RP:Assassination Of A Mayor

From HollowWiki

Desparrow was waiting down the street, hidden in the darker areas between the torch lit spots of the street that led up to the closed iron gates of the manor. The chaotic situation of the city, what with crime running rampant, the church and civilians at odds and growing fear from gangs both because there is news of some vanishing but also fear of the ones that are causing it. There may not be faces to the suspicion but that alone made it worse, citizens of Cenril locking doors at night, even reinforcing windows or blocking them off entirely in fear of intrusion or assault. The guards paced about, one coming up and down the street every half hour while two guards stood in front of the large iron gates themselves, under strict orders of the mayor to not allow visitors after a certain hour and being that it was very early in the am and while civilians may be resting the guard were alert for third shifters which would be a problem. Patiently Des waited, having already explained that he was just out here enjoying the crisp air and moonlight to the guard that passed, though it was for Kaiah whom he had sent letter to prior, to arrive at last for there was work to be done.

Kaiah had received the letter in Larket. There had been no way that she was going to deny the request from Desparrow, especially after the worst had happened. She was actually fearful of him, but she did not want to show this. The woman approaches in the dim-lit night. Long-stemmed legs hidden underneath a blue velvet cloak, hiding the gear that was underneath her. Approaching as a normal citizen of Cenril. She, of course, was the average looking girl – not an intimidating feature on her, except her stare, but she had kept her emotions soft for any questioning guards. They were on high alert. The woman is walking down the street before approaching the man before her at a distance. Her voice is low and flows softly to the ear. “Hello,” simple and short.

Desparrow leaned back against the building behind him, wearing bandages over his feet, cloth pants and a simple shirt with vest over the top to look semi-normal for a person that appeared to belong where he was. A gust of wind brought the scent of the woman to him before she managed to actually get close and speak of which he replied with hushed whispers. "Well, you made, after not having contact with you I thought maybe you fled the damned country, you are here now and that is all that matters. The target as you know, is the mayor. I honestly don't know where he is in that manor, but I do know its guarded. First." he looked along the street both ways before continuing, having never done any sort of mission with stealth before, "We cannot be seen, by anyone, including this guard that passes by every half hour, he is a liability.. As far as I am concerned, we take out everyone in the way, and anyone that could even possibly end up being a witness.. If those two guards at the gate are missing, well the one that passes will see it, investigate, probably alert the whole damn town. Can't afford that." he sighed, having a satchel slung over his shoulder that held some supplies that could assist the woman from bandages, poison, healing concoctions that would allow wounds to close and repair rapidly even some daggers. "So, Miss Kaiah," surprising that after their first encounter that he was referring to her as a person at all, "How would you rather go about this? If you have any alternatives, be my guest and speak up. We can start this whenever and I have some reinforcements if necessary, but of the more animal persuasion." He was of course referring to his wolves that had prowled the city with him at night, but currently were nowhere to be seen.

Kaiah moves closer to him as he begins to talk about the mayor. A sickening thought… Killing the Mayor of Cenril. This girl had not done anything close to that. A few sleaze bags here and there for her father, nothing so high up in rank. The woman sucks in a breath. “Would’ve fled… But unfortunately, I was not sure where I would run to. Everywhere I go, I’m followed,” meaning, her past, but enough about that. She cuts short with her words and listens to him. A blank stare on his face as he talks about plans and situations. ‘So, Miss Kaiah…’ her mind trails and then her lips part, her voice is thrown off by his sense of humanity, but she continues anyway. “We have to get passed the two guards guarding the gate? Shall I suggest another entrance? Is there another way to pass through? Side of the gate? Back of the gates? If we can boost up without getting caught, we can somehow sneak in going unnoticed by the two on the outside.” He was her map. She then catches her breath with another thought. “Or we go for the guy who passes by the two guards and go one by one…” She is thinking out loud.

