RP:Bad Company

From HollowWiki

Part of the The Day I Tried To Live Arc

This is a Necromancer's Guild RP.

Summary: Khitti seeks out Bradyn to apologize... sort of. It doesn't go well because that's the way of things with the two.

House Mahara, Vailkrin

It’d been several days since the events at the black pond. The city, while no longer entirely on lockdown, was still on high alert. The Monstrosity, that amalgam of Lydia and Amarrah, had gotten out, but was still being tracked. The undead made by the Monstrosity, her hold on them magnified by Facilier’s own magic, was still attacking the city. They threatened Cenril and Kelay-Sage as well. Thankfully, for Vailkrin, they were much better at dealing with such things, though with the threat of the Corruption looming as well, the city’s forces were split and spread thin. The more the undead slaughtered--whether the victims be undead of sorts themselves or merely mortals--the more the power fed into Amarrah through a blood link and made her stronger. The end would come soon, one way or another, but first an explanation was needing to be given to one Bradyn Mahara.

Khitti, decked out in her dragonscale armor and with her black ice bow, Diamond Dust, in hand, headed to the west side of Vailkrin, helping to take down the undead as she passed through (and doing her best not to get all bloodied up before she would hopefully be allowed into Bradyn’s house). Once she got there, she stood at the edge of the street, hesitating. It was reminiscent of her first day going to the house, but the indecision was for a very different reason. With a sigh, she’d eventually head to the the door, knock a bit, then wait. If the servant from before were to answer, she’d ask to speak to Bradyn; if it were Bradyn answering though, she’d merely say, “Hi.”

It would indeed be Kharis who is opening the and greeting Khitti was a rather stiff demeanor. The willowy woman was not exactly the epitome of social grace and charm but there was discernible differences between the last time Kharis and Khitti met and this one. With the havoc being wrought upon Vailkrin as a direct result of Khitti's want, could Kharis be blamed for this reaction. "Follow me," she says, before leading Khitti across the foyer and into the very same study that the redheaded vampire as situated in the last time she paid a visit to the house. It would seem that Bradyn has kept his word and that Khitti would not be turned away, as tempting as it was. Instructions to wait would come, Kharis would leave, and Khitti would be left alone in the study. A repeat of her last reception.

Bradyn enters and approaches, coming to a halt a distance of two feet away from Khittii. Maybe she still tries to greet him with that 'hi', maybe not. One way or another, she will be met with nothing but a stare. Last Bradyn and Khitti had encountered one another, he had come to the realization that the resurrection spell she had asked him to assist her with was more than that. The lives of others are not normally so near and dear to Bradyn but Vailkrin is not something that he particularly wants to see destroyed. His annoyance with his situation is high and his inspiration for being friendly and talkative is low. It seems Khitti may very well be stuck doing most of the talking.

There definitely was a ‘hi’ to Bradyn, but it sort of came out more as a squeak. Khitti knows she’s done wrong, okay? “I’m not going to be here for very long. Obviously, you’re still pissed and I’ve got rather pressing zhings to take care of.” There’s a pause, her lips pursing somewhat; it’s obvious she’s chewing over her words carefully. “Zhe ritual, as a whole, is supposedly a cure for vampirism. It vas vritten specifically for me, from zhat man you saw in zhe forest, who is from zhe Shadow Plane and not at all the nicest of people. I don’t quite expect you to understand vhy I’d vant a cure. Even Larewen laughed at me initially. You took her place in zhe ritual because of vhat happened vith zhe Corruption. She obviously can’t help vith zhat sort of zhing in her state.” Khitti clasped her hands behind her back, taking to pacing towards the left towards the nearest bookcase to eye its contents. The fact that she was even allowed in here surprised her. “I’ve done enough of telling my story in zhe past few months and unfortunately, for you to get zhe whole picture, zhat’s required.”

"I don't care why you want a cure or not. Probably some sentimental drivel that I neither get nor care about. I would have probably assisted just to figure out if it were possible or not." For he is not of the Dragana household, and while is quite fond of his present state as a vampire and could see how such a cure could be used in very....interesting....ways, he would still wants to see it done. "But you have instead chosen to enlist my help while willfully holding out on rather integral pieces of information because...." He does not repeat the point she made of 'I have done enough', she said it. He heard it. It was established. "And now here we are. With the expectation that I....? Am suddenly not irritated?" The anger that he claims to have was not reaching his tone of voice, unlike the last time they had encountered one another, at that ritual that had gone so awry. "If I am not entirely off with that thinking, I think your approach is perhaps a bit off. You are now coming into my home to explain that I was just a replacement in a ritual you wanted Larewen's assistance on? And that you just did not feel the need to fully explain your need for help because..." She has done enough of that. "I might have just said said something to the effect of 'in hindsight I probably should have disclosed more information to you and if I am ever going to enlist your help again for anything, I will be more forthcoming.'"

