RP:A wagon ride through Hollow - Part II

From HollowWiki


This is part of the A Not So Jolly Hollow Holiday Vacation story arc.

After what had been far too eventful a night for anybody's liking, it was time to continue their journey.

Mahri and Cornelius are now accompanied by Shishi and his two children.

Departing Xalious - keeping the children entertained

Mahri gets the wagon and occupants moving, maneuvering it with skills she hasn't had to use in..well..a long time. The ride isn't all that smooth, but then the wagon could use some shocks too. However, the important part is they are on the way!

Cornelius, were he asked, would state that the important part is ensuring a smooth ride. Cornelius is not asked, however, and so keeps such wisdom to himself. Instead he asks "So. Frostmaw. Nice flat road from here to there, hmm?"

Mahri has half a mind to steer towards every single pothole she sees just from that statement alone. "For the most part." Except for the lurch when the team lunges forward, the ride north will be as smooth as the lycan can manage.

Cornelius begins discussing at length the different ways one can starch a cravat. By the time half an hour has passed he is almost ready to move into the riveting topic of cufflinks.

Mahri, at some point, tunes out Cornelius. And the few times she comes to the present it's because one of the Colors sitting in the back with their sprawling father taps her shoulder to ask the age old, "Are we there yet?" To which the wolf replies in a low tone, "We'll be there when we get there. Wanna walk? Gotta use a bush or somethin'?"

Cornelius has finished his discourse on cufflinks, moved through the different types of pleating, and has started to elucidate on the benefits of a good tailor when he notices Mahri has successfully tuned him out. Well well, an impressive effort. The sailor hadn't managed that. So he continues blathering until the next pothole, at which point he blithely states "Pothole, M'dear", before turning to the children with a smile "Want to see a trick?"

Mahri smiles, saccharine sweet, and turns slowly to Cornelius. Purposely not watching where she's going even though it's straight for the pothole, "Is that so?"

Cornelius grins like a cheshire cat and, instead of responding, waits for the moment the wagon bounces - at which point several coins are suddenly spinning through the air, their trajectory making it appear for the children as if the pothole had caused them to bounce out of Mahri's head. Cornelius arches both eyebrows in mock-surprise "Oh my! What is this!" His hand moves in a swift and sure arc, collecting all six gold coins while he grins at the children "I do believe they are pieces of six! Why, Mahri must be a pirate!" He closes his hand on the coins, opening it again to reveal but two left "Oh dear, not the real deal, I'm afraid. Maybe she's part leprachaun." He tosses the two coins to his other hand, where they start to dance back and forth across his knuckles. "Maybe, children, you can help me find the other four coins? Leprachauns are known for hiding coins!" He lets the two coins slip into his hand as he passes one to each of the children. "Where on the wagon do you think she has hidden the other four?"

The appropriate sounds of awe accompany the trick but Mahri's not exactly paying attention. A short laugh, more like a chuckle, might be heard from Shishi while Arius and Leralynn start the search for four missing pieces of six. They aren't too careful about keeping their whispers to themselves, "Did you hear that!? Miss Mahri's a leprachaun!" "Sssh, she might hear you. And if she does she'll take back the gold pieces." Scrambling over crates, sacks and under canvas covering, the twins occupy themselves with searching for treasure. Mahri glares at Cornelius before turning back to the road and muttering, "I hope that killed your ribs."

Cornelius murmurs "I'm made of sterner stuff, M'dear" before calling back to the children "I think I've found one!" He then swiftly reaches around to the other side of Mahri to pluck a coin from behind her ear "What have we here? A new form of ear-ring? Ostentatious!" He is careful to quickly retract his arm, but pauses briefly to duplicate the trick with the other, closer ear. With two coins in hand he chuckles "And they say silence is golden!"

