RP:Cal Kissed A Girl And He Liked It

From HollowWiki

Summary: Sing it now.

Botanical Garden

The Gardens at the Enchanted Forest offer a delightful place to spend time and learn botany and herbology. The gardens contain everything from trees to shrubs, annuals and perennials and everything else you can imagine. And while variety is the consistent theme, the one thing you can always count on is that there is always something blooming at the Botanical Gardens of Larket. More than 9,000 different plant lives in the collections, some of the main collections include hydrangea, beech, redbud, Lenten rose, viburnum, magnolia and dogwood, just to name a few. Each plant is labeled with its name and common uses. Different plants are grouped into gardens and greenhouses, such as the Botanical gardens (exotic plants from jungles), the Kitchen Garden (common fruits, vegetables and cooking herbs), the Cultural garden (local Larketian flora), the Winter Garden (cold weather plants), and so on. Walking trails are well marked for leisure and education hikes on the grounds, of varying lengths and with frequent benches to accommodate guests of all ages and fitness levels.

A letter had been sent to Meri, likely forwarded to wherever she found herself that day. It seemed easier that way, to Cal, than trying to track the ever-roaming female. It’d say something pleasant like ‘You should come visit the botanical gardens in Larket. It’ll be fun. I promise.’ Of course, wandering around a garden for a bit is probably more fun for Callum than it is Meri, but he’s trying, okay? There’d be instructions on how to get there, a time specified, and another promise, this one for lunch. He knew she likely didn’t want to see him at all, especially after their last two meetings, but he had to know she was alright. How could she just run off like that after Reginae was assassinated? Did she think he wasn’t gonna protect her? He would, you know, if it really came down to it--he -is- Catalian after all. It’s in his nature.

The aforementioned Catalian would show up impossibly early in nothing more than his usual work clothes and a picnic basket in hand. Seconds would turn to minutes and minutes into a hour or more as Cal first took to anxious pacing, then ultimately found a seat on a bench near the entrance. She -was- going to show up...wasn’t she?

Callum was early and Meri was running a little uncharacteristically late, nothing too extreme but she was running about ten to fifteen after the specified time. This probably did not help with Cal's anxiety, but in Meri's defense it is not like she can text to let him know (this or probably for the best, can we imagine the drunk texts Cal would get from Meri? Oi.) It was not intentional on her part, she had left with plenty of time but then her mind started wandering and worry which inadvertently slowed her feet down. What was she worrying about? How this meeting would go of course but yes, their last two interactions did not feel like they have ended so well.

Meri would indeed show up though and she would be hard pressed to miss Cal waiting up front for her on the bench. A deep breath is taken in and released slowly to calm her mind during her approach and then Cal would be greeted with a smile. "Heeeey. I have kept you waiting haven't I? I am sorry. I thought I left in time." She did, Cal. She did. All in all Meri is looking like her usual self, dressed in her normal style of clothing, and definitely not all dolled up like she were going to some event. She may not have met her quota for social functions for the year but she has had her fill of 'fancy'. No seat is taken on the bench next to Cal, she presumes they are not staying up front and center for long.

Callum almost immediately stood up as soon as Meri voiced her presence. “W-what? No. I just got here.” No he didn’t. “It’s alright. Really.” He just kinda stared at her for a few moments, those dark brows of his knitting together. She was okay. Something awful -hadn’t- happened to her after the coronation. Cal actually breathes a sigh of relief, then composes himself. “Right, um. Let’s go...this way?” Basket in hand again, he’d take the lead, heading through the jungle-like section of the gardens first. “So...how’ve you been? Since the thing in Alithrya.”

