RP:A Potion Mishap

From HollowWiki

Library of Arcane Knowledge

If the rest of the rooms in this mansion are gems, than this is the crown jewel: a personal library to rival Cenril's own public one, if not in size than at least in rarity and value of books. Only a scholar or mage is capable of devoting this much space purely to the careful storage of volumes and tomes, and this collector has outdone themselves. A careful eye might notice that the ash-gray dye colouring on the icy walls varies slightly in shade from section to section, a sign that this room has been repeatedly expanded outward, devouring other rooms of the mansion to accommodate its steady growth. But it isn't size alone that marks this as a truly magnificent library. The bookcases, all of that uniform black wood found throughout the manor, stand from marbled floor to ceiling in impeccable rows and are filled to capacity with books. Large books, small books, magical tomes, aged instruction manuals, leather-bound fairytales, and even a few tribal stories encased in what seems to be animal hide or fur, the sheer volume of variety is staggering and leaves many breathless. The knowledge one could obtain just by reading a single shelf of the countless present is a frightful thought. The centre of the room, marked as such by a separate arrangement of bookcases forming a vast circle around it, is reserved for comfortable armchairs, oversized velveteen cushions, reading and writing desks, a mage's well-worn work table, and a small collection of glass display cases designed to hold especially precious books. Most of the northern wall has been made into a floor to ceiling window, its midnight blue velvet curtains tied back to let in the starlight and reveal a pair of locked fluorite-glass doors leading outside where distant chirps and small roars can be heard. Further light is provided, once again, by those sconces and lanterns of fluorite-encased magefire, these orbs giving off a gentle amber glow. Like the rest of the manor, the library is unnaturally cold, but the chilled air carries minimal book-damaging moisture, leaving all crisp and dry. And perfectly cosy for an ice magus.

Satoshi is currently brooding over a bubbling cauldron, muttering to herself, referencing a spell book, and tossing in unsavoury ingredients at measured intervals. All she's missing for the witch ensemble is a pointed hat, really. "..How do the magelings -do- this every day? Hellfire, potion-making is a tedious game..."

Svilfon cannot quite stop himself as he wanders into the library and spies Satoshi muttering over the bubbling cauldron. He meanders over until he's behind her, pulls his hat from his head, and places it on hers. "There, now you look the part." He grins, before moving around to be on the other side of the brewing potion. He briefly looks at the spell-book, before lofting a singed brow; the simple movement causing his hair, which was quite pointy, to fall down over his face in a tangled brown mop. "What're you making, lady icicle?"

Satoshi 's sight suddenly goes dark, and for a panicked moment she thinks the fumes of the concoction have caused her to go blind. That is, until she realizes she's staring at a wall of fabric in front of her. With a sheepish laugh, the kit pushes the loaned wizard hat up to perched on her brow and flashes the donator a grin. "If we're going through with the idea for Ilydia, we require an aging potion, no? And I can't exactly order one made at the Tower without raising suspicious, thus I'm doing it myself~." The cauldron belches an acrid violet cloud then, to announce how well Satoshi's work has been going.

Kirien’s sensitive nose had picked out strange scents drifting from the centre of the library. He’d apparently been off somewhere amidst the shelves and countless bookcases, appearing from around the side of one with a book tucked against his left side and an apple in the other. Chewing at the fruit, the empath approached his two coven mates and that strange cauldron with obvious curiosity; holding the apple briefly between his teeth, he reached to ruffle Svilfon’s hair up a bit before peering sightlessly down at the contents of the pot, and sniffed again. “Smells weird,” he commented mostly uselessly and took another thoughtful bite of his apple.

Satoshi said to Kirien, "Aha, yes, that'd be the frog liver you're smelling. Or perhaps it's the minotaur snot..."

Svilfon grins at Satoshi, "Looks good." As his hair is ruffled by Kirien the wizard reaches over to return the gesture, before a bright smile flashes gaps and fangs in equal measure. "Wise. I was wondering about that. I didn't know your skills went the way of potion making." As the bubbling tonic emits the acrid cloud the wizard takes a subtle step back. "You do know what you're doing..?" His tones reflect he isn't worried either way. Potion making was always a fun game.

Svilfon said to Satoshi, "Minotaur snot..? Fresh, I hope!"