Mahri smirks, "I'll have to try harder next time then, eh?" Yellow and Orange make childish sounds of delight as they scramble towards the bench to look into Cornelius' hand oohing and awwwing. Getting into the game, Mahri quips, "I may have hidden the last two on Cornelius. He needs a thorough but gentle searching me thinks." Along comes another hole in the ground, this one carefully steared around. That last one hadn't been too much of a joy for the lycan either. The jostling probably isn't good for her.

Cornelius gives Mahri the narrowed-eyes-with-smile 'Well played, sir' look as he is subjected to the pawing of children. Not a wince passes his face, if only because he is not wearing his waistcoat. This entire affair could have been a tragedy but for that fortunate fact. As it is, he is quick to recover. "Gracious me! She -is- a tricksy pirate leprachaun, isn't she? I do believe I have seen through her ruse, though!" He tickles both children until they retreat back into the rear of the wagon and then states with a smile "She hid them... on you!" He then holds up the last two coins "I found these while tickling you! Now, it's only fair you go tickle her in return, wot?"

Mahri gives a cheeky grin to Cornelius before saying to the duo, "Tickle me and I won't hide anymore gold for you to find." Completely satisfied then to compare notes about leprachauns and their gold, the two become convinced Mahri must have a whole cauldron of it hidden away somewhere. And that must be part of why they were going to Frostmaw.

Cornelius chuckles and lets Mahri drive in peace for a short while.

A few days later, closer to Frostmaw, the group rest at a strange castle of ice

Mahri is tired. The children are sleeping snuggled against Shishi. Only a few days ago the group was ribbing (no puns intended) each other and playing games but now Arius and Leralynn where tired of the long boring trip so far and had taken to complaining off and on about the lack of entertainment. For what felt like the hundred millionth time, Mahri grits her teeth and says, "We're almost there." Holding the reigns, as it seems she's become the official driver, in one hand, the heel of the other rubs gritty eyes.

Cornelius had used the travel time to let his ribs rest and heal. They were still sore, but not as badly as when they had first left Cenril. He glances across, noting the indication of possible fatigue "Need a break, Mahri? I can take over the reins if you need to rest."

Mahri glances over at her mutual antagonist almost trying to decide if he's being serious or not before the leather straps are thrust towards him. "You decide where we camp. 'Course, I think there's a castle of ice around here somewhere." There is and Shishi would remember it well. In fact, so does Mahri's jaw. And the whole left side of her face. How the hell did she get so many memories of so many places and were all of them violent in nature? Clearing her throat, she nods northwards,"Not for actually." Mention of a castle,ice or otherwise, perks the children's lagging spirits. "I wanna go to a castle!" "Yeah! I can pretend to be a princess and Yellow can be the evil knight who locks me in a tower!" "No way! I'm gonna be King of the Animals!"

Cornelius takes the reins with a chuckle, adjusting his cloak to better accomodate them. "I must say though, apropos of nothing, that I'm rather impressed with Andrei's handiwork. For all his faults, that horse food has been keeping these beasts in alright shape for the trip." The horses, perhaps offended at being called beasts, harrumph clouds of steam into the cold air. It was true, though: the dark violet colored mash Andrei had left them, with its rich oily smell, had indeed somehow kept the horses in comparatively fine fettle. Unfortunately, it was unlikely they would ever receive an explanation as to how it worked, nor would Cornelius be wrestling with Vrznak to obtain more of the base ingredients "So, which direction, my incomparable navigator? We've a Princess and a King to put in power"

Mahri clears her throat with a cough. Mostly to dislodge the laugh stuck there at the shenanigans of the blonde duo. "Yeah. He didn't do a bad job. Should send him a bloody bonus." Whether or not she really meant something bloody might be in question. "Due north, Cap'n." she respondes to the requested information and slumps in her seat, letting her eyes close. Arius and Leralynn take the opportunity to play their second favorite game so far...Look For Gold on Mahri.

