RP:Cliff Scaling, Rabbits, And New Friends

From HollowWiki

Synopsis: Lanara is scaling a cliff, to rescue a rabbit from getting eaten from a frost goblin. As she climbs the cliff, injured, she encounters Aira. The two quickly become friends, after Lanara's wound is bandaged, and Aira makes a furry friend, as well.

Lanara :: The wind rapidly picks up, and causes gusts of snow to skew the visage of any that dare to enter this treacherous area. Jagged rocks, icicles, and heavy amounts of snow line the cliff edge, were making walking a likely death wish. The coldest and most dangerous area of Frostmaw appears to suddenly calm, as a fingerless-gloved hand appears on the cliff edge, as though someone were hanging from the peak. Then, a second fingerless-gloved hand follows, a mere foot away from the other. Seconds later a head pops up from the edge of the cliff, and an attractive brunette hoists herself over the jagged edge and onto the snow, landing on her knees with a disgruntled groan. Quickly removing her backpack from her slender shoulders, she places it gently on the ground and peers inside, a faint smile sweeping across her face, before she protectively closes the sack again. If one looks close enough at the elf, they would note that her fur-lined parka and heavy leggings are tattered and worn beyond wear, and the woman was revealing far more skin than was acceptable, especially in the cold outdoors.

Aira moved quickly through the area, having not been dressed appropriately herself. The high elf was clad in knee-high socks that were tattered with gaping holes. On her body was a long dress that seemed altered--Aira had taken a knife, slicing the dress along the sides and tying it around her middle with a bit of fabric. The only constant was her heavy pair of boots. The runaway was moving towards the tavern, dropping off her usual bag of game with Drargon before heading back into the wilds of the west. Something caught her attention though, causing her to halt. Platinum locks whipped about her face as she stood there watching as a pretty brunette pop up from the side of the cliff, making her way towards the top. Arms wrapped around her middle and almond shaped, copper eyes remained steady on the figure. She was nonthreatening, but Aira could never be too sure of whom -he- would send after her. She reached back, reassured by her bow and her store of arrows in her quiver. Aira remained still, continuing to watch the woman carefully.

Lanara sighs, and places both hands on her abdomen, and it was then that she noticed that she was cut, and deep. Wincing in pain, she tears a large piece of fabric from her runed leggings and attempts to make a makeshift tourniquet, around her mid-section. A wooden bow was to her left, lying upon the snow and glistening with runes, as the moon glared down upon them. The contrast from the moon against the pure white snow made it hard for Lana to see, as the attempts to tie the tourniquet, wincing and squinting at her torso. “Moon! I am not a fan of you tonight. You are being a monster!” With a sigh, she eventually gives up, thinking what she had accomplished thus far would have to do, at least until she could seek a healer. Blood was washed from her appendages as she dips them in the snow, smoke puffs escaping her mouth with every ragged breath she took. A glint of platinum catches her chocolate gaze, as she whips her head around and narrows her eyes on Aira. Seeing the stranger, in this part of Frostmaw, on a stormy night, and in barely there clothing, makes the witch suspicious, as she places her hand on her dagger, spying the woman opposite her, watching her quite closely. “Can I help you?”

Aira had taken a step forward when she saw the woman bleeding; she was no healer but she figured she could at least help the woman who was bleeding from her middle. However, her sudden movements towards her dagger had Aira moving quickly. In a flash, her bow was whipped from her back, arrow knotted and sighted towards the woman. She would not let it fly, but she wanted to be prepared just in case. “You look like one who needs help. You’re bleeding.” Lanara squints enough that she can assume that the woman is of elven descent. What luck! Removing her hand from the hilt of the dagger, Lanara weakly rises to her feet and protectively places her figure before the backpack. Whatever was being held inside the bag was either very valuable, or unable to defend itself. And the bow at her side, injury to her stomach, tattered clothing, and small scratches that dotted along her arms and legs, was proof that the witch was recently dueling something much bigger than her own petite self. Cocking her head to the side, she gives the stranger a lingering once over, uncertain if she should accept the woman’s help. Empathic abilities on high alert, she tries to reach through the snowfall to get a reading on Aira, though without touch she could only gather the current mood. Nonetheless, the woman didn’t seem murderous, at least at the moment. So, with a slight shrug, she hesitantly steps forward and dips her head, politely. In sylvan, she speaks, her tone somewhat softer, than before. “My apologies. I am Lanara. And I would love your assistance.”