Kirien scrunched his nose in clear distaste, though he managed a brief grin his hair was scruffled up some and rendered even more unruly. “Sounds fuckin’ horrible. An’ she-- Ilydia’s gonna have to…drink it?” The thought of that might have caused him to look a little nauseous for a moment before he shook it off; and then jumped abruptly when something clawed and mewling pounced on his tail and decided to attach itself firmly in place. “Ow! You little--” He swayed his tail some in an attempt to dislodge Yuu but the kitten had no intentions of moving, it seemed, and the motion only caused Kirien more pain. Eventually he just reached down to grab her by the scruff of the neck and pry her off. Yuu began to scale his arm instead, much to his displeasure.

Satoshi brandishes a rotted carrot in Svilfon's face as she frowns. "I'll have you know, any self-respecting mage is a master of potion-making, even us mancers!" The sudden descent of the wizard hat cuts her off then, however, and it's a moment spent struggling to right it before she can continue, glancing between her coven mates. "It's fresh enough that my sleeve is still drying from the fifteen washes I gave it, if you must know. And yes, Bright Eye, she'll have to drink it. If I had to gather all this, she can endure that much." Judging by the malicious grin Satoshi's wearing by this point, she's looking -forward- to forcing Ilydia to drink the wretched creation.

Svilfon snorts at Satoshi, "Yes, yes!" He flashes a brief grin at the swearing rogue and his nimble companion, before peaking his head over the edge of the cauldron and staring at it quite seriously. He draws in the scent, trying to be clever and work out what she's added to it. But in truth, it just smells bad. "Just don't make it too potent, eh? Don't want a crooked old lady in our fine coterie." He knew how Satoshi's mind worked... kind of. Nothing would make her happier than turning Ilydia into a toothless old woman... well, except turning her into a male orc. He looks over the book again, just to be sure that isn't what she intends.

Kirien was still quietly hoping his coven mates would have the sense not to turn Ilydia into a man, as amusing as it might be. Returning to crunching at his apple while the kitten clambered up the furred sleeve of his coat, the empath took in the scent of the potion again and shook his head some. "Poor thing. Still." Shoulders rolled in a nonchalant shrug and Yuu almost fell in the process, but Kirien did not really notice her predicament. "…I can't make potions. Maybe I should learn how. Is it kinda like cookin'?" He was good at that, after all.

Satoshi drops the carrot into the sickly orange sludge brewing with the cauldron, followed quickly by two mouse carcasses and half a sock, while muttering, "Everyone's a critic. She'll age only enough years to be considered full grown, if all goes well. And really... I -am- trying to make sure all goes well." And in goes what looks like a dog's severed ear and an overripe pear while the foxkin double-checks the spellbook's directions. At Kirien's question however, Satoshi straightens and looks aghast. "Hellfire and blizzards, no! If this was cooking, you'd all be dead. Well, dead-er-. No~, this is careful measuring, mixing, brewing, and combining, not remotely like cooking at all." Which tells you just how much Satoshi knows about cooking, since it's pretty much exactly the same as potion-making. Let's add some mud here, for good measure.

Satoshi eyes the odd cat on Kirien's shoulder, debating if it might be used as an ingredient.

Svilfon flashes his pale gaze between his coven-mates before offering Satoshi a helpless little shrug. As if she could blame him for his thoughts! But like a goldfish his attention is ever-shifting, and within no time at all he's back to staring at the bubbling tonic the snow queen prepares. He feels an innate desire to stick his finger in and taste some of it, regardless of the foul smell, or the belches of noxious gas that spew forth each time a new ingredient is added to the mix. But he refrains from doing so, instead he adds further onto what Satie says to Kirien. "It's not that tricky. Add some stuff, stir it around, add some fire." He grins, clearly his favourite part, "Say the words and bam!" He makes a little gesture with his hands, "You have yourself... something..." Hair is flicked back from his face, then. "It's order you worry about it. That's usually when things go astray."

Kirien merely raised an eyebrow at that explanation, quietly amused. "…Nothing like cookin' at all, eye," he murmured to his sibling, and could not quite manage to suppress a broad grin. Finishing off his apple in a single bite, and setting the core down upon the desk near the cauldron, the empath raised his hand to stroke Yuu absently under the chin, drawing a pleased purr from the kitten even though she attempted to chew at his fingers first. Svilfon's urge to taste the mixture was picked up on and Kirien found himself thinking the man was utterly mad - he could not see the fetid potion and its sickly colours but he could certainly smell it, and that was more than enough to put the vampire off getting too close to it. He stared at the wizard before taking note of the fact that he was speaking to him. "Sounds easy enough. Must be kinda like makin' rhubarb crumble. I mean, you can't add the topping until you've finished the rest of it or it just turns into a mess." It might be possible that he was contemplating giving potions a go.