Cornelius guides the horses and wagon slowly along the treacherous and icy road with all the care his single-minded concentration could offer until the ice castle Mahri had mentioned came into view. The building seemed illuminated, so hopefully Mahri knew the occupants. Cornelius was not particularly inclined to add trespassing to the list of woes he currently has attributed to this little jaunt. The chief woe, of course, being 'ruined clothing' followed shortly after by 'Jean-Pierre's wailing'.

Mahri will let Cornelius take care of the horses and the wagon while she leads Shishi and the Colors to the castle. For once, the children don't say a word but she and the Vampire exchange a glance or two. The last time they'd been here it hadn't turned out so well. "Don't worry," she says to the gawkers. "It's actually warm inside." Arius, the chattier of the two when it came to the wolf, looks over at Mahri. "Who lives here? Is it a monster? Does it eat kids? No, you wouldn't bring us here if that was the case. Did I see a Yeti? I thought I saw a Yeti and I think he said he was lonely. Can I go play with him later and how come we didn't see my juggling bear?" Mahri simply stares at the barage of questions being thrown her way and and blinks. "I..uh..no. No one lives here though I guess they might have. The Yeti probably wants to eat you and juggling bears are hibernating." At least she'd answered the questions. Looking over her shoulder, Mahri waves the other three in and back to Cornelius. "Need help with the beasts here?"

Cornelius smiles as he brushes down the horses. Afterwards he would fetch the horses' blankets and then arrange their food. Already, the wagon had a lot more space in it. "Oh, you already have, old bean. I see them heading inside now" He chuckles "Some tasks just cannot be rushed you know. What is this place?"

Mahri doesn't look at Shishi and the kids when they go inside the fortress. Instead, she watches Cornelius tend to the animals. There's much to admire about a man who takes care of his horse before himself. Not that Mahri's admiring or anything. "A long seemingly abandoned place of refuge. It looks cold but you know well 's I do looks ain't everything. And are more oft than not deceivin'." When he's done, the wolf will turn on her heel and lead the way into the hall. "There's plenty of room so we shouldn't need t' share a room again." In fact, the sounds of childish delight drifts down from the vacinity of rooms. "Must be some nice rooms," she chuckles when it quieted down. Probably due to Shishi's influence.

Cornelius finishes his tasks and chuckles at Mahri's first statement "Well, at least that means there wouldn't be any landlords complaining about damaged walls here, old bean" He rubs his hands clean on a horse's blanket and follows her inside. "Fire and Ice, eh? Someone had a sense of humour."

Mahri snorts with a shake of her head. It's as close to a laugh as she's about to get. "Yeah, imagine that." Nodding her head towards the stairs, Mahri takes them two at a time.

Cornelius trots up the staircase in leisurely fashion, admiring the architecture

Mahri glances briefly over her shoulder. Confident she won't slip, Mahri continues up.

Cornelius stops in the balcony at the top of the stairs "My my. Quite a view. Quite the view indeed." Before the ambiguity of his statement can be called into question he plunks himself down in the chair facing out over the balcony to the mountains below and remarks dryly "Methinks I've found my retirement home, Mahri M'dear. Marvellous place, if a bit off the beaten track."

Mahri doesn't bother with the chair. She goes directly to the railing of the balconey and leans on it, arms folded across the top, and stares out at the mountain below and beyond. A smirk draws one corner of her mouth upwards as she appreciates said view. "I don't see you ever retiring, Captain." Raising a gloved hand, the lycan tucks a strand of hair absently behind her ear.

Cornelius grins out into the sky "True. My end will likely arrive as suddenly as surprise and as swift as the last blink of my eyes. Wouldn't have it any other way, old bean." He pauses a moment, considering "You know Mahri M'dear, call me cautious if you will, but it may be an idea to keep the 'Captain' stuff to when I'm aboard the Wave Cleaver. Conversations with Jolly-girl, not to mention word on the docks, have me convinced that around the Rynvale and Cenril areas, our tattooed hellraiser Leo is pretty much 'The Captain'. It just wouldn't do to go prematurely provoking him into taking a swipe at me. Be rather counter-productive as a matter of fact, if I'm going to have any kind of business dealings with the chap." He steeples his hands before his chin, a thoughtful look on his face.