Meri clears her threat. Damn some days Meri wishes she was the mind-reading sort of psion, why was Cal looking at her like that right now? Did she have a bugger hanging from her nose? Something between her teeth? Maybe not because he seems to recompose himself and Meri hopes that he has the decency to tell her if she has something funky like that going on...Meri eyes the basket curiously for a moment but she does not inquire. This is probably something for work, her initial reaction. She is not going to snope in it right off the bat because that feels invasive, which she needs to stop doing. "Oh. I have been....okay, I guess. I mean I went to Hudson and Alvina's wedding. I thought maybe to invite you? But Khitti and Brand were going." And Brand being there makes it an auto-no. "But it was a good time. I would have mortified you though. Brand would have also mortified you. There was a groomsmen dance. How about you? How have you been?"

Callum glanced sidelong at the blonde as they wandered along the path, listening to not only her, but the rain that poured in this part of the gardens--it was literally a rainforest. Except, of course, he’d rigged the magic put into it to -not- rain on the path. He’s nice like that. Plus, Josleen would’ve probably had him burned at the stake if she got wet while going through there. “Uh, I’ve been alright. Work here keeps me busy. There’s a lot more here than I thought there would be.” The Queen had spared no expense for her gardens, it seemed. “And yeah, it’s best that I avoided that. Not because of you, but because of Brand. Still not quite sure if I should talk to the guy or not.” He sighs, but it’s cut off rather abruptly as they pass by a patch of orchids that weren’t looking so hot. The raven-haired male frowns, then leans over the flowers, whispering to them. Wait, what? The tiniest of rainclouds was summoned overtop of it as well, the orchids unfortunately located under some rather tall ferns. With just a little rain and bit of talking to, the flowers already seemed to be perking up.

Meri was not really at first paying at much attention, not while they were still near the entrance, but as Cal lead her to....well she had no idea where exactly they were going. He obviously knew his way around this place better than her -- she's not so blonde that she would not be able to find her way out of the gardens though. It would take her a bit to actually notice that it was raining, the path was dry and so it just did not register in her mind right away. Her gaze would stray from the path before them and off into the plantlife that the Royal Botanist was in charge of, and lo and behold, there was that rain she was hearing. Her gaze flits back toward Callum just in time to see him talking to a plant. Which, okay. Meri has spent some time with Chisel. First and foremost, in regards to Brand. "I dunno. But if you ever felt like you wanted to try, I'd go with you." She did say she would back him on up on that one, if ever there was a need. "So not only did you set up all of this, rain and all, I would imagine....but you talk to the plants too? Do they talk back to you? Report what everyone is whispering about like they do with Chisel?"

Callum nodded at the offer of backup with Brand, but would soon shrug at her questions about his way with plants. “No, they don’t talk back to me. Chisel’s much more connected with the plantlife than I am--and she’s likely a druid too, which I guess comes with being a forest spirit. Plants are just more receptive to good vibes and compliments and such. Magic helps too, of course.” Finally realizing he still hadn’t shown her what’s in the basket, he offers it over to her, “Oh. I brought lunch.” In it, there’d be various sorts of cheeses, meats, and a bit of bread. Mainly just things to snack on. Oh, and there’s a bottle of whiskey too. And, you know, normal things to drink like juice or something. He did his best to try to cover all bases with regards to drinks. “It’s not much, but I didn’t know how long you were going to stick around.” You know, I wasn’t sure if you’d run off again or not. “We can eat wherever you want. Just pick a climate--there’s one of everything.”

Meri takes the basket when it is offered over to her, peering inside and poking around just to get a good look at what is inside. Oh hello whiskey, my dearest friend. It should go without saying that once Meri spies the whiskey, it is coming out. For the moment, it doesn't seem like it is because she is trying to drink away any feelings of awkwardness. So far. "Ah, no. Don't make me pick. I don't even know, Cal. C'mon.You know this. Please just anything but like...Frostmaw status climate." Did that even exist here? Every climate? "Which is your favorite? Let's go to that one." A brief beat, because she probably could stand to use words like, "Thank you, by the way." She will not use words like 'it was sweet' or 'thought'ful'. This does not usually seem to work out for her. It was nice? No. That might be no good either. Onward they go, with Meri carrying the basket now. "As far as how long I will be here, I don't know. I wouldn't want Queen Josleen to catch you slacking off on the job or something...so for however long is good by you, I guess."