Aira lowered her bow upon seeing the woman let go of the hilt of her dagger. The runaway still kept her arrow at the ready, for the moment, but pointed it towards the ground. She noticed the stranger place herself in front of the pack, which meant something very valuable, was in there. It mattered not to the high elf; she was not one to poach. It wasn’t until the pretty woman spoke in Aira’s own native tongue, accepting her assistance, did she pull her arrow back, dropping it in its quiver. As the high elf took a few steps towards the woman she slid her bow over her head, allowing that to rest at her back as well. Returning to their tongue, she responded, “And I am Aira.” She moved before the woman and dropped to her knee, being slightly taller than she. The runaway took the bandages from the woman and began to expertly tourniquet off the wound so the bleeding would stop for the most part. When she was done she stood, wiping the snow from her knees and nodding towards the stranger. “You should get to a healer, get that taken care of. Can you walk?”

Lanara offers her customary half-smile to Aira and tucks a stray lock behind a pointed ear, peering down as Aira expertly rewraps her wound. “Aira is a lovely name; I don’t believe I’ve heard it before. It’s always nice to see a new face in the lands. And thank you, you really know your way around bandaging a wound.” As the high elf rises to her feet and mentions a healer, Lana sighs softly, and shakes her head. “Yes, I can walk. But no… I can’t go to the local healer. Nurse Josleen is a menace to the lands, and she drew blood on me the last time I was there. I fear it would be more damaging to my health if I was treated there… But… I am a witch. I have some supplies with me in my satchel, and there are some berries in the garden near here… They would make a nice healing poultice. I think I can make it there, with your help. And I can do my magic, if you could stitch me up and bandage me? I’m sorry, I feel so awkward asking this of you… But my sister hasn’t been around in a few days, and I don’t have any friends… I’m a bit of a loner.”

Aira :: “Lanara is equally as pretty,” Aira offered with a rare smile. “In my dialect, Aira means ‘copper’, like my eyes.” She shrugged slightly, “I was trained in basic wound care, it’s nothing special.” The high elf scowled and narrowed her eyes at the mention of a menacing nurse. “She doesn’t sound like she should be taking care of the people in this land if she is drawing blood from her patients.” The runaway shook her head disapprovingly, “It is no problem, you will just have to lead the way, I confess I am fairly new to these lands and spend most of my time in the wilds.” She paused for a moment, listening to surface back story of Lanara. “A witch? How interesting! What’s that like?” Aira tucked that information away for another day should these two meet again. “I have a younger sister myself. Are you and your sister close?” At the mention of the witch being a loner Aira simply offered her a smirk. “Yeah? Well that makes two of us.” She moved to Lanara’s side, ready to embark on their journey, offering assistance in whatever way she could.

Lanara shrugs into her backpack, holds her satchel at her waist, and rest her bow over her free arm, as she links her arm through Aira’s. The unexpected grasp of the high elf’s arm was partly to assist the witch as she was wounded, and partly because she needed to give directions to the garden, and shouting over the howling wind wasn’t something either of them was likely to do. As they make on their way, Lana would smile at her new acquaintance’s excitement over siblings and witchcraft, as well as her distaste of Josleen. Could it be that she was already growing fond of the unique looking stranger she had only just laid eyes upon? It was rare for Lana to trust so easily, though she finds herself deeply intrigued, as she peers into those copper colored hues. “New to the lands? I am somewhat new here, too. I hail from Kelvar, an elven kingdom, rather far away. Not much is left of it, I’m afraid… The drow saw to that. I have been in the lands for about three months now, and it’s rather odd, but I like Frostmaw the best. You would think being an elf I would desire to be in greenery, but that’s not the case.” A gentle shrug and shake of her head, was given, as the two entered the garden area, and the smell of fresh flowers hits their senses. “And being a witch is loads of fun! I believe that anyone is capable, if they put their mind to it, and have faith. Perhaps, one day I will cast a circle and you can observe, if you like. And you will have to meet Talyara, she’s my half-sister, and is a half-elf. She’s easy on the eyes, a few inches shorter than me, and she has vivid green eyes. She’s a witch, too. We are incredibly close; though there are times I want to strangle her!” Giggling, at her little jest, she lowers her arm from Aira’s and eyes the berry bush. “Tell me about where you are from, and your sister.”

