RP:Ara Has Spoken

From HollowWiki

This is a Healer's Guild RP.

Summary: Just when Sabrina thinks she has had all she can take from the mischievious Kiaren The House of Ara changes her plans about ending his existence (at least fromher immediate vicinity.)

Sabrina is on her way down the staircase, book in hand and not paying attention. With one hand guiding her descent from the banister she moves graceful enough, thanks to good breeding, until she reaches the cold marble floors. The book is tipped to the side and a glance given to bare feet, noting that it was a bit colder than anticipated, only to find that someone had recently mopped here and the floor was still wet. She makes a face and continues on her way toward the teaching clinic to the west.

Kiaren meanders curiously into the doorway, sniffing delicately at the bottom of the doorframe as though its existence itself could be offensive. he jerks his head back quickly, his feline eyes growing wide as he backs away.

Sabrina catches the silhouette of the feline male at the corner of her eye, then immediately glances at the wet floor. “Shoo!” She says to him. In her experience, his type was either very civilized or in dire need of domestication. Either way, she wasn’t going to take the risk that he might mark his territory, in her mind, any more than he already might have done. She veers off course and with a swift pace makes her way towards him, book raised in hand like she is about to whack him with it.

Kiaren hunkers low to the ground, the slits of his eyes widening as he curls his ears back to his head. Q uickly he scuffles backward, tail tucked under him. He squints his eyes, bracing for the coming impact. "waitwaitwaitwait Waaaaait!" he whines

Sabrina stops near dead in her tracks. “Oh, you can speak.” The book is tapped against her palm in deliberation. “Stand up straight then, you look like a stray.” Bipedial forms generally suggested some refinery but she asks “Did you do that?” Obviously she is implying that he had something to do with the wet floor.

Kiaren blinks. He looks curiously around at the floor and then tests it with his paw, the moisture seeping into the fur around the pads of his feet "EEUCH!" slowly he raises himself up on two feet. His stance is a bit awkward as being upright seems somewhat unnatural for him. " I dot think i did...not this time...i think." he ponders this a moment, drawing a paw to his chin. "No, no i dont think so." He glances behind himself, seeming to be ensuring a quick getaway from the heavy book if it should become necessary.

Sabrina is looking at him, still accusingly, but makes no effort to advance since he seemed frightened or confused. “Well, get in, or get out. But close that door.” Honestly, there were sick people in here and there was no need to let outside contaminates inside. She begins to depart towards her original direction, uncaring of this new individual being in her house so long as he respected it. Her voice is directed away from him but the words could be meant for no other. “If you need a place to stay, find an empty room upstairs.” And she turns briskly in a scolding tone. “And do not pee in there. I swear I’ll…” The book is raised like she is about to throw it. She doesn’t. She ‘hm’s’, annoyed. Clearly she is not convinced that the wet floor is -not- his doing.

Kiaren paces gingerly into the room, placing great effort into remaining on two feet. He pulls his legs up in exaggerated motions trying to keep from getting his feet too wet. " soo....where is this again?" he eyes the room curiously, trying to smell past the scent of the mop water to the different healing implements that may be employed here. He turns his nose the direction of Sabrina in attempt to catch her scent while her back is turned.

Sabrina rears back a little that someone found this place so far off the beaten path and -didn’t- know what it was. “This is the House of Ara, Larkets main healing establishment, and it is operated by the Healer’s Guild.” That sniff would earn him a scent of sandalwood and vanilla. The facility was essentially clean- to the extent it could arguable be the cleanest building in the entire region including consideration for the Queen’s chambers. Sabrina was a stickler for cleanliness, something about being close to godliness or something rather similar. He would take in notes of a kitchen that stopped cooking hours ago, and depending on how tuned his senses were he would realize that most of this building was new construction and that it hadn’t yet adopted a general smell outside of the things that occupied it.

