegetables, the other was long and thin, clanging together when she moved it. "Sit, sit, both of you. Yes, even you, Sir Parellius. I have a proposition." She sets the food-filled package on the grate and starts to unwrap the long one under it.

Raevyn wasted no time in plopping down into a cross legged position; They had been walking so long, she needed some rest. Baelok eyed Celaeno carefully, wondering what exactly she was up to. Still, even with that reluctance, he removed his weapon from his back and lowered to the ground to be seated. The girl looked to the fire pit and the food, before observing what exactly Cela was starting to unwrap. “What exactly are you doing, Celaeno?” she asked with a curious smile.

Celaeno bites her lip a she unwraps the last of the bundle, revealing a matched pair of short swords. Each had identical glowing runes on them etched in Cela's neat handwriting. Each looked relatively new and sharp as well. She glanced up uncertainly at her friend. "I..with everything going on, I admit I became concerned, so I made these. They haven't been named yet, but they are good weapons and better for close combat self defense. I figured it would be a good addition to your scythe if you were alone and needed something quick to draw. Then I thought I might need one because Carina isn't around anymore to take care of it..." She glanced toward Baelock, grinning as she gestures toward the steak inside its wrapping. "And I am not above bribery, Sir Parellius. I'm as fine a cook with a campfire as I am an enchanter. Since I know nothing about such fighting arts and you do...perhaps you could give me and/or Raevyn a few lessons? If yes, then I will pay in meals, and you seem to enjoy my tributes so far."

Raevyn ‘s curiosity became surprise when the short swords were revealed. For the most part, her scythe had been for show when it came to melee tactics, used only as a conduit for her magics as some sort of makeshift staff. The idea of being able to protect herself with a weapon such as a sword had never even crossed her mind. Yet, after the evening prior, when she found herself in a town where magic had been suppressed, she knew that this might be a wise decision on Celaeno’s part. “ I am.. Honored, and appreciate it very much, Cela…” Her smile toward the half-elf was warm and thankful. Baelok on the other hand rubbed at his chin and groaned a little. “Lessons? Ain’t taught no one in a long, long time. Means I’d have to responsible for two of you meaty fleshbags instead of just one.” Raevyn of course teased the man, with something extra thrown in to sweeten the pot. “Are you frightened of a pair of women, Sir Parellius? Think of it as a means to give us a thrashing… until we get better.” The first response elicited was one of displeasure. “Aye. you two can it with the formalities. I ain’t no knight anymore. At least not one of nobility. Baelok. That’s all you gotta call me.” He then looked between the pair and shrugged. “I guess I could be doin’ somethin’ more useful. Although, I’m gonna warn ye’s. I ain’t gonna hold back. I fight dirty, and I’m gonna teach you to fight dirty. If that’s fine with the pair of ya, then yeah, I’ll work for the grub.” It seemed like a the deal was set, until the newly risen added, “And cigars. Lots of cigars.”

Celaeno 's nose wrinkled toward Baelok, seeming either disappointed she wouldn't use the title anymore or confused that he preferred not to be called by it. He had earned it, hadn't he? Whether he deserved it or not, she nodded. "Of course...Baelok. If we are to learn, why would you hold back?" Cela's sternum fluttered, not quite a pop, but enough for her to take notice as she touches the area. She could only hope it was her sister's tacit approval, which reminds her... She turns toward Raevyn with a furrowed brow. "I suppose that means we have to acquire those, but from where?" Then her gaze trailed down to her robes, baggy things that did more to conceal her figure and make her comfortable than give her ease of movement. Already one of her sleeves were beginning to droop down to be uneven with the other. "Perhaps I will need to invest in new attire as well... Though, I haven't bought clothes for myself in...Ever actually. Pa-Father sewed all my robes for me."

