RP:A Plane Between Planes

From HollowWiki

This is a Necromancer's Guild RP.

Synopsis: While searching for the second stone, Raevyn meets a dragon named Scandal with helpful advice.

Date: March 3rd, 2019

North Memorial Avenue

The smooth cement of Beloy Street to the north gives way to softly embedded cobblestones along Memorial Way. Slate gray mortars from the northern mountains are mingled in with the corals and pinks from stone croppings found along Cenril's eastern shore to form an earthen mixture of soft hues. The walkway is heavily trod from the many headed south towards the town square. To the east looms the towering facade of Cenril's church and bell tower.

The streets were fairly scarce for this time of day, with nary a soul to dare traverse the long winding corridors of homes and businesses for fear of catching that rather nasty infectious disease that had been spreading like wild fire. It started with the rats. At first they were few and far between, but soon, their disgusting little furry corpses began to litter the walkway of every city in the land of Lithrydel. No one knew where they were coming from, only that with their arrival they brought with them a deadly plague. With the deaths of men and women soon to follow, most chose to bar themselves off from the outside world until such a time that they either expired, or a cure had been found. Along the North Memorial Avenue, just in front of the Cathedral dedicated to the Divine Three, the air began to waver and shimmer until a large purple tear rose from the earth, drawing a straight line up into the air a few feet. It began to widen, a vibrant purple mist blocking the view of the street behind as a large malachite scythe first made its exit. Stepping out in tow was a small statured woman, wearing an expensive black wool coat with a fur hood propped up over her head. As the tear began to dissipate, the woman turned toward the Cathedral and looked up. "Damn it."

Opposite of the Cathedral but still within view, The air shimmered a startling orange distorting and then contorting until all of the sudden a flash of light and a very loud thud, as the body of 25' tall heavily built draconian form, landed face first in the street. The eyelids of the beast opened and the eyes were like the flames of blast furnace, shadow and distortion riddled the exterior of the being, from head, to back ridges all the way down to the tail, wings folded, black scaled and clothed in dark purple jerkin and pants. Scandal heard the words before he could speak them, so he said aloud, "My thoughts exactly." Using his powerful arms to lift his body up from the ground, he turned his head forward right into a pile of dead rats. "Aw come on, I just left a pile of these in Venturil." He thundered his voice much deeper than he intended. Finally standing up he looked around, "Not a soul in..." He stopped taking notice of the woman, kneeling, so that, he could get a better, look his scaly snout, and exposed teeth, coupled with his eyes a very terrifying visage. "Sorry miss."

Raevyn 's focus was rudely interrupted by the abrupt landing of the large draconic creature. She spun upon heel, fancy extravagant boots taking a step backward when she saw how close she had been to becoming a pancake. Pallid corpse-blue eyes narrowed beneath the shadow of her hood, the scythe in hand planted firmly into the cobbled stone at her feet. her left hand, which had been at her side, was clenched upon a strange archaic tome with a flesh colored binding. As the terrifying creature knelt down and afforded the necromancer a better view, the girl stood firm and unwavering - A far cry from the timid little mouse of years prior. "Are you alright?" she asked, somewhat concerned with how the beast had landed. When the comment regarding the rats finally hit her, she answered in agreement, "Yes, they've infested every nook and cranny of this god forsaken land, it appears."

Scandal nodded, "Yeah I am fine, a little annoyed with my house, but fine." He looked about and amongst the piles of rats here and there, and then back to her, or rather her hood, even kneeling he might have towered a few feet over her. "Sorry for the scare, when i said i wanted to be cenril, I should have specified where." His facial feature was well the same, it was very difficult these days to convey subtle emotion. "Sorry I couldn't clean up better, hate to give anyone a scare."

Raevyn stuck the shaft of the scythe into the crook of her arm, slipping her hand then up to the fur-trimmed hood to pull it back so she could get a better view of the reptilian creature. "You don't scare me. I promise." she stated, with blackened lips curling into a friendly smile. Long ago, the sight of someone like Scandal would have terrified her to the point of tears. Her experience with horrors much greater in these last couple of years however, has done well to harden her exterior; Forced the girl to put on a brave face even against the mightiest of threats. Scandal didn't seem like a threat, though. While gifted with a voice of a large volume, he seemed to speak in a soft manner. Polite, perhaps. This put the necromancer at ease. "Specified where? Magic gone awry?" she asked, with a slight chuckle.

Scandal attempted to offer a small chuckle in response but it might as well sounded liquid metal falling out of two story window, "Well, you know city, zip, postal number, stuff like that, as for me, its a mystery, I a mana well, and yet i cannot use my own magic, Silly shenanigans like that. I mean I used, to be able to, but then it became painful for a time, and now, I can't." Scandal thought to woman was attractive, but then he didn't say, mostly because, if you have a giant dragon tell a woman she's attractive, you tend to get that weird, look, but thats why he kept his thoughts to himself. "How about, you, wrong place to recall, trying to get somewhere else?"

