RP:A rat's breakfast

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Muzo's Cellar 2 Oct 2011

Muzo is just etching the last commemorative seal on the last bottle of tonic

Rowen scampers out of the rat hole still wearing her pink frilly night cap. "The servants failed to bring me my breakast! have you blown them all up in some experiment again." All these servants are figments of the deluded rat's imagination. Her manservant Jake has yet to start work today.

Muzo is just etching the last commemorative seal on the last bottle of tonic. He dips the head of the corked decanter in a bowl of hot wax, then sets it to dry with the dozen others. "They forgot to bring it on tacky wedding plates. Dismissed them promptly without pay." Muzo turns and offers the rat a bright grin. "Good morning, empress. Your tonic is ready."

Can you do commemorative poropises too my loyal subject?

Rowen beams with delight! "A brilliant decision my friend. Serves them right for not obeying the byelaws there supreme empress has written to ensure everyone's happiness. Did they seem euphorically happy when you dismissed them without pay?" The little rat scampers over to sniff at the bottles of tonic, admiring the commemorative seal. "Very nice. Can you do commemorative poropises too my loyal subject? Have you a sample of the tonic for me to break my fast with?"

Muzo scratches his chin. "Erm... quite euphorically, yes. And here." He takes a nearby flask with a little bit of leftover tonic in the bottom. "Had a little extra. Enjoy." He pours the pinkish liquid in a petri dish and sets it before her.

Rowen sniffs at the petri dish, then begins to lap happily away at her imperial tonic. Breakfast finished the rat lazes around rolling on her back. "Not bad, not bad at all, could have done with a few more nettles and a little less watermelon." If the tonic actually contained any watermelon or nettles, it is purely conicidental, and not a matter of the rat's brain having corretly interpreted the signals from her taste buds.

Muzo watches, and not without apprehension, as the rat sniffs at his little offering. Soon, though, Rowen is clearly enjoying it, and the naga can breathe a little sigh of relief. "Perfectly pleased to hear it. Will remember the suggestion, though," he taps his temple, "for the anniversary commemorative batch." Muzo's grin turns a little more subtle, and he represses the urge to chuckle. Instead, he clears his throat and straightens. "Trust you slept well?"

Anniversary commemorative batch

Rowen nods contentedly. "Yes, I slept very well indeed." She cleans her whiskes. "Anniversary commemorative batch! Another excellent idea. I am now even more euphorically happy than I legally have to be at all times my friend. So what other Royal wedding souveniers will you be creating in my honour this day? Crayons? Child sized imperial hamsterballs? Individually inscribed grains of rice?

Rowen said OOC, "Rowen is planning to sell Child sized replicas of the imperial hamsterball as Royal Wedding Memorabilia."

Muzo nods, still listening as he begins gathering up the tonic setup carefully taking the various bits of glassware to the water trough for a good rinsing out. Wait. Other souveniers? Oh dear... "Hadn't occurred to me. I was too busy being euphoric." He grabs a sudsy bottle brush and takes to scrubbing. "Could make, uhm..." Commemorative land mines? Loopy though his friend may be, even *that* seems a stretch to the naga. Something simple, something, something... he looks to his batch of wax. "Commemorative sealing stamp, for your personal use." He wanted to do a ceramics test with the furnace anywhoo...

Commemorative land mines

Rowen jumps down into the sink and happily splashes around in the water while her naga friend is trying to clean, probably getting in his way, and covered in bits of tonic ingredients. "Commemorative land mines! An excellent idea, to protect Hollow from the evil Vuryal! We can do Commemorative land mine matching child sized artificial legs too!" She considers his next suggestion carefully. "You means a stamp for stamping ceilings so that when everyone is gazing up being euphorically happy they can be reminded once more of their dearly beloved empress?"

It would be interesting to explain to Jolie why her munitions have wedding seals on them

Muzo clears his throat, blushing gently. "Erm, will take it into consideration." It would be interesting to explain to Jolie why her munitions have wedding seals on them. "But no, letter sealing stamp, wax seals for official documents. Handy reminder." The naga shifts to the side a bit, trying not to splash his friend with soap as he scrubs and rinses. "What do you think?"