Desparrow heard her out with a sly grin on his lips as he knew fairly well that they could certainly get over the fence in a different manner, he was a spell caster and in his mind at least a powerful one and has managed many feats of magical strength in his practice. "Well, you want to skip the gate, let's skip the gate, the lawn is certainly an expanse and we have a bit till we would get to the front door so it’s simply a matter of getting over, I can get you over but when I do so you will have to tuck and roll to ease the pressure of your landing as much as possible. I don't need you breaking a leg or anything, though if push comes to shove i have some things that could help with some injuries just not sure if we can handle that severe." he then looked side to side once more, raised a finger and with a twirl of his wrist a concentrated current of air blew in from the west over the torches within twenty feet of them in each direction casting them in shadows for now which would be suspicious but buy them some time to get over the fence and beyond without notice. "When you are ready, I'll toss you over, and I'll slow your descent enough to make it less dangerous but again.. tuck and roll." The lycan was certainly looking forward to a fight, but if this was to be done in stealth that would be fine as well, he'd get some of them for sure.

Kaiah smiles at his approval, but quickly catches herself and her lips twitch and go flat. The crisp air hits her nostrils as she sucks in one more time with a nod in silence. Her olive eyes flick to his wrist that sets the gust of wind. The shadows are casted and she is pivoting to move towards the gate and face the direction of the manor. ‘Tuck and roll…’ Of course… And she prepares herself briefly before whispering, “Now,” thank gosh he could hear. Made things easier for being quiet. As she is tossed over, she hunches over and she makes sure she lands on her hip before she tumbles on the lawn, trying to mask the ache of her hip – she was fine. She then points across the lawn and drags her index towards the lit entrance, more guards. She then eyes him and moves her finger back towards the side of the manor, it was a stretch but not impossible and she begins to slowly slink towards the side of the manor in the dark blue cloak to remain unnoticed until they were ready for a sneak attack, or whatever was planned.

Desparrow was very patient, waiting on cue for her to act and when she gave the signal he did indeed boost her up while also activating a quick spell as she was flung over using his enhanced strength to slow her descent therefore make the fall less dangerous but still she appeared to need practice with the style of her landing. When she got up apparently unharmed he was relieved, they still had a chance at doing this and now it was his turn to get over the fence which was going to be of no challenge for the lycan. Checking the street once more, even noticing the wayward gaze of a guard at the gate some distance away he knew he'd be safe when he crouched low then launched into the air but his fall was far more risky when he was about to come down upon the spikes of the fence until when expelling a bit of magic through his foot and directly under the surface of the bandages he wore he had a solid surface that caught him before he was impaled and from this new platform he jumped down on the other side landing on his feet but the pressure of his fall bringing him to a knee. They dodged the first couple of obstacles; the guard that patrolled the street and the two at the gate now it was a matter of getting inside the manor with two more at the door and the fact that the mayor's room was on the top floor, and overlooking a cliff making a back entrance nearly impossible. Quickly he made his way from the edge of the fence towards the side of the manor away from the light and windows till he was crouched at the corner, able to see the guards at the door. She would already be there or join him shortly, "Alright. So, if we want to make this as quiet as possible, I think we don't have a choice but to take them out, breaking a window would obviously alert anyone within ear shot, the back is highly impossible simply because it’s a cliffside. Directly beyond that door though is the foyer, from there we have the hall, rooms to the right and a staircase to our left that would bring us directly upstairs. I'm not sure how many are inside. We will deal with it as it happens." Not what you would want to hear when it comes to a plan to murder, unknown variables and their potential danger. "We can knock them out, or kill them outright." looking around the corner the guards all seemed to wear the same thing, metal cap, cloth raiments under chainmail, greaves and boots with swords at their side. "What do you feel?"