Raevyn was confused by the dragon's explanation. "That is very strange! have you perhaps sought the wisdom of the magii that live in the Tower to the west? Xalious? There must surely be someone there that could help you with that issue. The magii there are kind and very helpful. It could be worth some investigation." Slender digits hidden by soft leather gloves slipped around the shaft of the scythe, the girl once more to pivot and twist toward the cathedral when the large draconic creature posed his own question. "It's a puzzle of sorts. There is something, up there, in the bell tower. Something that I need, but cannot reach. It exists upon the Plane of Shadow; Yet when I venture there, the cathedral does not exist. Not that I can see. Entering and exiting the plane from different locations, brings me to areas that I should no be in." Raevyn frowns slightly, lifting the book held in her left hand. She flips the tome open and lands upon a set of leathery pages that depicts a roughly drawn sketch of the cathedral in crimson ink, with strange writing and sketches all around it in a violet ink. "I'm missing something."

Scandal shrugged, "Yeah I went there, they were scratching their heads for weeks, turned to my sisters, and well they got on it, but something came up, so now I kinda stuck." He glanced up at the bell tower. and then back at her, "Eh, I don't know much about the plane of shadow, my limited experience in such matters is to the Plane of Dragons, and the Plane of the three." Of course he spoke of plane's that he had been schooled about in his youth three million years ago, another time, another place, another when really than another where. He spoke of specifically about a no longer believed belief, even though he had a conversation with the divine from the upper plane of that realm with khitti. "Have you tried, examining the plane between the planes, you know, like teeth in a gear, the adjoining wall between two planes?"

Raevyn lifted a well maintained brow and turned back toward Scandal. "Plane between planes?" The necromancer was actually mystified at the notion. Nowhere in the tome did it speak of this idea, nor had she come upon it in her schooling of the Necromantic Arts. Truth be told, she had to figure out much of this own her own, given that most of her instructors had either left the guild or mysteriously disappeared. "Interesting. I had not considered that such a thing where possible. In all honesty, the path to the Plane of Shadow is a recent thing I have begun to master. My experience in traversing the existential is not well versed. How would one go about examining these 'teeth' as you put it?"

Scandal pondered a moment before he spoke. “I have a book on it at my house, but from what i recall, a way to do it without using Uldenbraug magic, would be to have a time slowing spell activate as you speak the incantations to move into another plane, when the two objects you are seeking appear in both places, you have a spell on hold the transition in place so that the spell, holds rather than completing. Just break the spell after you retrieve what you are looking for.” Scandal summarized. He then also recalled a warning, “ it did warn that sometimes the space between planes of existence can hold far more dangerous things than the individual planes, but not always.”

Raevyn was intrigued, and yet, a little scared. The Plane of Shadow was already a very dangerous place. Creatures of untold power dwelled within; Most under the rule of the evil entity known as Kahran. She had seen what his forces were capable of, but to think that there may be more terrible things lurking between the planes? Unfathomable. Still it was an avenue worth pursuing if it meant that she could finally obtain the second of the three stones. "Time slowing spell?..." Chronomancy was not something that Raevyn new about to any sort of degree. it was a complicated magic, and the last she heard tale, it was very much restricted to only the most powerful of magii. She did however, know of a spell that would slow objects to a certain degree within a very controlled field, but it would be a large gamble as to if it would even work. "Did the book say what sort of dangerous things might be lurking between the veil? Are there any other dangers that a mortal might need to heed?"

Scandal shook his head, “ the book was never clear, but be that dragons of uldenbraug were the main users of the space between planes, i imagine you might find anything from forgotten gods, to treasure troves, to even mad splitters, of course if i were to assume that the space between spaces has not been accessed in three million years all records were probably in a book somewhere.” He paused. “ an injection or coating in dragon blood might make any potential old guardians or monster think its another uldenbraug dragon touring their stores which means less chance of being noticed.” Scandal held up his four fingered taloned hands in a gesture of guess. “That the best guess, the book would be a lot more help.”

Raevyn smiled and quickly began to fish through her coat pockets for a small piece of charcoal and a scrap of parchment. "I think it would be! Look, if you are interested in parting with that book, even for a short time, I am willing to give you a sum of gold for it!" THe girl begins to scribble something down onto the paper. "I must run as I need to check in on the Guild Headquarters, but here is where I am staying." She offers the piece of parchment out to Scandal. Upon it, a name - Raevyn, as well as a small map depicting a path to a lone tower hidden in the Vailkrin forest. "If you are interested in loaning or selling me this book, you will find me there more often than not. I will pay whatever you wish, even just to see it. Until then, be well! It was nice to meet you!" Without giving the dragon much time to respond, Raevyn quickly opens a portal and steps through, whisking her away to the dark land of Vailkrin.