Raevyn eyed her friend carefully as she touched her chest; yet did not say much as it seemed to be something in passing. Maybe it was gas! She then started to tap upon her knees while she thought of where to acquire Baelok’s requested item, her mind delving through the various inventories of the shops she had visited. After a moment of contemplation she exclaimed, “Craughmoyle! I am certain a merchant there would have them!” Baelok looked at the woman like she was stupid. “Or ya could just head into south Sage and get’em at the distillery. Ya know. Closer and less hassle.” He then sort of grins at Celaeno, “Humans, am I right?” Raevyn grumbled something under her breath before she would address her friend’s newest plight. “Mm! Yes! What is a good idea, really. I am more than willing to go with you, or to keep my eye out for things you may have interest in!” it had been a long time since Raevyn had shown any interest in fashion herself. After the accident, such frivolous things just did not seem to appeal to the girl. Yet, maybe the affliction was starting to ebb? Maybe she was slowly coming back to the person she used to be. “What sort of things do you like, exactly? I’ve seen so many different styles in this land! Bodices and corsets, dresses and gowns. All sorts of manner of pants or armored materials. Jackets, scarves! A change out of those tattered things might just be the change you need.” She of course offered a reassuring smile to note that she was not making fun of Celaeno for her current attire. It wasn’t too long ago that the young neophyte too dressed in such clothing. “Oh, to the forsaken hells, no.” Baelok muttered. “Damned hens gonna start flappin’ about clothing.”

Celaeno :: "Sage is...between Larket and Kelay, correct?" The directionally challenged half elf had gotten lost several times since coming to this land, even with Raevyn's generous map. Baelok's quip would be met with more curiosity than affinity. "What were you in your former life? An elf?" Raevyn's questioning earned her cheeks growing hot and her busying herself working at the fire pit. She had promised food, hadn't she? A snap of her fingertips and the fire was lit, her stoking it with her gauntlets as opposed to a poker. "Honestly, I like anything loose and dark. Cari always used to wear pants and long tunics, practically short dresses, and she fought well enough in those. Granted she also wore a lot of other things and was always trying to...dress me. I suppose now I'm ripe for suggestion, because my taste is severely underdeveloped."

Baelok laughs out loud with a shrug, “Naw. I was human. But I ain’t now, so my racism is justified.” He was obviously taking the piss, because he lifted one black gauntlet and ruffled Raevyn’s hair, much to her disdain. “An’ aye, but the forest also sprawls south of Kelay as well. It’s there Jack’s distillery can be found. There’s some sort of enchanted kingdom pretty far south if I ain’t mistaken. For the fairies and pixies and other such pests.” A kingdom of fairies and pixies? Raevyn was definitely interested in seeing that some day. Instead of answering the former knight, the girl instead focuses on her friend and the possibilities of playing dressup in the near future. “I… I do not judge you, for certain. I too am a creature of habit, it seems. I was raised very modestly. Very… conservative and well presented. Perhaps we can make a bit of a day trip one afternoon. You and I, a shopping spree. We can both develop a new fashion for a new world!” Suddenly something seemed to hit Raevyn and she bounced forward to sit upon her knees now. “OH OH! News! We’ve been doing so much, I forgot to tell you! The Black Library! We have access!” She was grinning from ear to ear with this news, “Although, it is restricted by our rank through wards blocking off certain parts of the library, we can go and peruse what is available to us at any time! I definitely have a few things I need to search for.”

Celaeno nods, frowning at a couple memories of that place when she happened to lose her way in that general direction. "Yes, and attacking squirrels that are too intelligent I fear." Her cheeks stay their brickish color as she nods along with a smile despite herself. She hadn't ever actually indulged Carina in those similar offers to 'make her over.' "Certainly. Perhaps it will be a nice change, not to resemble a tent. Though I feel I might still need a cloak, at least, to conceal these when the occasion arises." She holds up her hands to indicate what 'these' referred to. Any other train of thought immediately vanished as her eyes got big as saucers and the subtle smile widened to a beam. "Finally! Before we go together, we should compare notes about what each other is looking for, just in case the other finds something relevant. I hope it has something to sit on. I have a feeling we shall need something."