You said, "ooc It would be interesting to explain to Jolie why her munitions have wedding seals on them. " You said, "ooc That bit made me laugh so much!!!" Muzo said, "ooc: XD I had fun imagining her expression."

I has thousands of imperial secretaries for such menial tasks

Rowen sniffs at the soap but decides it isn't really good to eat. The little rat scrambles out of the sink again, sitting on the draining board. "I has thousands of imperial secretaries for such menial tasks, but very well, my dear friend, you may present me with your humble gift at once!" Muzo grins apologetically to Rowen. "Have yet to make it. Should be ready in... three days?" That seemed a safe estimate, especially since he hadn't tried firing any clay here yet. The furnace was certainly no kiln...

Rowen the little rat is very nearly annoyed at her loyal subject Muzo making her wait three days for her new toy, which she still intends to use to stamp ceilings despite his explanation of its intended use. Then she remembers her own law insisting everyone must be euphorically happy at all times, so just grins broadly at him. "Very well, my good man carry on. Shall I make you a cup of tea to invigorate you for your humble task?"

Marcellus is welcomed

Marcellus gingerly descends into a cellar, to find Rowen and Muzo here. "Oh," he says quietly, looking for all the world as though he is afraid fo getting his tunic dirty, "Fancy meeting you here, eh?" He gives a half-hearted smile.

Muzo rinses out the last flask and sets it up on the drying rack beside Rowen. "Tea?" Though it does sound lovely, the naga suspects this little rat has a rather funny idea of what one ought to make tea from. "Thank you, but I'm fine." He takes a greasy rag to dry his hands on. "Already had my morning tonic." Now where was that clay he'd been soaking?

Rowen beams at her dear friend and mentor Marcellus."What a pleasure to see you old chap! We are making Royal Wedding Commemorative Land Mines and ceiling stamps! But my poor chap, you seem to have lost the flowers from you hair! Let me find you some fresh ones." You gave 1 Snowflake Lilly to Marcellus.

Marcellus said to you, "I am indebted to you, Your Imperial and Gracious Excellency, I shall don it at once." he hurriedly removes his headgear and stuffs the flower into his thinning hair, "Much better, Your Royal and Excellent Imperiousness, a thousand thank you's are not enough."

Rowen the vain little rat listens contenedly to Marcellus' flattery. "I am the official merchant for the millenium of Royal Wedding celebrations. Can I interest you in a Royal Wedding Commemerative box of crayons? A friendly Bob sock puppet? Or a land mine perhaps?"

Muzo looks curiously to the new arrival, forked tongue flickering as he blinks through large, glossy black eyes. "Afternoon." He nods lightly to the priest and offers a smoothly scaled hand to shake. "Muzo, no surname. Seems we have a mutual friend."

Empress Rowen, the amazing tightrope walking rat!

Rowen begins to build a little structure from Muzo glassware on tthe drying rack and an old wooden ruler, soon the rat is crawling across the ruler calling out! "Empress Rowen, the amazing tightrope walking rat!" Marcellus takes the offered hand of Muzo, saying, "A friend of Rowen is a friend of mine. I am Marcellus, the High Priest of Kanos the Ascended. I am pleased to make your acquaintence." he then bows deeply to Rowen, "I am unworthy to be the recipient of such grand and extravagant souveniers, Your Most Eccentrict Grandiousity," he again bows deeply.

Rowen the little rat nods happily to Marcellus. "Yes, yes of course you are unworthy, everyone who isn't me is unworthy, but let me see if I can find you some gifts in any case!" She leaps down from her 'tightrope' and eagerly tells Muzo. "It was Marcellus here who taught me all about how to be a priestess."

Muzo had silently hoped he'd find a bit of sanity in this fellow friend of the eccentric rat

Muzo had silently hoped he'd find a bit of sanity in this fellow friend of the eccentric rat. He now begins to see the foolishness of this particular expectation. Quietly, he clears his throat and slithers back a pace to poke through the cupboards a bit. Landmines indeed. The very thought has him blushing guiltily again. "Pleasure is all mine." He timidly returns the courtesy. Marcellus Bows deeply to Rowen once again, "Thank you, Your Most Generous Excellency." says he, as he examines the items with some curiosity. The rat, he gingerly slips into a forgotten compartment in his pack. The pull toy, he holds up as he grins impishly. "Very nice gifts, would you not say, Muzo," he says with a grin and a wink as he nods his head toward Rowen. Then he again addresses Rowen, "You know, Madam Empress of The Cosmo, there are many who do not recognize your claim to the throne. I fear that your title could be in jeopardy."