Aira hooked her arm for Lanara to take hold and placed her free arm across her chest and on Lanara’s, allowing the witch to guide her towards the garden. The wind continued to whip around Aira’s hair, exposing for the first time the quarter of her head where the hair was sheared away to peach fuzz, just above the left tapered ear. Standing at about five feet, eight inches, she was only slightly taller than Lanara; however her form was strong, muscle chiseled on her body. Despite being toned, she was feminine and had all the appropriate curves. Aira listened intently as Lanara spoke of her home, her witchcraft, and her sister. Upon reaching the gardens, the runaway’s eyes opened widely, taking in the beauty of the area. “I am sorry about your home. I know there has been much tension over the years between the elves above and below the surface. What made you come here?” Aira relinquished her grip on the witch upon seeing her move towards the berry bush. Finding a carved bench nearby, Aira moved to it and sat a small smile on her face at the jest about sisters. “I am from Rynvale; I lived in a small high sylvan commune of very rich and powerful families.” Aira sighed at the thought, looking down upon her bare sun-kissed skin. “I am actually a middle child. I have an older brother and younger sister, as I said. Both blonde hair like me, but they have beautiful clear, blue eyes.” Aira ran a slender hand through her locks, working through some tangles with her fingers. “She’s a good girl, always well behaved, always obedient. She will be a good wife someday.” If Lanara were to look upon the high elf, she would notice a scowl upon her freckled face.

Lanara picks a few winter berries, and sets them on a designated spot on the bench, across from Aira. Reaching into her satchel she removes a large bottle containing a thick, clear, liquid, a vial labeled ‘holy water’, and a small sachet of dried herbs. A small bowl was drawn from her bag, as she crushes the berries with her fingertips, causing the purple and red juice to flow into the bowl, likely staining the inside. Then, the holy water was sprinkled over the top, and the sachet of mixed herbs was mixed in, as well. The chunky looking paste was mixed until it was more malleable, and Lana listens closely to Aira, eyeing the rather unique hairstyle that the woman wore. It wasn’t the norm around here, but somehow the high elf managed to pull it off, and earned a grin from the witch. Nothing that Aira didn’t talk too much about her brother, but dotes on her sister, was noted, she would question it once they were better acquainted. Though, Lana does catch the scowl on the runaway’s face, and raises a brow. “Hm… Is your sister betrothed to someone, Aira? Is that why you left home? I don’t mean to pry… I just sense your… Feelings.” Swallowing slowly, the witch undoes the tourniquet and begins to pour the clear solvent into her open wound, cleaning the orifice, while it numbs the flesh. “I came here to search for my sister. I was away at the academy, furthering my education with magic and empathic abilities, when the war between drow and elves began. I graduated, headed home, and discovered that my mother was slain and my sister was on the run. I searched for years, and eventually we reunited, in Kelay. It was well worth the wait, and the journey.” Pausing, she waits to Aira to continue speaking, as she begins to fill the wound with the herbal paste, wincing every so often. After several tortuous moments of tucking, pulling, and prodding, Lana raises her had, a tad bit paler than before. The numbing solution would by now have taken effect, and it was time for Aira to stitch her up. “My tools are in here.” She murmurs, giving the satchel to the blonde.

