RP:Birds of a Feather

From HollowWiki

Part of the Tales from the Row Arc

summary: Finn and his sea captain partner run into Leoxander at the Barrel taproom. The usual hijinks ensue.

Characters: Leoxander, Finn, Kirikae.

Location: Port Rynvale; The Broken Barrel Inn

The laws of the land do not apply to this establishment, yet somehow there is order among chaos. Aged, abused by the weather, the Broken Barren Inn stands defiantly against the stormy shores of Rynvale just off the dock, but it is a place far from welcoming. The split, oak carved sign hangs sideways on only one chain, irony not quite lost in the words tarnished by rain. Through that open door barely sitting on it’s hinges, the light of a blazing fire reflects across a dingy interior made to look more wealthy with trinkets. The walls are covered with artifacts and cheap glamour from other worldly locations and ports; rusted weapons and sea-monster fishing lure, ship wheels, a gold-braided rope, the mounted bones of an aquatic creature with seven limbs, tapestries and carvings of various culture, and instruments that no one could know how to play. Centering all of this is Redbeard’s Maiden, herself: a sultry, golden-haired mermaid bust with red painted lips and a beckoning smile, caught in a net draped to the rafters. Mounted to the wall not far behind, a fish-like tail adorned by flawlessly painted emerald scales stretches out behind her. For every first tankard bought in the Broken Barrel she is afforded a salute, a custom that Simon, the bar’s general, has not allowed to die over the years. Dominating the center of this room is an impressive four-sided bar, flanked by booths along all ways, each lit by a hanging candelabra of worked iron. Gatherings of shady sailors and outlaws collect in groups, keeping the atmosphere noisy with harmonica and bagpipe while others plot their next dastardly scheme. While invited to venture upstairs, wandering toward the cellar door might earn you a few dirty looks.

Leoxander remained stationed at the bar on his own, motioning for Simon to just leave the bottle. Alone at last, or so he might suspect, he would allow his head to fall into his hand, arm tense to keep his body upright rather than sprawled on the bar counter.

Kirikae 's arrival was heralded by the bits of conversation that first penetrated the walls of the establishement. "..'An mah grandmother could've gotten tha' repairs done faster-" The Halfling's words paused as he pushed his way into the inn by means of a rough hand slapping against already worn door. He would not have been the first to admit that the assessing sweep sky-blue eyes made across the room was in be sure the feral lass was not still about. Jaw remained tipped in the direction of the runner behind him. "Reckon' they'll be finished outfittin' the cannons inna'tick. S'bou' damn time too. Summit'strange's been driftin' under tha water."

Finn was a step or two behind the Halfling, leather gloves being worked off of broad fingertips, their purpose having been served once the stallion that he often considered his better half had been tied off outside. The once pristine appearance of the coat in which he took such pride had been permanently marred by the -whatever the hell it was that had been coming off the she-wolf the night before- and therefore, when his own gold flecked glance skimmed the interior it was a similar edge of wariness in the expectation that another acid shower might be pending. Kae’s comment however, was enough to have auburn head turning in his partner’s direction, curiosity glimmering in hazel depths. “Oh Aye?. Not somethin’ you’ve dealt with before?..” He might not know Kirikae as he eventually intended to, but he’d not figured the male for one to get skittish. “ She’d your girl mate.. reckon I just pay the bills. Do what you need too to make sure we make profit an’ I’ll be pleased enough..’ he drawled. Eyes skimmed over the bar area, as was habit, passing over and then returning to that shaggy blonde head. From behind, he couldn’t be sure, but there was one way to find out. “Cap’n..” the husky greeting slid across the room, and he supposed he’d be fortunate if half the room didn’t turn heads to face him.

Leoxander didn't bother to turn and glance back toward the noise. Not at first. Seafarers came and went, and so did their unbelievably stories. But the second scent to come with the stranger was reason enough to be on alert to listen in. His mug of pirate's brew was picked up and nursed casually - there were a lot of hours left in the night and he didn't particularly want to waste them, that evening. Now that the injured Lycan was no longer confined to the floor and helpless, some of the stress -had- left his shoulders. But with Finn's arrival came a fair share back, and he took a deep breath to himself, idly wondering who would speak to who first..