Baelok’s response was to place his hand against his face and shake his head. The disappointment oozed from him. “Yeah. We’ll get on those lessons as soon as possible. Bested by squirrels… That’s just awful.” With the roll of her eyes, Raevyn ignores the man’s subtle insults and tried to maintain her excitement at the prospect of future plans to both shop and visit the library. “Oh! I believe there is a boutique here in Vailkrin that sells cloaks! I.. seem to recall another shop that had some lovely variety, but… I am not sure where.” he brow furrowed momentarily- A memory most recent or from long ago? “Anyhow, yes! We will find you something.” When the conversation spoke of comparing notes, Raevyn’s smile, while still present, seemed to fade a little. “I… yes. I suppose you are right. It would be a good thing to have an idea of what we are both looking for. I wonder, if there are no seating arrangements, I wonder if mister Mahara would mind if we snuck in some chairs, or even a table?”

Celaeno tilts her chin up at Baelok. "I scared them off well enough. Fire does wonders to frighten wild animals. They simply...cornered me first for no apparent reason. Speaking of which, how much red do you like in your meat?" She unwrapped the slab of steak from its butcher paper and set it on the grate, the coals going nice and hot underneath. She'd already seasoned the meat by the looks of the salt, pepper, and other assorted dried herbs clinging to its outsides. She glances toward North of the graveyard, where Vailkrin proper was probably bustling at that time of night. "I do hope that conflict I was told about hasn't started yet." The damper on her friend's enthusiasm didn't go unnoticed, though, however subtle it was. While Cela had a horrible time reading strangers, those closer to her got easier after enough time spent together. "Is everything alright?"

Baelok let loose a deep chuckle with Celaeno's explanation, his answer to her question hinting jest. "I don't mind if she moos a bit. As long as she juices I'm happy." Raevyn had gone silent for a few moments, her attention stolen by the flame of the cooking fire. "Ain't too sure, to be honest. If it hasn't, then it won't be long. Larewen ain't the type to let it sit for long. She'll be comin' with a vengeance." When Celaeno asked the young necromancer if she was alright, the girl seemed to snap out of her daze. "Hm? Oh. Yes. I just, there's been a few things I've dwelled upon. Things I've put off speaking about, that I figure I should tell you, given our last encounter." Baelok gives Raevyn a side eye glance, muttering 'drama queen'.

Celaeno wrinkles her nose, but turns the steak over on the grate accordingly. "So a lot, then. Something tells me if you and my sister ever actually met, you two would get along too well. Barbarian carnivores." The playfulness in her expression turned a bit more grave at mention of the warring houses and she sighs. "I suppose I had better start reading more on Vampires..." She reaches into her pack and pulls out a decent sized cast iron pot, a small knife, a rather full waterskin, and a small box that smells of spices. Baelok's remark was ignored and instead she focuses on her task, on reassuring her friend. "All in your own time, unless you think it prudent I know anything for my own well being and yours. I can't imagine the situation is easy. Mine is far more benevolent by comparison."

“That would be a good idea. I’m sure someone like you’d make one helluva wine, if ya catch my meaning.” the undead replied. That thought wasn’t unsettling or anything. While the half-elf began to prepare the cookware and the meal, Baelok rises to his feet in order to stretch his legs. He was afraid, that due to the lack of mortal blood flow, he might lock up permanently and be stuck there. “That’s just it. I don’t know what’s prudent. I don’t know what may or may not affect you. Two years ago… I was involved in an incident. An incident that involved friends. An incident that had me retire to the tower hidden in the infernal forest not far from here. In the more recent year, things have been quiet. Too quiet. The incidents that crop up, they have been few, but nonetheless alarming. Yet I feel the surge still there. I feel it lurking. Waiting.” Raevyn explains, earning a more than interested glance from her guardian. He stood, towering above, with his arms folded over his chest. Would she know? The girl’s gaze travels to a nearby tombstone, its imposing shape and meaning her focus as she asks, “Do you know what hell looks like?”

