RP:An Unpleasant Diagnosis

From HollowWiki

Summary: Pilar and Celaeno meet so the healer can determine the half-elf’s condition.

Mage Tower

This room is huge, and the entire place is covered in blue and white marble, with many torches and eight pillars reaching up to the ceiling to reinforce the room above, and keep the tower standing. The columns are covered in mystical runes, probably magic to keep the pillars strong, making them able to withstand pressure that normally wouldn't be possible. In the center of the room, there is a spiraling staircase made of glass, and also inscribed with the same type of runes as the pillars, leading to the higher levels of this magical tower. Next to the stairs there is a small desk here with a sign on it. At the top the sign reads... directions for all new mages. There is a door to the south, and you now notice that it too, is covered in the strength giving runes, that leads outside and a door to the west leading to the dormitory, a place for young mages to rest after their studies here. Celaeno had basically lived at the mage tower since being introduced to the dormitories and so when her and Pilar had arranged to meet there about what may or may not be a condition of hers, she had no trouble finding the place when she returned to it from her daily errands and studies. From there, she waited in the main hall, pacing with both her gauntlets tucked in her robe sleeves where they were most comfortable. All the while, her mind roiled, her brow furrowed as an argument built up between her and the spectral voice that had emerged in her mind since performing that ritual Pilar had seen the end of. The seashell would not be anywhere visible, though, that piece of dark energy tucked where no one else would see it. It was that, pacing with a sour face, that anyone walking up to her would see, including Pilar when she arrived.

Pilar 's mentor couldn't be there for the examination himself, but he had gone over the process with Pilar, and so she thought she could manage it. She arrived at the tower at the designated time, took one look at Celaeno's face, and sighed softly. She couldn't imagine how she must have been feeling. “Hey,” she said as she approached the necromancer. “How are you feeling?”

Celaeno's condition didn't seem quite dire, but her eyes were somewhat sunken as if she were not sleeping and her cheeks a bit more defined than usual. Perhaps the ritual had taken more of a toll than she had first thought? Pilar's approach snapped her out of the little war raging in her mind and she filled the distance between them, meeting the other mage in the middle of the main room. She bit her lip, taking a deep breath. "Apprehensive, to say the least. I've kept busy, but I doesn't seem to have helped too much. I take it your talk with your mentor went well?"

Pilar nodded. “Yes. He's sorry he couldn't make it himself. Now, if you're ready, we can start. We should probably go to the dorms. I'd like you to lie down for this, and I think privacy would be a big help, for both of us. Does that work for you?”

Celaeno's mouth presses into a tight line and all she can do is nod her agreement, all the while dark possibilities play out in her mind as they had been (certainly not helped by that new voice). She gestures toward the dorms nearby. "My pack is there by my usual cot. People haven't tried to steal it just yet, but that would be a fine place. It's close to one of the corners."


How bland, you think to yourself as you take in your surroundings. All around you are small cots, with cheap blankets and white sheets. They are all well cleaned though, and the cots look comfortable despite their size. At the base of each cot is a small trunk for each person to store their things in, and at the side of the bed is a small table with a candle and some individual items for each person. There are many windows, all with thin blue curtains that blow gently in the breeze through open windows. All this makes it seem as if they don't spend very much time in here. To the east is a door leading to the mage tower, and to the south is a small door heading towards the library."

Pilar allowed Celaeno to lead the way to the dorms. When they got there, she had Celaeno lie down and pulled a chair up to the bedside. “Okay. I'm going to use my magic to search for any abnormalities. It should feel like a tingling sensation, but if at any point you feel strange, or something hurts, let me know immediately.” Pilar placed one hand on Celaeno's forehead and another on her stomach, and the magic began to flow through Celaeno's body.

Celaeno walked to her cot in the corner, where her pack full of books, pots, and a kettle (among other things) was tucked in a corner by a cot with a fraying blanket folded up on the head of it. She sat on the edge and lowered her head to rest on the folded up blanket, a makeshift pillow. As Pilar explains her process, she can't help but watch as the vampire sets her hand on her. The one on her forehead felt cold...was it because of Pilar having come in fron the chill or the nervous sweat breaking out? The half-elf gulps as she watches Pilar's face for any reaction and waits. The tingling did follow as Pilar's magic started to make its way through her. It would swirl around her chest and pick up the chunk of dark energy gathered there around the sigils binding another's spirit in place, among other mysterious purposes, none immediately harmful though. Her head would have a psionic taint, from the recent connection established to the spirit within her chest. It as when it wrapped around her lungs that she winced, then her stomach a she grunts. Pilar would sense what seemed like a faint necrotic taint winding through there.

Pilar was probably cold from being dead. No worries, Cel! Pilar's brows furrowed as she found the dark magic in her chest, sensing the presence of another. Celaeno had told her about that, however, so it didn't register as strange. However... “There's open lesions in your stomach and lungs, along with a build-up of dark magic in those same areas. Probably not a coincidence. Likely placed there when that spirit was bound to you. Either someone was particularly malicious, or just not good at soul magic.” She continued her examination, looking for any other problems.