Mahri turns so her elbows rest against the rail and her ankles cross casually so she can give Cornelius a lofted brow sorta look. One that calls into question his sanity. "I can't help it. You are the captain of a very fine ship. But.." she tilts her head and narrows her eyes slightly, "I'll refrain from calling you 'captain' around Leo if that makes you feel better." Her tone might be just a touch this side of patronizing.

Cornelius chuckles "Feel better? Hardly old bean. This is all business pragmatism. It doesn't do to aggravate one's potential business partners at the wrong times. Such pussy-footing around is a deuced hassle, but it is one of the necessities of business. One does not go parading their hubris around in front of a notorious pirate, showing off their ship and newly acquired captain's title with a smug look - at least, not if one wants to keep ship, title, and physical self intact." He sighs "It took years for father to hammer that one home, but the old bastard was right, damn his bones."

Mahri might chuckle a bit there but it'd hardly be noticed since she ducks her head and hair that came loose from the braid she'd put it in falls forward to obscure her face from view. "Right," she coughs a bit then pushes away from the rail, "I can't remember exactly what way leads to the bedrooms here so..." she wanders to the west, passing Cornelius on the way.

Cornelius arches an eyebrow and bounces to his feet as she passes "Do lead the way, M'dear. I trust your superior tracking instincts shall lead us directly to them. Just try not to kill them once successfully hunted down, hmm?" He maintains a look of blithe innocence in case he is subjected once again to 'the look'. As they enter the west hallway, he casts an admiting eye over the large mirror "Oh I say, all the comforts of home, wot"

Mahri only glanced at the mirror. She wasn't one to linger upon her reflection such as it was, before glancing with a furrowed brow up and down the hall. "Yeah. You're gorgeous." It's absently said while her lip is caught between her teeth. Another look north and south and the wolf heads north. What the hell, right?

Cornelius lets a mischievous twinkle enter his eyes as he follows her "Why thank you, M'dear. I always thought it was just the waistcoat." He chuckles as he enters the room and notes "Well, you have found our prey, but methinks a single cot isn't going to accomodate the entire party comfortably."

Mahri snorts and stares at the single bed, "Plenty of rooms here, Cornelius." An emphasis will be put on the fact she didn't call him Captain. Nor did she make mention of the man's vanity. "You can stay here I guess." Not like it was her fortress of ice to give permission or anything. "I'll go find my own room then."

Cornelius grins wickedly "And is my name such a chore to pronounce? It is an extra two syllables, I know, but surely such is no hardship" He glances at the cot "Yes, methinks that will do nicely." He glances back to Mahri "Shall we help Shishi get the children settled in?"

Mahri looks at Cornelius with a bland sort of look. Rather than answer the question about his name, the lycan says, "I think he's got it. Unless you want to entertain them with tales of how Leprechaun Mahri hid gold around this place and have them searching for it in the morning."

Cornelius purses his lips "And have them rifling again through what was a neatly packed wagon? Methinks not." He straightens his sleeves fastidiously, and yawns "So, what next old bean? Sleep, then back on the old road?"

Mahri is suddenly short on words. Maybe it was the travel. Or something else entirely but she turns on her heel and marches out with a short, "Yes." She'll probably sleep wherever she finds room to do so.

Cornelius nods "I'll prepare some dinner, then take first watch." While Mahri finds a place to sleep, he heads back down to the wagon to pull out the basic essentials to ensure dinner can be prepared.

Mahri almost laughs. Almost. And not because Cornelius is going to cook but because he claimed first watch. She's a feeling she won't be taking the second.

