RP:Aftermath of Muffins and Madness

From HollowWiki

The epilogue to the saga "Of Muffins and Madness".

The RP

Taikahn looked around and realized--they'd done it. They'd actually stopped the muffins here. Or at least delayed them. But it was still a victory, and that was important. He laughed with relief and danced a little. "Cornelius, I assure you, after what you and Angelo and our friend the cake and I have done today, I will personally escort us to the restaurant which I know for a fact serves the finest quiche in all the places I've been." He laughed again and winked at Angelo. "And I promise--this time we get to eat it without it trying to kill us first."

Angelo lowered the cannon, trudging his way over to Taikahn and panting. "Let's...not do that again. Please."

Cornelius stops and takes stock of the situation: armour as chocolate-smeared as a child's face, sword likewise, frying pan the same but punctured and useless (save as a holy icon in the eyes of the Savoury Um-army), gasmask halfway up the hill and also chocolate coated. It was, the dessertified dandy considered, safe to assume everything was chocolate-coated these days. As he trudges towards the last known location of his gasmask, sword resting on shoulder and frying pan hanging in his left hand, he comments to Taikahn "Agreed. On the matter of a quiche dinner, we have an accord." He nods to the Lycan "Nice accuracy with the artifact, Angelo. Impressive shooting". In hindsight, Cornelius decided, insanity wasn't all that bad. It was proving a rather sweet experience all in all.

Taikahn nodded--he wasn't so much chocolate-covered as apple-pie-filling-stuff covered, though, he'd be cleaning his armor for at least a week and a half--and gave Angelo something of a salute before turning and digging through muffin remains for where he'd dropped Red, listening for its telltale shriek. "Very impressive shooting."

The cake, now only about the size of the average apple muffin again, crawled over towards them on its spider-legs, bouncing a little. "You were all awful," it said, although its bass, syrupy voice definitely contained a tone of gratitude. "I could have done all this on my own. Thanks. Where are you going?"

Angelo followed behind Taikahn, preferring to keep moving; he was pleased his shooting had been alright...seems all that crossbow practice hadn't gone to waste. Upon the voiced question of the cake (which caught him just a little bit off guard), he shrugged. "I'm with them."

Cornelius, having found and retrieved his gasmask, comments with a droll kind of dignity to the cake's query as he returns "I rather like to imagine, Monsieur Cake, that we are going somewhere - anywhere - where there are hot baths. I'm going to smell like dessert for a week otherwise"

As the breathless, endless scream of Red became suddenly audible, though faint, Taikahn paused in his digging and looked up and over to Cornelius. "Baths first and then quiche, then?" he asked, head tilted to one side. "That... would actually be prudent, yes." Then he returned to digging, swiftly pulling his blade out and resheathing it, silencing it.

The cake crawled closer to Cornelius and seemed to look him over. "You don't smell very tasty," it said, before bathing him in a cone of light-sucking gravity that left him in place but began to suck the chocolate away. The sweet stuff would fly towards the cake, hit it, and get absorbed. "Mmmmm."

Angelo raised an eyebrow at what he could only assume was shenanigans on the part of the cake; until he saw the chocolate coming off of Cornelius. Oh gods, that would save time. Wordlessely he moved towards the two, leaning on the cannon with a grin. "Me next?"

Cornelius grimaces at the cake "You try bathing in blackberry muffin then come out smelling like fine cuisine." The dandy sniffs haughtily "Besides, you're one to talk. You make for a better dry-cleaner than a gateaux"

Taikahn just watched and waited for the cake to finish cleaning them up, tilting his head and pondering--the cake hadn't said anything positive yet, despite the tones it was using. How peculiar. He waited on its response before speaking.

"Maybe," was the cake's response to Angelo, during the beginning of Cornelius' first sentence, and then after Cornelius finished talking the cake pried off the last bit of sweet stuff it could get from him, then shot his beam at Angelo and began dragging in what coating he had on him. For whatever reason Cornelius' statements went ignored.

Having only one word to go on, Taik couldn't say anything to this and just continued remaining silent.

Angelo chuckled, bowing low to the cake (quite possibly to get some of the muffin lodged in his hair,) and then straightened himself with a grin. "Thank you, messere cake, for your assistance...I'd rather avoid all this 'bath' nonsense for now."

Cornelius gives Angelo a look filled with disapproval "Baths, my dear fellow, are the habit of a gentleman. Lack of baths render one with the scent of an unwashed peasant." Ignoring the cake now, the armoured dandy turns to Taikahn "Well, lead on my good man. Any direction which leads me away from an unjust dessert"

Taikahn nodded and stepped into the gathering fully intending to take them all out to dinner, then realized that he was still covered in muffin goo. "Hey, while we're here, d'you mind washing this apple off of me?"

The cake gave an impression of looking Taikahn over and then shuddered and pulled back. "Now -that- looks tasty," it grumbled, blasting a bit of the mess off of Taikahn and hurling it away.

The prek looked disappointed that he'd not been cleaned up as much as the others, but shrugged. "Alright then, hopefully the portal will be able to tell that this mess is alien, potentially hazardous material and incinerate it along the way." Without leaving time for a "wait, what? Incineration?" Taik triggered the portal and all four of them--cake included--went to a very nice restaurant that served quiche.

RP:Of Muffins and Madness, part III