RP:Awakened by a Kiss

From HollowWiki

Part of the Rest in Pieces: Vailkrin! Arc

Synopsis: For the first time in two years, Larewen crosses paths with the host of her beloved friend. A threading of the arcane, gifted by a kiss, allows the woman to converse with Nasada for a short time.

Date: Nov. 30th, 2017

Forest of Abyssal Darkness

The forest here is extremely dark, your eyes taking several moments to adjust, unless you are one of the fortunate with dark vision. The area here seems much colder than the path to your east. Spider webs seem to cover the ground, as well as some of the trees, you had best be on your guard. The forest path splits to the north, east and west The way to get out of the forest is to the south.

Raevyn had been out of sorts lately, that longing for home once again creeping upon her around this time of year when holiday celebrations begin. She just had to get away for a little while, to collect her thoughts; And there was only one place she could think of that was truly isolated. That infernal forest. She lead her horse Tempest by the reins once the path grew thick, her aim intended for that Tower nearby where she had spent so much time alone. It wasn't as luxurious as the Ranch, but it felt like... home. "Easy boy. If you see any nasty spiders, you let me know okay?" she spoke softly, as if the horse could understand her. Coming to a pause in her venture, Raevyn unfurls a makeshift map to try and get a bearing on her location. It had been a little while since she had been out here, and she dare not take a wrong turn; She knew what horrors lie deeper into the wood.

Larewen :: Something blocks the path between Raevyn and the tower - a woman actually. A familiar woman. Just to the north of where they stand, a barrier keeps the golem that contains Corruption at bay. Larewen pays it no mind. Instead, she's got an undead horse whinnying before her and it is tied to one of the trees. The woman looks significantly better, considering her wounds have begun to heal. She reaches outward to touch the horse and it snaps its teeth at her. "Stop it, you," she growls.

Raevyn nearly jumped out of her skin! She hadn't really planned on seeing anyone else out in these woods, considering she hardly ever saw anyone pass through when she lived out here. The stranger's words at first puzzled the girl as she had already been stopped, when she realized then that it was the undead steed that was spoken to. Raevyn narrowed her eyes and tried to peer through the darkness, the form of the other somewhat familiar. There was a step forth and suddenly, that face came to recognition. "L..Larewen?"

Larewen tilts her head to the side, glancing in the direction of the woman's voice. First she blinks, then she ponders. The horse is left alone, the necromancer putting off her ritual to address the reincarnation. "Well, there's someone I haven't seen in a while," she remarks. To Raevyn, the woman will appear startlingly different in several ways. First, her entire body, save for the right half of her face, is covered in blackened runes. Her left eye is not the same hue of brown as her right, but rather a deep emerald green. A bandage is taped over her neck, courtesy of Margret's handiwork. It hides a healing wound of ghastly proportions. Aware that there is no one around, the necromancer - having figured out the girl's identity all those months ago - uses her actual name. "Nasada."

Raevyn grew quite defensive as soon as that name was used. Two years prior, after the events in Xalious, she had vowed to bury that moniker for fear of the connotations it carried. She heard what happened that day, the day she lost control and 'it' manifested, helping the necromancers bring forth the Shade Nightmare. "Don't call me that." she muttered. Whatever traces of the former demonic entity that were present within the girl were quite weakened. His efforts to take control had been futile, and soon, if he did not find a way to make his flesh whole once more, he would be lost for good. "It has been some time." Raevyn spoke, soon taking in Larewen's features. This was the first person to ever show the girl pity. The first person to feed and aide her. And even though Raevyn still held suspicion from those events with Gheneroc, she still held some level of concern for the other. "What... what happened? Your flesh. Your eyes. You... you look so different. Were you cursed?" So naive.

Larewen smiles thinly. Raevyn will hear the steady thumping of a heartbeat within the necromancer's chest as she lifts her chin. "Several times over," she answers before addressing her use of Raevyn's true name. "I will call you who you are. I know precisely what that is; you were a dear friend of mine and my aunt's in another lifetime," she said, approaching the girl. If she is especially susceptible to magic, she may realize that the necromancer's heart is animated not by her own doing, but by the Shade's. Who else could make a vampire's heart beat?

