RP:A Timely Meeting

From HollowWiki

Volcanic Menagerie, Rynvale

Sometimes local urchins, sons and daughters of Rynvalian seafarers, sneak out here to play at slaying gorgons, leviathans and other oceanic beasts, seeing those shapes quite plainly in the weirdly-formed slag. The stones themselves are said to be alive and on the march, moving so slowly along the trail that mortals cannot perceive their progress. It’s probably only a fishwife’s tale, but an ancient custom is for men to tip their hats at the gorgon-shaped rock as they pass by, so as not to invoke her ire. To the east the path all but vanished into a maze of monoliths, and to the west softens into a stretch of white sand.

The footprints of smugglers, pirates and beachcombers had all been washed away by the evening tide, as sunset gently settled its red-gold glow over the western reaches of Rynvale Island. Among the rugged rocks of various strange shapes there, one stands out among all the others, for several reasons.. The gorgon-stone is the most clearly defined of them all, needing little imagination to make out the shape of a serpentine-haired woman. Around the base of this eerie stone today were not only a variety of carefully-arranged sea trinkets – pretty shells, bits of sea-polished volcanic glass… almost like a shrine. But perhaps what would have made the stone stand out this day most of all, was the raggedly dressed, dreadlock-topped, gangly man who sat by the gorgon’s stony feet, cross-legged, his head leaning against the rock’s ‘legs’ as he hummed an archaic-sounding tune.

Sabrina explored very nook and cranny of Rynvale while she was here, interpreting the scenery on a level far beyond a mere visitor. She planned to take up a residence at some point and finally accept her heritage; to stop running away from home. She wasn’t born here; Nuduin, several leagues beyond the waters and away from Cenril’s shores. It gave good cause why the pirates and miscreants paid her no mind. So as soon as she began to speak that accent of Iggrisas told the truth of her origin and her status among the last of the River elves in Hollow. She followed the enchanting sound of a tune long past its best days though not so long it didn’t hold a familiar ring. She looks out toward the sun, setting on the distant tide, a smile splaying across her features. She comes to a stop a few yards from the gangly male, regarding him with a nod, before turning back to the sea to cast her gaze upon it.

Rusilan stalks slowly along the trail so as not to spook her prey, flicking an ear at the sound of a haunting tune

Mcracken had only just opened his eyes in time to catch that nod from Sabrina.. One eye the color of a stormy sea, the other a blank, milky pearl stared at her a moment, before the man clambered to his feet. He was tall, his dreadlocks framing a face that seemed strangely youthful for one dressed as he was, and for the careworn expression he bore. “Good eventide, m’lady,” he said, his speech as archaic as the tune he’d been humming. That weird, mismatched gaze shifted then toward the place where Rusilan was stalking.. if she wasn’t visible, then he would have picked up the vibration of her motions. Unsure of what this new passer-by’s intentions may be, the human-formed kraken stepped casually a little closer to Sabrina, adding, “The sunset be a glory this night.”

Sabrina looked way up at him, eyes squinting a little as she tried to match his face to his body and dress. Then his voice, that was another story all together. He was already not what he seemed. She returns her gaze to the gift laid out before them, pulling her arms tight around her leather-bound form to stave off the coolness of the winds returning to the sea. “I don’t believe I have ever really seen it from this side.” Her accent was thick; Elvish held the highest notes, something else speckled deep within. She was intimately drawn to it, until the time came that the waters that held those colors adrift were near enough to challenge her ability to stay above it. His proximity did not promise a recoil, not yet. Any closer in that human form would, however, raise cause for alarm.

Rusilan stops just above the tide mark and watches Sabrina and the waves casting a look or two at the seemingly human male. The sparks of healing magic glittering and flowing through her fur more visible in the waning light.

