RP:Coffee with a Friend

From HollowWiki

This is a Healer's Guild RP.

Summary Emilia meets with Artia at the Kelay Restaurant for coffee and to talk over the vampire joining the ranks of the Healer's Guild. Pleasant conversation leads to another addition to the guild.

Kelay Restaurant

Emilia sat at a back table away from the majority of the patrons enjoying their meals to prevent them from experiencing the natural wintery chill that the Genasi has. Those pesky white curls of her flowing over the back of the chair into a pile on the floor, way past time for a hair cut. Em lifted a glass to take a sip from her cold tea while she awaited the arrival of a old friend. The Healer sported a deep blue almost black dress that made her ever white flesh stick out even more in a room full of flesh colored people. Righty, her animated back ice hand, walked idly across the table as if it was pacing.

Artia had looked forward to this meeting today, having run into Ayras last night and enjoying a fun hunt. Luckily bringing an extra change of clothes and rented out a room at a nearby inn, thus she would be here on time. Only thing that she was slightly worried over, was that she had to leave her new creation alone and hope Andor would not break out and cause some trouble. Either way she was confident he would obey and stay hidden deep in the sage forest where the undead bear could hunt it, he chose too, just not cause too much trouble. Opening the door to the restaurant, moving inside wrapped in a crimson cloak with a match crimson bustling gown underneath. Her waist length hair having been braided to keep it out of her face, cascading down her back. Cyan blues with a gold starburst searched for Emilia, figuring she would be early, she was punctual like so. Artia always tried to arrive early, she did not like being late to anything, especially something this important to her. Past time for her to join such guild, spotting emilia she gave a wide fanged smile. Did Emilia know that the witch was sired? If she did not, she did know. Waving to Emilia as she moved to her in the back where she sat, “Emilia, it is good to see you!” Having a soft spot for the Genasi, on top of her having helped delivered her daughter. May Ava rest in peace.

Emilia giggled as the hand that paced the table jumped and froze in place as if it had been spotted on a secret mission when Artia arrived on time for their meeting. Body parts, such silly and fickle things. Turning those nearly colorless ice-blue upon the fanged smile of a witch turned the death blue lips of hers rose at the corners to match the gesture. With a stumped arm she waved the other woman over and pointed to the seat across from her, “Have a seat, Artia" the Genasi spoke in a light and good mood tone. It felt good to the Healer that as of late more and more people were coming out about their desires to either learn the life art of healing or to take their already had knowledge up a level within the ranks of the Healer's Guild. In a world with scales so easily tipped toward chaos there could never be enough healers. After the other would sit the wintery woman would wave over to the waitress so that lunch could be ordered. “The usual for me and whatever she would like,” Em answered before the lass could even question them for their order. After Artia ordered and the girl walked off to turn in the ticket to the cook Em spoke again, “I have not seen you in some time. I see that your teeth have sported a new look. How are too faring these days?” Simple chatter and polite conversation to start. Rushing never got anyone there truly faster. Righty had already climbed its was up the other arm of its body and curled up atop Em's head, snuggled away in the mess of untamed curls.

Artia had a seat where she suggested, crossing her long legs the smile still apparent. Looking up to the waitress, “Just a coffee and some toasted bread please. I ate a lot last night.” She had to giggle, amusing to her that a vampire would say such. “I do not eat much it seems now.” She gave a wink to Emilia, “Yes, I was sired little over a year ago by Lady Dragana, has adopted me into as her daughter.” Placing her hands folded upon her lap, watching righty move about Emilia’s head. “I am faring and surviving, my daughter was cursed by the aging one that was going around and passed away about a year ago now. She was on a ship and a storm hit them. I was lucky to have her body come home so I was able to bury her. My family consist of Larewen now, and who ever she feels to sire. Other then that bit, I am well. Mostly in Vailkrin these days, carrying out orders for Larewen. What of you?” Artia vanished before your eyes, perhaps never to be seen again.

Emilia listened to the catching up that Artia shared with her. A sad look appeared on her face when the woman mentioned the death of her child after a curse had gotten to her. Cruel world they lived in. Before it was time for Em to respond the ladies had received their order; coffee and toasted bread of Artia and a plate of fresh berries and a most frosted glass filled with cold coffee. The empty tea glass of the healer was taken away when the waitress went to tend to another patron. A sip of cold, almost slushed coffee, before the Genasi answered Artia, “I have partly lost a hand a few months back, taken the leadership to the Healer's Guild, began construction on a new clinic for Cenril, began the blueprints for another much bigger project, adopted Thamalys in as my brother and only family member in the lands, and mostly keeping busy.” The Genasi had triples in the past, but did not mention them in the recent on goings of her life. The children of hers were young almost teens by now, yet perhaps they came into play in the family that lived not within the lands. Popping a few berries in her mouth the healer went silent watching the steam rise from Artia's drink. A moment of time lost in a daydream trying to remember what the feeling of warm coffee was like as one drank it. Blinking she snapped back to reality, “Sorry, did you say something?” she quickly added unsure if the witch had spoken in while her mind had wandered.

Artia slipped the waitress a tip, least she could do since Emilia offered for the meal be her treat. Listening as she sipped the coffee, and a bite of toast. Swallowing before she spoke, "That avian is a good man, I have met him a few times and went on an adventure to get items I needed to enchant his wings the way he wanted them. I am glad you have someone so close to you, it is good to have least one person with your back." Taking another bite, using a napkin to wipe some butter off her lip. "Congratulations to being the leader, you deserve it. A clinic in cenril you say? They need it. Is it still ran crazy with thieves or has that calmed down? I dont get out much." Holding the cup of coffee enjoying the smell and warmth it put into her person. "Was just Congratulations on your achievements, and glad you have the avian."

