RP:Collusion for a Castle in Cenril

From HollowWiki

Summary: Desparrow and Gevurah strike a deal. Gevurah offers Desparrow four elite soldiers, supplies, and gold to aid his goals in exchange for access to a mysteriously ruined castle in Cenril.

The Hanging Corpse Tavern

Desparrow sat at the bar nursing a glass of whiskey while around him various fellow night creatures and the like are drinking and conversing amongst themselves. When it came down to the vampires about Des wanted nothing to do with them, in fact held a hatred that went beyond racial differences. Though tonight that was not his reason for being here, no it instead was the notice he had placed on the board and checked on occasionally only to have nothing turn up. Disappointing and he was on the verge of convincing himself to give up and just go with his plan but perhaps a couple more tries wouldn't hurt, just to see if his luck may have changed.

Gevurah is heralded by the arrival of two D’Artes soldiers in full rogue armor. They scan the tavern room and clear a path for their charge. Gevurah soon follows, and two more rogues follow in behind her. The fifth remains stationed outside. The rogues take sentry in each corner of the room. Gevurah approaches Desparrow on her own. “Serpent of Destruction?” she asks. He fits the description given to her by a spy. She dressed like a classic drow noble. Tight corset, bustle, full skirt, a palette of black, red, and purple. The D’Artes insignia is prominently displayed on a choker at the hollow of her throat, if that means anything to him.

Desparrow hears someone, no not just one person but several enter the tavern. Before he bothered to turn he inhaled deep, gathering the scents and finding it rather interesting. He himself was half drow, but in his more human form he used a touch of magic to get some of the fade out of his skin and appear more high elven but for some reason he couldn't mask it all. Notable when first seeing him is that his left ear is severed, the top half missing and he has another scar running from his temple down. Due to clothing the others are not so noticeable. Turning at last in his seat it was Gevurah whom was already there and greeting him, "Well hello. That is a family title and I won't say I can't live up to it but anyone outside my family doesn't really take it seriously." Cerulean eyes run up and down the woman, "And you are?"

Gevurah arches a brow and looks at Desparrow critically. “That is an unusually specific family name. I am Gevurah of House D’Artes, the ruling House of Trist’oth.” She gestures with an open palm towards the board. Her movements and posture suggest discipline and complete control of herself, and as is often the case, others as well. “Does you family typically have such an unsubtle approach to city invasions? What are you after in Cenril?” Straight to business. The drow language doesn’t even have a phrase for small talk.

Desparrow leans back against the bar and rests his elbows upon it taking on a rather relaxed pose. "Yeah my family is an interesting lot." he allowed himself a glance around the room to see the multiple assumed agents of this woman that stood guard. "Cenril? Well I want it. The City itself, as for subtlety well I tried but I honestly don't care if someone tries to come after me or stop me. I am more than confident in my abilities." The lycan nodded towards a neighboring seat. "You can sit if you'd like, I'm not stopping you though if its just business I can inform you.. Cenril is under the threat of some mermaid that has water magic. I don't know her exact plan but she plans on wiping out Cenril my home town. I want to save the city, though only for the gain of owning it myself. I plan on wiping out the mayor, fighting back against the guard and any criminals that may want to interfere, though if necessary wipe them all out. The civilians however I want safe. I have a few allies but not the backing force to take on an entire city."

Gevurah purses her lips and sits primly on the edge of a stool. She folds her hands over her knee. His bravado doesn’t impress her yet. “How would you keep civilians alive if you storm the city with an army? Casualties are bound to happen, not that I care. Still, a whole army for a water-logged city?” She pulls a sour face. “Have you considered assassinating the mayor, submitting yourself as a candidate for his replacement, then manipulating the vote so you win? I have learned of an abandoned castle in the south east of Cenril. I desire it; that is why I am here. Is that something you would give me in exchange for aid?”

Desparrow had been a little tense but was far more relaxed when she finally took a seat. "The castle? I've had my eye on it for a while, even had my manor built there." He didn't say anything beyond that about that yet. "When it comes to the civilians I will have help getting the majority out. Casualties are expected and the bloodshed is welcome, I don't mind that at all." He reached to grab his glass and finished the drink before setting it back down. "The mayor I actually have in my eyes, with intent of having him destroyed. I have a person on it in fact. Though replacing him would be a long process and one that I'm not interested in, but forcing my position is entirely within reason. Desparrow comes to the aid of Cenril in a dire time of need under the threat of the mermaid Zirael and saves them. Much more in my favor, even if in the shadows I'm sowing further chaos."

Gevurah hyper-focuses on the castle. “Are you going to tear down the castle ruins to build your manor? If your intention is to tear it down, let me visit it first. In exchange for this I will lend you some aid. Not an army, I am afraid. All of Cenril does not interest me.” And more truthfully: the drow suffered a major loss in a recent war. She can’t risk further eroding her troops. “I can give you a special force of elite soldiers, four, some supplies, and if needed, gold. It is generous for what I ask for, a right to be the first to visit the castle before you inhabit it.”

Desparrow figured that she would bring that up again. "I hope to be able to fight off Zirael, if I fail then the very buildings might end up destroyed though I could probably do something to protect the castle. Also I have already constructed my manor but when I have the city I plan on getting a different one built so if you really wanted, you could have it, whether the castle stands or not. I don't personally mind that. Also any help is appreciated." he leaned in closer and spoke in a hushed whisper, one that he used magic to dull his voice to nearly mute beyond a small radius outside of Gevurah's earshot regardless of supernatural hearing those in the tavern might have. "I have intention of 'saving' the city in order to make it my own but also bit by bit turn its inhabitants into an obedient lycanthrope army."

Gevurah eyes widen slightly at the whisper. A city of werewolves on the surface likely won’t mean much trouble for the drow in the Underdark, but all the same it’s a power to contend with. Still, she wants in to that castle. “Four soldiers, supplies, gold. That’s what I offer. In exchange, I get access to the castle with no questions asked. Do we have a deal?”

Desparrow nods and sticks out his hand. "Indeed we do. I have been gaining allies left and right but my plans will happen. Since however this deal is done I don't need to inform you of my future plans. Though I can see your potential interest. No reason to be afraid though. The drow have no enemy with me. Just Kasyr, and other vampires."

Gevurah forces a dark smile. She looks at his hand. Drow don’t really do that, but when in Vailkrin… She shakes his hand reluctantly and rises. “Good. I hope it stays that way. Send word to House D’Artes about where and when you’ll need the men and supplies. Good luck with it.” Two drow soldiers exit the tavern, then Gevurah, then the final two guards.

Desparrow grinned as she left. It wasn't the turnout he had hoped for but it was going to be enough, at least he'd make it so. Either way it was appreciated and he'd keep in mind the house D'Artes. An interesting name. "Have a good night, Lady D'Artes." spoken however when she was already out of the tavern.