Celaeno actually didn't catch his meaning, until she rubs her neck once it finally settles. She flips his steak again, a subtle reminder she could wait too long and serve it closer to well done than rare. As of yet, it hadn't begun to crust over yet. She begins to fill the pot with water from the skin and sets it on the empty part of the grate to boil. She listened quietly as Raevyn talked about her own vague history, holding back her questions for the moment, despite that they always burned in a mind like hers. What kind of incidents? A surge of what? She shakes her head in reply to her friend's inquiry, though, however rhetorical it might be. "Only stories of those being sent to that kind of realm being put through all kinds of horrible punishments, whether for purification or otherwise. But I imagine knowledge of something and experiencing it are two far different experiences."

Raevyn didn’t even hesitate to explain. It was like a solid punch to the gut, unexpected and out of nowhere. “I’ve seen it. Up close. I’ve seen through those tormented pits. I’ve seen into the abyss. And I’ve drowned in the sludge of the damned.” Baelok seemed a little nervous now as he listened to the girl, an attempt to hide this fact made as he crossed over to where Celaeno had been cooking, so that he could watch in silence. He never once took his attention off the sound of her voice as his charge continued. “At least… I think so. At times I feel it was all a dream, but deep down, I know it to be real. I know that what I saw, what I experienced, was an afterlife I did not deserve. I… do not think it was my own, however. I think, I was drawn to something, or someone else.” Still vague. Still a puzzle. The girl tore her glance off of the tombstone and focused once again on her friend. “It all began with a stone.” Raevyn would now dive into her story much like she had for Bradyn- one of a strange stone and what she perceived as her death after an attack. Her trip into the underworld. She would talk of the return home days later to be plagued by torturous nightmares and of the one that called out to here. The name she stole from her dreams- Nasada. She spoke of a fascination with death and necromancy, and how after becoming caught, she was branded and exiled while her mentor was executed right before her very eyes. The tale shifted into her arrival into Lithrydel, and the time she spent in the tower in the woods near Vailkrin. Of how Larewen, and a few others had reacted to this name, and how she became entangled with the dragon, Gheneroc. She told the half-elf of her blackouts and waking upon strange backdrops, to find herself in strange and terrifying situations. She spoke for some time of her experiences with this world, until that day she unknowingly took part in the resurrection of the shade nightmare in Xalious. That very event in which had her one again hole up in the tower located in the infernal woods for two years- Until that day they met, in fact. The blackout to Chartsend. The shared kiss with Larewen and her connection with Nasada. All of this would be explained over time. “It is because of this, all of this, that I have been seeking the Black Library. No one, not even Larewen will tell me anything about this name, Nasada. No library, between Xalious and Cenril carry any sort of knowledge on this man. So… this Black Library is my last hope. To know..what he is. What he wants. Or why, deep down, he uses me as a vessel. Larewen spoke of a possible way to separate us, but she did not give me details.” There was a frown as she looked away from Celaeno and into her hands. “So.. I want to find any material I can on this man. I want to know exactly who he is as far back any any history allows and what my options are. I want to know if Larewen is lying to me, and if I am truly damned.”

Baelok would go unnoticed by the half elf as she absentmindedly turns the steak a final time and cuts off roughly two thirds of it to him on a plate from her seemingly endless pack. Red juices seep from every crevice of the thing and the inside would be a bright pink, almost red, and the cut tender enough to give easily under a knife--or teeth more than likely in his case. She had made sure to choose a choice piece of meat from the butcher for the sake of that bribe. Throughout Raevyn’s story, her visage stays stoic, but attentive. Even as she cuts the potatoes, carrots, celery, and remaining meat into chunks. They’re added with the salty seasoning bits to the water to make it a brothy stew. From there, she stirred it occasionally, let it boil so everything inside would be soft enough to bite into. It would be about that time Raevyn confessed her true reasoning for wanting to explore the Black Library, and her mouth purses like she had swallowed something sour. “More than enough reason to be suspicious, I’m sure. One thing...concerns me most of all, though. You said...you believe you died. However that being, this...Nasada fellow came to inhabit you, I cannot help but fear he may be why you’re still alive. So, would seperation, like Lady Dragana claims she can do, leave you alive or would it undo the positive effects of his possession?” Her stomach churned at the thought, and the pained expression showed on her face. Call it selfish, but she already lost the only family she had in one way or another, but her worried expression made it obvious she didn’t want to lose another as she mixed the stew another time. It was enough to make her head pound--she could only imagine what Raevyn must be feeling. “There are so many loopholes to this, so much left unsaid, like tales of mortals going up against god-like tricksters. I suppose there is hope that such an entity can be reasoned with, but first you would need something to offer, I suppose.”