Emilia felt better that she had caught most of the conversation only having missed some of the congratulations part of it. Tucking a wild white curl behind her ear the healer nodded, “Thanks, I am adjusting to being in charge, but it is not too much different than running a farm except pigs do not go about healing other animals. And Thamalys is a rare unique gem of a birdman. Not many people I would trust my life with.” Another sip of her slushed drink plus a berry or three. Looking close enough one might notice the blue ivy ink in her right forearm that mirror that of the male she spoke of. “Ah, Cenril seems to have a new Mayor. Nice lady and all, but city is still a shore city and prone to many accidents and pirates and such. The clinic I hope will help the city greatly. Once it is finished I will be spending time scouting for a good piece of land in Xalious area for my next project, but still a ways before that. Now, onto the more serious topic of the day. You want to join the ranks of the Guild, yes? I am curious to why. I have heard rumors. Most all that I take with a laugh, but I do have to wonder what you hope to gain and achieve with joining us. There is a great deal of dedication to being as neutral as possible when it comes to us. We heal all and take no sides in a war unless it is true evil we are facing. Our job is to tender and care for this world, keep the balance as best we can while we mend it.”

Artia nods, enjoying another drink of her coffee. "Well, I wanted to make my own little group where we learned more of the witch side of healing but decided it be to much imposing on the healers guild. So I stopped it, told those that wanted to join in to seek out those in healers guild instead. I'll always be honest. Now that I know it's you that is leading it I am even more glad that I told them to go this direction not sure if any of them did or not as I have not be in contact with that bunch since." Offering a grin to Emilia, "I want to offer what i know in the apothecary part to the guild, and anything else i know as well grow more as a doctor..surgeon what ever you what to call it. I do not know if you knew or not but some of the vampire covens are getting restless with the others. So, I figured it was past time to me to join you all so I can offer my services to Vailkrin more and anyone else. I made such choice the other day when I had to help Scandal, even knowing the danger of stitching up a dragon i still anyways." Placing her right hand upon the table showing the area where his dragon blood landed on her, "He claimed got into a fight with another dragon while on a quest. No matter where I go and what path I am lead down, I seem to be in a position to help someone and never able to turn it down no matter if the voice in my head tells me other wise. I think healing is the last thing that keeps me with a slither of my humanity and not fall from the edge." Running her finger along the brim of the mug, "Even when I was attacked by someones thrall, I couldn't help but to heal it and send it on. I am not good anymore, I have wicked tendencies nowadays. But I battle with myself to stay neutral, if someone asked me to heal them I would. I want to learn more than I know, and other ways then what I know. In return do the same for others, I know my ways are odd but I have never been normal."

Emilia listened while quietly munching on berries and sipping at her frozen drink. It was good to hear that this woman with skills in the healing arts had respect for her as a leader to a guild funded on those arts. Two groups doing the same thing in life no matter the intended focus did seem a little silly when banding all together would offer so many paths to follow and more people to learn from and to share already learned information with. Less confusing to the outsiders calling on help without fear of making one group feel lesser than the other if all were simply one banded unit. Frosted lips held a partial smile, “I believe that the Healer's Guild would offer you as much learning as you are desiring as well as providing experienced learning from you onto others. As a member you will find yourself surrounded by people of all different skill sets and feel more normal than stranger amongst a variety of like minded healers. In the future with this next project if it goes well I find it will be enjoyed more than any of us will ever have the words for. As for the city of the undead I feel that with the right work, connections, and desire we can add efforts to getting a small clinic up and running there geared toward one specializing in the ways to mend Vampires when they need some extra mending. A perfect spot I think for one with your talents that work differently than others. Not a city I spend too much time in. I have been told I almost glow from being so white when I visit there.”

Artia agreed with Emilia, "Yes, being a vampire now I have learned ways to heal and help vampires out. I can definitely be your go to girl for that dark city of death, I do not know why I feel like that city is home. For first time in a long time, I don't feel one hundred percent the odd one out that I do not belong. I have always had that nagging feeling." Finishing her coffee and toast, "With you leading it I am sure other will enjoy it fully, you always been creative and smart. I look forward to learning and work as a group to expand skill sets." Giving a soft chuckle, "You would fit in with so many being pale, most would be shocked that your heart beats yet pale."

Emilia gave a chuckle, “Ah, what I would give to feel that slight bit of belonging again like I did when I was more or less human. I could at least pretend to fit in more than I do now. I find that for you it may feel more like home because you were always meant to be a vampire after having learned what you needed from being alive first. And yes, my heart beats as long as I stay a frozen body. Warm me up and you can watch the frozen death body start to decay and true death come…” the sentence ended in a whisper like at least once the Genasi had experienced this near death fate. Nothing too pretty of a ended to decay while being alive. Shaking her head out of her own head Righty landed on the table holding onto something that must have been hoarded by it in those curls of hers. Walking oddly on less than all fingers it dropped the item on the table before returning to the comfy spot atop the healer's head. Standing Em spoke once more, “Welcome to the Guild I look forward to watching you grow as a healer. I must be getting to my next meeting, but in the near future I look forward to another meeting to see how it is going for you. Take care, Artia.”

Artia smiled cheerfully, taking the mug and placing it on the saucer that the bread came on. "Thank you very much, and I look forward to meeting with you again. Have a wonderful day." She stood up and went to excite taking the item with her.