Satoshi's concentration flickers between the conversation, repeatedly adjusting Svilfon's gravity-happy hat, and depositing the right ingredients, in their precise order, at the exact moments called for by the arcane recipe. It's while she's dropping in a handful of pecans--for flavor--that the wizard's hat makes its final offense, causing Satoshi to growl in vexation and yank the bloody thing off her head. As much as she loves looking the part, the repeated blindings are doing her no good, and with a grumble of thanks she passes it back to Svilfon--a single item falling from the hat's confines with the motion, and dropping straight into the cauldron with a thick splash. Instantly the pot begins to shudder as columns of glittery, multi-hued smoke are belched forth, something Satoshi regards with a look of horror. "Oh, that can't be good..."

Satoshi gave 1 pointy wizard-hat to Svilfon.

Satoshi dropped 1 pirates gold-dubloon.

Svilfon takes his hat back with a little wince, before turning it upside down. He peers into the fathomless depths for a long time, before flicking the hat up his arm and back onto his head with quite a flourish. He's a wizard, he can't help it. "Uhhh, you know." He steps back a touch, "That could have been... a lot of things..." He looks rather uncomfortable as the glittering tendrils of smoke make their way from the bubbling cauldron. "Most of which are harmless... really... just..." He gives a helpless little shrug by way of apology. "I'm sure it's still..." As another belch of glittering gas explodes up and obscures Satoshi from the wizard's view he decides it wise to stop talking. Otherwise, gap-toothed wizard may well be the next thing she adds.

Kirien took a moment to register that something had seemingly gone wrong following that plop of an object into the potion; mostly by picking up on the unease spiking up suddenly in both his siblings. Yuu meowed on his shoulder and received more absent petting before a burst of colourful, sparkling smoke startled the kitten into slipping with a cry to fall for the floor. Managing to catch her in time at least, Kirien huffily cradled her against his chest and frowned in bemusement, gaze drifting blindly between Svilfon and Satoshi. "Y'know," he said after a pause, "if you add too much salt to a rhubarb crumble, it don't do much. Maybe it tastes a bit odd, but the sugar usually balances it out." There was a glance to the cauldron. "If you add, say, rat poison, however…" He raised his brows. That was probably unhelpful.

Satoshi edges closer to the cauldron to peer warily into its depths where a bright viridian substance writhes and bubbles in a wild dance, the colorful smoke still being coughed out in regular intervals. She's on the verge of bolting before the potion can explode in her face when she suddenly relaxes considerably, the chaotic boiling beginning to mellow out and the brew taking on a more natural shade of green. Even the smoke is calming down after a few more weak splutters. Whatever had been dropped into it seems to have merely riled it up a moment, without disrupting the process. Enheartened by the change, the kit grins and resumes her work while she speaks, "I don't think it was salt -or- rat pois-" the rest of her words are cut off then, for the instant she drops a lizard spine into the mix, the concoction does as exactly as she'd dreaded and promptly explodes her in face in a wash of peach-scent goop. A thick white smoke with a cloying sweet scent fills the workspace then, accompanied by hissing sparks spat in every direction and the sickly sound of a thick liquid sizzling into oblivion. When the smoke clears, the cauldron, half of the tabletop it perched on, and Satoshi herself are gone from sight... well, not counting Satoshi's coat, which lies in a heap upon the ground while complaining in a low, coughing grumble, "Not poison either. More like gunpowder."

Svilfon lets out a loud, "By Sven's hairy balls!" He ducks away from the exploding concoction and silently thanks the gods he doesn't need to breathe. But as soon as the situation is registered to the man, he has his priorities right, as he's sure Satoshi would in hindsight agree. He completely ignores the groaning coat, the missing cauldron and the toppling table - instead, once he'd ensured none of the liquid was on himself, he went straight for the books that were close. Quiet words are muttered as he does, his passing hand snuffing out the heat from stray sparks that have found home on the valuable tomes. The wizard, it seems, is uncaring of Satoshi's fate, but in truth that wasn't quite true; Kirien could discern what went wrong with her far easier than he could, and if there was a fire in the frigid room, without Satie's ice it could grow to chaotic levels. He wouldn't risk that. So he goes about his task, only belatedly yelling, "Lady Icicle.." as he peers over his shoulder to see what the terramancer has found.