Cornelius continues to busy himself after dinner, ensuring the wagon is neatly packed and all their equipment is secured. Once the children, Shishi and Mahri settle in for the night he takes up his watch. First he dons a cloak and hood made of a strange, shimmering material - Vailkrin shadowcloth, another heirloom. The shadows seem to wrap around him, his outline fades, blurs, and disappears when motionless in the dark of night. He begins strolling silently around the palace in apparently haphazard fashion, ears registering every sound which carries over the cold, still air. The main focus of his attention though, despite chaotic meanderings, is given to the area containing the wagon and the stairs to the upper levels where the children sleep.

The Night Watch - a game between Dandy and Ranger

Roelstra had stuck to the shadows as she trekked north to the ice palace, a place that she was actually very familiar with. Raven waves ruffled in the breeze with the dancing shadows, emerald greens sharp in their perusal. The blurred outlines of...something...that the vampiress ocassionally spots. A frown mars her pale brow, stopping dead in her tracks. Her bow is slowly pulled from around her torso and over her head, pulling an arrow from her quiver just in case. She kept her back to the nearest tree trunk, gently pointed ears perking to try and catch the direction of the sound.

Cornelius narrows his eyes. The advantage of boots enchanted to give off no sound is that one never mistakes another's footsteps for one's own. That was definitely a slight crunch of snow and... a whisper of feathers? But from where? The light breeze which had picked up was throwing off his ability to pinpoint location. Instead, he readies himself for the distinctive hiss which would indicate another attempt on his life, taking in his surrounds and committing the terrain to memory. Already his mind begins withdrawing into the cold, analytical place his Maestro's training had instilled so long ago. Physically though, it appears that his shadowy figure simply continues its haphazard wanderings in this particular area, like some kind of restless spirit.

Roelstra remains frozen against the old tree trunk. The arrow had been nocked to the bowstring, but the string remained immobile for the moment. The Head Ranger dares to shift her position just enough to peer an eyeball around the edge of the trunk, moving slowly enough that it'd be darned hard to pick up on her movements. Supple leather armor was kept well oiled to prevent the tell tale creaking and groaning. Not readily seeing the blurred moving outline, Roelstra ponders moving out onto the path and walking in plain sight. She does not know if this would bait a would-be attacker or a curious ranger of this region. She decides to wait a moment longer before making her next move.

Cornelius continues his haphazard wanderings, manipulating his cloak with a thespian's care - creating what an onlooker could call an almost spectral effect as a humanoid shadowy figure flickers in the faint light and shadows cast by the twin moons this evening. The sudden lack of sound has him concerned: a sure sign of an interloper. An animal would have kept on moving, normally in the general direction of 'away'. He does not draw his weapon yet, though. Has no need to. For now, theatrical illusion should be more than enough to draw out an indication of where the creature was located. He sets about to bring himself into a slightly more iluminated area where the cloak will not be as effective, deeply lowering his posture with hands still manipulating the cloak. He starts up a mummer's act, using the cloak now to create a short, shadowy figure that seems to undulate and wail - and with it he contorts his throat to let out a soft, low whispering expulsion of air, like a dying man's last breath.

Roelstra slowly pulls out a handful of pebbles she keeps on her at all times, shooting two off at a time in a north-easterly direction to try and make it sound like a four legged animal had darted off in that direction. She uses this distraction in an attempt to move closer to the palace and see if maybe she's spotting a sentry of some sort. She'd seen the cart, but wasn't interested in what may lay within it. " Ah, the hell with it. Why not spice up my night?", she asks herself as she steps out silently as possible onto the path, about one hundred feet from the wagon.