Aira watched intently as Lanara worked. As she had told the witch, she was learned in basic wound care and first aid, but healing mixtures and potions were not in her expertise. She was so absorbed in the creation of the mixture that she almost missed Lanara’s question. “Hmm?” She shook her head, causing those platinum locks to cascade across her chest. “Oh, no. She is much too young, only half my age. I would estimate she is about eight years old in human years. No, I was the one who was betrothed.” A deeper scowl is given as Lanara offered her satchel. Aira pawed through it and extracted what she would need. Once she had them in her hands she moved in front of Lanara and kneeled down once again, immediately setting to work. Thankfully, this wasn’t the first time Aira had to stitch someone up so she was quick and neat with her work, mesmerizing metallic eyes focused on the needle. “No, I left home because my betrothed was beating me. It wasn’t the kind of life I wished to have.”

Lanara remains silent, and listens intently to Aira, as her horizontal gash is sealed shut. As the high elf quickly finishes stitching her up, she lays still for a lingering moment, not wanting to disturb the woman’s handy-work just yet, by adjusting her position. Both arms are lowered to gently hold either side of the bench, as she stares at those unique copper eyes, a faint frown evident on her pretty face. “I am so sorry that you had to go through that… But, I’m so pleased that you had the common sense to leave that sort of situation. And you are here now… A new land, with new promises, and new friends…” Her words trailed off, with a hint of hopefulness at the end, as she faintly smiles at the half-sheared blonde. “I have never been married, or even had a date, for that matter. But I’m alright with it, for I have animal companions. At least they don’t talk back!” Grinning, and suddenly having an idea, the witch sits up and removes her backpack, peering inside once more. “I… I want to thank you for helping me, when you hardly knew me. It’s not much but…” Raising her hand, the witch dips her appendages into the backpack to unveil whatever was worth almost dying for, and she fully intended on gifting it to Aira.

Aira finished up her stitching and quickly knotted it off. She stood and wiped her knees once again, before settling on the bench besides Lanara, pointing a slender finger towards her stomach. "I'll rebandage it, but I didn't know if you had any other concoctions you wanted to put on." When the witch offered her apologies, Aira simply waved it off. "I didn't have a choice in the matter, it was an arranged marriage. I haven't been on a date or had a real relationship, either." At the mention of new opportunities, the high elf turned to face Lanara, a small smile on her face. "Yes, I like Frostmaw so far, I have found purpose here. It's very different from Rynvale, though," Aira chuckled softly and it had a beautiful melody to it. "New friends would be nice, but I find most people don't talk to me here," she shrugged nonchalantly. As Lana reached into her backpack and settled her copper eyes on what she might extract.

Lanara can’t help but crack a grin as her fingertips brush against the snowy fur of the rabbit, as she lifts the doe-eyed creature from the backpack, and places it beside her, on the bench. The rabbit sniffs at the air and raises her piercing blue eyes to peer up at the two women, curious. Stark white, with a small black diamond on the center of her forehead, the pretty little thing takes two hops towards Aira and nuzzles her wrist. As if knowing Lana’s true intentions, the rabbit lowers her silky paws to the ground and finds peace as the high elf’s side. Lanara rummages in her backpack once more and begins to bandage her own torso, this time, allowing the high elf and rabbit to become acquainted. “Thank you, Aira. For helping me tonight, and I know she isn’t gold or a pretty gem, or something rare… But she is unique, and a worthy pet and I know she will be a loyal friend to you…” Trailing off, and tying the bandage so it stays put, the witch reaches out to gently brush her fingertips against the rabbit’s fur, one last time. “I was walking in Frostmaw, and there was an avalanche, and I ended up tumbling off of the cliff. Thankfully, the snow broke my fall, and I wasn’t injured. I was preparing to climb the rock wall, when I heard an unnerving cracking sound. I investigated and came upon a frost goblin… It was breaking the necks of three innocent baby bunnies. I quickly ran over to intervene and had a scuffle with the goblin. After he died from my poison tipped arrow, I returned… All the bunnies were dead, but their mother remained. I couldn’t just leave her to die, so I climbed the cliff, and here she is, a bit brokenhearted, but whole. I often rescue animals that are injured or in danger, and I either keep them or adopt them to those I deem worthy. You are new to the lands, and she is all alone. Both of you have left family behind… It seems fitting that you take her… Do you agree?”