Raevyn should have been surprised by this revelation, but all along she had sensed something was off. "I knew it. You... the meeting with Gheneroc... it wasn't random at all, was it?" There was worry settling in over her pallid features, brow knit and her gaze falling. While she wasn't exactly too well versed in the path of the arcane as of yet, she did feel something strange within the vampire. "Who is Nasada? Why am I waking in strange places? How do I make it stop?" She had so many questions. Then right on cue, she looked over her shoulder at the undead that had been following her now for days. "Is that yours, then? Is that why he follows?"

Larewen lifts a finger at the mention of Gheneroc. "With that fool of a dragon, I had no choice. I freed myself of him, and he still lays about in Craughmoyle pouting because I hurt his feelings," she replies, almost defensively. "But my finding you? No, it had nothing to do with that. It had to do with the fact that I can read you with this eye." She taps her right temple. "I see what you are, under that skin, and I know the power you wield." A glance is cast in the direction of Raevyn's glance. "It could be. I've sent a few to ensure you remain in one piece." She reaches a hand outward, index curling beneath the girl's chin to draw her gaze to her own. "You'll find it much easier if you communicate with and work with him. If you're waking up in strange places, then he is taking control. You insist on blocking him out, on failing to communicate with him. It will not help you, if you wish to exist too. My loyalties are to my friends, however few they may be."

Raevyn was confused. Angry. maybe a little hurt. These answers, while providing some information, still seemed quite vague. She was determined now, more than ever, to find the Black library and research this name as much as she could. She looked back at 'Rawr' and glared, unhappy that he was nothing more than some glorified babysitter. When Raevyn finally looked back to Larewen with the necromancer's guidance, she settled her gaze on that eye of hers. "How do I communicate? Why would I communicate with him? Is there no way that he and I can just... go our own way? I... I never asked for this."

Larewen lifts her shoulders. "There could be. Perhaps I could even find a way, if I had the desire to. You could keep a journal in your pocket, write to him... Or I could communicate with him, if you wished. Do you think Nasada asked for this? Have you considered the Hell he is in?" There's a flare of anger - the concerned sort - in the necromancer's eyes. "You are not the only one suffering, girl."

Raevyn hadn't even considered that before. She knew nothing of this entity, or what he even stood for. Perhaps her nightmares were not her own, but maybe... his? If only she knew. "I'm sorry. You are right. I never even thought about it like that." Something in Larewen terrified the girl; The anger displayed caused a lump to form in her throat. Blackened tresses bobbed as the girl nodded to Larewen, those suggestions mulled over for a few moments in silence. "Well. if you think you could reach him... then.. I guess what could it hurt for you to try? It would be nice to know if there is a way to help him. To help us both." This could be a bad idea.

Larewen nods a single time and closes the distance between her and Raevyn. Without a word of warning, both hands cup the girl's face and the necromancer's scarred lips meet hers. The kiss is more than just that, for magic trickles from her mouth. It's an interesting way of going about bringing these memories, but it's not to disturb Raevyn in any form. No, it's to show Nasada something she had not admitted all those years ago when she'd considered him her friend. The threads of magic implanting themselves in Raevyn's mind will be Larewen's memories of the man trapped in her body. When she breaks the kiss, the elf whispers softly, "Come, talk to me old friend. It has been too long." Eirik said OOC to Meri, "I will definitely be around this weekend. You know me. I'm addicted to this game."

Raevyn tried to pull away, startled and taken aback by the necromancer's actions- But also more to the fact, that this would be her very first kiss. Both calming and yet alarming, Raevyn let her eyes close as she took in the strange sensation of both Larewen's touch, and the magic she wove into the younger woman's being. Memories of days long past began to assault her mind, a tour through both good and bad;And she began to see the different natures of a former relationship between the vampire and the demon. For the first time, she would see that red flesh, her heart beginning to thump deeply in her chest. As lips separated and the young girl's eyes opened once more, there would be no longer a trace of those corpse-like hues. Instead? Only black. The voice that emanated from deep inside was was a dance of duality, of both male and female. "Larewen..." This was a word bathed in instant recognition; The vampire had broken through that barrier. "it is so good to see your face. Although, it seems... much has changed." Nasada's host steps back to take in the woman before him. "What happened to you?"