Raevyn watched Celaeno as she worked, her story long and drawn out. She just wanted to be truthful to her friend. To let her know that she had no secrets to hide. Yet, when the tale was over, the half-elf’s first response left the girl completely and utterly flabbergasted. She had contemplated a lot of things, but being alive only through ‘his’ will? That was certainly not one of those things. “Oh no…” she felt her heart sink. “I… what if you’re right? What if I am only here because of his lifeforce? What if I should have moved on, but I am the one trapped?” Anxiety kicked in. “What if this is part of the plan? What if they want me dead?” Baelok would finally speak up now and tear his eyes away from that lovely piece of meat, as he had a little knowledge on the vampire’s intentions. “She ain’t wantin’ ya dead. I’m sure removing this… Nasada ain’t gonna kill ya.” The girl looked at the guardian accusingly, “How would you know?!” Baelok shrugged, “I don’t. Just a hunch. I know Larewen. She ain’t that cruel. If you’re gonna die, I think she’d tell ye.” Raevyn began to grow angry, that worry still present as she turned to Celaeno. “I don’t have anything to offer. I don’t know what he would want.” She sucked her lip inward and chewed, “Which is precisely why we need to find some sort of information about the man. I need to know more about his past. This is the key.”

“Not to detract from your meal, but how well do you know Lady Dragana?” Cela’s tone stayed civil enough, and she did make a concentrated effort to lesson the accusatory edge that wanted to leap out. Baelok may have been there, convenient to lay her frustrations on, but she had to keep in mind that he was only a servant in all of it--or so he claimed. But, even for the short time she’d known the rude corpse, typically if he said something without a hint of snark, he tended toward sincere. And she didn’t have total confidence in him as that good of an actor. “Are you two old friends, or have you dealt often with each other when you were alive to know her character? It would help lend validation to your reassurance. Believe me, I want very much to believe it.” She takes out two bowls from her pack and a copper ladle, dented from too much use, as she returns her attention to her stressed friend. “Deep breaths, Raevyn. Here, have some stew. The warmth should help.” She scoops some of the chunky broth into one of the bowls and holds it out for her friend. “You’re right. The only way to know someone, just short of talking to them, is to learn about them, their origins, how it they shaped the way said person thinks. Your foreboding feelings about this entity may very well be right, but a little proof will go a long way into discovering the truth.” She holds in her doubts for the moment, having voiced enough as her mind races over countless possibilities for what the truth could mean for Raevyn, and drawing a blank as to any actual way to help aside from comfort and aiding the other young woman’s search for the time being.