Callum frowned at her reaction, hands out in front of him with fingers splayed a bit as if to say ‘I don’t know what you want from me’ because it was obvious she was still being weird. “No, I don’t know this, Meri. And, fine.” He was a little irritated now--apparently -all- Catalians have a quite a temper--but simmered down a bit once she said ‘thank you’. “As it just so happens, today’s my day off. I wouldn’t have asked you to come here otherwise. You didn’t have to come at all, you know.” He’d leave her with the basket, leading the way again to some place less watery. This place is -huge- by the way; so huge, in fact, that there’s actually a decent-sized field there. The field itself is several yards long and amongst the grass that was as green as an emerald, were those very same flowers that Cal had given to Meri at the coronation. The temperature was warm, but there was a cool breeze to counteract it. “Welcome to Catal,” he huffed quietly before settling himself down onto the ground. There’d be a stretch of silence, that is if she decided to allow the silence to continue, before he finally said something again. “Look, I’m just trying to fix what’s been broken.” He meant them, of course, and their friendship. “I don’t know what else to do.” He wasn’t particularly good with people, unless he was selling something, and he just couldn’t seem to sell his friendship to Meri lately.

Meri perhaps came off a little more snappy than she had meant, for she was little taken aback by the reaction she gets. There is a pause and yup, Meri is starting to look like she is very likely going to bolt again. She would follow though, in silence until Cal sat down and huffed a bit more. The woman frowns at the last portion of what the man says, but takes a seat across from them with the basket coming to rest somewhere in between them. It would be nice if Meri could just pretend like this conversation is not happening and stare at the flowers, oh how pretty. Okay tell me about this one, Cal. How about that one. It would be an obvious deflection though, she has already expressed that she and plants...I mean they could be fun to draw but don't ask her about names or purposes. "I mean, I came here didn't I? Like can we just go back and pretend I never said anything? You've been weirder at me than normal, I think, and I haven't even been -trying- to push your buttons like I was prior to..the talk.... If it makes it less weird for you, I've been kind of dating some guy named Luke. I guess. So there is that." Meaning she's not trying to sit here and change you up, Cal. "You don't favor women and I respect that?" A girl can dream though, shh.

No, Meri, that doesn’t make things better. Now that it’s clear she’s moved on, he feels...what? Not jealous. Just… Well, Cal didn’t even know. “I said I preferred men. I’ve got no frakking clue about women. Sure there were girls on the Sunderia, including the captain even, and girls back home in Catal, but there were only ever two things they wanted: money and, well, you know.” Sex. He means sex. Coming from a rich family had its downsides; not everyone had the best of intentions when trying to be his friend, or more than that. Cal laid down in the grass, peering skywards, “The guys just left me alone because I was a kid; I came from money and wasn’t like them, though they never treated me badly. Guess that’s why I kinda lean that way. The captain, she was really the only one that respected me. She let me be me.” He shook his head, shaking away the tangent he’d gone on, “Is he treating you right at least? He’s not some creep?” Even Cal was a bit of a creep, what with the shady stuff he did, but that’s not to say that he wanted Meri to fall in with someone that was worse than him.

Meri frowns, because this tangent does not really help either, but it is cool, she is just going to sit there and listen. Well no, actually she is not going to just sit there and listen. She was going to find her way to her feet and meander about the 'Catal' climate where she'll finally make the observation on those flowers, but her commentary on it is limited to a soft. "Hm." The woman does not wander so far away from Callum that she cannot hear him, still sticking within decent conversation distance. She just wants to check things out. "I mean I like money, and sure I like having money spent on me," there is a sly grin, but really Meri's demands have never been that expensive...in the grand scheme of things. "But isn't it usually the guys that are always wanting the....you know? Sex." She'd say it, with a devilish grin. Okay maybe she still would try and torment Callum a bit but this time it is not by being flirtacious. "Luke is...I don't know. I have my opinions." It didn't sound like they were actually rating high right now, but there was only so much even Meri could gush about. "We'll see how it goes, I guess."