Kiaren creeps closer to sabrina, his former awkward walk seeming to dissapear entirely for a moment as he closes the distance between them, stopping only a few feet short. his tail flicks to the side with excitement as he tilts his head to one side. He draws in a deep breath through his nostrils. Well " My name is...umm..." he thinks a moment more. "kiaran? yes...yes that it. Whats yours?"

Sabrina arches a thin dark brow. “Ummkiaren… pleasure, I’m sure.” She takes a step back. For someone roaming around bare-foot it might have seemed a little off that she still wore gloves in her downtime. Cotton pants looked to have been tucked into footwear at some point since they were uncharacteristically crinkled around the ankles in comparison to her otherwise pressed attire. She wore a captains style coat with high Mongolian collar that was buttoned to the top and had longsleeves. Those gloves, had she not been wearing the coat, would make their way up to her elbows. She looks him up and down with caution, so unused to people approaching her on purpose without medical need. “Sabrina.” Which is given as an answer rather than an introduction.

Kiaren leans in closely, his face only inches from Sabrinas. His tail wiggles behind him like a rope blowing in a stiff wind as he continues to sniff at her. His baggy shorts hang off of him, held up only by a wide leather strap that is stretched across his chest. A thick leather belt adorns his waist, cocked to the side in an effort to keep it on his hips. he clasps his paws behind him out of view, absent mindedly fingering the pommel stone in a dagger that appears much to expensive to be in his posession based on his attire. " So you said something about a room. are you interested in trading goods for a place to sleep?"

Sabrina is leaning back, away from his investigative stance. “Trade? What? No.” She takes a step back, reciting the House’s motto. “The House of Ara is always open.” And she had more money than she knew what to do with, so money was not an issue. “All we ask is that you contribute where you can.” For some it was cleaning cat pee off the floor, some liked to gather herbs for stock, and the more invested ones offered their services within the guild and learned to do the tasks of healing when it became necessary.

Kiaren ponders this a moment, a distressed look washing over his face. His eyes fall to the ground. Without thinking his hand slips into his pocket, his fingers toiling around with something beneath the worn canvas of his shorts. His eyes suddenly grow as wide as billiard balls as an enourmous smile fills his face from ear to ear. His eyes shoot up to sabrina as he pulls a dead and somewhat decayed rat fro his pocket, grasping it in both hands and thrusting it out to her. "I can bring you food! I was saving it for later, but i can get more in exchange for a room!"

Sabrina takes a startled step back as the half-rotted corpse is presented to her, one hand absentmindedly going to her mouth as if he were about to force it upon her. “I don’t eat, even if I did it would not be that.” She is looking at it with both pity and disgust. She waves her hand towards the kitchens. “Throw that out and go get something less diseased. She had eaten before but didn’t necessarily require it, and so the furthest she really ventured in consuming food was pastries and vegetarian offerings. The rat was… stomach churning.

Kiaren 's ears drop back to his head, and his eyes gloss over. he lowers his chin towards his chest and lets his arms sink to his sides in defeat. "You dont like my present?" he says pitifully. He raises the obviously long expired rat back up in front of himself to examine it. He swats a bit of dust off of its back and looks back to sabrina hopefully. "Its from the cave over by the mines. Its the best you can find i promise."

Sabrina straightens up, trying not to look at it but she can not mistake his decline in enthusiasm. “Oh. A gift.” She swallows hard, trying to concentrate on not looking or breathing and holds out her hand. “A fine rat (gulp) A fine rat indeed.” Gods, she was going to have to throw away that glove now. If the stiff little body were to grace her grasp she would do her very best to remind herself that he had no intention of actually eating it. “Thank you… so much.” Her chest begins to heave but she manages to keep down what could only be bile since she in fact had not eaten in weeks.

Kiaren leaps into the air and rushes forward to close the short distance she had made between herself and his "offering". He thrusts his hand forward, slapping the limp body into the womans hand with excitement. The skin is obviously thinned from decay, and patches of fur seem to be missing around the sides. Two puncture holes in the rats belly now face upwards towards sabrina...this was most obviously where he must have bitten it to kill it. "Ill bring you a new one every day! Thank you!" He quickly averts his gaze to look around what would be his new "home" with excitement. "Everyting is very nice here!" He charges across the room to look up the staircase, his paws slipping and sliding on the marble floors. Upon reaching the staircase he leaps onto the handrail and begins deftly scaling the height of the stairs in just a few bounds until stopping at the very top.