Raevyn accepted the offered bowl with little enthusiasm. It wasn't that she didn't want it, or didn't appreciate the thought, but the whole mess being brought up again sort of had her stomach in knots. She would still manage a sip to start, letting the warmth of the broth warm her chest as she silently dwelled upon the whole predicament. "I know her well enough." Baelok began. "I wouldn't call us friends exactly. We ran in similar circles. Shared mutual associates. That sort of thing. I've dealt with her plenty enough to know if she got some sorta ulterior motive, that's for certain." Those words had the raven haired necromancer looking up upon the guardian with irritation. "So it is true, then? You are not her pet. Then why the lie? Why have me believe she sent you?" Those blackened gauntlets slipped into the pockets of his duster, shoulders lifted with reply, "Don't know. Don't care. Don't really matter, either. You're alive and that's how it's gonna stay, until I can get rid'a ya." That bowl in Raevyn's hands would have been sent flying if she knew it would actually hurt the bastard, and didn't hurt her friend's feelings in the process. Celaeno had put so much effort into this meal, she could not waste it. Regardless, there was a hatred in her eye, that mistrust spoken aloud. "Get rid of me? By death, right? This is the plan?" Annoyed, Baelok's head fell backward. "Stop being paranoid. That ain't what I meant." he stated, Celaeno the target of his next words. "Oi. Silver-hands. Tell her to stop with the paranoia. I ain't gettin' nowhere."

"In her defense, you could have worded that better." Celaeno’s eyebrows went up at that nickname with evident intrigue. She might have to borrow that moniker in the future. “He was referring to when his guardian duties have run their course. He did make a deal. I’m sure if he wants to keep that new body of his, he will stay bound to you.” For the moment, though she leaves her bowl empty and moves around to rest beside Raevyn instead of across from her, her legs folded under her with the rest of her robes. “There very well seems to be a puppet master behind all this, yet to what end, we can’t know yet. You have a course set to find answers. If you don’t find them there, then we look elsewhere, perhaps to oracles or even back to the mage’s library for a spell that can show past events. I remember Father being handy with a mirror and using that to scry all sorts of things. You have other options. The important thing is that, right now, you are alive and growing the power you need to protect yourself. You are stronger than they know. Have faith in that and you’ll survive whatever happens, whether it be another blackout, even another nightmare creature.” She clasps Raevyn’s shoulder, applying a gentle pressure meant to be reassuring. “And remember, you are not alone in this. You have at least one ally.”

"What she said." Baelok replied, before giving Celaeno a shrug of his shoulders. He wasn't the most articulate person exactly, what with being dead so long. When Celaeno got up to sit beside her friend, Raevyn took her angered stare off of Baelok and instead offered an expression of gratitude toward the half-elf. "The best ally one could ask for." she replied, finally smiling. The weapons that were shown stole Raevyn's attention for a few moments, her eyes trailing over those runic symbols that were etched upon them. "You are right, though. I am growing. We are growing. Together... we will overcome anything." Baelok once more earned a bit of a glare as she addressed him, "You still hide things. I know very well that you know this puppet master is. I promise you Baelok, it will come out in the end." The undead again lifted his shoulders, "Not worried if and when it does. Until then, you're gonna need me. Believe me on that, kiddo." Raevyn huffed and spoke to Celaeno. "So we have an itinerary, then. We find a way to put your sister to rest. We train to protect ourselves using these blades. We grow strong in our arcane teaching. We find information on this Nasada. Is there anything else you would like to add?" Before she would give the half-elf a chance to speak, Raevyn leaned back a little and pulled something from her pocket- A folded up piece of paper. When Celaeno opened it, she could come to discover it advertises a seasonal Yule Ball in a city called Frostmaw. "I found this platered in Xalious. I... I thought that maybe we could make an adventure of it. To... maybe go and and enjoy ourselves. I've never been to such an event before, and with all that has happened, I think of night of festivities would be good for us."

“Perhaps he is on strings as much as the rest of us,” Cela offers. The brute might have started growing on her, despite his apparent bloodthirsty tendencies. She does nod along with Raevyn’s assessment of both their situations, patting her chest when it came around to her sister. “I...might also try to ask one of our superiors to help Carina be more aware of things, perhaps even communicate with me somehow. If she is trapped for the time being, I’d like to make her quarters a bit more livable.” On that note, the flyer emerges from Raevyn’s pocket and she opens it. She shivers some when she notices the location, but her eyes widen significantly when she comprehends the occasion. “A...a ball? With dancing and formal attire and nobility and the like?” She bites her lip, staring at it for a long minute as her imagination runs wild. All those people in such close quarters. But then she remembers smaller affairs, wagons circled around a bonfire with everyone dancing around it to fiddle music, her sister among them while she watched on with a smile. Then of course there was Raevyn’s puppy eyes, the eagerness in her tone. As usual, Celaeno couldn’t bring herself to say no, but for once she didn’t find she wanted to either. “Very well. That means we will have to find new clothing beforehand. I’ll warn you if any dancing is to be had, I will be entirely hopeless. The steps escape me worse than directions.”