Mcracken didn’t come any closer to invading the dark-haired woman’s personal space than he already had, lingering a pace away from the petrified remnant of his beloved Evriale… “The island..? Aye, a deal more serene be these shores than many… “ a dark expression played over his features briefly, as he thought of Cenril, but it as quickly passed, “…a fine place for contemplation, if thou seekest such. Art thou an explorer, mayhap?” At such a distance, even in the waning light, perhaps Sabrina would spy the festering wound on the shirtless man’s left pectoral, right about where a human heart would be, just below that surface. All the while, he’s been watching Rusilan’s progress along the shore, with occasional flickering glances her way. The feline was close enough now that he could clearly sense the ripples of magic emanating from her.. It was already known to him that Sabrina possessed power of her own. They each had their own ‘song’, a vibrational frequency emitting from them, as it did from all things in creation… a great tool for manipulation, were he inclined to such a thing. Fortunately for these two females, he was not. A long-fingered, slightly webbed hand was raised, in greeting to Rusilan before Mac’s attention again turned to Sabrina.

Sabrina is still unaware of the kitten tracking her to this sacred path. This was not like the forests she was used to, that would tell of adventurer’s miss steps and warn her of oncoming threats. Here, she was not yet used to the noises that surrounded her, and the absence of familiar sounds made the task that much more difficult. “I am used to seeing it from below, if at all. The sunken ships of Cairbara.” She laughs, turning toward him and pulling a stray strand the wind saw fit to drag across her features. She looks on him, again taking him in. The less light apparent over the horizon, the more reflective nature her eyes seemed to adopt. Elves of the River had that little adaptation, having correlated more closely with the serenity of the moon and night. Her eyes fixate on his chest, and not in some sensual nature- she simply didn’t work that way. It was the scar, akin to her own but it was unlikely he acquired it in the same fashion. She pulls tight the leathers over her chest, a self-conscious reaction to seeing something so painfully memorable. She watched his movements, drawing her vision away once more to the approach of that girl who took over her kitchen a few days prior. She is curious as to her presence but will not speak of it with an audience to question her motives. Sabrina’s magic was self-contained, for the most part. The bangles at her wrists were gifted to her by Rynvale’s own runesmith to protect others from her curse where her own urges could not keep them at bay. It was a good reason to her calm state with even just a couple bodies unnecessarily near.

Rusilan looks more closely at the male as the sparks start to brighten and move more quickly even drifting a few inches from her before returning "Healer Sabrina I think I must talk with you soon. "

Mcracken had ‘heard’ in the thrumming aura of the elven woman an affinity for water, which was only confirmed by her words.. But her ‘song’ was not harmonious… something about her, or afflicting her, threw off a jarring note that obscured her nature to him, in any great detail. Still, he’s heard enough that she piqued his interest, as do all aquatically inclined beings. Not so much the purely land-walking ones, though he had never seen a feline up close, those coming into the world he knew only briefly before he’d taken to the deeps for his long hermitude, after the death of his wife. “Iggrisas…” he muttered, having vague memory of such a place, but whether he’d seen it for himself or merely heard its songs was for the moment unclear to the ancient one’s mazey and curse-fogged mind. Perhaps he would have said more, but the feline’s greeting to Sabrina left the words hanging on his tongue… Healer? His oddly hued eyes glanced to the elven maiden more sharply, though he kept silence to allow the women to speak. Great Selene, he thought, Mother of Oceans.. Could the goddess really have put a pair of healers in his way, now, at this dark hour of need? Yet the elf’s ‘song’ had that strange discord to it.. Was she tainted, somehow? If only his senses were as sharp as they’d been.. His questions would just have to wait for an appropriate pause, since they needed to be asked at all.

Sabrina turned her body to face Rusilan fully. "You could have sent a Raven." The Guild was known through all the lands to utilize blue-eyed Ravens as messengers. Stalking the Master Healer was not only unwise but unneeded. She would not address his mutterings of 'Iggrisas' she was accustomed to people not hearing of it, it was part of what made her origins so mysterious in nature. It had been years, decades even since Sabrina sought out the shores of any sort especially without being summoned to them. Selene must have been on his side if a healer was indeed what he sought after. She awaits Rusilan's response, a meeting time? or did she intend on speaking now. Either way, the elfess was not one to turn those away who needed her as an audience or otherwise.

