RP:An Update on the Cateran Empire

From HollowWiki

Shalamar looking for a rock to sit down on to rest after she recieved a letter to figure out what all was needed to go in the reply.

Slit said to Shalamar, "what is it that you need dear"

Shalamar looking at him ever so sweetly as she seems to be doing with everyone. "I have recieved a letter from our archivist wanting a full report oin everything that is planned to happen and going on. Not to mention I want to update myself on our numbers how they are growing, who we have new, what all is going on, and everything of the sorts. Being the herald these information updates help me to bring people to our cause my dear."

Slit said to Shalamar, "very well I met with King Eboric today and the meeting did not go very well it seems that he is bent on being a Warmonger"

Shalamar, nodding. "I see what was the meeting about and where are we at with him now for sure." Slit said to Shalamar, "I attempted to forge a peaceful relationship between our two peoples and he flat out rejected and threatened that should any Cateran set foot in Venturil again he would have them hanged"

Shalamar shaking her head. "Why did he refuse what were his reason?"

Slit said to Shalamar, "he gave no proper reason he is a simple brute lacking much in the way of diplomacy"

Slit said to Shalamar, "I sent a letter to Thea the Queen of the Enchanted Lands and she outright refused to acknowledge the Cateran people even existed"

Shalamar said to Slit, "I hear that we are trying to build in the desert. Which city are we trying to rebuild again. And what are the plans you have in store for us all."

Slit said to Shalamar, "The Great Oases Bazaar"

Shalamar said, "What do we have going for rebuilding it?"

Slit said to Shalamar, "we have supplies and laborers from the Hollow Trading Company"

Shalamar said, "Also what are your plans and all my dear. I want to make sure everything is going down properly and that way i can get it out to everyone what is going on."

Slit said to Shalamar, "I seek to make peace with the rulers of the land and bring stability to my people so that we may have the harmony we seek"

Shalamar shaking her head. "I can not believe that Thea a queen no less did not even acknowledge that the cateran people even used to exist."

Slit said to Shalamar, "it may have something to do with the fact I buchtered her ancestors" Shalamar, looking at him. "And why did you do that?"

Slit said to Shalamar, "that was centuries ago when I first forged my Empire, the pixies resisted my rule so I had no choice but to put them down"

Shalamar looking at him thoughfully. "Did they enjoy it afterwards. and love the peace." Slit said to Shalamar, "oh they enjoyed my rule for many years until Alexander began his Rebellion against me"

Shalamar said, "What are the plans you have for the future besides rebuilding the city in the desert and all the progress with how they are coming. And the progress of the city in the desert how is that coming along?"

Slit said, "making plans too far in the future will cause you to become lost dear, at the rate things are going I will not know what is happening next week let alone a month from now" Shalamar, nodding "Yes i know how it is. So what is the progress on everything that we have going on right now?"

Slit said, "things are fine for the moment construction is good and recruitment is high" Shalamar nodding. "So tell me more about how far we are into the construction and also the meetings with both of them go."

Slit said to Shalamar, "construction doesnt happen over night dear It will be months before the foundations are properly laid for further development"

Shalamar nodding as she knew that. "Yes, I know my dear but how are the foundations coming?" Slit said, "they are being built construction hasnt been happening for long you do know" Shalamar, nodding "As long as we dont have any set back then we shall do fine when do you expect the foundations to be laid to further building."

Slit said to Shalamar, "perhaps in a month we can begin raises up some buildings" Shalamar nodding. "Thats good. How are our numbers going?"

Slit said to Shalamar, "as Herald you should know more than me about such things" Shalamar nodding. "Yes but so much has been going on and we are going so fast and some of these recruits we have i have not met yet. I am working on getting around to everyone. Trying to resolve fears and all that."

Slit said to Shalamar, "I have not met them so I have no knowledge of them talk to the others and see what they know"

Shalamar said, "I am working my way around to meeting them all myself."