Leoxander was soon answered. The smuggler never failed.

Leoxander was the only Captain present, tonight.

Leoxander said to Finn, ""What's the good word?""

Finn tipped the male an idle salute, half an ear to his partner’s likely reply. He snorted lightly. “The good word.. Suppose we’ve got another lady on the water. Gold for me, means gold for you.. good enough word for everybody I reckon.” The words spilled from his lips as lazy strides brought him toward the bar. “You’re sorted then?..” eyes skimmed what he could see of the man, some scars more evident than others. “Looks like you could use a vacation from your vacation.”

Kirikae 's thumb tucked itself idly beneath his bandanna, the stark redness of cloth hinting that it was a new article to adorn his head. The old one was long lost to the she-wolf's.. was it blood? Adjusting the cloth, the captain tilted his head back to the runner, smile turning up the corner of his lip. It was not skittishness persay, that had the Halfling looking forward to cannons properly working. He just didn't like the idea of things swimming beneath the Chaser with nothing to fire at them. "O'course, mate." Gaze turned to the other blonde he addressed, narrowing briefly before Finn's greeting to the Captain silenced further speech. Lifting his hand in a parting wave, booted heels would carry the tree-born to the bar, an order placed for a drink.

Kirikae bought 1 black rum.

Leoxander said, "That's why I'm back to work, Finn." Said far too lighthearted to be sincere; Leo being back only meant a cut in the Runner's pay. Sorted was an interesting word for the man to question with, and it earned him a slow, sidelong glance before he decided to ignore that question, and present one of his own. His jaw would nudge toward Kirikae. He didn't know the sailor, and thus the stranger didn't rouse the need for respect. Even given his profession. "This your girlfriend?"

Kirikae said to Finn, "N'that's the one-" head tipped in the direction of the Captain. "Tha'ad ya scared like a woman then, eh?"

Kirikae nearly inhaled his rum with his snort once he'd heard that last question. A glance was tossed the captain's way.

Kirikae said to Leoxander, "C'mer'gin, mate?"

Leoxander breathed a soft laugh through his nose, not quite as amused as it should be.

For a moment, just a moment Finn allowed himself sinfully delicious thoughts of the rush he’d get from trying to introduce Leo’s face to the bar top..but really, it was entirely too early in their relationship to be sure that that would not result in one or the other of them bleeding out on the floor-and he rather suspected after what he’d seen of the man’s..second nature, that that would likely be himself doing the bleeding. Kae was not so fortunate. Shot glass was raised to his lips, a chill response slid Leo’s way. “Ah.. that’d be my captain..but at the rate he’s goin’ he clearly figurin’ on bein’ –somebody’s- girlfriend soon.” He shifted his weight on the bar, gold flecked gaze flickering over the blonde. “ What was it you said Kae? Curse me for a fairy boy?” He flashed the Halfling a grin, that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Now if we’re done takin’ the gods be dammed piss…I’d like to finish my drink in peace.”

Leoxander was clearly enjoying torturing the poor mortal. "No peace to be had in this pub, you damn well know that." A murmur under his breath, while he finished his own, and spared a glance to the stairs that led the way to a room, to another heavy nap. He just seemed... tired, again.

Kirikae 's fingers worried at the cooler surface of his mug for but a moment, darkened gaze drifting slowly between the two. It was the first spike of irritation that furrowed a pale brow, rum lifted so that he might take a draw from it as he listened to the exchange. He had not sat down yet, and so very easily did he step away once the drink had been replaced upon the bar top. Worn boots closed the distance between the Halfling and the Runner, one hand already curled into a fist at his side. Really, it was too early in their relationship for the captain to be starting a fight with his employer and partner. He didn't quite care. The instant he was close enough, his hand was drawn back, and a fist sent flying towards Finn's smartass mouth.

