RP:Booplesnoots And Doggos

From HollowWiki

Summary: Undead meets vampire. Doggo tries to eat booplesnoot. Jhaelyn tells an awful joke and decides to be ominous.

Scenic View

Pilar was glad to be free of Frostmaw. Not that she was a prisoner there, she just had promised she wouldn't leave. But Hildegarde had freed her of said promise, and so she had made her way back to Xalious. She was on the outskirts of the town, where one could see clear across Hollow. There was a shack there on the eastern ridge, dilapidated and falling-down. The perfect starter home, considering her budget. She didn't want to depend on the charity of others forever. She walked around the property, inspecting the building, unaware of the creature hiding under the steps...

Jhaelyn wandered along the path towards the scenic route, no actual aim in mind. She never did have a purpose when she wandered about. The undead high elf just so happened to stumble upon that little shack that Pilar had found, an eyebrow raised towards the girl as she watched the vampire from afar. The temperature had dropped as it so often did around the death knight, but it's not like it'd affect the other undead anyway. A light snow shower did accompany it, tiny flakes dancing about, covering the ground, the shack, and everything else in the area in a soft blanket of white. There was something else here though, besides the vampiress, and she could sense it. Something living. Perhaps her first meal of flesh. Perhaps not. She really did need to figure out how to ignore that urge to have a feeding frenzy that lurked about in the back of her mind. Too bad that necromancer that brought her back didn't do things quite so properly. Regardless, there Jhaelyn stood, and would soon make a slow approach towards the girl and the shack. Her armor was nearly gone, the sword on her back much in the same disrepair as what was left of her paladin gear, and her hair pulled back into a ponytail with help from a light blue ribbon, also adorned with a curiously familiar red rose.

Pilar blinked as it began to snow. Sure, they were up in the mountains, but it was still technically summer! It shouldn't have been THIS cold... Pilar thought magic was afoot, and looked around for its source. Spotting the former paladin and the state of undress she was in, she blushed. Her heart might have belonged to someone, but that didn't mean she stopped noticing other beautiful women. Those abs... unf. "I... um... hello?" she said meekly. There was a rustling from the grass nearby, and a tiny little bunny rabbit hopped out, its little nose a-twitching. It was so cute you guys, omg. Pilar was immediately smitten. "Aww..." She cleared her throat. Can't coo over the booplesnoot, she was having a conversation... sort of? "Er, sorry. Can I... help you?"

Jhaelyn paused in her approach, her head tilted as she caught that stare from the vampire. Such an odd look, but then again, hadn't she sort of looked at Aarika that way? She -did- flirt with her. Though, that might've been the hunger talking. A slender blonde brow raises at the other undead, and there were a few blinks as she opened her mouth to respond, but only to be interrupted by the booplesnoot's appearance. Holy hell, it -was- adorable. "H-hi." That lilted voice of hers left her mouth, the sound ethereal with the mixing of undeath and dark magic. A few more steps forward were taken, but now it was towards the rabbit. "I...can't even...It's so adorable. How can something alive be so...cute?"

Pilar thought her voice was... odd, but beautiful. And then the undead elf was entranced by the booplesnoot. Pilar smiled. "He is, isn't he? Here, little conejito~" she said, before there was movement from beneath the steps. A dog darted out, mouth open, and nearly closed its jaws down over the bunny's head. It instead ran away, but the harrier was hot on its heels. Pilar shrieked. "Ay, no! Perro, para! Stop!"

It didn't take much for the switch in Jhaelyn's head to flip, to protect that kind and wonderful little rabbit. It was so innocent, and wasn't that what she joined up with Revan for? To help the innocent and fix the world? With a strange growl--one that sounds like it'd come from the shambling, brainless undead as opposed to the beautiful, well-trained individual that she appeared to be--the former paladin pull the remnants of her greatsword from her back, fully intent on cleaving the dog in two with the jagged blade.