Kirien was not quite as relieved by the potion beginning to simmer down. Instinct and his odd perception were telling the empath that there was still something very, very off about that liquid, though its colour was considerably less garish and it no longer spouted glittering smoke; unconsciously he reached into his pocket to find reassurance in the feel of one of his precious gemstones. Satoshi was lifting a small creature's spine when he said, "I don't think that's a good--!" But then words were halted by that sudden burst of liquid and Kirien flinched, and the jewel in his hand promptly stretched and forced itself into a thin, red barrier hovering and shimmering before the terramancer. The potion was heard splattering across it, sparks hissing and flying; Kirien blinked sightlessly at the mess then dropped the ruby, which had shrunk back to its regular size, in favour of rushing round the cauldron to inspect Satoshi. There'd been worry there for a moment that it had killed her, but he could still feel her presence here in the room, though it was significantly...different somehow. Hands groped blindly at the magus' coat as it grumbled at him then unceremoniously scooped the entire bundle up off the ground, the empath turning toward Svilfon with a decidedly stunned expression and possibly a Satoshi in his arms - or maybe just her coat. "Erm."

Satoshi thrashes and squirms as skillfully as any slippery fox at the confining material encasing her and the thick arms coiling about her, lifting her off the ground. "Oi~! Buster, put me -down-! I didn't call for you!" the magus commands, her usual dulcet tone just a hint too squeaky and pitched. When the presumed golem--what else could be scooping her up with such big arms?--doesn't release her, the kit's squirming increases tenfold, until she's managed to wiggle her way to an opening in the suffocating fabric and can taste fresh air again. "I said put me dow-... Oh." Wide eyes stare up in dumbfounded wonder at a larger than life Kirien. Hesitantly, Satoshi reaches up to prod the fox's face with a small finger before she frowns at her hand and the satin glove that hangs loose upon it. "Uhhm..."

Svilfon spends quite a while ensuring there are no more stray sparks in the room, before he finally made his way back to where Kirien was, holding in his arms what can only be described as an adorable pile of fluff. The wizard throws away any pretenses of dignity and leans down to rasberry her cheek, before letting out a, "Whooshi!" He grins at Kirien, before his little call inspires him to go get their missing comrade. The wizard flashes Satoshi another grin, "adorable," before he spins on his heel and wanders out into the house, in search of Trebel.

Kirien blinked down at the wriggling mass of coat and petite body contained within it; smaller than usual, for sure, he noticed. Once or twice he had to heft Satoshi back up again when she almost fell, grumbling out an, "Oi, quit movin' so much." When finally the magus managed to free her face from the confines of her own clothes, she'd find herself staring up at a mildly bemused but also somewhat unsurprised Kirien, who was just happy his sister had actually survived a meeting with the botched potion. Svilfon earned himself a bit of a frown at his antics, the empath adopting an expression more suited to a disapproving mother. "You're such a kid," he said, mostly to the wizard. There was another blind glance down at Satoshi as Svilfon headed off without warning to other parts of the house; Kirien probably waited until he was at least out of the room before snuggling the tiny ice magus in his arms, tail swishing. "As if you weren't already stupidly adorable."

Satoshi looks remarkably peeved as she slumps in Kirien's arms, subjected to the fox's snuggling. She's not sure which is more humilating, that she botched a potion, had to suffer the Trebel-treatment from Svilfon, or is apparently now in plushie-status for Kirien. Oh, and the fact that she's considerably shorter and fluffier than she'd been minutes prior. That'd defintiely cause a ping on the dignity scale. "I'm gonna kill that wizard's hat for this..."

Svilfon makes his way back in with a very excited, chiming angha on his shoulder. "Oh, you'll love this, Trebel!" The wizard says brightly, "just you wait." He threads his way through the remains of the table, and over an up-turned chair that was knocked over during the aptly named 'Ka-boom', before he's standing right in front of Kiri and mini-Satie. With a bit of an awkward gesture he takes Trebel in his arms and points the little guy's head at the snuggled Satie, "Look!" He almost chimes, "She grew little!" The wizard clearly doesn't mind the parenting look Kirien had given him, or any more-than-likely repercussions this will cause. Damnit, it's mini-snowcone!- she was too cute for worrying thoughts.

Kirien might subtly be siphoning some of Satoshi's irritation out of her, if only so as to calm her down before she decided to transform into some icy variant of a pissed-off porcupine in his arms; or threw a tantrum. He was honestly terrible at dealing with both of those things. "At least you're still cute," he said with a small shrug to the huffy magus as Svilfon reappeared, "an' not some old crone." A wink followed and a broad, genuine smile, the empath raising his gaze from Satoshi to the wizard and his angha companion. "Right?"