Rusilan tilts her head "A raven? Xzavior told me you the one to contact to get training in the healing arts here. I already have physic training but the herbs are different here and I didn't have the gift before. " She wanders closer the sparks visibly jumping toward Mcracken before returning to her.

Sabrina nods. “The herbs of hollow require a lot of travel, most of them are stored at Ara along with the curriculum required to use them properly.” She wasn’t in the habit of teaching on the lower levels but she liked this girl and it actually had some interest in the mundane arts of traditional healing. “In time I intend on making a permanent residence here in Rynvale, in the meantime if you are interested in becoming part of something bigger I would suggest you put in an application to join the guild. If you like, we can set up a date where I can observe your current skill level in whatever category you intend on applying your gift to.”

Mcracken waited for the women to conclude their business, and then addressed Sabrina, “As the gods would have it, M’Lady, I am needful of one with the skill to heal flesh..” and more besides, but he wouldn’t mention that right off the bat for his current concern was of more immediate import. “.. for there be a vile sickness afflicting the sea, on the coast of the city yonder,” he indicated the wide expanse of ocean in the general direction of Cenril. “Of such a nature that those stricken with its curse cannot be healed easily, nor without the intervention of the gods. But, in their madness, the creatures thus diseased attack others.. there is a darkness in them that drives them to such violence. And while I fear the sickened ones will die ere a cure may be found, yet there are their victims…wounded and stranded. I wouldst care for them myself, but…” he sighed, his breath scenting of clean brine, and left that part of it dangling.

A pause before Sabrina turns to Mac. “But?” She didn’t seem overwhelmed by the dire need for healing in those parts, though it would take a great deal of energy and a small gathering of guild members to combat such a vast infestation of disease and rot. “Flesh I can heal, my gift is restorative, but if there is a darkness seeping into the life gathered there I am afraid that is not my area of expertise.” Her knowledge dealt with natural things, disease included, but darkness was usually accompanied by arcane crutches and accursed totems in which she had no power to overcome. “The best I can do; is to see what I can do.” She is somewhat guilted by the Curse upon Sage and her inability to counter the wrath that kills the forest so ultimately.

Rusilan nods to Mcracken "the sparks seem to indicate he it sick or injured why don't I show you what the magic is doing and give him some help now. I have no idea if I can do anything about unnatural wounds or sickness so far I only know what the healing has shown me. "

Mcracken nodded to Sabrina.. ‘flesh I can heal’, the elf had said, and to this he’d smiled faintly, glancing down to his own wound. “But I am myself afflicted with this poisonous curse.. “ he flicked a quick look between the two females, in case either were concerned he may attack them in the manner of the other diseased creatures, “Thou hath no reason to fear my own actions, Lady,.” he said to Sabrina, “Nor hast thou any,” that was to Rusilan, “For I am blessed with a strength which provideth me somewhat more.. protection.. than the other sea-beings who hath encountered its malevolence.” He then addressed Rusilan alone, “And thou hast my deepest gratitude for thy kind offer, Madame Cat.. however, mine affliction doth run deeper than mere bodily cures may benefit. It seems I am in need of a priest…” and not just any priest, but this none of the women’s concern. He spoke to both now, “What thy cures may aid is the dolphins and seals, the fish and sea-birds wounded on the shores and in the shallows.. I warn thee, most strenuously, not to get too close to the ancient castle of coral, for that be the black heart of the curse..” his frown made his affable face something terrible, just for a moment, until ahis moment of anger passed, “But on the shores beyond its horrid reach, there are many whom require a healing hand.”