Pilar gasped in horror. Sure, she didn't want the booplesnoot hurt, but she didn't want the doggy hurt either! "W-wait!" she cried. She ran after the dog with vampiric speed, snatching it up off the ground, leaving the rabbit curled up and shivering, with a wounded foot.

Jhaelyn didn't exactly want to hurt the vampiress. She was pretty cute after all. And the way she talked to that booplesnoot? Revan likely wouldn't approve of harming another undead anyway, regardless of the fact that Pilar wasn't the rotting type. She lets out a gasp, doing her best to angle the blade's arc away from the gypsy girl and her newfound bitey thing. "Damn it, girl! Stay out of the way!" The death knight almost trips and falls from having to avert her sword elsewhere, but manages to keep both legs planted on the ground. The sword is fixed to her back again once she's composed herself and the booplesnoot scooped up. "You poor, innocent thing. Did that big bad pupper hurt you?" She frowns, lightly touching the rabbit's hurt foot. "Here. This will help." A bit of snow and frost collects around the wounded appendage to help with the swelling.

Pilar clutched the pupper protectively. The blade had nicked her ear, but she was otherwise fine. The dog squirmed in her grasp, but Pilar's grip was strong. And the dog was weak. Upon closer inspection, one could see how unhealthily thin she was, her ribs poking out from her sides. Pilar looked at Jhaelyn, "Please, she only wanted something to eat. Look at her, she's skin and bones!" She held up the dog and the dog whined on cue. She was a pathetic sight, all matted fur and overgrown nails.

Blonde brows furrow as the elf looks over to Pilar, cradling the rabbit. She eyed the dog, saw that Pilar wasn't lying, a frown creasing her lips. It was...hungry? It was definitely something she could relate to. A sigh is breathed and a nod is offered to Pilar, "Fine." A pause. "Are you capable of caring for it?" She edges a little closer to the woman, but not so close that if the dog got loose, it'd pounce on the poor booplesnoot and try to eat it.

Pilar smiled lightly and nodded. "It's the one thing I do well. Caring for animals, I mean." Pilar knelt and placed the dog on the ground. Holding her by the scruff of her neck with one hand, she reached into her satchel with the other, and produced a piece of mammoth jerky. She offered it to the dog, who sniffed it before wolfing it down. Pilar didn't let go of the dog, not yet, but did pet her with her now-free hand. The dog's tail started to thump the ground. "She must have belonged to someone. She is very tame. I wonder if she's lost, or, or if she was abandoned." The very idea brought a flash of anger to Pilar's eyes, but it was quelled quickly. She looked up at Jhaelyn. "Can you care for the rabbit?"

Jhaelyn tilted her head as she watched Pilar feed the dog, a smile forming for the girl. "Yeah." A glance down at the rabbit. "It's not bleeding. It might just be sprained." She lightly touches the rabbit's foot. The animal squeaks a little, but it's able to move it's foot. "It's not broken. So, nothing a little ice won't fix."

"Good, good. I hope it makes a fast recovery." The harrier looked up at the rabbit with interest when it squeaked, but Pilar's grip was firm. "I will check around the village, to see if someone lost her. If not... well, I will have to figure out how to get her to Frostmaw." That would be fun. She didn't exactly have anything to use as a leash, though... "Hmm... I need to figure out how to keep her by my side. I should really carry rope or something around with me for cases like this..."

Jhaelyn offered a nod, eyeing the pup warily. "Especially if he's the bitey type. Seems like he might be a good fit for you though." Leave it to the undead to make a vampire joke. Cuddling the rabbit close, the elf scans the area before looking towards the exit. "You would do well to take care of yourself and it. There's evil afoot..." Ominous much? With that said, she starts her journey towards the exit, casting a brief glance towards Pilar as she passed by the girl.

Pilar smiled. It wasn't a funny joke but eh, she'd heard worse. The mention of evil drew a frown. "Evil...?" As Jhaelyn left, the dog nudged Pilar's hand. The vampire produced another piece of jerky and gave it to the dog. "You're a good girl... Come on, let's find your master."