Sabrina’s body is pulled forward as he slaps the carcass into her hand with such force. She is so busy staring at the gory details that she can’t even regret his mannerisms as he skids across the floor. The rat is plucked up by the tail with her opposing appendage, deftly held with two fingers as she turns to find the nearest trash. The tail pops off and the body hits the floor, quite literally exploding on impact and letting out a foul stench that really might make her vomit. The back of her wrist goes to her nose and mouth and she looks pained to find the gnarled face of the rat looking up at her with milky eyes, splayed tongue, and a single intact arm with fingers spread in greeting. She looks up at him at the very top of the stairs, pale like she had just been sick. “What a delightful spread.” But her tone was quite unconvincing.

Kiaren gins down at her, quite elated at her response. "WOW! that is crazy! ive only had that rat for a couple of weeks!." He vaults over the railing and grips it witch his claws, grinding and sliding his way back to ground level. "Well arent you going to eat it? i brought it just for you." If she were to look closely, a very slight mischeivous smirk appears at the corner of his mouth. If he hadnt known how disgusting the rat was before, this detail would suggests that his new motives may not be as benevolent as they were upon first presentation.

Sabrina frowns at him. “Weeks? You have only known me for five minutes.” In perfect silence she moves to the storage closet under the stairs and procures a mop and bucket. She wheels it over to him and shoves it against his form. “No more dead rats. Clean it or wear it.” And she didn’t appear to be joking. She really did intend to wipe the floor with him if he didn’t abide. “Before you go to bed, you WILL go up those stairs and buff out the scratches you made on my banister.” She seemed authorative, and in leaning in she sounded quite a bit meaner. “And gods help you if it isn’t done by the time the sun rises.” She had extended a finger towards his whiskers, threateningly.

Kiaren frowns, resting a paw on the mop handle. He looks back at the rat and sighs. "well it was worth a shot. Ill bring you a bird tomorrow." He paces slowly towards the splattered mess dejectedly. and splats the mop right into the middle of it. He begins swishing the mop left to right, the rats entrails smearing over the floor. Upon realizing that rubbing the bloody mess around is not improving the situation, he begins dragging the bloody rotten mess towards the door using the head of the mop, leaving a trail of decomposing rat bits on his way back to the entrance. Upon reaching the doorway, he raises the mop from the ground with both paws, and swats the remainder of it through the doorway like a hockey puck, further splattering the mess over the entryway. He turns to grin back at her, waiting for her approval.

Sabrina is surprisingly not standing there just looking at him in dismay by the time he turns around. Instead she is headed straight for him, gloves being shed in the process as stomping feet clear the distance. Both hands reach up towards his scruff, either he would evade and find himself outside the premises with mop in hand, or he would find himself skidding face-first as he is flung to slide the duration of the bloody trail. For a small lass, she was not without some understanding of physics and trajectory, and the mathematical precision involved in tossing an object that might very well outweigh one’s self.

Kiaren is relatively short and light, having only eaten what he could catch for most of his life. He finds himself quite caught off guard as Sabrinas hand grip his fur. A quick cry of surprise escapes between his lips as he is vaulted through the air and down along the trail of blood. He manages to get his feet beneath him before he lands, but cannot seem to get a grip on the smooth tile floor. He glides, lubricated with the drippings from the rat into the far wall, crashing into it with a yowl. He curls back into the corner, stained red with his tail tucked beneath him. "Now what! why are you being mean? I did what i was told!" He points a claw at the door to exaggerate his point that the corpse was gone.