Finn, with an arrogance that might almost mirror Leo’s own in assuming an underling might fall into place, had made the mistake of angling his auburn head in the lycan captain’s direction to level him a baleful stare for his comment as he tossed back the last of his drink. Unfortunately for the runner, he may have failed to take into account that while he was most definitely had employed the Halfling captain, he had also empowered him as equal, which meant he was about to make the acquaintance of his partner rather more intimately than planned. The honed senses of a thief did in fact hear the sailor’s approach, and gut instinct that had risen to many a greater challenge, screamed warning of what was coming-but not soon enough. He was instinctively turning his face with the direction of the blow when it came, reducing the impact of the crunch of knuckles on flesh as they connected with his jaw. Metalic sting in his mouth heralded a shake of auburn head, and a low incoherent sound as the brawny male lunged off his bar stool, his shoulder aimed for the captain’s broad chest, his intention to force space between the pair, enough that his own curled fist could make a dive for stubborn half elven chin. Booted foot would snake out to seek purchase between the Halfling’s legs, their target his ankle, a quick jerk intended to destabilize him and send him crashing to his back. “The HELL do you think you’re doin’ mate?..”

Leoxander didn't expect the entertainment to arrive, but it had, and the rogue was watching the two and drinking his drink with an unabashed smirk on his unshaven features. He was used to such barbaric behavior, knew there was no sense breaking it up - it would be better to let them get it out of their system than end up punched in the jaw on accident, and pissed. "Oh, your wife then. I didn't realize you two tied the knot..." This murmured as they picked themselves back up to either fight on, or recover their composure.

Leoxander drank a rum.

Finn risked taking his eyes of Kae just long enough to glower at the smirking captain. If the rogue kept up the running commentary, punches directed his way might not be accidental, and consequences be dammed. " Just finish your bloody drink Cap'n."

Leoxander appreciated Finn's comment with a husky laugh, but perhaps the first one anyone had heard from the rogue in a good while. He took a moment to crack his neck and actually did as the Runner suggested, lifting his mug to finish what was in it. "So you brought another Captain, did you? And then you an' Red need me to fix your lot of blaggards running amok in the passage. This bloody night just keeps gettin' better." A hard drop of that cup to the bar would get Simon's attention for a refill, and possibly others.

Kirikae could not have denied the satisfaction of his fist colliding with the human's face if he tried. Only briefly did that arrogant grin flash across his eyes, though the blonde's features were tensed otherwise. "Ain't been hoppin' 'round any forests yet, mate." The words were nearly caught between gritted teeth as Kae spat them, his temper flaring hotter. Then the Runner moved to retaliate. The captain tensed against the shoulder that collided with his chest. It was a guttural grunt of his own that escaped him as his arm was thrown up to guard himself, deflecting the force of that first punch to away from him, though the blonde captain was quite unprepared for the foot that caught his legs. Even as his opposite hand had drawn into a fist for another strike against Finn's face, the Halfling found himself falling. He'd hit the ground, but was sprawled there for only an instant before moving to pick himself up. The Captain's words were enough to still him. "An'I'unno who tha' bloody 'ell ya think yer'are, -Cap'n-" He was quite ready himself, to go throwing punches the Captain's way.

Leoxander typically would have found reason to bubble some intimidating anger, but not tonight. Not here. He only offered the Halfling a bored, sidelong glance as he went on with what he didn't know, and couldn't even help cracking a grin. The leaf he'd enjoyed upstairs earlier had very little to do with the humor he was finding in this. "With the way you two mercs fight, let me tell you, I'm a little worried for my life." Come on, Achilles, at least say that with a straight face. Even Simon was covering a snigger, now, and with a patience he typically didn't have, the pirate based an arm to the edge of the counter to turn in his seat. Facing Kirikae, in case he intended to make good on that annoyed tone in his voice. "It's no damned wonder why this place is goin' to hell."

