RP:Chasing a Rainbow

From HollowWiki

Summary A mystery rainbow appears in the sky of Hollow dropping gold coins. Spotted in Kelay Xzavior along with his wyvern Leifa, Odhranos, Ynhaldei, and Emilia set off across the land in a chase to see what is at the end before it fades away. At the end of the trip the group is surprised to find not a pot of gold but a farting unicorn. Odhranos joins the Adventurer's Guild.

Town In The Trees

One cannot be sure as to what the cause was to the strange phenomenon in Hollow that appeared in the sky smearing colors in an arch across the land, but whatever it was it was drawing the citizens of the land out into the streets. It was not just the fact that there was a Rainbow in the sky above Kelay, but that gold coins were randomly falling. It is not everyday that gold rains from above. Lia, the ice Genasi commonly referred to as Emilia, had been enjoying a ice-tea at the little restaurant when the commotion outside had drawn her outside to see just what was getting everyone all excited. Standing outside the ghostly pale lass cast her bright blue eyes upon the array of colors above head not believing that it was actually raining gold until one gold coin fell before her eyes landing in the middle of the street. “Oh, how strange...” she whispered to herself, secretly wondering if it rained single coins what could be at the end of it then.

Xzavior was heading up to Kelay tavern to meet with someone to talk about setting up another arrangement with them on a later date but the assortment of colors had drawn the attention of the wyvern hatchling on his tail who warbled curiously while the falling coin drew the attention of the naga. Seeing it fall he looked around at the more taller buildings expecting to see someone throwing out coins at random. Failing to see that he caught a glimpse of said colors and looked up as well. “Well that's new.” He trailed it through the sky seeing where it could possible lead but it went too far for him to make a fair guess. Humming softly he thought about following it to see if there might be something interesting going on at either end. It's been quite a while since he had seen something new happen.

Odhranos looked amused at the coin that lay on the soft green grass next to him, then rubbed his forehead ruefully where it had bounced off him on its way down. Shading his eyes, he peered about, looking for the source of the airborne currency, but only saw the rainbow hanging like a pastel arc through the bright azure sky. "Hmm, very curious." he murmurs, rubbing a thumb over the smooth gold coin, then gathered up his belongings and strode onto the path.

Ynhaldei was simply wandering about. She has seen numerous rainbows in her lifetime but never saw people actually bothered to be stopped at their tracks as it appear. Unsure what's going on. She was about to leave when she heard that distinct sound. A coin falling onto the ground. "Well... Okay..." adjusting her hat just incase the sky started peppering everyone with coins. It maybe a gift from someone high above but graces usually comes in large amounts and being peppered with coins.. or bags of coins isn't something she would enjoy... What if gold bars dropped out of the sky next? just having that thought, she moved toward the restaurant, hiding under its roof.

Emilia remained for a moment where she stood by the door the the Restaurant where it might the safest in case a true showering of gold did happen from the sky...those coins could hurt if a rush of them came down at once upon one’s head. Blue eyes watched with curious nature as one such splunked down by a stranger, Odhranos, then another a few moments later by a small lad and his mother up the street, and yet another. The timing was random, nothing about this made any sense to the woman, but whatever it was she was not dreaming as more than one in the town was experiencing the same event. Turning toward the one taking shelter she flashed a smile before stepping out from the safety. “What strange things happen here...” Lia spoke to one no person in particular as coins dropped from the sky. Looking out toward the east one might notice that the colors in the sky were starting to vanish slowly. The end to this mystery is not eastward bound.

Xzavior watched the random bits of coins falling and started to laugh a bit. This was quite an unusual sight but something he thought would be quite a thing to get involved with. Well, as long as he actually had a heading. Hearing Emilia he looked over at her and he couldn't agree more, he was about to go over to discuss with her what was going on, but despite how much the wyvern liked the woman she had different plans. She had seen the rainbow starting to disappear and with a quick yip she was off and after the other end of it. Snapping around in surprise as the weight on his back disappear he chased after her with an annoyed huff, "Leifa get back here!"

Odhranos strolled at a genteel pace towards the small crowd gathering under the cover outside the restaurant. The wandering mage had a childish smile upon his lean bristled face; he had just remembered a fairytale he had been told as a child about a pot of gold that could be found at the end of the rainbow, and if any rainbow were to have such a pot, it were bound to be this one. Chuckling to himself, he stepped under the cover. Holding up the glinting coin that had left the slight, fading pink mark on his forehead between two long slender fingers, he asked amiably "Is there any chance someone enlighten me as to why there's gold falling from the heavens?"