Khitti narrowed her eyes at the Maharan male as he spoke, her own irritation flaring the more he went on. When he finally ceased, she stared at him a few moments longer, then only smirked bitterly. “Indeed, Bradyn. Indeed. And yet, you are not me and I am not you and for zhat I am glad because if you vere me you’d understand vhat compassion vas. You, clearly, do not and your pride only makes zhings vorse. I chose you to replace Larewen because I had put a bit of faith and trust in you, albeit not entirely, and after zhe vay you’ve constantly acted towards me and other people in my presence, I’m inclined to say zhat I reserved zhe right to -not- tell you everything because I foresaw zhat you vould not care.” Her own anger made itself known through her words, crimson brows furrowing somewhat to add to the sternness of her tone. “-But-, you have skill, specifically vith vhat I needed help vith, and you need more experience vith it. So I gave it to you. And despite everything, you actually did vell.” There’s a pause as she shifts her attention away from him finally, a shake of her head given, “Your book has been returned to zhe Black Library. Excuse me.” She turned to leave, stepping past him on her way out, unless he decided to stop her.

No, Khitti, compassion was not something that Bradyn was inclined to feel in a vast majority of situations. He is not a good man, he has made no effort to hide it, in fact he was up front that his line of thinking probably fell more in line with Larewen's -- despite his dislike of her. He was not inclined to chase after her, but some of her statements he found to be disagreeable with his own perception of things. "The way I have constantly acted? In the presence of you and other people? Other people such as...? Brand?" Was he rude to Brand? He did not think so. He had perhaps lost his temper at the ritual, yes. She could be suggesting Lionel and Brand? Even so, those pointed words were directed at Khitti, Lionel and Brand were just bystanders. Larewen? He is supposed to play nice with the woman who has consistently been threatening to destroy his House? As much as Khitti does not care for vampire politics, surely she must understand -that-. House Mahara was one of the few things that he did have some amount of emotion for. "A couple of dragons that were very likely eating humans to begin with?" In a mission that clearly had a communication breakdown from the get go, because if Bradyn had been given a chance to formulate a plan...He frankly would not have killed Dave to begin with, thank you very much. RuthSheila, maybe they really could have brought Dave back and avoided angering her even further. Bradyn made a judgement call in the task assigned to him by Brenwyn, he thought it would guarantee they all got out alive....rather than maybe they got out alive. "We have not had many interactions with others, mostly it is you and I, and you are not always the most respectful to me. After a trip to Frostmaw, I have not intentionally tried to cause you offense. However it does seem our interactions usually end with you being displeased with me. So. If you really think I am that horrible to work with then fine, I am not here to force you to work with me or speak with me." His words would be the only attempt to stop her, she could keep walking if she wanted to.

Khitti stopped, but did not turn around to look at him. She listened for the duration of his words, dark eyes focused on something across the hall from the library, but whatever the thing was, it never really clicked in her head, her thoughts elsewhere. Briefly, when he was finished, she glanced over her shoulder at him, then eyed the floor again. “I do not zhink you’re horrible to vork vith. Quite zhe opposite, in fact. Sometimes I need zhe taskmaster sort of approach zhat you and Lorkain give. I’m stubborn and I get sidetracked by my own faults far too often. You are, however, too horrible to be friends vith, as I vas hoping ve vould be. Zhe fault may be mine zhere as vell, zhough. I zhought perhaps you vere a bit like me, zhat it vould take a little vhile for you to varm up to me. But, I zhink zhat I am far too young and you are far too old--and I don’t mean in a romantic sense, obviously.” Yeah, no. Ew. Sorry, Bradyn. Not that that would’ve ever happened anyway, but she’s gotta make sure she covers all her bases with where she’s going with this thought. “And by zhat I mean, I might as vell be human.” That perhaps was not the right way to phrase it, but it was mildly amusing, albeit in a sad sort of way. “Coming here vas a mistake, I see zhat now. The pleas of forgiveness for a desperate voman has fallen on deaf ears as I knew it likely vould.” And yet, she decided to come here anyway for some reason. “Just… continue your studies.” And, with that, she was off, headed towards the exit.

Romantic thoughts of Khitti had never even crossed his mind, no offense Khitti. The sentiments of yeah, no, ew are shared (but Bradyn would have those sentiments with everyone -- because lich plans). "You are right. I will always be a horrible friend." In a way, Khitti was the closest thing to a friend he had, she had probably gotten as far as anyone would be able to get in that respect. "...but you have a strange way of asking for forgiveness." Was Bradyn surprised? No, Khitti was fire and emotions and Bradyn seemed to have this knack of...well dumping wood on the fire seemed like an understatement. More like he added way too much wood and then doused it with kerosine. "We should speak again when calmer heads prevail." Meaning Khitti should depart as she intends rather than conversing with him longer, and then next time they are forced to work with one another they should probably just ignore this situation/fight. It would not due to have the entire Necromancer's Guild feuding with one another.