Satoshi, whether it's Kirien's empathy or the repeated mentions of her being 'cute', is decidedly less blood-thirsty by the time Trebel is shoved in her face. Delighted chimes escape the angha at the kit's decided smaller self and he flutters his wings with excitement within Svilfon's grasp. Satoshi can't quite resist a smile at the hatchling's enthusiasm. "Aha. At least it didn't backfire in that direction, yes. And didn't backfire too much in -this- direction, either," the magus grudgingly admits as she kicks out her legs to gauge just how much she's shrunk. To her relief, she's not -terribly- small, roughly around the size of Ilydia or Aurelia, which means she stands a chance of still functioning for however long this incident lasts. "..I wonder if I should attempt a reversal potion for this..."

Svilfon tucks his head around Trebel to look at mini-Satie. "Err, leave that to me? As long as the book..." He looks back to where the table once stood, and can't help but give a little wince. "I think it..." Was that a little tree? Apparently the paper aged backwards far enough to resume its former state, too. "Well... damn." He turns Trebel around just briefly to remark to the angha, "I'll have to do it from scratch, won't I?" Trebel chimes his agreement, before squirming his way to once again look at his mini-mummy. "A day or two, Satie? Unless you want to try trial and error... I'll have you fixed!" He wisely refrains from tipping his hat at her.

Kirien 's smile only grew at Trebel's excitable chiming, until the vampire was beaming away as though there was nothing at all wrong with the world and his sister had not suddenly de-aged due to a messed up potion. He looked quite happy, really, though mention of working to reverse the effects of the spell had the vampire puffing his cheeks some. "We're certainly not lettin' you do it." That might've been a bit of a tease as the magus' leg kicking dislodged her some and Kirien hefted her back up before she fell, glancing to Svilfon and the angha. "What're you like with potions?" he asked, then shifted so as to meander over to the new decoration growing in Satoshi's library, the little trees leaves brushing against his coat as he stared blindly down at it. "…Kinda want this tree." Maybe he just liked small, cute things.

Satoshi is beginning to feel like some sort of baggage as Kirien hefts her about, but she does her best to ignore that feeling to give Svilfon a worried look. "They all sound like positively suicidal options... Let's go with trial and error~." Strangers might think the potion mishap scrambled Satoshi's brains in the process, but her covenmates will know she's perfectly herself with that answer. Although she devoting a bit too much effort into twisting in the terrmancer's grasp to try and get a view of her tails, curious just how horribly fluffy they must be--considering she didn't possess multiple tails, or a foxish one, when she was formerly this small. "Sven's balls," someone's been listening to Svilfon, "those look ridiculous..."

Svilfon finds mini-Satie saying Sven's balls more than a little hilarious, though when the empath asks his question he gives Kirien a look that is almost offended, "I am a wizard." He replies in indignant tones. "Unless you want to bring the... darker side of our guild up here, there are none better than I am..." Not really true, but he was very good. As mini-Satoshi speaks the words he most wanted to hear, the wizard's fluttering attention shifts again and he gives a little 'eee' sound, which is probably why people would be worried at him being in charge of this, "I'll get onto it right away, my little friend!" He moves Trebel up to Kirien's shoulder and leaves the angha there, before rubbing his hands together. "Right! I'll need...." He trails off as he begins to pace away, thinking of everything he'll want to experiement with. It was a long list, it may take a while...

Satoshi is both baggage and a guinea pig now, and half her usual size. Oh, today is just not her day...

Svilfon points out Satie has it all wrong. She's snuggleable, twice as cute and gets to be a guinea pig for Svil's experiments. Today -is- her day!

Satoshi gave 1 Free Ticket to the Asylum to Svilfon.

Kirien had no trouble carrying Satoshi around the place - she'd never been all that difficult for him to lift and now was even lighter, and he seemed content to wander about with the girl in his arms. She was most definitely not baggage in his eyes, rather his ever more adorable little sister. He'd probably let her down if she actually told him to do so, however. Looking up from the mini tree, which he was quietly debating moving to his bedroom later on, the empath raised a brow to Svilfon at his words. "You should teach me some time." About potion-making. "I'm good at cookin'. Can't be that different." Which likely explained why Satoshi had messed up-- not that he said this. Instead, Kirien coughed a bit, seemed mildly concerned with the way Svilfon positively lit up at the notion of experimenting, and ended up looking like a worried parent again. He slumped into the nearest armchair while the wizard got caught up in his ideas and ingredients. "Well." Trebel hopped down from his shoulder and onto the Satoshi's lap, and Kirien felt as though they were trying to build some sort of living tower by sitting on each other. "This is…interestin'."