Cornelius pauses the moment the first pair of pebbles drop. A twin pitter patter, as of an animal, but there are discrepancies which cause him to smile. Certainly, this interloper was no fool, and possessed more than animal cunning. Cornelius knows of no four-legged creature with feathers, and the 'footsteps' came down too solidly, lacked the slush-bounce of, say, a snow-fox or lynx in flight. Marking it as a distraction, he looks everywhere but at the pebbles and catches sight of movement out of the corner of his eye. He carefully moves himself in a slow, crablike fashion, maintaining the pretence of some kind of shadowy figure haunting the grounds, keeping himself not directly between the movement and the wagon, but near enough that he can move to intercept any transgressions against it, or unwanted attempts of entrance to the castle itself

Roelstra keeps the bow and arrow in a single hand, but not as if she was looking for a fight. She made sure her hood had flopped off her raven crown, delicate features against a pale face easily seen in the moonlight. The wailing did not go unnoticed by the vampiress, but she'd gone up against more fearsome foes. More than likely someone watching guard over this wagon. She didn't care about the contents, so much as why this was even here to begin with. A plump, petal-pink lip is nibbled in thought as she contemplates this. Slowly, she advances in silence , the points of her ears peeking out through her thick hair.

Mahri couldn't sleep. That's why she was coming down stairs. The scent of roses could be smelled before the wolf is even seen thanks to Cornelius' little give of scent masker. That stuff lasted quite a while it seems. Coming to the bottom of the stairs, Mahri pauses with a frown drawing her brows together. She couldn't see Cornelius, but she could smell him. She could smell Roelstra too and the certain tension that tended to taint the air when a fight was about to break out. Huffing a breath, the wolf makes a bee-line for the door and pulls it open to step out. A wash of light spills out behind her from the fire-place in the hall and her shadow stretches out over the frigid ground. "You didn't wake me for my watch," she calls out accusingly. Mostly so the two may not realize she was intentionally interrupting the potential for bloodshed. Given Roelstra's position with Larket, that wouldn't look so good. For her or Cornelius.

Cornelius rolls his eyes at Mahri's reveal, even as he recognises Roelstra. With a swift and graceful motion he is upright, hood cast back and cloak swept behind him, as the short spectre transforms into a dapper, silver-haired gentleman with a scarred face. Clad in extravagent breeches, frilled shirt, and silk cravat; sabre in its scabbard; Cornelius offers the ranger a slight bow with a mischievous grin. He calls back to Mahri "Consider it payback, M'dear." He returns his gaze to Roelstra "A bit far from Larket and Rynvale, wot?"

Roelstra stopped totally in her trek towards the wagon, Mahri's familiar voice carrying easily to her ears, the shadow almost reaching her. The vampiress had wondered when the sentry would reveal himself, recognizing Cornelius instantly. Emerald greens lock onto the dandy's blues, replying with a shrug and her usual throaty contralto voice, " I hunt frequently in Frostmaw. I also know this palace fairly well. I'd seen the wagon, so I was trying to approach in a clandestine manner in case raiders were trying to confiscate what few objects lay within these walls."

A slightly chilled evening soiree

Mahri snorts and withdraws inside the palace of ice, leaving the door open in obvious invitation to come inside. When, or if, either do, they will find Mahri standing next to the hearth of ice-flames. One arm was braced on the mantle while her free hand absently ran over her gently rounded stomach. Glancing away from the flames, she tips her head towards the stairs, "Everyone else's sleepin'. And here we three are, wide awake." Not that Mahri's been sleeping well of late anyway. Flicking a silver-eyed glance at Cornelius, he'd earn a belated smirk for the payback quip. And Roe got a raised brow. "And you often go around in clandestine manner?"

Cornelius smiles and turns to follow Mahri back inside, commenting dryly "I suppose if all three of us are about, there's less need for a formal watch at the present moment."

Roelstra offers another shrug, " Only if I feel the need to. Without even trying, I usually move so quietly most don't even know I'm coming." The vampiress saunters towards the hearth herself, casting a glance in the direction of Mahri's stomach. With a gentle smile, she leans against the mantle and nods towards the rounded bump, " How's the baby?"