Sabrina had snatched up his mop while he went skating across the cold marble, the dripping mess was then wielded like a weapon and she comes charging after him. If there was one thing the Elfess was adamantly known for it was her adhesion to cleanliness. She lets out a sort of war-cry, comical at best if the situation weren’t so dire. From the sidelines, out of nowhere, a tall halfbreed whisks across her path, spinning her as if to dance, and gracefully yanking the mop from her white knuckled grip in a manner that left her huffy with a deep rage hue forming in her cheeks. Finn had watched a portion of the escapade unfold from the outside looking in. Sabrina stares up at him, slowly learning that her temper had gotten vastly out of hand. Her posture corrects, a pale hand resting atop her belly as she tries to regain some composure. “I shall tidy up this mess, meantime the young master will take to the baths and ready for bed?” She nods, swallowing hard before soft elvish words are directed to him. “Indeed, Mr. Fennigan. Thank you.” Kiaren was not the first stray they had taken in, but the poor soul would be the first to endure sharing a roof with the Master Healer. One feat that others had the opportunity to suffer through.

Kiaren raise back into the corner, ever hair on his body standing on end as a deep hiss burst from his mouth as he saw the crazed woman charging his direction with the mop. As she is brought back to her senses he slowly uncurls, gingerly placing a paw in front f himself as if to step forward. He stops short, watching her closely, and hoping to avoid any other "unreasonable" outbursts. He winces slightly and raises himself back up on two legs. His impact with the wall may bruise a bit, but nothing worse than he had experienced in his travels. His eyes dart back and forth between the halfbreed and the crazy woman. "W-wait.....did you say bath?" he backs into the corner again, obviously not excited about the idea. " Is that another....umm requirement? Sabrina does not respond to the kitten, other than scanning the area for a book she had when entering here. Finn looks down at Kiaren with a kind smile. “I could leave you alone with her, if you prefer. But we do not allow rancid individuals to reside within the walls. It isn’t good for the other patients.” As if to mark his point a healthy chunk of innards slops on the floor at Kiaren’s feet. Finn arches a brow, to indicate his point needs no further proving. “Or you can sleep outside and eat your scraps with the rest of the feral lot.” So he was a bit prickish, but that smile was almost endearing.

Kiaren nods and concedes the point. "yes, yes ill follow you....." h begins to follow the kind man and then turns back to Sabrina. "Sorry for the mess... i umm... i found this thing you might like once." He dips his hand into a pouch barely large enough to hold loose change and pulls out a marble sized rock. A perfect orb, as smooth as the floors beneath their feet. The little ball upon close inspection has a very faint cerulean glow. Swirls of what almost appears to be glitter waft around inside like fog cascading over a still lake. "I think its special or something. the bearded guy talked a lot about how "strong" it was....it looks pretty though."

Sabrina can’t help as he shoves his hand in his pocket once more, but to flinch. Who knew what filth that youngling stored in there, a severed finger? A severed… something else? She squints her eyes at him only to rest them on the swirling orb. “Where did you get that?” As Kiaren twists it to watch it glow there is a sound of a door opening at the end of the hall at the top of the twisted staircase. Maybe he didn’t hear it. Either way both Sabrina and Finn reach for it at the same time and the trinket bounces once and rolls to rest between the feline’s feet. Sabrina goes to grab it once more and Finn places his hand on her shoulder. “Ara has spoken.” And she knew the rules as well as anybody, this was, afterall -her- home. If Kiaren bent to pick up the orb once more he would realize that it was the key to the Master room. Sabrina leans in, poking that single finger in his face. “Don’t touch my stuff.”

Kiaren blinks twice and steps back from the little ball as everyone seems to want it. " I told you i found it. it looked pretty so i figured id carry it around a bit...its yours?" he seems genuinely confused at this notion. it was of course in HIS pocket. His eyes brighten again "of course its yours! i gave it to you as a present. Do you like it?" Sabrina is trying to figure a way to keep the trinket, but she knew better than to argue with the entity known as the House of Ara. This was the first awakening since its rebuild and she would not interfere. Finn picks up the orb and hands it back to the feline. “It’s not really up to us.” As if she expected him to follow, Sabrina makes her way up the stairs and beyond.