RP:A Paladin's Holy Help

From HollowWiki

Part of the Home Sweet Home Arc

Location: The Mallard Family Bakery and Tearoom

Synopsis: Gilwen requests an audience with Rorin, the Paladin at the new tearoom in Kelay. A request is made that the paladin aide in the attempt to remove the curse presently on Sage. An agreement is struck, but impertinent questions from the paladin lead to a short meeting.

At The Mallard Family Bakery and Tearoom

The sweet smells of baking beckon restaurant patrons to this quaint little tearoom set near the kitchen. The bakers and waiters speak in Cenrili accents, and refer to each other like family. Only the coldest hearts would remain frozen in this endearing tearoom decorated with doilies hand knit by the family matriarch, the late Mrs.Mallard who built this bakery in Cenril and perished in the Election Day Massacre of Cenril. Her surviving family fled the city and reestablished Mrs. Mallard's baking legacy in Kelay, using the same recipes and selling the same sweets. Small vases of local wildflowers prop up hand-illustrated menus on each table. Kitschy bronze pots polished to perfection hang on the walls. Waiters and waitresses refill teacups and share smiles with loyal patrons who have made this tearoom their home away from home

Missives had been sent out earlier in the morning, detailing a request for audience, and included a time and location for the meeting. Gilwen had declined against using words that would portray a need for urgency in the matter, simply so that her intended guests could choose to attend the meeting with a clear conscious. The missive sent to Rorin was delivered via courier, who promptly handed over his charge, allowing room for the thought that perhaps a location spell had been used to locate the paladin. It detailed directions to The Mallard Family Bakery at its new location in Kelay, and ended with the simple request, that should he refuse to attend, or need to reschedule for any means, that the elven courier, who delivered his invitation, be informed. Gilwen hadn’t heard back from the elf she had sent out, and so she sought to maintain the appointment. A table had been procured, and a tea kettle, and a tiered tray of the bakery’s more popular foodstuffs sat in the center; though while she intended this meeting to be quick, she would at least provide refreshment. Having arrived a few minutes early, with her small entourage staged at a table nearby, Gilwen sat, and idly picked at an almond croissant that sat on a small, china plate before her.

Rorin attended the meeting mainly because he was in the area though he wouldnt say why. He looked out of place for the bakery as he wore battle tattered clothes and half plate armor. He did however get plenty of sidelong stares as said armor was decorated with symbols of Arkhen, the symbol around his neck even more clarification, for how rare was it these days to sight a paladin of the light? The closed helm over his face added quite the bit of mystery in its curved mirror face. He expected more to appear than Gilwens loyals, somewhat believing the meeting to be more general, but nonetheless silently took the chair across her. He leaned back and sat politely with one hand cupping his chin and waited for her to begin.

Gilwen, having never met Rorin before, glanced toward the group of elves who sat nearby, and a discreet nod informed her that the arrival was, indeed, the paladin she had requested to see. "Ah," She mouthed silently, before turning back to her guest, who now sat before her. "Thank you for meeting with me, Rorin." In her quest for paladins, and those with the capabilities of wielding holy magics, his name had been among those she had often been directed to reach out to. "I should like to make this simple. Plainly, the forest has rotted, as is obvious. And though, while the plague has managed to be contained, the curse that keeps the forest dead cannot be lifted by us alone." At this point, Gilwen bent to retrieve a thin stack of parchment, no more than five sheets, and slid them across the table to Rorin. These would detail the exact acreage of the curse, the cause of the curse, as well as the means in which they intended to lift the curse. "I've been told that the ink has been spelled to disappear within a certain time frame. Five hours, I believe was the limit." Again, she looked at the accompanying elves for confirmation, which was again given. "The short of it is, we need those with holy magic to help lift the curse on Sage currently, and given the strength of the man that originally laid the curse, we need as many people as possible to help lift it. I'm hoping that you will join us."

Rorin evaluated Gilwen as he sat across from her and wondered exactly how he should be acting. She was powerful, beautiful, smart. and apparently good hearted. He decided to relax a bit as he heard her out though little changed behind the faceless mask and his unclear body language. He appreciated the doccuments and looked over them closely. He had not been provided details on the plague of the woods before so this was prime knowledge. He spoke in evlish, though it sounded somehow foul, gruff and broken despite his knowledge. "I will join you in removing this curse, though I must warn you I do not know much about these matters, and I will be forced to research very well hidden materials. Perhaps I may find something within Arkhen's temple on the matter, or work with the druids on this. I will do all I can to restore the forests Arkhen calls home, and restore his people as well. You have my word." He folded the documents and stored them in his coat, leaning back again and sighing heavily. Conversation appeared to be a labor for him as his shoulders sagged with exhaustion. "I will need to know more about your internal structure. Kelay has not had something close to an organized militia in some time. I assume you are heading these bands?" He studied her entourage discreetly though there was no doubt each would feel eyes fall upon him that stared deep into their souls.

Gilwen was surprised by Rorin's use of the elvish tongue, but showed no outward signs of acknowledging it, and continued speaking in the common language of Lithrydel. "If you feel the need to research further, obviously, that is up to you. However, we and the Mage's guild have already devised a tested method of removal that has proven to work." The group of elves that sat at a neighboring table didn't flinch under Rorin's stare, and continued their whispered conversation. "And Kelay does not have an organized militia, but we, in Sage, do. And yes, I, as well as the other members of the council, command our army."

Rorin nodded and perhaps grunted in a quiet manner as he adjusted to lean closer. "If manpower is all you need to implement your cure, why not hire mercenaries then? Or gather up more volunteers from the villages, surely they would help regain their homes? Or does your absent backing of the town leave you with few prospects in return?" He was testing the water, asking about political implications, and wondering exactly what kind of organization was about to benefit from the return of Sages wood. Gilwen seemed to be on the up and up but what about her cohorts? A few elven loyalists did not a good council make. She had used the term army. An army would have been able to implement the cure on their own. "Where exactly do you stand, in terms of an army?" He asked pointedly despite the vague warning and without regard to whatever she had been about to say.

Gilwen wasn't a woman to hint at her thoughts through her expressions, but there were exceptions. She lofted a single brow quizzically at the start of Rorin's questions, and it remained in its high arch in the wake of his words. The table of elves nearby fell silent to observe and listen in on the ensuing conversation. "There are three aspects to this curse; it's been built with arcane magic, necrotic magic, and unholy magic. Mere mercenaries, or our army can't battle away this curse. Each thread has to be unraveled by skilled hands. And I've collected a many number of skilled people to do what's needed to be done, but to ensure absolute success, I want to pad my deck." She didn't move to answer the rest of his questions, and instead pushed herself from her seat. "If you wish to lend your holy assistance, be on the look for a letter in the coming weeks. We shall be having a meeting at the Fort in Sage regarding the exact method of removal." Her entourage had stood as well, and already began moving toward the door in preparation to leave.

Rorin appeared to be staring quite evenly at her throughout her replies. He was glad he didn't spot her looking back towards her table of cohorts. It made her seem much more in charge that way. Independent. Reliable. He nodded slightly in understanding, "so it's a much more key crop your looking for. That's quite informative. I can see plenty of reasons for you to be acting so secretively, Lady Gilwen, and I will certainly be on the look out for your letter. I will be moving, in the mean time, though I suspect it shan't be hard for you to find me again." He stood in turn and gave a very elvish gesture of respect before wishing Arkhen to be with her in these trying times for their people and their forests before he took his leave. He headed somewhere in the direction of the woods and the night seemed to sink in around the lone paladin of Arkhen.