Aira continued to watch Lanara curiously, as she grinned up, grasping whatever it was in her backpack. Suddenly, the white fur of a rabbit can be seen and the high elf peered down at the creature whose piercing blue eyes returned the gaze. The rabbit took a few tentative steps towards the runaway and nuzzled her wrist affectionately. A small, genuine smile curved on Aira's lips as she upturned her hand to scratch at the creature's chin. "She has eyes just like my sister..." the high elf murmured softed to the breeze that lifted up her platinum locks. She slowly scooped up the rabbit, placing her in her lap, but not before sliding over across the bench and placing a chaste kiss on Lanara's cheek. If this was not common practice in Frostmaw, Aira didn't know, this was simply how she was raised to say thank you. She inclined her chin towards the little pet in her lap and waved off the pretty elf's excuses. "A companion is more precious than any gem or amount of money. A companion is priceless, so it is I should be thanking you." Aira listened intently as Lanara recounted her tale, frowning at the mention of murder of the bunnies. Yes, the high elf hunted rabbits on more than one occasion, but it was only for food, as she was never one to waste, and -never- the young, or even a mother if Aira could help it. Despite knowing her for a short amount of time, Aira could not help but feel fondly towards the witch, nodding at her question. "Yes, I could not agree more." Aira sit in silence for a moment, contemplating as she took her bottom lip between her teeth. "If I may be so bold, how is that you have no friends? I find that someone with as big and kind a heart as you would have trouble finding a friendship. Couple that with your beauty, and I am shocked you are not married off to some lucky man by now!"

Lanara rises to her feet, and begins to put her tools and medical supplies back into their respective places, within her satchel. The chaste kiss to her cheek would redden the empath’s cheeks, ever so slightly, but the smile never left the brunette’s face. It was obvious that the rabbit would be well taken care of, and that a bond would form between the pet and new owner. Feeling as though she had done a good deed, often put Lanara in a good mood, and she was feeling much lighter on her feet and refreshed, despite having a good tear in her stomach. At the inquisition, she sighs softly, and folds her satchel closed, and puts the backpack over her slender shoulders. A brief shrug would follow, as the petite elf swallows hard, as if struggling for the right reply. “There is a man that I am interested in, but he sees me as nothing more than a friend, and has no desire to even give me a chance to become more than friend status. I have never been in love, but this feels darn close, and it’s frightening! And as for friends… Well… I have my sister. And I reside at a farm in Gualon, with Emilia, but she’s not around too often, and we’re still getting acquainted. I suppose it’s because trust doesn’t come easily to me, and when it does… They either die or abandon me…” Her voice trails off, and for a brief moment the two only hear the shrill sound of the wind whistling. “I really must be on my way, as I have to get to the farm and complete my duties. But I’m in Frostmaw, more than anywhere! So I’m sure we will meet again. Thank you again, for all your help, Aira. It was a pleasure, a true pleasure, to meet you!”

Aira steadied her copper gaze on Lanara as she began to pack her supplies away and shrug her pack back on. When she spoke of this man, Aira shook her head slightly, her platinum locks dancing across her face. “Well if he doesn’t give you the attention then he does not seem worth it, no?” Aira quirked her head to the side and merely shrugged. “No one ever loved or wanted me so maybe I’m not supposed to find someone or give advice on it.” Her pronouncement was said with a sad little smile as she, too, stands and smoothes her dress down before plucking up her new rabbit pet, allowing her to nuzzle in her arms, her soft fur tickling her bare skin. “I have no friends either,” she added as an afterthought as she made to leave the garden. Before she got too far she turned back to Lanara and lifted her hand in a wave. “It’s no problem, glad you’re okay. Thank you for pet! Hopefully I see you soon!” She was nearly out of the garden now; only a wisp of platinum hair can be seen. “Safe travels!”