RP:Business Opportunities

From HollowWiki

Summary: Cal and Lita have the chance to meet and discuss a few things.


There is a faded message painted across this shop's front door which reads, abandon all Hope. It may be just cryptic enough to pique your curiosity... Two glass display cases dominate the center of the room, filled with trinkets and jewels from around the world. In the back corner, beneath the stairs that lead to a second floor, there is a bookshelf with a comfy armchair next to it. A low work table lines the entirety of the western wall, a couple of chairs and a bench sitting in front of it. There is a curtained partition, for those that might wish to have their ink work or body modifications done in privacy. The work table is usually littered with bottles of ink in various colors and sketches of viable tattoo designs. Feel free to chat up the artists who might be working if you're interested in having some work done.

It was evening and Meri had just managed to finish with her last client for the night, sending him packing before placing a 'CLOSED' sign just outside of the door to black the entry way. The door was left propped open to catch a breeze so that she can go through the tedious process of cleaning and disinfecting all the equipment she had just used. It is Jax's lucky night for he got sent packing when the final customer of the night did, Meri evidently deciding to show him mercy and not make him go through the cleaning process. It's not like he has not done it how many times? And won't do it how many more? Meri is in plain sight as she bustles around the shop, trying to put the finishing details on the place before she actually locks up and calls it a night, if she even meant to leave immediately. It's not like Meri wasn't known to skulk around the place even in the evenings, her reasons varying depending on the night. Sometimes she wanted to draw for herself, etc, etc. For now she was cleaning though, disinfecting this needle in a jar of clear liquid, wiping down that counter. The typical close....maybe. Change that.

Lita has this bad habit of being unconventional. Nevermind that paranoia is a drug more addicting than outside substance and usually more useful when you spend your life playing in shadows. So it is when she spies the CLOSED sign hanging in the shop's front window that common sense assumes Meri or Jax were simply tidying up the place. But that little voice of paranoia whispers at the back of her brain and that sliver of possibility gnaws its way through her veins and her bones until the hair at the back of her neck stands on end. Bare feet know the way and before her brain can catch up she's found her way through the window- perpetually unlocked- of the little room over the shop, part sleeping quarters, office and home-away-from-home. She crouches barefoot on the windowsill a minute, listening to the sound of Mer's cleaning, the rearrangement of glass jars, the purposeful steps. The woman seems to be the only other person around so Lita slips inside the empty room, wrinkling her nose at the scent of the disinfectant as she meanders down the dozen or so steps that lead into the back corner of the shop. "You're gonna ruin any chance at Jax havin' a work ethic if you don't leave somethin' for him to do in the morning." She drawled with an easy smile as she crossed the room to lean her hip against one of the glass display cases. Meri was easy to watch, all grace and memory. Lita carried her past like a protective shield that kept her an arms' length from most of the rest of the world but despite their similar lots and heartbreaks in life, Meri still had an ease for compassion and love that was an unfortunate infection on a good day.

Cal had taken his leave of SoulsKin earlier in the day so that he wasn’t mucking up Meri’s work. How nice is that? Only now was he just returning, now that the parlor was closed, that journal of his tucked away inside an inner pocket of his waistcoat. Not only was he able to spy on Brand, The Tranquility, and the Warrior’s Guild, but he managed to update the tabs he was keeping on some of the merchants--all in all, it wasn’t a bad day. He wasn’t drunk, thankfully for Meri, but he did bring her food. It was the least he could do for letting him stay at the parlor for now, while he was in town. “Oi, Meri. I hope you like sushi. Seems the Broken Barrel and the Whaler’s shipments got mixed up and there’s a frakkin’ special on it this week.” Callum popped a bit of his spicy tuna roll into his mouth, one out of several different kinds of sushi that he decided to splurge on, as he wandered through the open door with his to-go box. I mean, what else are you to do when you’re on a sort-of island vacation, amirite? “Oh,” he’d say finally after he finished chewing, clearing his throat a little, “Erm. Right. Sorry. I can come back later? I thought you’d be closed up officially by now.” A separate small box was offered to the blonde, her own randomly picked assortment of sushi--might as well give it to her now before he was likely to be sent off again.