Celaeno's eyes widened at the furrowing of Pilar's brows, then her eyes narrow, past Pilar toward the cieling as she frowns. "It could be either, honestly... It's the work of my old mentor. He's what initially inspired me to start learning the dark arts, back before sealed the spirit inside me and took my hands. I would hope it was sloppiness rather than ill will that inflicted those, but...I've been wrong about him plenty of times before." There was a twinge of anger, and perhaps sadness thickening her voice as her hollow, silver fingers clench at her sides. Of course when the magic came to her wrists, it would detect the faint aura of the runic enchantments that make her gauntlets move, among other things. The psychic connection pulsed, as did the odd dark aura around her chest. The taint around her organs seemed only flared somewhat as Pilar's spell brushed over it, agitating the lacerations as it did so. Perhaps strong magic had an odd triggering effect on the wounds? Aside from that, Pilar's search would draw up nothing more.

Pilar finished her examination and looked to Celaeno sympathetically, gripping her hand. Pilar had a silver prosthetic of her own, her right leg. “I'm sorry, Celaeno. You don't deserve this. But, now that we know what the problem is, we can fix it. I can heal those lesions, but they'll probably come back unless we can get that magic out. And it's... I don't know how to say it. It's... a part of you, almost. Still an invader, like an illness, but not separate enough. It's... woven into your being. I can't just pull it out, I'm not skilled enough. What I CAN do is make some potions for you to take daily, that should control the lesions, until we can find a permanent solution.”

Celaeno's eyes widened at the furrowing of Pilar's brows, then her eyes narrow, past Pilar toward the cieling as she frowns. "It could be either, honestly... It's the work of my old mentor. He's what initially inspired me to start learning the dark arts, back before sealed the spirit inside me and took my hands. I would hope it was sloppiness rather than ill will that inflicted those, but...I've been wrong about him plenty of times before." There was a twinge of anger, and perhaps sadness thickening her voice as her hollow, silver fingers clench at her sides. Of course when the magic came to her wrists, it would detect the faint aura of the runic enchantments that make her gauntlets move, among other things. The psychic connection pulsed, as did the odd dark aura around her chest. The taint around her organs seemed only flared somewhat as Pilar's spell brushed over it, agitating the lacerations as it did so. Perhaps strong magic had an odd triggering effect on the wounds? Aside from that, Pilar's search would draw up nothing more.

Pilar finished her examination and looked to Celaeno sympathetically, gripping her hand. Pilar had a silver prosthetic of her own, her right leg. “I'm sorry, Celaeno. You don't deserve this. But, now that we know what the problem is, we can fix it. I can heal those lesions, but they'll probably come back unless we can get that magic out. And it's... I don't know how to say it. It's... a part of you, almost. Still an invader, like an illness, but not separate enough. It's... woven into your being. I can't just pull it out, I'm not skilled enough. What I CAN do is make some potions for you to take daily, that should control the lesions, until we can find a permanent solution.”

Celaeno closed her eyes and took a deep breath, ears still pricked to Pilar's reassurance and plan for combatting the issue. She nods along as she props herself up on her shoulders. The faint pressure of Pilar's hand was noted and she squeezes back, opening her eyes and offering a small smile of thanks. "I would like that...will need that even if I'm to advance. I can't afford to stay stagnant in my skills, I have to progress. I have people to protect now...I can't let them down."

Pilar smiled softly. “I admire your spirit. Now, let me heal the lesions you have, so that the potions will hopefully prevent them coming back. It'll be easier than relying on potions to heal them while that magic is still causing them. Once I make the first batch, I'll give you the recipe, so you can try your hand at making them yourself. Or, finding someone else to make them if I can't for some reason. Hold still.” Pilar placed her hand on Celaeno's stomach and closed her eyes, concentrating hard. Magic flowed into Celaeno's body again, this time taking a more active approach. The lesions in her stomach lining closed, followed by the ones in her lungs. It took several minutes, and by the time she was done, Pilar was worn out. Internal injuries were always harder to heal than surface ones, having to rely on magic to sense things, rather than her... well, senses.

Celaeno sighs, a puff of air making some of the stray hairs that escaped her tight braid jump up. "I appreciate the compliment. Now if only my ability matched up to it." She kept herself propped up on her elbows as she watched Pilar worked, studied the odd sensations that made her squirm some as the magic coursed between her organs from her abdomen. All the same, she does as instructed, her fingers only flexing and nose crinkling every so often when it felt especially odd through her chest. All that talk of potions did have a cold sweat breaking out across her face, making her head a little light, but she manages to keep herself balanced and composed, at least until Pilar's power faded and she takes another cleansing breath. It did feel better and the faint stinging she'd gotten so used to since leaving her homeland didn't present itself. She sits upright and reaches for her pack, and that tea kettle. "Here, let me brew you a cup of tea. I need to repay you somehow. All I need is an easy fire trick I use at work, nothing exhaustive like you did.”