Ynhaldei is blind and by that reason, cannot see the colors as they faded, she frowns and turns to the people around her, still keeping her act as if her eyes can still see, glancing about while she uses her ears to echolocate the people around her. They are looking eastward... Alot more confused than the rest of them are, some bystander said there was a 'rainbow' and she has seen one before, recalling the memory giving her the idea what it looks like and assumed where it is depending on where people are looking, but then... that's all she has, she has no idea where they are going now, probably the rainbow is fading east? Scratching her head, merely waiting for now as there are more coins being dropped now.

Emilia paused in her walking to sport a brief conversation with Odhranos with his poised question, “I do not believe that the heavens are throwing gold coins at us from above. If it was the heavens it would be a mocking joke to be throwing down single coins at the citizens below, wouldn’t you think? I find this land has such strange things going about it that giant smears of color in the sky with gold falling from them is just another oddity that makes this place home. But it seems that the colors are fading away and if we wish to find answer to this mystery we best hurry off and start chasing or we may never have any answers.” And with that there was a gentle smile tugging at those corpse-blue lips of the woman. Adventure! There was adventure to be had. Leifa was already on the right idea and so after the little wyvern the Genasi went, westward-ho!

Xzavior had caught up to Leifa after a bit of chasing, but at this point he felt like he should be following after that rainbow as well. The meeting could wait for a bit if there was going to be something like this going on. He didn't see if anyone else was following after them but as Leifa came to a stop here he did as well and quickly looked up to see where exactly this rainbow was leading them. "Well, at least we're getting some time away from home."

Ynhaldei was already losing interest. Ofcourse she can't see the bloody rainbow that everyone is chasing about. One of the cons of being blind clearly. She clears her throat as she idly walks behind the group, is coins still dropping from the sky? She has no roof to hide from right now and she is still expecting to be peppered with coins, bags of coins or even worst, gold bars. Keeping herself at the edge of the pass, just to make sure she can exit as quickly as possible when all hell breaks loose.

Emilia finds herself coming to a stop not only because Leifa had stopped at the Pass, but a gold coin had fallen right atop her head with a clear thunk sounding like ice breaking on the frozen lake. A small blue spot forming on her forehead near the hairline where the currency struck. “Oie, maybe we should have stopped for some hats before chasing after this beast,” she laughed while rubbing her forehead and looking toward Xzavior. “Which way do you think she heads? North of here or farther out west?” Blue eyes scanned around looking to see if she could tell which way to head based on the falling of coins. Poor Ynh hanging out in the back where the rainbow was fading would find herself under a small shower of gold coins dropping on her. Above head she was vanishing fast behind them, almost to the point she would be gone above their heads if they did not move quickly now. Listen carefully, the coins hitting the ground up head westward still.

Odhranos noticed Ynhaldei walking some paces back from the group. He slowed his quick, long-legged strides, and walked alongside her. From the slight tense hunch of her shoulders, he guesses that she is none too keen of the idea of the plummeting metal from the sky. Odhranos pondered wordlessly for a moment, then reached over his shoulder into his leather rucksack. From the depths, he pulled a large, ivory handled umbrella. Holding it out to Ynhaldei, he explained; "Here, its reinforced with the same leather the armourers use, it comes in handy when one has to spend the night outside. It should stop any wayward coins" he smiles amiably.

Xzavior chuckled at her comment and looked back to see just how close the rainbow had gotten. "I'd assume westward. Doesn't look like there's much of a bend to it." He hadn't even finished his sentence before Leifa figured this out for herself and was off after whatever lied at the end of those colorful rays of light. Raining hard bits of metal at poor unsuspecting victims.

Ynhaldei got her umbrella, A bit late however as coins are already falling onto her, she had her top hat to protect her from most of it but some started dropping around her, even hitting her shoulder. She saw them falling but dodging 10 projectiles with not much space to move around on was not something she prefers. As it did struck her, she right away called dibs and stuffed them all into her pockets. "Well this is quite interesting." Smiling at the Odhranos as she thank him for the umbrella, using that for now on.

Odhranos pulled up the hood of his cloak, with its leather lining and the concealed armour underneath protecting his head and shoulders from the onslaught of falling coins very nicely. He cast his gaze out ahead of him, trying to discern where the rainbow might be headed, then stoops and plucks a lump of fallen metal from the ground at his feet. Breathing to fog up the surface, he cleaned the coin on his robe, then turned it so it caught the sun's light. The surface had no discernable denotation of currency, but certainly held the weight of a gold coin. Slipping it into his pocket to keep the other coin company, he trekked along after the others.