Mahri drops her hand from her stomach and shifts away from the mantle to find a place to sit before answering Roelstra. "Growing." No swift comeback is made to the Captain's observation about the need for a watch. It seemed a rather 'duh' kinda thing to say.

Cornelius murmurs quietly in the ranger's direction as he fetches a silver flask and tumbler from his satchel "Might want to actually try for quiet next time, old bean" He pours himself a measure of brandy and leans back nonchalantly against one of the crystalline walls, taking a long draw. He quietly waits for the brandy to warm his cracked ribs from the inside. Of all the climates he had to be injured in...

Roelstra turns and rests her back against the lefthand wall of the hearth, both brows raising, emerald greens darkening with disapproval of Cornelius' remark under his breath. " Might want to remember that though my hearing is sharper than most, it's still rude to mutter under one's breath. Plus, I brought myself out into the open." Realizing she's taking on an unintentionally snarky or defensive tone, depending on how one interprets it, she clears her throat. " In any case, I was merely passing by and was curious."

Mahri lofts a brow and looks from Vampire to human. The exchange is very, very amusing to say the least.

Cornelius raises an eyebrow, but keeps further activity limited to draining the tumbler and refilling it from the flask. Another thing he despised about cold climates was how long it took for the cold to leave the bones. Warm room; hearth fire; brandy; - none of these things were making progress sufficient enough for the dandy's tastes. If Mother Nature had an address, she'd be getting a strongly-worded letter about winters and cold weather in general. And maybe a request for stronger ribs and smaller opponents. It couldn't hurt to ask.

Roelstra contents herself with rolling her neck and shoulders, coaxing more cracks and pops out of her upper back. Being immortal's not all it's cracked up to be, she'll be the first to admit that. Speaking of cracked, the vampiress' ears perked, one ear tilting in Cornelius' direction. She could almost always hear heartbeats and she knew when someone was in discomfort or pain. Their pulse would speed up depending on the degree of pain. The human's heart speeding up just a bit gave her pause. Her pale visage softens, her tone gentled to match, " Did you hurt yourself recently?"

Mahri just sits there. Since really, she's nothing to add to the conversation. Except maybe a snicker or two.

Cornelius ponders that question perhaps a tad overlong, recalling how he had deliberately accepted the shieldbash to the ribs to effectively outmaneouvre and overcome Andrei in Cenril. He replies at length "Yes, I suppose it was self-inflicted, in a manner of speaking. Cracked ribs are the very devil." He sends a peevish glance in Mahri's direction as she snickers "Deuce it all, woman, they'd be healed by now if it weren't for that boneshaker wagon. It's hardly a source for humour. I've had three garments ruined in the past week. Three! I swear, the end of the world approaches. It's an absolute bloody farce." He mutters into his tumbler something about 'Jean-Pierre' and 'Girlish wailing'.

Mahri narrows her eyes at Cornelius and rises as calmly as is possible for her to. "Roe, if you decide to heal him. Make it hurt. A lot. I'm going to try and sleep." She'll be damned if he blames her for his misfortune. She's enough of her own to worry about. Stalking up those ice-stairs, the wolf turns towards what would have been Cornelius' room. Except now she's decided it's as good a place as any to sleep since he wasn't going to be getting any anytime soon.

Roelstra snorts softly under her breath in an attempt to stifle a laugh, " Goodnight, Mah. Rest well." She looks back to the dandy, with a head canted to one side, " I'm not that magickally inclined, but I know how to dress wounds. I'm assuming a healer has already seen you?"

Cornelius gives Mahri an innocent 'Who, Me?' look with both eyebrows raised before sketching a slight salute in her direction. When she is safely out of sight he allows himself a mischievous grin before responding to Roelstra "Indeed. Mahri did a sterling job binding them up. Not many healers out in the wilderness, mind, so one has to let Time do the job."