Callum shrugged, “Well, yeah they do, but there wasn’t a whole lot of people like me from what I could tell--and by that I mean weird and not at all really interested in relationships. And if there were people like me, they didn’t show it. Or I’m just oblivious. Or both. I dunno. Sex just doesn’t appeal to me like it does most people. The girls didn’t like that I wasn’t hanging all over them and the guys were fine with it being a ‘more for them’ sort of situation.” He did roll his eyes though at her when she wasn’t looking, when she made mention of money, “Yeah well, you wouldn’t think that you liked money with as much as you turn down my offers of food.” Cal thought about this Luke guy for a moment as she wandered, casting a side glance at Meri, “You tell me if I need to step in, okay? With this guy.” It’s almost like Cal actually -wanted- to protect Meri, despite that pacifist nature he adopted awhile back.

Meri didn't need to actually see Cal to know that he was probably rolling his eyes at her, nor would she really have minded. Honestly it was just part of there thing, when they did manage to not make things awkward with one another. She'd do something...Meri-like...he'd roll her eyes, frakkin' woman, she-devil this, rahrah that. As if that didn't amuse her. A smirk is sent to Callum over her shoulder and then she returns to him and that basket, plopping down into the earth next to him. "Oh sorry I wanted to check out your work. I didn't think the food was going anywhere." Not that the flowers were either. "You nag worse than a woman sometimes." There is a grin, she was just being her usual self again and probably did not mean too much by it. The grin fades though as she picks through the basket for some of that cheese, finally opening of the whiskey too, and falls back into more serious conversation. "And, I mean, I wouldn't worry too much about Luke. It's a game, he is a little -too- intent on getting to know me." Like those obnoxious-probing-secret-wanting-questions that usually set Meri on edge...or maybe he really just wanted to get to know her and Meri was not even giving him half a chance, but probably not, she thinks. "We can beat him up together if we need to. Speaking of spending money....I think with your fancy new salary we should go horse shopping for you."

Callum sat up when she returned, smirking in return, though it soon faded when she returned to the topic of Luke. “-Too- intent on getting to know you…?” That didn’t exactly sound good to Cal, but maybe he was a little overprotective of his friend--she was his only one, you know. He opens his mouth, as if to say something more on the subject, but lets it drop with nothing more than a nod at her mention of beating the guy up together. “A horse? Probably, especially with all the travelling I’ve been doing. But I’m thinking I need some sort of an assistant too. Haven’t met anyone that particularly gives a damn about plants as much as I do though besides Chisel and I’d rather it not be her. A druid would be nice, but they’d likely lord it over my head that they’re better at plant magic than me and I can’t have that.” He was proud of his abilities, damn it, and didn’t need someone frakking it up for him. “Any of those witch friends of yours know a thing or two about plants? I can teach ‘em somethings if need be too. Probably should be someone that isn’t too obvious about being a witch considering, well...you know.” He motioned off towards the direction where the fort was.

Meri shrugs at the question, she couldn't put it to words and was more than happy to let the subject drop. The fact that Callum agreed to horse shopping it met with a wide and pleased smile, if anything because Meri probably wanted to swoon over some horses in the process. Maybe some baby horses. Caaal. She's not always a tough girl. "Yeah, I don't think you're traveling is going to let up either. Not if I get my way I don't understand how you're not growing for -me- yet so that we can make us even more money...." Because while she liked money she did usually also like earning it herself. Talking happens between small bites of cheese. "So if that means that you need an assistant...." The woman falls silent, furrowing her brows together in thought as she mulls over her list of names. "I don't know of anyone though. I mean Valrae is pretty into that stuff but...." Meri sort of glances around the area, just to be sure that no one is there, "I mean she and I might have been at that protest together so she is pretty obvious. She is the only one that I am really close with." But as Meri said, she would love to introduce them...if...Valbae would come back.

