RP:An Ooey Gooey Assassin

From HollowWiki

Summary: Iblis is attacked by a chaos creature, and Pilar performs some new spells to save her!

Pilar's House, Chartsend

Iblis attracted attention, wherever she went. There were devastated families left in her wake, bounties on her head to be collected, and older enemies with various agenda's tailing her. Of those enemies, the worst by far were those that originated in the Chaos Realm... there were powerful creatures, of keen intellect and great ambition in that realm. One of them sent an assassin after her, though she knew nothing of it, giving it a very good chance of success. Iblis spent her day playing with the animals, and having some chaos imps dig a hole in the backyard for her, tunneling down, slowly, so that she could eventually make it into a lair, filled with sticky webbing, and, after some time... probably bones. She didn't hunt in Chartsend as of yet, but she was fortunate to have Pilar and Daermon to look out for her... and the ability to range further for her meals. It was just a strange shadow, that shouldn't be there, at first. A creature that stalked her without a third dimension, cast like a shadow, but without light to cast it. It crept slowly through the house, as it dogged her footsteps while she was at play, and when it struck, it was fast, and brutal. It rose like darkness its self, wrapping in a bubble around her head, and suffocating her. Iblis tried to cry out, and it filled her mouth. She thrashed and kicked, scattering the animals wide, too panicked to even try to use her magic to defend herself.

Pilar was her room tidying up when she heard Medli barking frantically. She dropped what she was doing and hurried to the living room, where she saw some... thing attacking Iblis. "Ibbles!" she cried. What to do, what to do?! She cast an illusion of fire, just close enough to burn the creature without hurting Ibbles. She hoped.

Iblis was choking, and thrashed wildly, but her hands were incapable of pulling off the thing. She clawed at her face, but it was like trying to remove a viscous goo... that reformed and plugged her nostrils and mouth every time she attempted to strip it from her. The illusion of fire didn't phase it at all. However... it gave that same aura Iblis did, that aura of wrongness, of chaos. The black bunny watched from the corner of the room, and there was a clatter from next to it. Iblis' staff of Exquisite Chaos had been propped up against the wall, but apparently tipped over and fell due to the drowess's struggles.

Pilar was starting to panic. If her illusions didn't work...! She ran to Iblis, and tried to pull the thing free, but it ran through her fingers. Her mind raced. She needed a spell, but what could stop the creature without harming Iblis? Perhaps... freezing it? She had never tried a non-illusory spell before. She had read up on them but had been too nervous to practice. Illusions at least kept collateral damage to a minimum. But Iblis was going to die if she didn't act! Taking a deep breath, she concentrated her magic into her hands and unleashed a burst of cold, coating the goo with frost and, hopefully, solidifying it enough to free Iblis.

Iblis was fortunate... Pilar had thought quickly. The cold worked... the creature screamed in agony as it solidified, and began cracking, and Pilar was able to pull it free. Iblis had stopped struggling, but drew a frantic gasp of air when it was removed, head lolling and looking pale. Not just pale... strangely so. Her skin seemed to be leeched of color, and her breath came raggedly, even more so than ones who was just suffocating. Her limbs twitched, and her eyes took a strange, yellowish cast around the pink pupils. Pilar threw the creature aside and knelt by Iblis. "Ibbles! Ibbles, say something! What's wrong?" She had never seen anything like this. Had Iblis been poisoned? Pilar rested her hands on Iblis's face, cupping her cheeks. "Ibbles..." She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Her magic had pulled through once. Hopefully it could do it again. She concentrated, trying to remember the spell as she'd read it. Reach out with you magic... Pilar's mana stretched into Iblis's body like invisible tendrils, searching for something wrong.

Iblis had indeed been poisoned. The chaos creature employed an on contact toxin that Pilar's undead anatomy was immune to, no matter that it was of chaotic origin. The toxin was rapid in its progression, like a poison, created for the purpose of killing very powerful creatures, very quickly. It targeted everything, randomly, it seemed... it was attacking her immune system, shutting down her nervous system, churning up her digestive tract and rapidly elevating her blood pressure. It was probably doing more, and might result in her dying in a dozen or more different ways. But it could be cured... provided one was fast enough, and powerful or skilled enough.

Pilar started to tear up. She could feel everything going wrong, but she didn't know how to stop it. She didn't have an antidote for such a thing, and she didn't know any spells to cure poison. But maybe... Maybe she could extract it? It was a gamble, and she didn't know if she had the power to do it. Concentrating hard, she tried to focus on the poison. She moved her hands to Iblis's stomach, where she willed the poison to gather. If it did as she wanted, she would then pull it up and out through Iblis's throat and mouth. It would be unpleasant, but it was better than dying.

Iblis was still breathing, for now. The poison was strong... but it couldn't resist being so manipulated. The poison was pulled from its tasks, all around her body, and forced to gather in her stomach, where it eroded the lining, for a short time. Then, it was forced up and out, Iblis' stomach heaving as she puked up the vile toxin, along with the contents of her stomach. Oddly, there was something in the puke, something strange... a green crystal that exuded chaos power. It was the consolidated poison, formed into a crystal of extraordinary rarity and power. An assassin would likely pay handsomely for such a prize, as this chaos toxin.

Pilar cringed as Iblis vomited all over her, but held the girl all the same. She looked at the crystal, then at Iblis. Gently setting the drow back down, she fetched a jar and scooped the item up. She would bring it to the Mage's Guild later for further study... or containment.

Iblis did not feel well... but she was still alive, thanks to Pilar. She hugged her, eyes tear soaked and shivering, and didn't seem inclined to ever let go. Pilar's magic was amazing! Iblis would not soon forget her abilities. She'd summoned ice, and pulled toxins from the body... simply amazing. Things Iblis certainly couldn't do. Of what use would her tentacles have been, or her pets? She'd have died without Pilar, and she'd never forget that.

Pilar held Iblis and kissed her clammy forehead. "I think you deserve a nice warm bath," she said, lifting the drow into her arms. She set the jar, sealed tight, on the kitchen counter and headed to the master bath. "Sound good?"

Iblis blushed, then stuck out her tongue at Pilar. Welp, she was well enough to be childish about getting a bath. Still, she didn't struggle when Pilar carried her, and she wouldn't fight it. She obeyed Pilar, whether she liked it or not. Besides, she had already arranged her rubber ducky collection in the bathroom. There were a lot... and some of them had real, moving tentacles!

This RP is followed up by Sorceress's Stone.