Satoshi gets a decidedly horrible sinking feel in the pit of her stomach in response to Svilfon's glee, and can't help voicing the dreaded Tower words associated with the wizard, "What's the worst that could happen?" Trebel jingles once in response from his place on her lap and absently she strokes his ears while settling back against Kirien with a sigh. Playing with potions wasn't the wisest of choices, in hindsight. "Kasyr is gonna kill me~..." The kit sounds honestly frightened by the prospect of running into her husband while in this state, if only because his stern lectures are a thousand times worse than his most violent of lessons.

Svilfon snaps his gaze to Satoshi just briefly to remark, "That's the attitude!" Before he resumes his pacing. Thankfully, he's too caught up in thought to hear her final words. Thinking of a pissed off Kasyr coming to get revenge is the last thing he needs.

Kirien was pretty sure Svilfon said something along the lines of Satoshi's remark quite recently, only to end up half petrified a few hours later. It was perhaps not the wisest thing to say, he thought, almost as if daring something somewhere to go wrong; but he kept quiet about that, leaning to nudge his head against Satoshi's and flick an ear somewhat absent-mindedly. His kitten, who'd leapt from his shoulder in fright when the potion exploded, clambered her way up to join Trebel on the magus' lap, mewling softly as wide, curious eyes stared up at the shrunken vampire. "We'll just have to hide you from him for a couple of days," the empath said with a bit of a laugh at mention of Kasyr, patting her leg reassuringly.

Satoshi holds out her left hand to gaze at the frozen band that binds her to Kasyr, tying their emotions into one another. "He likely already suspects something, and will come looking to see what I've gone and done this time," Satoshi grumbles, hand dropping to alternate pats between the angha and cat.

Kirien squinted at that band as if doing so might help him to see it better. He tilted his head slightly further, reaching with his half-petrified hand to ruffle white hair gently, then scruffled up his own locks a little to send them into further disarray. "It'll be fine, chickadee, no worries. Maybe Svil'll manage to turn you back before he finds you. Aha." Huffing a sigh, he slumped a little in the chair and idly petted either of the two young creatures that had made themselves comfortable on Satoshi's lap. He wasn't sure whose fur his fingers were threading through, phasing out a bit.

Satoshi resigns herself to glowering at her too-big boots, encasing feet too close for comfort. Oh, how she wishes she could have her former meager stature back. "Last time I do something to help the pet, that's for sure."

Svilfon stops his pacing to briefly ask, "Got any more of that snot?"

Satoshi said to Svilfon, "I wasn't planning on needing more..."

Svilfon pokes his finger in Satie's direction, "I can get some more!"

Kirien gave a lazy grin despite it all at that sour remark, his eye closed. He patted a decidedly smaller than usual leg once more while Yuu stretched herself out all over the magus' lap, rolled on to her back, and began to idly bat at Trebel's tail. "Let's hope she's at least thankful for all your trouble, aye?" A laugh, before ears pricked up a little in response to the sound of Svilfon's voice. Kirien wrinkled his nose again. "Ugh. You're willingly gonna go get more of -that-?"

Satoshi shifts Trebel and Yuu to the arm of the chair where they can start their kittenish wrestling match safely off herelf. And so that she can slip off Kirien's lap and amble her way over to the pacing wizard, her coat dragging in a long train behind her. "Do I even -want- to know what you're planning~?"

Svilfon can't help himself. He bends down and picks Satoshi up, holding her withone arm so her head is at least level with his. Makes conversations easier. He answers Kirien first. "They might not be as mad at me if I get some fresh stuff myself." He winked, before talking to the snow queen. "There are two ways we can do it, lady icicle. I can age you, or reverse the spell. I figured ageing was... safer. Less to go wrong. But reversing it would ensure you went back to exactly how you were. Which I assume is what you want?"

Kirien found himself yawning but smothered it, at least until Satoshi had left his lap and moved to talk to Svilfon instead. Another came soon after while Trebel and Yuu tumbled off the side of the armchair and began to chase each other about the place, ducking and diving under tables and chairs, bouncing over cushions and generally engaging in relatively playful activity. Peeking over the side of his chair at his two siblings, Kirien might've mumbled something about snoozing before shifting about to reposition himself somewhat more comfortably, knees drawn up onto the couch as he curled in on himself a little. Once or twice he tried to flex the fingers of his petrified hand and found it difficult to make them do much more than twitch and send a dull pain through him; but then he'd be dropping off to sleep, mostly unbothered by it, snuggled up in Riss' coat with echoes of words in his ears.