The first to enter is the first to gain her attention. It is the sound of the door opening that first pulls Meri's attention but it is the sight of Lita bringing a warm smile to her lips. "Lita-Love," comes that familiar nickname for the other artist. A chuckle meets the teasing that she was going to give Jax a bad work ethic. "See. This hair beast came in wanting a chest piece done." Which means said hairy beast probably needed to be shaved. And guess who had the pleasure? Not Meri! "So I decided to show him some mercy by letting him scoot out early." Least she could do for making him suffer through the trauma of having to do the prep work on some hairy sailor. Oh the joys of being a tattoo artist. "Besides, I tell 'im all the time that this crap needs to be done the night before at close. Not the morning of. That ought to be nothing but basic prep work." She tries to teach him good work habits! The door opens again and blue eyes are once more pulled toward the entrance, another smile for the man that enters. Some of Meri's favorites all in one room? And this one has thought to bring food? "Love sushi." So much that while Callum may be offering up her own box of assorted sushi, she is still going to steal from his own open container. Spicy tuna? Is that your favorite, Cal? Because that is the one she is going to steal. Hopefully that is not the last one in the box...Even worse she is going to wink at him while she eats it and -then- she will finally take that offered sushi box. Women. "So is that what it is going to take to get a date out of you?" Hah. "If I figure out who is having the specials and when, we can go out for dinner?" Go ahead, Cal, roll those eyes like usual. Her own box of sushi is opened, but before Meri digs in, it seems that introductions are in order. "Naw, stay, meet Lita. She is one of my oldest and dearest. Lita? This is Cal. We've talked about him."

Lita shrugged bare shoulders at Meri's explanation at why she was doing Jax's work. The woman had far more compassion that she did in that regard. But Lita would never admit the kid had grown on her, in his own way. Lita shifted her weight from one foot to ther other, an instinctual step taken away from the front of the shop at Callum's entrance. Though Meri seemed to know the stranger, which was only slightly putting her brain at ease, she wasn't sure how she felt about all manner of people waltzing through that front door despite its CLOSED sign. Dark eyes flickered a glance towards the back of the shop and she was grateful, at least, to find that door still sealed shut and locked. She wondered if she shouldn't be slipping back upstairs as the pair turns sushi into a battle ground. And then Meri was turing to offer introductions and Lita found a brief if not protective smile for the lad. "Name's familiar." She remembered a conversation about dragon eggs but hadn't seen Meri since making her way back to the island for an update on that venture. She managed a once-over for the newcomer, not trying to hide a brash judgment. He was nothing like the Cal she knew which was both comfort and disappointment. "I'd assume that since you can read a menu, you can read a closed sign, yes?" she lofted a brow at Cal, almost a challenge, and while her tone was brisk it was not entirely dismissing, if only for the blonde's sake.

A smirk made itself known, first at Meri as she practically absorbs his spicy tuna roll like some sort of sponge before taking her own box, and then to Lita as she judges the Cal-book by its cover (for the record, Cal’s not -actually- a book. He’s definitely a dude). “Oh, I can certainly read the sign. But seein’ as how Meri’s given me permission to stay here for the couple days I’m here in Rynvale, it seemed to me like it was alright for me to be here. But--” Callum shrugged his shoulders, feet poised to pivot back towards the exit, “--if you’re so keen on gettin’ rid of me, then I’m thinkin’ I won’t be helpin’ you with your little lizard egg problem. Which, of course, is the main reason why I’m here.” If someone just happened to try to waltz in and overhear about ‘lizard eggs’, Cal would go on for twenty minutes to them about Lita’s love of chameleons and how the mother chameleon laid almost ninety eggs! and that she’s having trouble getting rid of them--he’s that nice of a guy, even to someone that’s so clearly misjudging him, and was a hell of a tale-spinner. “Must’ve solved that little problem yourself, then, yeah?” Thankfully, Cal wasn’t always the bundle of nerves that Meri’s been privy too and could damn well stick up for himself when it’s needed… unless a fight broke out. Then he’d be out of there faster than a jackrabbit with a sugar high. Live to fight--or run away--another day, and all that.