Roelstra knows that Mahri is competent enough to do that. She grimaces slightly, accidentally showing a hint of fang, " Well, I'm afraid so. At least they were tended to. As long as the bandages are tight and keep the ribs in place, then you're fine." The Head Ranger pulls out her own flask from a hip pocket, gloved fingers quickly unscrewing the cap before placing the neck to her lips. A languid sip is taken before continuing, "Sometimes, a corset is used to keep your ribs in place. But, if youre going to be traveling in a cart, I'd recommend sitting on a cushion" A slow grin curves her plump lips, "Or just walking along side since that's bound to be far less painful than all that gods-awful jostling."

Cornelius nods "That's a bloody good idea, when I'm not driving it." He also takes a sip of his brandy before continuing "So. Hunting. Must be interesting game to bring you out towards Frostmaw."

Roelstra nods once, " Aye. Hunting. The mammoths and frostmares are sporting and all since they'd proven to be a bit of a nuisance." She rests the mastercrafted longbow against the wall along with the matching quiver. Her pack is deposited on the floor with a heavy thud and a few jangles and clanks of the items within. Her grin returns, wider this time. " But, the ice wyverns and the exiled frost-giants who have a habit of clobbering any passers-by...they are more of a challenge for sure." She holds up one finger, her expression clearly says 'Oh, I almost forgot'. " Ah, and those mischievious snowflake imps carry a good bit of gold with them. Gold that did not belong to them originally."

Cornelius nods "Ah. Yes, sounds like fun. For myself, I shall stick to hunting brandy, methinks. Not one for over-exerting myself, dontcha know?" He momentarily diverts his attention to his 'prey', successfully imprisoned in his flask and tumbler

Roelstra said to Cornelius, "Brandy only? Brandy is alright, but don't forget other fine spirits such as whiskey or rum or wine."

Cornelius raises an eyebrow "Yes, quite. Some wines can be rather pleasurable, of course, but tend to lack the viscosity of the brandies I enjoy. And rum, well, when affairs demand it I'll drink the stuff. But whisky, old bean, is generally produced at a quality to rival, say, fermented urine. Indeed, I'll stick to brandy for now."

Roelstra chuckles softly, raising her own flask in a surrender salute, " Suit yourself." With that, she takes a few more sips. She'd have to refill her own flask soon enough, but not with anyting Cornelius would drink. When she's done, she replaces the cap and slips it back into her pocket, " Where were you all going with that wagon, if I may ask?"

Cornelius waves languidly back at the stairs "Up Frostmaw way, Mahri tells me. 'Course, that could just be Mahri keeping me in the dark, wot. Family business, apparently."

Roelstra darts her gaze up the stairs, where the Alpha had ascended in an attempt to get more rest. " Aye..." She could only guess that business included Leoxander and his mate Jolie. " Do me a favor though, Sir Cornelius?", she asks when her emerald greens swing back to meet his blues with a serious and almost concerned expression.

Cornelius almost bursts out laughing. Almost. Instead, his lips curl into a slight smile as he raises an eyebrow "Sir? I've never been knighted, dear sprout. But what is this favour?"

Roelstra frowns at the human before continuing, " Sir, mister, whatever you go by. You know Mahri is expecting. Please, if you can help it considering your condition, don't let her do anything stupid." The vampiress pushes away from the wall, picking up her things. " I consider her a friend, despite some things I've learned about her. As a mother myself, I'd hate to see another expecting mother come to harm."

Cornelius chuckles, honestly amused "And why ever do you think I let myself be dragged to this heat-forsaken hell of snow and ice? Really now. Might as well ask me to continue breathing while you are at it, old bean."

Roelstra, however, is not amused. Having had quite enough of the glib remarks after a -very- long day, she straps her longbow around her torso, her quiver following and then her pack. Footsteps are all that are heard as the vampiress heads out the door, settling for the satisfaction that at least someone is looking out for the Alpha.

Cornelius toasts the departing vampiress, and then visibly relaxes before murmuring to himself "It's not Vailkrin, old boy. Ease up. She's not her."