Larewen studies the male through dual colored eyes, having succeeded where she had half expected to fail. The necromancer notes Raevyn's absence as her arms curl over her torso. She is clad only in a form-fitting black gown and a pair of soft boots. Her hair hangs in waves around her face, much as it had all those years ago. Aside from the scars and the clear aging in her mismatched eyes, she'd look much as she had when she last saw Nasada. "Things don't always go the way they are planned," she answers and to her surprise, her heart thumps loudly in her chest. This curls the corners of her lips upward. "I died a time or two, you could say. I certainly would have, if I weren't what I am." She pauses a moment, watching those eyes of his. "I heard you made an appearance where I failed to come through with my plans. Thank you for that."

Nasada's inky gaze remains fixated upon Larewen's a deep inhale slowly taken through the human's nostrils; The scent of interest being that of his former friend. "I... know all too well what you mean. I am... stuck in this abominable mortal coil. That damned mutt and his band of humans removed my body from the mortal plain." With her gratitude, Raevyn's head fell forward. "Indeed. It took almost everything I had to contribute. Even now, my time is fading. I need your help." Suddenly, the undead that had been trailing the girl for days was motioned over to where both women stood. "You as well, Baelok." Once the creature now given a name stood next to Larewen and Raevyn's body, the former champion of the unholy spoke. "My weapon, the Crimson Blade. She needs to find it. I... can not recall where... but it is in my journal. The journal, I know was last seen in the graveyards of Vailkrin, but that was so long ago. Inside... is a ritual... that should restore me once again to the man I used to be. That sword is the key to this whole thing." Nasada looks between the pair, his focus soon staying upon Larewen, "She must not know. She must discover these things on her own. Aide her, but do not tell her why. She must... think... this is to separate us." Nasada's words grew weak and he coughed, a black tarry substance hacked up and onto his hand. "Time... is running out." A pallid palm was placed upon Larewen's cheek before those abyssal eyes suddenly melted away, revealing those dead blues once again. The demon needed to rest.

Larewen :: The amount of people Larewen truly cares deeply for can be counted on less than one hand - and Nasada is one of them. A glance is cast toward Baelok, whom she'll be content to allow Raevyn to believe hers. As Nasada mentions that blade and a way to restore himself to what he should be, a dark light flickers in Larewen's eyes. Nasada's friendship was one thing, but to restore him and have him as an ally? It would further validate Vailkrin's return to the forefront of Lithrydel's cities. She opens her mouth to say something to Nasada, wanting to tell him so much more but he's begun to cough and as the thick ichor comes up out of his mouth, a frown weighs her scarred lips. Her head tilts into his hand, and it is as he caresses her cheek that Raevyn once more returns. Taking Nasada's words to heart, the elf's mouth quirks into a wistful smile. "I think there may be a way to seperate you, Raevyn. In the meantime, my friend over there" - a nod in Baelok's direction - "will accompany you further to see to it that you're kept safe. Now is a bad time to be in Vailkrin; I am declaring war against the Houses."

Raevyn blinked, that often tired gaze now seeming hopeful. "What? Really? How?!" A dirty look is cast in the undead creature's direction, unsure if she were really all too thrilled to have him continue to follow her. Although, he had been more than helpful since they met.. maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing? Those words of war caught the young necromancer's attention quite immediately after they were spoken- There was no damned way she wanted to be involved in a third war. She still had nightmares about those two that just passed! "I... I see. Then, I guess... I shall return to Xalious." So much for an isolated retreat. To Larewen, Raevyn would half smile, trying to discern if the vampire could be trusted. She knew now how deep those memories and feelings went, but those seemed to be catered for the thing that slumbered inside. But what of herself? Would she be spared when they got what they wanted? Regardless, Larewen was the only one that could help her at the moment. The only one that knew what was happening. And because of this, Raevyn quietly reassured herself that she would need Larewen, as much as Larewen needed her. "Please... seek me out, soon, okay? if you know of a way to allow us to part amicably, then I truly desire to know. You will... find me at the Mage Tower. Almost always. I guess... for now, I shall wait." Raevyn turned then and hopped upon her steed, Tempest, turning the horse to face the direction from whence they came. "Good luck in your war, Larewen. I... I wish you well." A stern squeeze of her heels and soon the girl and her horse road off into the night. Baelok soon turned to Larewen and grunted, a slight nod cast in her direction before he started to shamble off on Raevyn's trail.