Kaiah follows him and remains hunched until directly crouching next to him. Her gaze is narrowed as she peeks to eye the two guards at the front of the manor. He did not know how many were inside? With the mischief around Cenril, there were probably too many. Maybe? She nods her head, breaking a window was too much of a danger. She places a hand near her chest for a moment and runs a hand over her chest where her heart is out of contemplation and nervous habit before looking up at him. There was no going back once these guards were gone. ‘What do you feel?’ Three, two, one… Nothing – eyes look emotionless. She ignores his question, she is trying to push the guilt away. She is now shrugging off the cloak, revealing her black t-shirt with black leather leggings, she is all legs. “If one is taken out first, the other will holler. We need to take them out at the same time.” She then reaches for her belt… Look there, weapons! Daggers, a tube, darts aligned and a small bow on her back with smaller arrows. She takes out the bow from behind her back and an arrow and moves forward with her crouched stance. “Him…” She points to the farthest guard and then points to herself, indicating that that guard is her target. She was looking for the cut off between chain mail and flesh. One false move from the guard, the arrow will go flying. She also will have to wait until Desparrow is set up as well with his plan to attack. “The timing has to be… perfect,” she barely whispers this, it is more of a breath. Patience.

Desparrow stepped away from the corner so that he could turn and see Kaiah properly after she had discarded her cloak and he held back a chuckle of delight, actually impressed that the woman was actually prepared and ready to back up her words that they had shared when they first met. The lycan before her had a different approach, where she chose ranged combat he loved blood, the clashing of weapons and being in the thick of the fray, hence why he was down to murder instead of rising as a political figure. Quickly he discarded his vest, shirt and even the bandages he wrapped about his feet to make it easier when walking along the streets and tossed them in a pile along with her cloak where upon quiet incantation they vanished from sight, whether destroyed or merely teleported elsewhere they were gone and there would be no evidence to be had they were ever here. "Alright.. You approach your way, I'm going to move in and take out the other guard." Following those words the scarred male began a semi-transformation, not fully attaining the full lupine were-form but instead attaining a less attractive sub-state where he had increased abilities but more control. Several cracks and pops sounded off in his body as the curse took hold upon silent command stretching his bones making his body longer, his arms longer and tipping his hands with claws with the same story for his legs while his jaw also extended outwards and a thin veil of fur coated his form. Picking up a stone he tossed it over beyond the guards and when it cracked against the ground he darted forward with no given notice to Kaiah at all but in a flash he was before the first guard with arm snapping out and hand grasping the entirety of the male's head and dragging him off further into the yard along with the other as soon as it was noted he was struck by the arrow so that they'd be removed from the light of the mansion as quickly as possible therefore not noticeable. Dragging the bleeding guard and his panic stricken one over to some bushes he quickly dispatched his with a sickening crunch of his teeth at the neck and shoulder, getting what he could over the armor and shaking the man furiously until flesh had given way to a gaping wound that spurted blood and he was quickly tossed aside; if the curse took hold the guard would live but remain unconscious until time came that Des would pick him up later. For the guard whom was having hard time breathing with an arrow through his throat he just grinned and swiped his claws across the same wound splitting it wide open and leaving the man to quickly bleed out choking on his own life fluids. Des' heart was beating furiously, the thrill of the hunt getting to him as he walked back towards Kaiah, evading the light once more until he was at her side again, maw still dripping the sharp scented ichor. "After you," he grumbled low.

Kaiah holds her breath as she hears the sound of popping and snapping. She does not gaze at the monstrous man before her, in fact, if she glances his way, the woman might back out. A tighter grip is held around the front of the bow and the woman takes her two digits and pulls the arrow back. As Des charges forward, the woman snaps the arrow towards the guard’s neck as he faces the charging lycan. Timing was… perfect. The bow flies into the neck of the guard, but he is still trying to gasp for air as he bleeds out. The woman lowers the weapon and places it on her back before moving forward slowly. She watches the lycan rip and tear at the two guards effortlessly. She is already in too deep and it was just the beginning. A knot ties up into her belly as the lycan approaches her – he actually scares her, but she tries not to let that show… He is much taller than her. As he grumbles their next motion, the woman strides towards the front of the manor. ‘Do not look at the bodies, Kaiah…’ The windows, she needed to know, but the curtains are thick and it is hard to tell. She moves towards the door and rests an ear up against it, and there are voices chattering softly on the other side. “There’s more than two… There is no way we can be sneaky enough to keep quiet and wipe them out, especially if we go through the front door…” What was she even saying? The adrenaline was rushing through her. “Do… we charge?”