Celaeno earned herself a bit of a stare from the large dead man with her initial comment. He couldn't fault her logic- She was right. To what degree, he would never reveal, for the one he swore allegience to was much more terrifying than anything either of these two woman could threaten. "This is a good idea, Cela.. I think Carina would be happy with that arrangement. She obviously cares deeply about you, even in her... sorrowful state. I am sure she would like an easier time to be more present in your life until such a time we can free her." The pale necromancer plopped a hand on her friend's knee and offered a hearty smile before feasting upon a bit more of her meal. While Celaeno contemplated the thought of the Yule Ball, Raevyn qould take to watching Baelok closely. She despised him in some regards. She hated how callous and cruel he could be. How much he hid from her. His role in all of this, who he once was as a man. She desired nothing more than to know. And yet, still, she would feel somewhat sorry for his existence. She could not begin to fathom how he might feel about all of this. What if Celaeno was right? What if he was just some puppet that was unable to help himself? "Really? YAY!" she exclaimed with the half-elf's answer. "Don't worry, I am not much of a dancer either. We can... dance miserable together." She showed her teeth to her friend with a big cheesey grin. "And hm. Yes. New clothing would be a wise idea. Not only some sort of elegant wear, but perhaps a new wardrobe for the coming seasonal shift? I think Baelok would be more than willing to spare us the money." A coy smork was aimed in the guardian's direction, "Isn't that right, Sir Parellius?" Raevyn would gain a murderous glare in return. First, she was warned to stop calling him that. Second, he knew he should have kept his mouth shut about the monetary compensation he had been given for his part in the contact. He didn't exactly have a ton of use for it, and there was more there than he would use in his lifetime. "Whatever. Fine." he grunted.

“I’m not sure whether I want it to be crowded so we can lose ourselves in the masses or hardly attended to give us more space to move. Is there a certain etiquette for that place? Will giants be there like in their tavern?” It was a little dizzying to think about at first, so much that she missed the brief visual exchange between Baelok and Raevyn as they mused over her guess. When finances came up her cheeks turn that brick shade of red as she shakes her head. “By all means, I have enough to pay for myself, really.” She glances over the warrior and his rather vicious armor and can’t suppress the teasing grin that curves her own mouth. “Besides, he’ll have to worry about his own formalwear, I’m sure, since I doubt he’ll want to leave you in my care around all those people. Shall we pick something out for you?”

Raevyn shrugged, "I don't exactly fault you. I'm sort of hoping for not too big of a turnout. just quaint enough to be cozy." When it came to etiquette, or talk of giants, Raevyn was surely lost. "I... I don't know. I've never been to Frostmaw, truthfully. There are giants there? That's a bit frightening. I would guess, as it is a ball, something formal like a dress, or some sort of suit." Raevyn looked visibly worried now. This is her first formal event, she truly had no idea how to present herself. At least Celaeno's embarrassment would take her mind off of the situation for a moment. Taking another opportunity to stick it to the undead, Raevyn gently shoves her friend with her elbow, "No no. Baelok INSISTS that you don't use your own money. He is more than happy to treat us, as an apology for being so miserable and rude!" The response from the undead is curt, "I will murder you in your sleep." He then looks to Celaeno with her suggestion and doubles down, "Both of you." Raevyn giggles, "Oh my. Can you imagine? We really should find something for him! get him all spruced up and looking dapper! Like a gentleman!" There is an audible sigh and the undead mutters, "Damned meatbags."