A faint brow is lifted, not at all because Meri is admittedly surprised to hear Lita take such a tone with someone straight out of the gate, but more at Callum. Meri steps away and assumes a lean against the front desk as the man tries his hand at wheeling and dealing with Lita. For a time, because there is a slight noise outside that sends Callum into this ramble about chameleons, etc, etc. About ten minutes in, Meri has finished her sushi and is actually forced to pay attention to the conversation at hand . A smirk, Meri taking up her empty to-go box and starting for the door, probably to shut it. "Straight to business then." Hand goes for the door, where Meri pauses and lingers long enough to explain, "I believe I will let the two of you to it." There is a salute for Cal and a knowing smirk for Lita, the woman was more than capable of handling herself with some wily merchant. That door will definitely be closed, but Meri will be outside of it and off to other mischief.

If Cal's mentioning of a certain set of 'lizard eggs' phased Lita at all, it wouldn't show. Though his launch into a minutes-long expanse about her apparent love for chameleons was something enlightening, at least, she had half a mind to sidle up alongside Meri, pluck an entire roll of sushi from that box in her hands and stuff it into the man's mouth just to keep him quiet for half a second. Though she'd chalk that up to having been apart from civilization for a month or so and having forgotten some sort of proper manners. Meri had vouched for him, which was something, though the woman did have a way of bringing home strays from time to time. Reality snapped back into focus with the realization of Meri's exit and Lita would manage a placid smile, perhaps a little annoyed at being blindsided by a meeting, perhaps simply at being left alone with the man. She'd never admit to having judged him prior to this meeting based solely on his namesake and she lifted a hand to wriggle her fingers in a brief wave as the blonde took her leave of their shop. Lita crossed the room to the worktable and leaned her hip against it, leaning slightly to be sure Meri was out of earshot before turning dark eyes to regard Cal once more. "Thanks." she managed- not bothering to wait for him to finish whatever sentence or thought he might be in the middle of just then. "Sometimes she gets busy taking care of every one else and forgets to take care of herself." She paused a beat, as if she hadn't just potentially shattered his first impressions of herself, as if waiting for him to continue talking. "So I hear you might be able to help me with some lizard eggs?" Emphasis on those last two words, with what might have been a smile at the corners of her lips.

Sheesh, these women don’t appreciate a good cover story at all. Well, fine. Next time, he won’t create some extensive backstory to help Lita should she ever find herself plagued with dragon eggs again. He’d smirk at Meri as she left, turning ocean-blue eyes towards Lita again as he set his sushi on the counter. “I might be able to, yes. Found a merchant in Cenril, who just so happens to be here in Rynvale right now, that’s headed out of Lithrydel.” Reaching into his waistcoat, he retrieved his journal, thumbing through it to find the right page. Tearing it out, Cal held out the parchment for Lita to take, the merchant’s details written upon it. “You just gotta come up with a reasonable price. Sounds like she’s not sure whether she’s gonna keep ‘em or sell ‘em though. She’s got a rather particular taste of ‘exotic’ pets. If you would rather there be a 'middle man', instead of you handling the exchange yourself, then I can take care of that.”

Alibis were just as easy to buy in their business as they were to create and money changed hands faster than woven tales in some circles. In the instance information of said merchandise might have gotten out to someone it shouldn't have, there were contingency plans in place. Lita was a runner, caretaker to that fight-or-flight response that was weighted heavily towards her own survival. There was always another plan. Lita was still a bit cautious as Cal held the page out for her to take but after a beat she moved to close the distance between them, taking the information with a grateful smile. "No such thing as a reasonable price." she managed with a wink. "Though I'm sure one could be negotiated. I'll reach out." She folded the paper without looking over its contents. "What's your price for sharing it?" She really wasn't always all-business-minded. But she hadn't been to the Barrel for a glass of whiskey yet. She softened slightly, reminding herself he was a friend of Meri's. "That is, how might I be able to repay the favor?"