Emilia would be brave along this adventure and take on the falling gold like a champ, if only because she didn’t wear all sorts of extra crazy clothing things like most people do, in part because that made her too warm for comfort. As such, the little lady followed along after the critter to continue to chase west after the rainbow in the sky, being mindful of its careless dropping of gold from the sky. “Come on you two!” She hollered back at Ord and Yhn, afraid if they stayed behind that either they’d get hit with more of an impact of coins or get left behind from the adventure, or both!

Xzavior thought to wear something over his head as well. He could easily do it. Leifa came to another stop, not to find her heading, she was pretty sure where she was heading. Just to make sure everyone was still following her. This was her most important mission she just had to do! Investigate the mysterious event and follow it to its source! With some back up of course. She may be the brightest little wyvern around but she had to admit that she was still small. Xzavior kept up an even pace with her smiling all the while at the fact that she was finally getting to have a bit more fun then just what he could give.

Odhranos strode purposefully onwards, stopping every so often to catch a gold coin or two as the plummeted through the air. Smilling happily, the mage made great fun out of catching the coins as they fell, flickering a hand out and grasping a piece of gold with a light 'clink!'. It was an unusual display of humour from the usually quiet and reserved mage, but the fun of chasing a rainbow had brought back some of the happier memories of the mage's past and he had decided to enjoy the spell while he could. Glancing at his companions, his cheeks coloured slightly in embarassment, but the smile stayed on his often stern face.

Ynhaldei was no longer picking up the coins. Only if they would land on her but otherwise would not enjoy picking it up from the ground. Pride? Possibly, but the coins aren't as much as something one would risk one's life too. There are people around her and they might jump onto it and tackle each other for the coin, not wanting to be roughed up by mere coins as she quietly just followed the group with her umbrella protecting her. Emilia seems to be leading the pack... hopefully not toward a cliff or a trap... maybe its a trap and they are all heading straight to it.

Emilia kept pace not to face behind Leifa and Xzavior, mindful of that snake-like tail of his that trailed along behind him. Another four-way in the road brought the group to a stop beneath the ever vanishing colors in the sky. Man these sky-beast move quickly with their evil ways. It was here the arch took a turn from westward to the North heading on toward the mines along the rocky path way. “What do you suppose is at the end of this thing? More gold? Oh, my. Where does all the gold even come from?” A curious question as this time Yn would find herself lucky enough to be hit on the shoulder with a small gem. Xzavior and the Mage may also find small gems of green at their feet, small enough they might almost be missed among the falling shiny gold circles.

Xzavior felt the gem along his underbelly as he passed over it and paused to stop and grab it. "A little more than gold it seems. Lets hope that this isn't just some wild goose chase." He chuckled a bit but somehow didn't believe that was the case. Nor the possibility that this was a trap. If it was then whoever laid it must be a very wealthy mastermind. Or, you know, a lot of illusions. If that were true he wouldn't be very happy with whoever decided that this was a funny joke. Leifa thought nothing of any of that. She was only interested in leading them all to wherever this thing went and taking all the credit for bringing them there. They were following her after all! And with that thought she went off to find the end of that rainbow again.

Odhranos noticed a little emerald twinkle near his boot. Crouching down, he plucked the small vibrant green gem from the dirt, and held it up to the light. Sunrays lanced through the crystalline depths and cast a pretty green sparkle into the air. Looking up to the sky and the fleeing rainbow, the grey mage felt a little drab compared to the colours and sparkles that seemed to be everywhere today. "One could certainly get used to this sort of occurence" the mage mused, as he turned his face upwards to the sunny gold-laden skies, only to recieve a high-velocity coin to the nose. As the mage sat down abruptly, clutching his nose, a chorus of giggles bubbled through the happy crowd.

Ynhaldei felt something sliding from her umbrella till it finally landed on her shoulder. Picking it up and said, "So.. Crystals now.. great." now not only they are at risk of being peppered with precious metals but even sharp, crystallized minerals. Already worried if her new umbrella would be able to take more hits as it was lucky enough to survive this one. It could rain shards of glass for all she knew, keeping her distance from the group, "You guys go right ahead.. I'll just watch from here." if incase her suspicion is correct, atleast she won't be at the front lines.

Emilia covered her mouth with her hand watching the stranger get hit in the nose by a falling coin to hide the giggle from bursting out. Controlling the laugh she brought her hand away, “Oh, how the Heaven’s are laughing at you with their gifts from above,” she giggled before turning Northward to follow Leifa along the rocky path with careful yet quick steps beneath the vanishing colors before it got ahead of them. It that happened they would never find the end of it!

Xzavior was a little less subtle about hiding his laughter at the sight, wasn't like he'd see them again! Making his way after the little wyvern he looked over at Emilia as she made that comment, "Well, hey! At least they're giving us something a nice! They can't be that bad." He smirked with a shake of his head and looked to Leifa again. He wondered if she actually knew where she was heading or just blindly following the rainbow. Whatever the case she seemed to be enjoying herself quite a bit.

