RP:Civility? What's That?

From HollowWiki

Part of the Rest in Pieces: Vailkrin! Arc

This is a Necromancer's Guild RP.

Summary: Larewen promotes Bradyn within the Necromancer's Guild and discusses, albeit briefly, her new curse.

Vailkrin City Road

Larewen approached from the east, flanked by two of House Dragana's guards. Rarely did they allow her to go into the city alone these days, much to the woman's chagrin. She was more preoccupied with her arm, studying the necrotic tissue and poking at it. Or, more appropriatelly, digging flecks of sand and dirt from it presently. The damaged limb only added to the necromancer's ghastly appearance, bringing her ever closer to the appearance of a ghoul than a vampire. One of the guards remarked on it with, "Why did you do such a thing? Gilwen will not help you when she realizes who your closest ally is." To which Larewen only offers a cold smile, "No, perhaps not. But it gives me more time to study the curse. It is a boon for the guild and I'm nearly as excited to share it with Bradyn as I was to take it from Gilwen."

Speak of a devil and it appears. Larewen will find that very shortly after she speaks his name, Bradyn rounds a corner (presumably) and is standing before Larewen and her guards. The two guards are given a look each before his gaze comes to settle on Larewen. In his typical fashion, the Maharan seems to have no care for her ghoulish appearance. "Gilwen will not help you when she realizes who your closest ally is?" Bradyn repeats, making it known that he has overheard quite a bit, possibly by luck of timing. "What thing is it that you have done this time, Larewen?" He was not so sure that he should share Larewen's excitement so eagerly, they do not always see eye to eye on matters. "What exactly are you excited to show me?" The Maharan was going to waste no time in grilling the Dragana, which is probably not of much surprise or shock to Larewen given their history. Despite the number of questions thrown at Bradyn, and the inferred concern behind them, he still speaks in that same drab and monotone voice.

Larewen blinked once, twice at Bradyn's uncanny timing then rolled a shoulder upward before thrusting her arm outward to the Maharan male. "Gilwen's curse. I couldn't cure it; it's too complex and needs more study before it can be unraveled, but I was able to transfer it to myself. Whatever created it is powerful indeed, and quite intricate." Closer examination will reveal to Bradyn the necromantic energies at play. "Also, I have news for you, beyond just this," she says, flailing the rotting limb about like its nothing to be concerned about. "Good news, actually." For whatever reason, the necromancer seems to be in a startlingly chipper mood.

Bradyn finds himself wanting to repeat many of the same questions to Larewen that he has already voiced, finding that he was far from satisfied from the answers that she has given. "I fail to understand how any of the news that you have given me thus far is good news." It is very likely that the Maharan could sense the elements of necromancy that came into play within the curse, but how was this meant to be good news? That he still could not understand. "But go on, perhaps you will manage to provide clarify in what you mean yet."

Larewen furrowed her brow, exasperated already with exchange betwixt herself and Bradyn. A soft sigh bereft itself of scarred lips as she lowered her arm. "You are, as of now, appointed Magister Letum of the Necromancer's Guild." A moment is allowed for her words to sink in. "I have not been blind to your efforts within the guild, and with Khatja's departure from its ranks, there is a place that needs filling with one that is capable. I believe you, a true Maharan, more than able to do that."

Bradyn seemed to show no remorse for the exasperation that he was causing Larewen. This might be a situation where some amount of gratitude or excitement is shown in the face of this news but...this is Bradyn. Thank you were not words that he ever imagined he would utter to a Dragana...but he does acknowledge that they have made some steps to mend a bridge that was previously engulfed in flames. He is not entirely callous to this promotion, he probably sounds rather arrogant though. Maharans. "Your decision is a wise one and I will endeavor to make sure that my responsibilities are fulfilled accordingly." The Maharan waits, still expecting Larewen to provide further insight to her decision with this curse.

Larewen is forced to accept his words for the closest thing to gratitude that she'll get and replied to them with a lift of her chin. Returning to the curse at hand (pun totally intended), the necromancer said quietly, "I'm wondering what ways we might find for manipulating the curse to empower our minions. Imagine if by a single touch I could heal the torn flesh of a golem effortlessly, without having to call upon magic because the curse itself sought it out?"

If Bradyn was capable of displaying emotions, he would probably be regarding Larewen with a perplexed expression. Quite specifically when she uses words like 'we' and 'our' in terms of their minions. "The study is a useful one, I am sure. Though why it is you insist on approaching these matters in the most reckless way possible is beyond me. Especially when you have gone and declared a war on a number of the Houses? You weaken yourself with a curse? I sometimes think you forget that not every member of our guild is entangled in anything related to Vailkrin. I do not think this is a place either Celaeno or Raevyn spend their time. Does this study truly benefit the guild as a whole? Or does it benefit your political agenda within Vailkrin?"

Larewen tilted her head slightly at Bradyn. His queries perplex the woman enough that she clearly appeared taken aback for a moment. "Cela and Na - Raevyn - are not involved in my political agenda and I prefer to keep it that way. I've cautioned them both against it and would certainly hope they're not spending their time here beyond visiting the library, which I know they both do," the necromancer replied. "I was hoping to use the study to benefit the guild, first and foremost.... Bradyn, you were not there for the massacre; I do not intend to slaughter them quite so mercilessly as they did my guests. They will be given options." And for the first time, Larewen's face fell gravely. "I wanted to avoid this. I did not wish to fill these streets with blood; I did not wish to fight Colette. But I cannot stand by after what they did."

Bradyn is silent a moment. It is obvious the Maharan is thinking, determining what he wants to say, what would be the best course of action for the longevity of his own House. He remembers the day that Larewen declared her stance, her want to exact punishment...or revenge, depending on perspective. He remembers the way that the numbers fell, who declared themselves an ally, who were her enemy, the numbers that opted to take neither side. "House Mahara has already decided that it will remain neutral on this matter. We are not easily swayed. I will think on this curse, the study of it, if it will benefit the guild or if it will be used for your more immediate agenda. It would be nice if I felt as thought I could freely offer assistance without having to consider these details, politics have complicated this. Hopefully they will find their resolution sooner over later." Pause is given. "I will have discussions, we will be in touch." Barring any final words from Larewen, the man would soon vanish from sight.

Larewen responded with a dip of her head and turned southward, if only to fetch a glass of bloodwine and discuss further things with her guards. The woman was parched from her evening about and had matters to tend to with her own House and that damned politial agenda. With the promotion given and news of the curse shared, there was little else to tell the Maharan male and so she allowed him his peace from her presence.