Callum blinked at Meri. Growing for her? Oh. Right. Yes. Shady things. Right. Ahem. Cal knew exactly what she meant, “I mean, I -do- have a fairly empty house that’s nothing more than a makeshift greenhouse right now. In Kelay-Sage. In the middle of everywhere. Where it’s pretty easy to get things shipped to where you need it to go.” Hopefully, she was picking up what he was putting down. He wasn’t exactly going to say ‘Yes, Meri. I will grow you all the drugs. Anything you need. I can do this because I’m hella shady and not just the nice Royal Botanist that everyone thinks I am.’ “Hm. Maybe not Valrae then. Don’t need either of you getting in trouble. -I- don’t particularly feel like getting burned alive either. That’s already almost happened once in my life and I didn’t fancy it then either.” Yeah thanks, Lionel and Brand. “We’ll see. Definitely will work on the horse thing first seeing as how there’s the stables right here in Larket. Unless, you know of some better places, that is.”

Meri frowns as Cal makes mention of that time he was almost burned alive again and nods in a stern way, as he was not the only protective one in the garden. "No. I don't want you getting in any amount of trouble either. I mean then I would have to do something crazy." Or try to, to save his rear from being roasted. Sigh. No. Let's not do this. Anyway, Meri does not revisit the talk of his house sitting empty, because oh yes. She understood. They would get there at some point, now that she has actually asked. "As for where to get a horse, I mean I hear the best horses are actually sold out in Venturil. But I know, I know. Blahblahblah, not taking time off work, Meri. Grumpy-huff, not buying anything that is not on sale, Meri." Well at least she was back to making fun of him like she normally did, aren't you happy, Cal? "I'll keep my ears peeled for a good sale, but that is sort of your niche, isn't it?" Totally honest merchant.

Cal tilted his head at her, “I don’t think you understand. I’m not delivering to those shops anymore. At least, not unless they really need it. Which means I’ve got -actual- days off like today. You know, like normal people.” He finally rooted around in the basket a bit, grabbing a handful of cheese and nonchalantly popping them into his mouth and chewing before he started speaking again, “We can go to Venturil. I may even let you talk me into buying an expensive horse if it’s really worth it. You seem like you might know enough about them at any rate and I might actually trust you… a little.” He gives her an innocent grin--okay it’s not entirely innocent--before chomping away on more food. “As for Valrae, you let me know when she’s about again. If you were both at that protest, she’s probably laying low for a bit. Who knows. I’ll try out some other people in the meantime. If we -can- get her to work for me, we might be able to sort of hide her in plain sight. Can’t say I can do that with all the witches, but since she’s a friend of yours, I can at least try to keep the ‘hounds’ at bay.” Of course, he meant Jos and Macon.

Meri did not understand no, but now that it was clearly spelled out to her there was a grin of her own. First thing is first though. "There is -that- grin again." The totally not-innocent, innocent grin, the very reason that she decided to steal his book. It was not in sight so, "I feel like I should run away and steal the basket of food." There were plenty of avenues that she could take this conversation. Maybe they could talk more about Valrae and Callum keeping the hounds at bay, but considering their location Meri felt it was safer to not. Their location does inspire questions about Callum's homeland. She has never really approached that one before, they have talked about his experience on a certain ship and many other things, but not home. Unless she was too drunk to remember. Maybe she should start putting words to these thoughts, "We'll go to Venturil then. We'll figure out when...And speaking of running away. It seems like we're on a good one with this talking thing...So what happened at the coronation? I felt like we were doing good at first. Then you weirded out." So she bailed. "What did I do that bothered you? Because I was actually trying to be a nice she-devil. If that is possible." Ending on joke to keep the tone light.

