RP:Catching Up In Frostmaw

From HollowWiki

Part of the The Day I Tried To Live Arc

Summary: Pilar and Khitti happen upon one another in Frostmaw and trade updates on how things are going with one another.

Middle of Town, Frostmaw

Pilar had a new friend who needed new clothes. A single fur coat wasn't enough for Frostmawian weather. It was difficult to find drow-sized clothes in Frostmaw, but the elf-run shops that had popped up in recent years made it possible, at least. And so she was in one of these shops, looking at boots and trying to decide what her new friend would like. She herself was dressed for spring, in a white shirt and green skirt. At least she had her leather boots on.

Khitti had trudged her way back from the forest on a top secret mission that’d likely get herself yelled at if anyone knew--though Lionel would eventually find out, unfortunately. The wyverns at the tavern had been her destination until she caught a whiff of a certain vampire sister of hers, causing her to backtrack a bit to the clothing shops and find Pilar within. “Pilar?” Khitti tilted her head, booted feet standing on tiptoes so she could peer over the racks of clothing. “Hey.” The redhead seemed rather content, despite having just gotten back from the Shadow Plane only a couple weeks ago.

Pilar looked up. "Khitti!" She left the boot rack and hurried over to hug her sister. "It's good to see you. It's been too long. How are you?"

Khitti grinned, hugging Pilar back, “I’m fine.” She turned her attention to eye the boot racks the younger woman had been at, “Shopping again so soon?” There was a pause, and soon she turned the conversation elsewhere for the moment, a bit eager to spill the news, “She’s gone. Completely and entirely.” ‘She’ was Amarrah, of course, but it was a bit vague the way Khitti talked about it.

Pilar blinked. "She? ... Oh! Amarrah?! Really?" Pilar looked Khitti over. "Are you alright? I know she was a... a big part of your life..."

Khitti was hesitant now, choosing her words carefully. “I’m perfectly fine. Zhe situation vas taken care of.” The redhead was wearing that long sleeved green gothic-style shirt they’d picked out together, the left sleeve pulled up ever so carefully to show off a brand new scar that reach the length of her forearm, from wrist to elbow. “It didn’t go as expected, but it’s over and done vith.” She, of course, didn’t mention the fact that she outright murdered Amarrah after she was brought back to life, but, you know...those are just pesky details--details that Pilar didn’t always require because they were a bit gruesome. On her wrist, that wasn’t there before, was now a nautical star tattoo, black and blue alternating halfway through each point, crashing waves wreathed around it. “Oh, I got that too--not from zhe Shadow Plane zhough. From Meri, at SoulsKin. Zhis one too.” The other wrist was offered up then, showing the water star’s opposite and twin: this star, much like the other was black and red alternating, but had a fireball around it, whose tail streaked up her wrist and some of her forearm. “Might’ve gotten a cure too. Maybe. I’ve got to do some translating, zhough.”

Pilar could tell something was bothering Khitti, but didn't push it. She instead focused on the tattoos. "Oh, they're lovely. Miss Meri did mine, too. I... I got one for Cassy." She pulled up her right sleeve to show her upper arm. Pictured was the Xalious tree at sunset, with a glowing blue heart on the trunk. "A cure... Khitti, that's... That's incredible. I hope it works."

Khitti nods, “Yeah, Meri’s good. She’s gonna have to fix it a bit, zhough, but she said it’s fine.” She sighed a little at the mention of Cassy, frowning somewhat, “I’m sorry, Pilar, “ a hand moving to brush away a few stray strands of hair from the younger woman’s face, “Zhings’ll get better, yeah? It’s already starting to look up.” She offered a reassuring smile, “How goes your own quest vith zhe music? I’m zhinking about getting myself into zhe bard guild, seein’ as how I can manipulate ghosts vith my music.”

Pilar smiled and held Khitti's hand. "Thank you... And it was a success. I made it through a... I don't know what you'd call it. A dungeon? Where I had to face these trials. A musical maze, a fight with a giant suit of armor and... And the memory of my family's murder. I passed them all and got a scroll with a song on it."

Khitti pursed her lips in thought, nodding and following along as Pilar spoke. “I see. Zhat sounds exciting. Surely you didn’t do it all on your own?” She wondered to herself if she would’ve been able to deal with Facilier, his people, and the undead that had stood in their way. “A scroll? Heh, zhat’s vhat I ended up getting too. Seems to be zhe vay of zhings. Always a scroll, never exactly vhat you vant. Zhere’s always more vork to be done somehow.” Khitti squeezed Pilar’s hand, her free one coming to rest on the back of her neck as she rubbed it idly, “Brand’s gonna help me, vith zhe rest of zhis, vith figuring out zhis “cure”. You’ll still be around...right? If I need your help too?”

Pilar chuckled. "No, a woman named Yozenra helped me. She's a naga warrior, very nice, I think you'd like her." She smiled and squeezed Khitti's hand. "Of course. All you need is to call and I'll come running. Speaking of, I'm actually a member of the bard's guild. Would you like me to send a letter to the headmistress on your behalf?"

Khitti blinked a few times at the mention of a naga, then nodded quickly at Pilar’s question, “Vould you? Please? I’m not quite sure I’d have a place zhere. My violin skills aren’t exactly up vhere zhey’d probably like...and I don’t know if zhey’d have much use for a necromancer, but if zhey’d take me, I’d be grateful.” She finally pulled her hand away, moving to the nearest clothing rack to study it, “Just -vhat- are you doing here anyway? In zhis shop? And even in Frostmaw? I’m zhinking zhat Brand and I might be done here, for awhile at least seeing as how he’s got himself zhe Tranquility now. I’m zhinking of even speaking to Larewen about sending a replacement for me, here, to takeover my job.”

Pilar said to you, "They take people of all skill levels. I've been taking guitar lessons there, and I started with basically nothing." Pilar flipped through the shirts lazily. "I still live at the Fort, but I'm looking to move to Chartsend soon. I'm shopping for a new friend. She's, uh... I think she has a brain disorder. She's childlike despite being fully grown. I'm looking after her.""

Khitti raised a brow at the mention of ‘a new friend’, “I see.” She pondered on whether or not to buy something new, but she had a feeling that the winter-esque clothes would just likely go to waste (and she’d probably get odd looks too) in the higher temperature areas of eastern coast. “Vell, just be careful vith meeting all of zhese new people, yeah? It’s not always a good zhing.” The time was noted finally and a sigh was given, “I should head to zhe wyverns, I suppose. It’s quite a long flight from here to Cenril. Zhere’s a few zhings I need to take care of on Brand’s ship before I head to Larewen’s. Send vord to me after you’ve spoken to zhe headmistress, alright? You could send it along to Vailkrin, if you vish, since I’ll be zhere soon.” Before Khitti departs, she gives Pilar a hug, “You take care of yourself and let me know if you need anything. You’ll know where I’ll be.”

Pilar hugged Khitti back. "I will. You take care, Khitti. See you soon."