Satoshi has given up on her dignity long before Svilfon decided to pick her up and instead simply nods along to his words as if they're having one of their usual conversations. "Reversing is preferred, yes. Unless you could time the aging just right so I was a few years younger looker than I was~?" Oh, vanity, you never stray far from the kit, do you? "But not older. Definitely not older."

Svilfon snickers quietly at his overly vain friend, "You know.. if you want to stay super adorable..?" He snickers quietly, "Reversing the effects is tricky... We don't want to reverse other things... Like those fine tails you wear, or your power... But it should be fine to do. I am confident!" He smiles. "You said it, right? What's the worst the could happen?" He won't mention her turning into a toadstool. Let's not worry her more than she is.

Satoshi gives Svilfon a squint eyed look, as if she can read his unspoken thoughts. "Better not turn me into anything. -This-," a frustrated sweep of her hand takes in her current self, "is going to be tricky enough to deal with around my people and my husband. Not to mention if the Leech shows up!"

Svilfon said to Satoshi, "You know, lady icicle, there are ways around it... Maybe with Buster? Or with another ice creation. Disguise you're littleness until we can fix it? Though, how does your magic feel? We can try a small test?" Without waiting for reply, the wizard whispers a quiet word and his body begins to heat up. Nothing major, just enough to see if she can counter it with her ice. "Stop me..."

Satoshi instinctively begins to squirm away from the growing heat, an attempt done in vain considering her current position, and once she realizes this she turns back to the wizard with a determined scowl. A brief whistle is given voice by the kit, her own frigid aura immediately deepening until a thin layer of frost begins to creep across her form, soothing the discomfort of Svilfon's spell. "My magic works just fine~," she declares in a sing-song tone, using the words to conjure a ball of snow in her hand to be chucked at the man's oh-so-near face.

Svilfon lets out an, "ooomph," as he is close-range pelted with a snowball. It costs him his concentration and instantly her insidious ice creeps into his veins, causing him to begin to shudder. Even deceased that cold makes movement difficult, and he stops his absent pacing long enough to respond in a chattering voice, "G-good, l-lady ice-icicle... You will be safe, then." It was his true concern, beneath his obvious joy in the entire situation. It was, after all, quite hilarious. "J-just gotta summon you up a suitable body... A-and then you'll be fine! Could even b-be and advantage. A-and it is quite adorable, even you must admit." Charm, hopefully strong enough to defeat her ice.

Satoshi's growing chill relents by then, drawn back by her charmed distraction. "It is, isn't it~? I mean... of -course- it is, this is moi we're talking about. It's a given," she nods matter-of-factly and grins, privately pleased by the wizard's strange knack for reassurance and distraction. So very different from Kirien's methods, but with a similar outcome that she just can't imagine living without. Still smiling at the thought, she begins glancing around the library with open curiosity. "So, what exactly are you planning to collect? I'm sure I can gather ingredients too, with a list."

Svilfon chuckles at the ever-vain queen of snow and ice, "Quite." He follows her gaze around the room, which captures the white tail of Kirien's cat ducking behind a book-shelf, followed by Trebel's surprised chimes at being found. Again the wizard can't help but chuckle, before he speaks again to his mini-friend. "Will you drink it if I tell you?" He answers his own question with a nod, before beginning his list. "Goats hair." A given, really. "Snot from a minotaur, fresh. A rat or two, some of that goopy stuff the Fermin make, the fallen hair of a Kelay whore, snake scales, the wings from an albino bat, two teeth from a displacer beast, water from the lake in Enchantment, some herbs, some spices," flavor, of course, "a chicken's head and if possible a sprinkling of a giant's dandruff." He nods, "Sound about right to you?"

Satoshi has a look of stricken horror on her face by then, but she does manage a squeaked, "Just don't tell me -what- part of the whore that hair came from, eh?" Aside from that, the kit's fairly certain she's had worse at some time or another. And if not... well, this will be a one time thing, hopefully. Please let it be a one time thing... She's spared any further dreadful thoughts on that, however, as Yuu and Trebel streak by as blurs of fur, passing by the couch Kirien sleeps on. At the sight of the dozing fox, Satoshi's face gains a remarkably impish expression. "Let's draw on his face..."

Svilfon bursts out laughing at the mini-Satie's words, "Promise." Still chuckling he kneels down and puts Satie on the ground. "I'm so keen." From somewhere hidden in the tangled remains of his robes the wizard pulls out some black sticks that look awfully like charcoal. "But I'm so blaming you." Usually he'd duck from her swipe, but considering the circumstance, he just laughs, before passing her a piece and wandering over to Kirien. He waves his hand at their sleeping comrade, before whispering super-sneaky like, "After you." He will so blame her influence when Kiri wakes up.