“Well, considering the food--and the whiskey obviously--was bought -for you-, you can do with it what you wish.” Callum knew better than to bring up talk of witches and helping said witches not get burned to death anymore than what he had, but he at least wanted to make his intentions known--mainly that he was at least going to try to help Meri’s friend. He’d nod in the affirmative to going to Venturil, then shrugged at her question, “I saw the way Lita was looking at you--the wink, that is. It was, erm, kind of obvious what was going through her head.” Cal sighed, reached into the basket for that bottle of whiskey, popped the cork, and offered Meri the first drink. “I’m going to end up having to explain myself to everyone at this point.” Well, maybe not everyone, but that’s sure as hell what it felt like. “How am I even supposed to tell people when I don’t even entirely understand it myself?” He wasn’t aiming to make things awkward and hopefully Meri wouldn’t take it as such; he was just trying to voice his thoughts better this time around.

Meri motions for Callum to have first drink, since he was the one who opted to pop the cork. He is not going to be allowed to keep hold of that whiskey bottle though, oh no. As he gets into the meat of the matter, she'll steal it back for the second drink (or maybe the first, depending on what he actually does). Perhaps under different circumstances this could be more awkward for Meri, but she did bring it up and she did already have the notion in the back of her mind that she did something wrong. Except...in this case she did not really, not intentionally. "I mean I have never said anything to her about you. I mean we have talked about you a little bit...In relation to business, like uh..selling us flowers." No, dragon eggs. "But not about any feelings. So I don't see why we, or you, or I...owe anyone any explanation? Honestly she has known me long enough to know that I probably don't let some average joe claim the room above my tattoo parlor when he's in town and probably pieced together that I have a sweet spot for you on her own." Meri shrugs, almost apologetically but at the same time why the heck should she be apologizing? Stupid feels. "What would you prefer to be telling people if this issue comes up? We can easily be on the same page...My secrets are your secrets. Your secrets are mine. You do know that?"

Cal does indulge himself in a bit of that whiskey because gods’ know he needs it right now with this topic of his sexuality being brought to light again before handing over the bottle to her. “Yeah, I mean, I figured you’d not said anything, but… she does seem to be rather perceptive. Even if she’s not, she could just be like most women that wants to do the whole matchmaking thing. I dunno. I try to stay away from that sort of person. Too much drama. Not say she -is- like that--you know her better than I do…” But, now he’s rambling and decides to shut up about that so as not to get himself in trouble -somehow- (because he’s good at that). “We really don’t owe anyone anything because it’s out business and no one else’s, but I don’t want you keeping things from her if it’s gonna cost you your friendship with her or your job or something. I don’t exactly know -what- you should tell her, seeing as how I’m not sure about any of it anyway.” Then there’s that thing about their ‘secrets’ and he’d stare at her for a moment, frowning, but he made sure to voice -why- he was frowning, “Our secrets. Still don’t even see why you’d want things to be like that--with me.” He paused, briefly, before continuing again, “And please don’t run away. Even if I’m not sure about things from a romantic standpoint, doesn’t mean you’re not my friend. I’d rather talk about it than things get weird again.”