Sabrina frowned at Rusilan’s suggestion, before she could remind the newfound healer that one must properly assess a situation before jumping in Mac seemed to do it for her. The elfess was not scared, she hadn’t time or experience to witness such attacks and so the truth of it had little time to resonate that he himself may have been prone to such aggressions, as well his current actions proved his harmlessness for now. “Other sea beings?” This made thoughts on his healing more interesting since, as a human she’d have known his organs and their placement inside out, but that old urge to take him apart and study his insides did cross her mind more than once. She didn’t do that anymore, practical healing no longer required those of sacrifice for the greater good. And, he was neither dead nor dying by his recollection of events. “A servant of Arkhen, then?” A few came to mind, but she did not care to disclose that kind of information this new into meeting a new face. “Can the sea life be healed by body alone?” A relevant question, no doubt, since healing the body was in her skillset and healing the soul was not. One can not exist without the other.

Rusilan nods but flicks her ears to lay against her skull for a moment be for moving off to the side staying near enough to talk but far enough away that the sparks don't jump toward Mcracken any more than any other direction. "You know how to find goddess teachers?"

Mcracken said to Sabrina, “Aye, as I said.. dolphins, seals...” his own species was not especially a secret, but he didn’t generally declare it unless asked outright. “…and yes, in body only, for their souls are not sickened in the manner of those which are curse-maddened, which I hath surmised are quite beyond help. As for priests, I wouldst gather that any who doth channel divine benevolence and purity would be of most aid in attempting to hold back the curse from spreading farther. But as the source of this horror hath not yet been discerned, I would advise that none attempt to dispel it, for its power is great.” Great enough to nearly wither a kraken, he did not say. “.. and there be potent god-servants lurking near its heart.”

Sabrina was deep in thought, the amount of healing required may pull some of her people from Frostmaw, and the ranks were spread further than they were intended. Maybe a residence in Rynvale was too soon to come, but then, this kitten seemed in need of training, and there was none better than a crash course. She pulls a parchment from her belt, as well a quill that had been tucked neatly in her trusses. Jotting down, in fine elvish script, a residence far-in to the mainland where both requirements could be met. “Master Kelovath and a woman named Artia. That is your place to start.” A beat “Artia, is a dark druid and Kelovath a servant of Arkhen, they would be able to provide guidance on both the dark forces and how to repel it. I on the other hand will look deeper into the healing of those bodies that are not yet consumed to the core of their souls.” She needed to find the source if there was to be any real fixing, be it a poison of the water or the air that transmitted the sickness. Even the exchange of fluids via bite or scratch had to come from somewhere and it may come to pass that venturing to the heart of this evil would be inevitable.

Mcracken took the parchment. “I have audience with the priests of Selene arranged, whose assistance I believe would also daunt this atrocity.. but with no doubt of mind nor spirit I will say that the one behind it is redolent with evil of the blackest sort. I will indeed seek out these holy ones, Lady. And the blessing of Selene be with thee, for thine own aid toward the injured.” The man’s lips looked parched, his skin suddenly seeming more aged than it had only minutes before. He dipped his head toward Sabrina, “M’Lady,” and another toward Rusilan, “Madame Cat. If thou wouldst excuse me, I must take my leave.”

Rusilan looks pained "Should have known a god would be involved in trouble there is a reason the Goddesses are in charge. ..." She trails off and her face goes a little blank "What? oh right you know where to find goddess teachers. I need to find a new patron goddess as far as I know they only have influence in there home realm and passages to and from it. "

Sabrina had offered him a customary elvish bow, when he turns to take his leave she crosses her arms and puts the cat at her back, watching the strange man meander off toward the Temple she had visited earlier today. “Curious.” She says to herself more than anything. His speech alone would have made the average girl question his origin, but common sounded weird to her anyway so she could amount all his misgivings to a sorely lesser tongue.

Mcracken would only seem more curious when, instead of meandering off along the shore as expected, he veered away, striding into the swelling surf until the waves closed over his head.