Desparrow wasn't too bad to behold, though his pants were taut against his form due to the sheer size of the man, clearing seven feet easy now that he was even just partially transformed. He looked at the torches and with a glare he conjured up another gust of wind and snuffed them out post haste so that those looking from the street even at this distance, wouldn't see anything different in the situation; a small woman and a larger half-beast for instance in place of where two guards should be. Closing his eyes and taking several deep relaxing breaths he managed to calm his heart and clear his mind for a moment to think. "If we burst in we will surely be overrun, but..." he had to think, this was quite the pickle of a situation and he didn't want his new assassin to die, nor did he desire to fail in this mission in fact it was unthinkable. Expelling doubt he looked at the doors and ran a claw along the length while spinning a quick spell that sank into the hinges, making them silent when they would open the door. "Alright, let us assume there are two on the other side of this door, the foyer is a smaller room with a doorway on the other side, so if we act quick and take out the guards quietly then we shouldn't alert the others, and because it isn't an open space it won't be easy to just see into, it'd require the room to actually be approached." He actually didn't know how many were on the other side, but the door did open outwards and he would on cue swing them open, "You are up, if you think you can handle it Kaiah. We are already this close, no reason to turn back, we can finish this and end the lazy rule of this farce. I open the doors, you strike out, as fast as you can, and if necessary I'll advance as well."

Kaiah nodded along as the beast thought out a best-that-can-be plan. Death was something Kaiah had not feared, but pain and fear? Yes. The woman is standing on the side of the door waiting for him to open it, but before he does, she stares at him briefly before reaching for two handles on her belt and blinking for him to open the door. As he does so, the woman pops her head in quickly. A quick scan, she was good at taking mental images. One in the far corner laughing at the other younger guard leaning over an end table with a vase on the ground, luckily not shattered – must have been a young new one. Another guard is standing near a door looking annoyed, but on full guard mode and one is facing the opposite direction to look at what commotion is going on over in the corner silently. Ding. Target. Long legs stride on toes to sound quiet as the guards are distracted for that brief moment. She extends her arms and makes her way around the throat of the guard with his back to her. One blade is now slicing across his throat as he is not well equipped to attack her – he is down. One. He is not noticed yet and the woman darts towards the direction of the guy standing near the door, sticking a blade back in her belt before cupping his mouth. She drops the blade in one hand making a cling on the floor. One of the darts that she kept in her side is now being injected into the skin to calm the man down, he can slip quietly until she gets the chance to kill him. Two. New Guard is stunned, he is easy to take down, so she goes for him next, but Mister Chuckles is now blocking his pathway to take the woman down. A metal forearm is thrown against her face in a blow and she stumbles backwards. That was rough. What is happening? ‘Shake it off, Kai…’ her breathing is spiked – so much adrenaline. Blood is oozing from her nose, but she can handle a little knock in the face that was not so rough, right? However, now the man was coming at her with a sword, but her main target was the New Guard that was behind Mister Chuckles.

Desparrow had swung the doors wide open and before he knew it Kaiah was already in motion showing off an assortment of skills she had trained and yet here he believed she may have very well been an amateur. The dagger hits the floor and although she was distracted with two guards, her target and the one that had just struck her in the face another in the hall was already on his way to come up from behind to investigate. Slipping in and shutting the doors with haste he moves in for backup, gripping the guard whom had been subdued and tossing him with adrenaline boosted ease and moving quickly towards the guard that was indeed the target before he could react. Grasping the young male his teeth were quickly plunged into the soft flesh between shoulder and head which in that instance he was instilled with a stunning fear before being knocked out cold against the wall with a loud bang of armor on stone and then the tile floor. This alerted the guards that were within earshot, several more heard scrambling to their feet from the other room out of the foyer and to the right of the hall. Stupid! The lycan chastised himself though there was no time to look over mistakes as he advanced, pointing to the guard that was coming up with a dagger and aiming to impale the young woman while Des took over the fight with the one that had assaulted Kaiah. A single chop to the collar and the male let out a scream as he began to slump to the ground after a satisfying crunch beneath the force of Des' hand though it was the cry that needed to silence and was swiftly with another blow to the head with his overwhelming strength. From the hall came several more guards with weapons at the ready, two with swords and two with crossbows prepared and coming towards the more threatening object in the room the beast, and with loosed bolt Des found his left shoulder to be shot through and he made a swift retreat behind the wall in the foyer where they would have to risk coming to him. At this point he was pinned and Kaiah was on her own.