Meri kind of wants to start picking nervously at the grass next to her as Callum starts in with his ramble...and there was some frowning involved too. Why was this harder than going out and beating something up? Seriously, talking sucks. "...not to sound all over dramatic but it kind of sounds like...you were anxious for exactly the reasons I thought. If you figured I didn't say something to Lita...I started feeling like you would have rather not have me there so..." So, she wasn't there anymore. "And yeah...Our secrets. I mean, you want to me friends right? We can still have that much?" Meri frowns, she had it quite meant that statement in a relationshipy way. Thoughts Meri would have usually kept to herself are expressed and it seems like Callum wants her to keep going with spilling her guts? "You don't know why...like you are asking me to tell you why?" Meri almost wanted to pause for the confirm, if she did not have to fess up then she did not want to. But she does not, she just keeps talking. "I guess the biggest reason is that you let me be me. I get really tired of people claiming that they are about me but they end up making me feel like they are just trying to leash me by telling me to do this or don't do that." Even friends. "You have your opinions and you express them sometimes...." A shrug, Meri feeling like that thought is finished enough. "I feel like I could tell you everything and not have a need to lie about a damn thing." Not every friend gets that from her. "If I go too long without hanging around you, I end up missing the hell out of you. And yes, friends are supposed to have all these things but it is different." Another shrug, and then that whiskey. She could go for a long sip or three or five, it may depend on what Callum says in response to all this. Talking. Friends. If emotional problems cannot be burried then solutions can usually be found at the bottom of whiskey bottles.

Callum shook his head, that frown of his returning, “ ‘Not want you there’? Meri, of course I want you around.” Now he was feeling a bit confused. He really did want her there. Like, a lot. She was the only one that seemed to give a damn about him; she wasn’t at all like those other girls back home, or even some of the ones on the Sunderia that he avoided. There’d only been one other female--the Sunderia’s captain--who’d given him enough respect to not make unwanted advances on him and even protected him from the others, seeing as how the majority of his time spent on the ship was when he was still what most would consider a kid. Cal sat there, watching her spill -all- of her secrets with regards to him, and he actually kinda… wanted to cry? Okay, well, he didn’t, but he wanted to. See, this Catalian was a bit more in touch with his feelings than Brand--not by much though, because he’s still a damned sprout when it comes to romantic/sexual stuff. His eyes were a little watery though and he might have even sniffled a bit. Damn it, Meri. What is he supposed to do with all these feels?! Well, he knew one thing he could do, but it might end badly. Might as well try, though, right? “Okay. Don’t, um, don’t freak out...alright? I just wanna try… -something-.” He was no longer able to articulate his thoughts properly, and just decided to go for it. When Meri was done with that whiskey for the moment, Cal would lean over and place the smallest of kisses on her lips--as long as she didn’t overturn that bottle and bash him upside the head with it, anyway.

Meri could not make heads or tells of what Callum was thinking over there during her little emotional ramble. He had offered that correction -- which was good. He wanted her around, this definitely garnered a smile from the artist. Then there were those teary eyes. No, Cal. Please don't do that. Meri probably cannot process spilling her guts AND Cal leaking all at once. Please no. That smile fades slowly and is replaced with a more anxious look. No calm and cool poker face for Meri during this talk -- the guts were already out, what was the point hiding them? Her confusion is only exasterbated by the Cal's request. Don't freak out about what? A question she does not have the chance to voice before she gets her answer. Don't freak out about this kiss Meri. Request denied. Meri is going to freak out....but she is not going to beat Cal over the head. The kiss is returned, and the freak out is more of an internal thing. There is this odd mix of happiness and fear being experienced right now. Happy because dammit, is this not want Meri wants? PleasejustlovemeCal. Fear because of his words, 'let me try something'. So when that smallest of kisses finds its end Meri is looking at Cal with this confused half-smile on her face. Come, results of this trial please? What does this meaaaan..."Cal?"

Okay, so...this wasn’t as bad as what Cal thought it might be. Meri didn’t hit him with the bottle. Meri also returned the kiss. Meri didn’t run away again. Is he actually blushing? Yeah, he is. There -is- the fact that his heart is beating really really fast and he’s not entirely sure if he’s having a heart attack? Well, he’s not dead yet, so this is a good thing. He’s about as confused as Meri is at this point, but also he definitely shares in a bit of that happiness she’s got too. But, even after she says his name questioningly, Cal can’t manage to find words just yet because his brain was busy imploding. Oh man. Is it possible he’s fine with both men -and- women? Is that allowed? It’s not like he’s ever had time to consider any of this before; there was never really a reason too. There must be a rulebook or some list of guidelines he look over to help him?