Finn extended a hand towards the downed Halfling, baleful stare leveled at the male before it faded gradually into a broad grin. An amusing thought, pairing up against the lycan to attempt at smack down, but sense prevailed. “Reckon he’d be the one that makes sure we can do what we do without endin’ up by an’ large dead, partner. Just the way things are,” he drawled easily. “ Right pain in the arse it is..” he added. Auburn head turned toward the rogue then, his brow furrowing at hearing himself talked about to himself. Red. “ Ahh..ye’ll be meanin’ the red elf then?” hazel gaze gleamed. “Aye..the lass has her hands full I reckon, every twit with a copper has got it in mind to play pirate of late it seems.. Wouldn’t bother me none cept they’re runnin’ on the traders, an’ that’s what Kae’s got goin’ for me here. She’s legit enough..on paper..” a toothy grin flashed, “ Reckon there might just me a few nights she drops anchor somewhere other then port. Speakin’ of which..Be needin’ to talk to you about the Bay..” he muttered. “But you up an..whatever it was that you did.. Devil’s own business findin’ a place on the shore to drop that isn’t yours..if you catch my meanin’” Whether or not Kae was behind him, the runner was headed back to the bar, nursing his sore jaw.

Kirikae , though the Captain was shot an icy stare, took the Runner's offered hand and hoisted himself back to his feet. The bandanna was tugged from his skull, and readjusted back to its proper place whilst the tree-born watched the two. "Ain't bloody 'eard o' yer a'fore." Neglecting the fact that he had been washed upon the beach by the storms. Head cocked to one side so as to see the lycan around the redhead, thumb still tucked beneath the fabric of his bandanna. Kae was already on his way to the bar before Finn had even begun speaking. Rough fingers reclaimed his drink, though the blonde was disinclined to sit before taking the first draw from it. Slightly tapered ears twitched at the mention of ships and traders, thoughts drifting to the vessel at harbor. A grin broke across his features, half salute tipped in males' direction before he drained the rum dry.

Kirikae drank a black rum.

Finn snorted softly as he downed his own drink. It was oddly refreshing to have men around him who could give a rat's arse. Granted, it was a recipe for trouble..at some point, when patience and good humor wore out. "I'm still tryin' to figure if it's the human or the elf in you Kae, that makes you such a charmin' idiot.."

Leoxander spoke to the stranger, the new captain first. "Probably better that way, mate." A slight nod offered to confirm his own words, and he tilted his mug to chug what was left of the dark liquor. "Give me a day or two and you'll have clear waters. I'll expect my cut and I want a glance at what you're hauling." A minimal list for the two, although Leo had no trouble about falling into rank. A position that he didn't allow anyone to overrule. "Pay homage to the maiden, boys." A deep reminder before he set his cup down and crawled to his booted feet, intending to retire back upstairs for one of those mysterious 'wolf naps' he'd been frequently taking.

Finn said to Leoxander, "Aye Aye Cap'n." It was uttered with a laconic, two fingered salute that didn't quite hide the resentment that still lingered that things needed to be this way, but co-operation was infinitely more preferable than profitless war. "Be seein' you around..I'm sure.." The gold flecked gaze might follow the male's retreat up those steps. How the rogue managed to spend so much time above stairs and remain yet unaware of the enterprise flourishing in its walls, he was uncertain. He figured that particular bridge would be crossed sooner rather than later. The Shores held no secrets..and gambling was a popular pastime."

Kirikae 's gaze found the runner first, over the rim of his emptied drink. With a dry smirk the tree-born motioned for another. "Figurin' it's the human bit, for the idiocy par', aye?" Judging on what he'd seen so far. The smile was slow to fade as his attention returned to the captain. He'd at least nod, before the man stood and disappeared up the stairway. "I'mma need a'nother drink." If he were to pay homage to any lady-maiden. Simon, already in the process of refilling his order, only pushed the tumbler closer to the male. Sky-blue gaze drifted once more to the Runner, and the captain shrugged idly. "Reckon' I could kick yer arse yet, partner."

Finn would only grunt. “Not t’nite you aren’t..” he drawled. “Cause I’m goin’ to bed. Catch you in the mornin’ mate.” A salute would be offered to the maiden with the dregs of his liquor, and with a final, abrupt nod, the runner would spin on booted heel to cross the emptying taproom and exit into the night beyond.

Kirikae probably needed sleep too, but he'd wait until he had a few more drinks before heading toward the ship for the night.