Odhranos picked himself up, and rubbed his nose, checking to see it hadn't been broken...again. It seemed to be alright, and the mage soon laughed along with everyone else, seeing the humour in the incident. The humour and happiness of the group was infectious and the mage was truly enjoying himself, as they journeyed on in search of the rainbow's end. He walked alongside Ynhaldei and was puzzled as to why the elf seemed to be unhappy. "You seem preoccupied with thought, Miss, might i ask what is is so bothers you?" he inquires politely.

Emilia walked along keeping eyes up on the sky watching the fading colors from the sky as they moved along. The climate change as the group passed the mines moving father North did not phase the woman, she was made from ice at her core, if anything she felt closer to being at home than anything. The colors were fading faster than before closer than they got to the end of this magical rainbow with gold droppings. “I think we may have kept up pace with it!” The woman stated with excitement as she followed the fading end of the arc off the rough path into the trees to the eastern side of the path. Beyond the trees by a good eight feet or so the group would find the colors come to an end and the answer to their chase...an old unicorn standing next to a tree grazing lazily on a tuft of grass not covered in snow. As he stood there taking a swallow of the chewed greens there was a moment where its stomach would give a tighten before a high pitched almost whistle like sound left its rear and along it it came a smaller arching puff of pastel rainbow coloring. Startled by the group emerging into the woods there would be another about of gas passed by the magical creature and a pile of coins and small gems.

Xzavior stared deadpan at the sight he just saw and Leifa was stunned just the same. He hadn't moved other then to get besides Leifa and when he finally took into account of what he saw he burst out in laughter, startling Leifa, who after gaining composure, huffed a bit angrily at finding nothing then a old horse with a horn and kicked rocks most literally. "Aw... Leifa! You did a good job! Come back, please!"

Odhranos really tried to keep his composure. He really did. Nonetheless, the mage was at that moment clutching his abdomen and crying with laughter as he sat in a heap in the freshly fallen snow. He managed to finally get a handle on his laughter, but with a single toot from the unicorn, the unfortunate mage was incapacitated once again. After some time, he got to his feet and wiped the tears from his eyes, then turned to Emilia. "Miss, i thank you very much for guiding us to this wonderful sight, i havent laughed this well in months" the mage smiles broadly, almost breaking into laughter once again.

Emilia stood staring in a state somewhere between the deadpan stare of Xzavior and the tear-fit laughter of Odhranos at the sight that the three had discovered at the end of their adventure. Silence then a small fit of giggles that sounded like ice clicking in a glass, “Well, that was one grand adventure for the day.” Turning then to face the stranger she offered a small hand, cold as ice to the touch if he accept it, “Name is Lia, leader of the Adventurer’s Guild. It was a pleasure to have you along, Sir. If you find that chasing such crazed events suits your fancy, as well as chasing after other such great things in the land would love it if you would consider taking a spot at the table!”

Xzavior shook his head amused and ushered Leifa back with him. Disappointed or not he wouldn't let her get lost up in these mountains. "Well that sure was a bit of a surprise. Lia, when you're done recruiting for your guild do you mind stopping by the cabin for a bit? I'm taking Leifa out with me to teach her how to fly a bit more with Sabrina." He hadn't actually known she was leader of the Adventurer guild. Or that she remembered that fact. But if that meant anything good he would ask her about it later or something. In either case he had missed out on a meeting that he most likely had to reschedule. After spending time with Sabrina of course.

Odhranos took one last glance at the miffed looking equestrian, laughed, then took Emilia's small icy hand in his own slender hand. "I'd be honoured to join your guild" the wandering mage smiled as he shook the woman's small but firm-grasping hand. "If there are any formalities that need to be put in place, let me know" he adds over a grey-garbed shoulder as he turns, ready to head back the way they came. With one last laugh, the mage sets off into the dusty snow, his tall pale-green crystalline staff swinging by his side as he wanders leisurely down the mountain.

Emilia shook the hand of the male, careful not to leave his hand covered in a layer of frost with the contact. “I shall send a hawk your way in the future, Sir.” Of course, she would figure out his name later and wave him off for now. As for Xzavior she would offer a nod, “Of course.” Silly, she would see him at the cabin she was still sleeping there. She’d yet to get the courage to move out elsewhere, or Sabrina’s okay to live on her own just yet with her lack of memories. And then Leifa! She was scooped up carefully by the frozen woman to be smothered in a bunch of kisses because that is what the cuddly pair does, “Thank you for being such an amazing guide. I would be lost and possible eaten by a wild animal without you.”