Kaiah was slightly relieved Des had jumped in, not that she doubted him. The satisfaction from the lycan attacking the one who threw an arm towards Kaiah was thrilling for the moment. Pay back is a (cue curse word). Before the woman is totally relieved, there is a guard with a dagger coming to stab her. Stop and look… Feet. The woman kicks the man’s ankle, even though it makes a chink sound, the man topples to the side and soon enough Kaiah is mounting on top of him trying to push the knife towards him instead. Kaiah being strong? No. No such thing. But body weight was a different story. The woman then palms his face and presses her weight into his nose and mouth so he cannot breathe as he is trying to fight her back and eventually he becomes hazy and gives into the darkness and suddenly she is ripped off the knocked out guard’s body by her shoulders and thrown backwards on her back, blade in hand luckily. The guard does not notice that she has the blade and when he goes to lunge into her, she faces the blade towards him and tries to stab near any fleshy part to stun him so she could become free. The woman scrambles up, she is in a daze. There are two guards headed her direction and she looks for the lycan… He is gone for now. The woman makes her way to a nearby statue that has a flat surface on top. A square. She needs to jump. One guard has reached and is now tugging on her ankle but she kicks to try to get him off, her other hand scrambling for a tube and a dart that has been dipped in some red concoction. Quickly, the girl loads the tube and sucks in a hyping breath and blows out, missing the other guard that is also after her. She tries again, this time a sword swiping towards her at the same time. The dart hits the guard who is grasping her ankle and he goes backwards. The guard with the sword is swinging her way and she falls backwards off the statue and lands on hands and knees.

Desparrow from his spot in the foyer tends to his wound quickly, snapping the arrow at the back then ripping the other half straight through so that his regeneration would kick in shortly if only to just knit closed the wound and stop further bleeding. That arm would be hindered for a bit, each motion with it pained but he would bare it if he had to in order to get what he needed to done. One of the guards comes in with sword and shield raised to have Des' fist snap out but to the guard's quick thinking was safe behind that shield though not for long when he meets the gaze of the beast standing over him with face twisted with carnal rage. Sword swept outwards and managed to bury itself in Des' left forearm while the right swung out with increased strength to send the man sprawling, not only dislodging the blade but disarming the man at the same time. The guards take a step back but then quickly move in as a group only to find that they were in for more than they could handle, the men with crossbows in too close of quarters to get a good shot with all the movement and so one bolt sails past Des to strike one of the statues and another grazes his cheek giving it a good slice before the lycanthrope in his rage is upon the three. With tooth and claw he lashed out with beastly instinct sadly ineffective against armor though when this was realized he gripped the nearest male, the next man with the sword whom was in front of the two with crossbows and bit into the soft flesh of his neck and wrenched a chunk form his body. Blood sprayed outwards upon the faces of his companions and out of shock they were about to let out screams of terror when their compatriot slid to the floor in a quickly deteriorating state of existence but Des hands had shot out and their heads were slammed against the wall by the mouths before too much could be let out. Low growls escaped and with one more bash he slammed them against the wall, and once more over and over until they were either unconscious or dead but one bite was delivered to each in either case. Stepping from the foyer he saw Kaiah struggling and started her way only to have the two guards from the stairwell of the hallway come down, and then three more join from the direction of the entertainment room.