“I think…” Yes, okay. That’s a good start. Go on… “I think you should tell this Luke guy--” This Luke guy, this total creep. Man, why did that make Cal furious? Just thinking about this dude, possibly getting all handsy and way too private with Meri when she didn’t want it, stirred up a maelstrom inside Cal’s brain. “--that you’re spoken for.” The Catalian really couldn’t believe he was saying this, to be quite honest, and his statement sort of sounded like it ended more as a question. “If you want to, that is. It’s up to you.” And then there’s another realization that hits him and he can’t help but blurt it out, “I really miss you, after you’ve gone. Moreso after things get awkward as hell because I’m not sure I’ll ever see you again.” Jet-colored brows furrowed as he finally tore his gaze away from her, eyeing the grass, “I’m sorry I hurt you. I really haven’t stopped thinking about it since. There’s been this little raincloud over my head since that day and it only goes away when I know you’re happy. I just don’t really know anything about relationships--or whether or not it’s okay for me to like both men and women?--and I don’t want to disappoint you.” He did manage a small grin though, that one that she totally loves, despite his sad thoughts, “You were my first kiss, heh.” Annnnnd, now Cal’s blushing again.

Discussion of Luke was not something that Meri wanted to linger on for long, for the obvious. There was nothing to hide for nothing but usually dude a does not appreciate hearing about dude b, case in point the maelstorm inside Callum's brain right now that Meri is oblivious too. It's not until Callum is blushing that Meri actually speaks up again, but that smile of her's is definitely growing more confident. Telling Luke she's got a fellow was the least of her worries. Now, Meri has probably done a fine job at this talking thing by her standards, she may even be making improvements in this area (probably just with Callum though, everyone should not expect to see Meri's guts anytime soon, kthnx), but it's back to her joking ways. "Cal-baby," she says, that smile now a full on grin as she remembers how much he appreciated that nick-name. As she starts to say her part, she also tries to claim the man's hand, a little tentatively at first as she was trying to figure out if Cal would be okay with the gesture this time around. If it seemed to make him nervous, she'd ease off. "I think you have yourself a girlfriend," she teases with that she-devilish hope that he might blush a little more. "Also a first." More seriously though, "I think most of the time most people don't know much about relationships, I don't think we need to have all the answers right away." They especially probably had a few things to figure out. "You won't disappoint me. Or lose me. We'll talk it out whatever comes up, hm?"

The raven-haired Catalian peered down at her hand, blinking as it took hold of his own. ‘Girlfriend’. This was actually a thing that’s happening. It’s happening right now. He couldn’t quite wrap his brain around it, but he likewise didn’t shy away from the little bit of affection--he even entwined their fingers somewhat. He definitely heard her calling him ‘Cal-baby’ again, but did his best to ignore it (he really wasn’t doing a good job because he was definitely blushing again. Damn it, Meri). “Yeah. That sounds good. Talking is definitely good.” Well, it looks like that she-devil finally bewitched poor, completely innocent Cal--or maybe, it happened quite a while ago and he hadn’t even noticed.

Those she-devils are something else, Meri tried to warn you, Cal! Poor Cal. All scenes must find there end, yes, even this scene!....except that Meri does not want to go making any sort of departure right now. It makes sense really, they both established they had no real plans for today other than hanging out with one another. And given that they just agreed to do the whole relationship thing, most people don't want to just leave their significants right after coming to this understanding. Meri doesn't. She does find her feet though, while keeping hold of Cal's hand for now. "Come on, show me around the rest of the place." No concern for the basket. They could come back to it later. That's how the rest of their day would go! An innocent walk through the gardens he keeps, maybe some impromptu chat about this plant or that, and then Meri would eventually take off. Not for long, not if they're going to see some nagas, buy some horses, chat about some greenhouse stuff. Meri's going to have to start in on those dates again...haha.