Callum didn’t make any indication that he was going to any closer to Lita. He knew full well about the topic of personal bubbles and he too liked for his to not be entirely intruded upon. He shrugged his shoulders a bit, a stray hand moving to reach into the sushi box beside him so that he can take another bite. “I don’t really need anything, to be honest. I was doin’ it as a favor to Meri. She’d said it was a deal gone bad or some such. I know plenty of how that is.” After popping the bit of rice and fish into his mouth, he crossed his arms over his chest. “I did extend an offer to her awhile back however, and she said she’d talk to you about it, but I figure she probably hasn’t yet. I’m in the business of growing things--herbs and flowers--and I suggested to her that you guys could try experimenting with some of the stuff I’ve got for your inks. Or, if there’s something I don’t have, all you’ve gotta do is get me some seeds and I get things sorted out for you. I figured maybe you two would like options besides what you’re using now and it’d be by someone that’s not gonna break your bank or give you worthless merchandise.”

Lita wasn't surprised to hear that Callum's part in this venture was a favor to Meri. The fact made her smile a little. She was quiet as he went on to talk about his business with flowers and plants. "Coin's no issue, so long as the product's worth it." She was not a woman who took shortcuts with her business- except maybe in the decorating department. But finished-prodcuct-wise, it would certainly be nice to have a steady supplier she trusted. Meri would likely make her apologize later if she seemed rude so she tried to find the right words. "Would love to see your set-up sometime. Our clients aren't always so particular but when they are, we certainly want to deliver and it'll be nice to have that ability to specialize."

“I’m a storm mage and I dabble in herbomancy, so the product’s the best around--at least in Kelay-Sage, and Cenril, and the few random people I deliver to in Larket, anyway. I’m the supplier for the shops in the forest, and down in fae-land too, and whatever I’ve usually got left gets sold off at the docks.” Cal shrugged, “If you’re ever in the area, feel free to seek me out. The garden’s more specialized right now for the shops themselves, but if there’s something particular that you’re wantin’, that could be arranged too.” He grabbed up that box of his, his head motioning towards the door, “Seein’ as how my business is done here, I best be gettin’ back to the mainland. Those bills of mine don’t pay themselves unfortunately. Tell Meri I’ll see her around, yeah? And, uh, it was nice meeting you.” He offered her a genuine smile. See? He’s not all bad. Mostly. I mean, he -is- a dude.

For a brief moment, Lita hada vision in her head of a maniacal Callum standing atop some mountain, summoning down a hellish storm upon the land. There was a comic-text-bubble of derranged laughter and everything. She shook her head a little to clear her thoughts and better pay attention, nodding agreeably, following him towards the shop's front door (politely, not in a shooing him away manner) to lock up behind him. "You know I'd want first look at any new stock you might get in. Pay a pretty price for such a service, too." She liked to be special, that way, at least where her business was concerned. And then, as if just now remembering he'd said Meri had extended an offer for him to stay, "Wait- you said Meri said you could stay here. Offer still stands if you need a room. It's not much," she'd glance towards the stairs at the back corner of the room, "but there's a bed at least and it's quieter than the Barrel any day."

“I’ve been here a couple days now already, so I really should be getting back. I’ve been keepin’ an eye on the ship schedules and such.” He shook that journal of his--he was certain Meri would tell Lita all about that book eventually. “I’ve got a business to run and seein’ as how I’m the only one to do it, I shouldn’t really linger here on the island much longer. But, if I’m in the need again next time around, I’ll take you up on the offer.” Not wanting to keep the woman from officially closing the shop tonight, Cal gives Lita a slight wave, then heads off down the road, munching happily on that sushi of his.