Kaiah is trying to keep her stamina up, sweat is now visible on her forehead as she looks up from under strands of hair falling in her face. She exhales and charges forward at the guard swinging to sword and takes him down by his legs. The only real physical move that the woman knew. Sure, she was an assassin, but no one said she was a great one. One hand moves to the man’s wrist to stop the sword momentarily before her energy runs out and her other hand is moving towards a small dart. “Sleepy time,” she grunts and pricks the dart into his skin. She is growing weak underneath pushing this man off of her and she is slowly caving in as the sword is now piercing her skin as well near her neck, but then suddenly, the prick lightens and the sword is swaying. With a tug, she grasps the sword and moves towards the next victims as the man remains dull and motionless, not dead, but mostly paralyzed. She then looks at Desparrow. “Go towards the stairs, I’ll stall,” or kill, whatever. Mostly she let him go towards the stairs because he was stronger, and who knew what awaited for him upstairs. She would then move back towards the statue and climb on the surface again before hurling her body backwards with the sword and throwing it forward. Nothing like a good flying blade to stall a bunch of guard, right? Just enough of a stall to perhaps get her bow and arrows out again.

Desparrow couldn't help but grin as he watched the spectacle before him and perhaps since it was apparent that anyone in the mansion now knew of their presence, if he acted out a bit it wouldn't endanger any more as long as they weren't too loud to attract outside attention. One male broke away from those coming from the stairs and made a break for it, probably to try and get help though Des was not about to allow anyone to escape, especially since Kaiah and him were recognizable by features, even if he was in a half-beast form. Hand swung out and from his palm shot a purple bolt of light like an arrow which much like an arrow reached its target in no time before plunging through the chainmail and burying it in the chest of the man while throwing him several feet to skid even further across the floor. The one he had knocked aside previously was back on his feet but Des was on him, gripping him by the head with palm covering the mouth and using another exertion of magic directly applied a crushing force to the head and in moments the soft eyes had burst from the head along with the squished ooze of brain and blood from the nostril and mouth when the cap crinkled against the also collapsed head. Dropping him to the floor his attention was already on the set of three coming from the side room which he would act against instead of obey his own assassin. Hand out and a wave, unseen but felt swept across the floor and then the men before they were knocked to the floor. "Work quickly. We can't afford to spend too much longer here." he then was on the three, claws lashing for easiest deadly access, blood spraying left and right as throats split wide under his attack. None were to be spared at this point, all that was left was the two near the stairs whom at the sight of the beast and Kaiah's handiwork were quickly losing heart to continue the fight and contemplated total surrender or just running, such fear seen in their posture; their twisted expression, the trembling hands and knees, the slow backing away. What would Kaiah do presented with the option? Spare them or kill?

Kaiah manages to get an arrow directed at one of the guards knocked to the floor. ‘Work quickly…’ She draws back her bow and arrow as Des had gone to unleash the terror over the three. She would turn against the two and pull back the arrow ignoring the fear for the first one. She did not even notice. An arrow flying straight into the man as he is knocked back gasping for a breath. The other one, Kaiah halts and stares. She drops the bow and arrow and walks towards the other fearful guard on the step. He lowers beneath her in plead, he looks cowardice. Kaiah reaches down and the man flinches, she does not grab the dagger, instead a dart. Less painful. “I’m sorry but I have to… It won’t hurt… I promise,” and she jabs it into the man’s skin. Soon enough the poison would run through his body and he would eventually die a slow, less gory, silent death after leaving him behind.

Desparrow was quick to act after Kaiah dispatched the remaining guards, actually relieved that as far as he knew there was only one target in the mansion remaining, the one they actually came for. Up the spiral staircase he went, hopefully with Kaiah in tow and moving towards the door of the Mayor's personal bedroom driven by a lust for blood and the ideal of liberating Cenril. His companion would be waited on if need be but beyond that he first tried the door and in an instant it swung open but only to a male feline dressed in his nightly attire but with a dagger in his hand which swiftly found its cool iron blade plunged to the handle in Desparrow's gut before it was withdrawn and the lycan was kicked in the chest sending him to the ground and rolling some distance away. Blood soaked into the rug on the floor and for the moment it was up to Kaiah to hopefully take him by surprise, the rather agile man having been alerted to their existence prior to them reaching his room simply due to the noise they had made but to their advantage the feline was surprised both that there were less than a group of intruders, and that there was in fact only two. Perhaps this granted an opening for the young assassin female, if not Desparrow was struggling to his knees for a retaliation but his attack would be slow coming due to the nature of his injury and the blood leaking between his fingers that applied pressure to the stab.