Rowen scampers over anto into Muzo's cupboards knocking things over and generally making a nuisiance of herself. "Can you make Royal Wedding Commerative sand?"The rat calls to Marcellus, "No, no I ain't the supreme empress of Jeopardy! I'm the supreme empress of the entire known universe. Where is Jeapardy anyhow, is it over near Vhys somewhere?""

Marcellus contemplates what one would do to sand to make it "commemorative" Hand engrave each grain?

Marcellus frowns as he contemplates what one would do to sand to make it "commemorative" sand. Hand engrave each grain? Perhaps...

Muzo eyes his own gifts, and he cannot help but grin a little less sheepishly. "Very nice gifts, yes." He admits with a nod and a pleased hum. Just as he is turning over the shamrock pull toy in his hands, he hears the clatter of glass on glass and he turns to see the shadow of a rat scurrying through the dark recesses of his cupboards. "Eeep! Erm... Sand? Would, um, can't...." A small strained noise escapes him and he presses the back of his knuckles to his pursed lips, resisting the urge to go rooting after her. "Sandbags, perhaps?"

Rowen looks at the broken glass, trying to appear an innocent little supreme empress rat who just happened to find some broken glass in one of her naga friend's cupboards. "I was thinking more of having each sandgrain carved as a tiny figurine of myself or my beloved consort Bob. Perhaps it could be done by skilled pixie artisans?" She scampers over to play with his clay, perhaps to make a model of herself.

You are going to delay the development of new and, I am sure, quite exciting commemorative items

Marcellus blinks at the rat's apparent careless antics. "Your Excellency, you are going to delay the development of new and, I am sure, quite exciting commemorative itmes if too many of Muzo's Supplies and apparati are damaged. Remember you decorum, Most Emminent and High Imperial Excellency." He quietly raises an eyebrow in a sidelong glance to Muzo.

Rowen has no idea what a decorum is. "I sent my decorum out to be engraved in celebration of my wedding, of course! And don't you worry none about the imperial throne being in Jeopardy (She finally seems to have worked out what -this- word means) There may be a few ignorant peons in this gods foresaken backwater of Hollow who are not completely loyal to their wonderful benevolent empress but universe-wide I have many trillions of adoring subjects."

Muzo looks deeply appreciative and relieved at Marcellus's tactful words. He nods vigorously in agreement and waits in silence for Rowen's reaction, knuckles still pressed closely to his lips.

Muzo said to Rowen, "Did you find the clay while you were in there?"

Marcellus smiles patiently at Rowen as he speaks, "Your Emminent Excellency, I am speechless." he bows again and shrugs. Perhaps your subjects in this realm deem themselves unworthy of so great a ruler?"

I believe Satoshi called it 'Empress Rowen liberates Cenril with a brave army of duck warriors'

Rowen is at least no longer breaking things she seems to be using Muzo's clay to make a tiny model of herself surrounded by ducklings. "This is a replica of a ratwork created in sand by my loyal subject Queen Satoshi." She gestures with her forepaw. "I believe Satoshi called it "Empress Rowen liberates Cenril with a brave army of duck warriors." I may have misremembered the title (ooc will have to try to find Sato's sand sculpture of Rowen and ducks rp!)She nods seriously to Marcellus. "I can only imagine that must be the case, the poor dears."

Muzo bends in a little closer to examine. Ah, there it was! Rowen's found the clay, and she's putting it to good use too. "Queen Satoshi?" No doubt, another self-proclaimed lunatic. He'll have to be on the lookout for her as well. "Lovely work. Would be very interested to see the original. Can fire these, for you," Muzo offers, "if you like, y"

Rowen grins at Muzo, obeying her own imperial proclamation to be euphorically happy at all times. "It would be an honour for you to fire my wonderful ratwork, sir."