Satoshi accepts the charcoal and flashes Svilfon a cherubic smile. "You can blame me, since he can't stay mad at me. I'm -adorable-, remember~?" Snickering, she creeps up to Kirien and begins scribbling carefully upon his face, until she's given him a black nose and three whiskers sprouting on either side. "Your turn~."

Svilfon flashes Satie a wicked grin, though he does agree with her logic, before he leans over the sleeping Kirien and, in a show of restraint, doesn't write his original idea. Instead, he connects the sleeping empath's eyebrows together in the middle, and adds him some nice mutton chops. Yes, a mono-brow kitty with mutton-chops. The wizard does his best not to snicker too loud.

Satoshi admires Svilfon's work, albeit not before she dabbles on a piratey eyepatch to cover Kirien's missing eye. "I always wanted to get him one of those after I took his eye," she explains in a whisper.

Svilfon whispers back in conspiratorial tones, "He needs to complete the look." Very carefully the wizard opens Kirien's mouth and blackens in one of his front teeth. "Now he's a terra/pirate, like me!"

Satoshi is forced to bite her lip to avoid laughing out loud and waking Kirien, succeeding--just barely--while filling in a goatee on Kirien's chin to accent the growing pirate theme.

Svilfon puts his hand over his mouth and nose to stop his escaping laughter as Satie finishes off the look. He cannot quite resist adding in a scar on his cheek - one of the straight lines with shorter lines up and down it - before stepping back and admiring their handi-work. He is impressed. They are probably going to both die in strange cave-in accidents, but it is worth it.

Satoshi can at least take some comfort that her death will come with a free burial, then. But, just for safety's sake, she slips over to where the kitten and angha have sprawled out exhausted, and stealthily tucks the charcoal under Trebel's paw. Satoshi may be cute, but Trebel's more likely to avoid Kirien's wrath than she.

Svilfon flicks Satie his piece, too, to be placed under the kitty's paw. Safe! The perfect alibi. He'd never suspect Svil and Satie now!

Satoshi plants the evidence on Yuu, dusts her hands of the crime, and waltzes back over to Svilfon innocent looking as can be. Which... is remarkably more than her usual ability to appearance angelic. This small thing might just be worthwhile.

Svilfon is stunned by how innocent young-Satoshi looks. Dangerously so, he thinks - he can only imagine the trouble that look has gotten her out of. Quietly the wizard back-tracks away from their sleeping comrade, before kneeling down and whispering to Satoshi. "The perfect crime!" He resists the urge to hug her - damnit, child Sato is too adorable for her own good - and instead asks, "New clothes or a disguise, ice magus. Can't have you getting your coat dirty! Though... I could shrink it...." He ponders the spell, before paling slightly at the thought of him not being able to un-shrink it and her, when full sized, killing him slowly. "Or you can borrow some." A wiser option.

Satoshi unhappily eyes the coat enveloping her and sighs. So long as this mishap is in effect, it seems she'll be forced to part with her closest companion. And her second closest, her husband. But that thought is just plain misery-inducing for a hedonistic creature like Satoshi, so instead she nods glumly at the wizard's words. "I have something that'll work until your remedy is prepared."

Svilfon gives a little wizardly flourish and if from no-where he produces a small flower which he offers to the very glum looking Satie. "Here you go. Turn that frown upside down!"

Svilfon gave 1 zorata flower to Satoshi.

Satoshi grins at the flowery gift and promptly fixes it into her hair. Next thing she'll likely be playing with ribbons, oh the horror. "Aha, fine then. But only for a short while, so make that fix quick~."

Svilfon returns the grin with one of his own. "I will get onto it tonight, and maybe have some you can... try tomorrow. Do try not to get into too much trouble between now and then, aye?" He reaches out and absently adjusts the flower, "Though, on that note, any trouble you want to get in, now is the time to do it!"

Satoshi puts on a wide, impish grin that clashes terribly with the innocent expression she wore moments ago, and a shifty look enters her eyes. Oh, there's trouble aplenty she could get into in a single day. "I'm getting on that right now~," she declares, a hint too enthusiastically, before bolting for the door. Or rather, taking two quick steps before her feet become entangled in her coat and she faceplants. From her place on the floor, she grumbles a muffled, "Oh right. New clothes first. -Then- trouble."

Svilfon quietly chuckles at the snow queen as she makes her... getaway... before the wizard whispers a quiet word. Thin tendrils of smoke appear around his body, before he is torn from his place in the library and deposited in Kelay. There to begin his search for potion stuffs.