Kaiah stands there for a moment or two staring at the man slowly fading into his dark abyss before gazing up at Desparrow going passed her. She frowned but kept on her mission, lagging behind, of course due to her own personal thoughts getting in the way. As Desparrow made his entrance first, Kaiah would pause in the doorway. The lycan is stabbed and kicked back to the ground, leaving the young woman alone. Why was she even doing this? This town was a disaster… and the mayor was doing nothing but hiding away? Maybe that was why Des was doing this…? Either way she was too deep. She had to kill him… Always looking on the brighter side of life. If there was one. The woman would then move off to the side, pulling out her own dagger while the feline is busy staring at Desparrow suffering. The assassin jolts and leaps forward to stab the feline anywhere to stun him before wrapping an arm around his neck to choke him out. Kaiah had a thing about silent deaths that made things easier to bare. You cannot hear the pain, there is no pain and suffering. Was she winning? No. The feline elbows her in the gut, and she stumbles back trying to suck in a breath for a beat. His blade is swinging towards her and she ducks down trying to fling a hand to smack the blade out of his hand – proceeding to do so. On the other hand, it was now a brawl. Kaiah reaching out to grab the legs, as usual, trying to pull the feline to her level. The feline falls to his knees and pushes her backwards instead, pinning her arms beneath his legs and wrapping his hands around her throat, she was turning reddish-purple. She was not strong… This could end badly.

Desparrow watched with anguish and against the strain brought himself to a stand using the wall as a brace before examining the status of his body; the shoulder had already sealed off but still hurt, his face wound closed and the gut slowing though although he had the powers that came with his blessing Kaiah was still human, something that could perhaps be remedied in the future. She had proven her ability, shown her limits and that was good enough for him and he wasn't about to let her go because of the mistakes that he had made tonight and as he neared he could see the struggle between the feline and her more clearly and in a flash he had finished his transformation, body engorging even further until he was nearly thirteen feet tall if not of greater size. A low growl erupted from deep in the throat of the jet black lycanthrope as he bored down on the feline whose grip had loosened on the human only to turn and face the monster that had plotted his doom since the beginning. A single hand shot out to grip the feline by the throat and lift him into the air beginning to crush the throat and enduring every digging claw that ripped fur and flesh from his arm, chest and abdomen from hand and foot of the mayor while he only gripped tighter the greater the struggle. Fear, that was all in the Mayor's eyes and in moments the lashing out in retaliation became a struggle to loosen Des' hand though it would be to no avail, for he had no mercy and with a single burst of strength the crunch could be heard from between his grip and that spelt the end for the mayor, the bones in his neck collapsing along with the esophagus under his power. A sick lupine grin showed itself on his features as he tossed the man aside to suffocate and Desparrow would watch till the very end, the thrashing feline struggling so hard as he knocked aside books, desk adornments and all manner of other things before collapsing and losing the lights in his eyes while the panic and terror remained glued on his face. In moments Des would have reverted back, grabbing up some clothes from the closet to don before heading outwards, he had at least three bodies to collect of the living but bitten and hopefully afflicted with the lycanthrope curse. Once that was said and done, dragging those corpses outside he would open a gate to his home on the southern side of Cenril and, Kaiah willing, bring them and his quarry home, a mission successful if not a disaster.

Kaiah is on the brink of losing sight, she feels weak and she feels like she is losing this fight, she can barely think, she cannot breathe. Her chest is aching, her eyes are about to roll back and suddenly everything goes black, but she is still fighting for breath. Then, a weight is being lifted. Literally. She can hear the growling, the transformation, the cracking of bones – death. They won. The air is coming back to her lungs. She is coughing uncontrollably and heaving, maybe almost crying? No, just watery eyes. She takes moments to get the energy to move again and she is still coughing, but the deed is done, and she is exhausted, but the mission is not over… Whatever Des was was still going to be in the back of her mind, and she was still going to obey whatever he said to do and that meant corpses… so many corpses… The guilt would linger, but she would push it back for the meantime and remain as calm and collected as she could… for a human.